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Crit Care Nurs Q

Vol. 45, No. 3, pp. 225–232

Copyright © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Samir Patel, DO; Kyle Holden, DO;
Bob Calvin, MSN, BA, RN, CCRN, NE-BC; Briana DiSilvio, MD;
Tiffany Dumont, DO, FCCP

Shock is a life-threatening condition of circulatory failure that causes an imbalance between cel-
lular oxygen supply and demand resulting in organ dysfunction. It is important to recognize
promptly as it is reversible in earlier stages but will transition to an irreversible phase if left un-
treated. This will result in multiorgan failure and subsequent death. The clinician should therefore
consider shock in the differential for all patients with new organ failure. This article will review the
pathophysiology, classification, evaluation, and management of shock. Key words: distributive,
hypovolemic, obstructive, shock

S HOCK is a commonly encountered con-

dition affecting approximately one-third
of patients in the intensive care unit and is as-
Circulatory failure leading to inadequate oxy-
gen delivery is the most common cause of
shock. Oxygen supply and utilization are
sociated with high morbidity and mortality.1 vital to the life span of a cell as it sup-
Caring for these critically ill patients is ports aerobic metabolism. Oxygen allows
challenging requiring an in-depth understand- the cell to metabolize glucose to pyruvate,
ing of the various heterogeneous disease which then enters the mitochondria where
processes that cause shock. In addition, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is generated
a methodical approach during the clinical via oxidative phosphorylation. Without suf-
evaluation of these patients is of utmost ficient amounts of oxygen, the cell enters
importance.2 anaerobic metabolism where pyruvate is me-
tabolized to lactate resulting in significantly
reduced amount of ATP production per unit
of glucose utilized. Humans are dependent
on adequate ATP production as it maintains
The oxygen supply and demand mismatch
osmotic, ionic, and acid-base homeostasis at
seen in shock can be caused by inad-
the cellular level. Inadequate ATP supply will
equate oxygen delivery, increased oxygen
lead to an intracellular influx of calcium
consumption, or impaired oxygen utilization.
leading to activation of calcium-dependent
phospholipases and proteases and ultimately
cellular swelling and death. In addition, cellu-
Author Affiliations: Departments of Nursing
(Mr Calvin) and Pulmonary & Critical Care lar hypoxia can cause leakage of intracellular
Medicine (Drs DiSilvio and Dumont), Allegheny contents into the extracellular space, which
Health Network, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Drs Patel activates inflammatory cascades and causes
and Holden); and Drexel University School of
Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Dr Dumont). end-organ damage.2
Oxygen delivery (DO2 ) is determined by
The authors have disclosed that they have no signif-
icant relationships with, or financial interest in, any cardiac output (CO) and arterial oxygen con-
commercial companies pertaining to this article. tent (CaO2 ). Cardiac output is driven by heart
Correspondence: Tiffany Dumont, DO, FCCP, Drexel rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) where
University School of Medicine, 2900 W Queen Lane, stroke volume is determined by preload, af-
Philadelphia, PA 19129 ( terload, and myocardial contractility. CaO2 is
DOI: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000407 composed of oxygen carried by hemoglobin

Copyright © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

(Hb) and to a lesser extent oxygen dis- Table 2. Equation for Systemic Blood
solved in the blood. The equation for oxygen Pressure
delivery is listed in Table 1.
Without adequate perfusion, organs will BP = CO × SVR
lose their supply of oxygen. Tissue perfusion
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CO, cardiac output;
is determined by systemic blood pressure
SVR, systemic vascular resistance.
(BP), which is driven by cardiac output and
systemic vascular resistance (SVR). The equa-
SVR. To maintain tissue perfusion or systemic
tion for systemic blood pressure is listed in
blood pressure, CO increases to compensate.
Table 2.
Central venous pressure and pulmonary cap-
A myriad of diseases can cause shock,
illary wedge pressure will be reduced. There
but what they all share in common is that
are many causes of distributive shock includ-
they affect 1 or more of the aforemen-
ing, but not limited to, sepsis, anaphylaxis,
tioned variables including heart rate preload,
adrenal crisis, severe burn injuries, pancreati-
cardiac contractility, systemic vascular resis-
tis, capillary leak syndrome, and severe brain
tance, SaO2 , or hemoglobin. This reduces
or spinal cord injuries.2
oxygen delivery and causes cellular hypoxia.2
In anaphylaxis, patients usually will have a
history of prior exposure to an antigen re-
CLASSIFICATION OF SHOCK sulting in immunoglobulin E (IgE) formation
to that antigen. These IgE molecules at-
For simplification, shock is separated into 4 tach to mast cells and basophils. Subsequent
major classes: distributive, hypovolemic, ob- exposure to the inciting antigen will result
structive, and cardiogenic. This section will
focus on all of these apart from cardiogenic
shock as this will be discussed separately. Table 3. Classification of Shock
Each class has a distinct hemodynamic profile
that clinicians must be familiar with. It must Type of
be noted many patients will not fit perfectly Shock Clinical Examples
into one of the aforementioned categories Distributive Sepsis
and may present with more than 1 type of Severe burn injuries
shock. This is referred to as mixed shock. Anaphylaxis
Tables 3 and 4 later summarize the classes Adrenal crisis
of shock and their associated hemodynamic Pancreatitis
profiles. Capillary leak syndrome
Severe brain or spinal cord
Hypovolemic Hemorrhage (GI bleeding,
trauma, spontaneous)
Distributive shock is primarily caused by se- GI losses (severe
vere peripheral vasodilation or a reduction in diarrhea/vomiting)
Severe burn injuries
Table 1. Equation for Oxygen Delivery Renal losses (polyuria
seen in diabetic
DO2 = CO × CaO2 ketoacidosis or
DO2 = (HR × SV) × CaO2 insipidus)
CaO2 = (Hb × 1.34 × SaO2 ) + (PaO2 × 0.003) Obstructive Tension pneumothorax
Cardiac tamponade
Abbreviations: CaO2 , arterial oxygen content; CO, car- Constrictive pericarditis
diac output; DO2 , oxygen delivery; Hb, hemoglobin; HR, Pulmonary embolism
heart rate; PaO2 , arterial oxygen content; SaO2 , oxygen
saturation of hemoglobin; SV, stroke volume. Abbreviation: GI, gastrointestinal.

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Shock 227

Table 4. Hemodynamic Profiles of Shock

Type of Shock CO CVP PCWP SVR


Abbreviations: CO, cardiac output; CVP, central venous pressure; PCWP, pulmonary capillary wedge pressure; SVR,
systemic vascular resistance; , decreased; , increased.

in IgE-mediated release of histamine from increasing age. Treatment is focused on fluid

mast cells and basophils. This results in sys- resuscitation, wound care and prevention of
temic vasodilation and capillary fluid leak, infection, early enteral nutrition, and early
in turn, reducing oxygen delivery to tissues. liberation from a ventilator.
Treatment includes, but is not limited to, re- Similar to severe burn injuries and sepsis,
moval of the inciting cause, intramuscular or pancreatitis can cause systemic inflammatory
intravenous (IV) injection of epinephrine, vol- response syndrome, which can lead to shock.
ume resuscitation with IV fluids, and early Pancreatic inflammation activates a cytokine
intubation if there are any signs of airway cascade like that of sepsis and burns causing
involvement. peripheral vasodilation, extravascular fluid
Adrenal insufficiency causes distributive loss, and organ damage. Management is aimed
shock by way of decreased expression of toward fluid resuscitation, pain control, an-
α-1 receptors on arterioles secondary to cor- tibiotics (if there is concern for infection),
tisol deficiency. This results in vasodilation enteral nutrition, and at times surgical or
and reduced oxygen delivery to tissues. Treat- advanced endoscopic management.
ment involves determining the etiology of the Capillary leak syndrome is rare and caused
adrenal crisis, IV stress dose steroids, volume by hypoalbuminemia. Decreased oncotic
resuscitation with balanced crystalloids, and pressures leads to fluid leaking into the in-
close monitoring of glucose as hypoglycemia terstitium, which may lead to hypotension
is common. and shock. Treatment includes airway man-
Severe burn injuries can cause systemic agement, conservative IV fluid resuscitation,
inflammatory response syndrome, similar and vasopressor support. Other therapies do
to sepsis, which in turn can cause shock. exist, but data on their efficacy are limited.
Patients with severe burn injuries develop Neurogenic shock classically occurs when
shock and multisystem organ dysfunction there is trauma to the cervical spinal cord re-
at 2 distinct points. Early on, hypoperfu- sulting in damage to the sympathetic nervous
sion is generally secondary to hypovolemic system. This causes decreased adrenergic in-
shock from fluid losses. Later on, hypoperfu- put to the blood vessels and heart causing
sion usually occurs secondary to distributive vasodilation and paradoxical bradycardia and
shock from sepsis. Endotoxins and/or exotox- again results in decreased oxygen delivery
ins released because of an infection initiate an to tissues. In general, treatment consists of
inflammatory cascade that causes peripheral vasopressor support, careful IV fluid resus-
vasodilation, extravascular fluid loss, and or- citation so not to cause volume overload
gan damage. Not surprisingly, both conditions and further spinal cord edema, atropine,
will lead to multisystem organ dysfunction. possibly temporary pacing, and careful moni-
The risk of multisystem organ dysfunction in- toring for respiratory complications, such as
creases with burn wounds occupying greater respiratory failure, pneumonia, pulmonary
than 20% total body surface area and with edema, and/or pulmonary embolism.

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Septic shock is the most common cause Septic shock is a medical emergency. At
of distributive shock and thus will be dis- least 30 mL/kg of crystalloid fluid should be
cussed in detail.3 Septic shock occurs in given within the first 3 hours of resuscitation.
response to an infection that leads to over- Antibiotics should be given immediately, ide-
whelming systemic inflammation. Mortality ally within 1 hour of recognition. Appropriate
rate averages anywhere from 30% to 50%. culture data should be obtained.
Septic shock results in systemic vasodilation Management also consists of targeting a
which, in turn, reduces ventricular preload mean arterial pressure (MAP) of 65 mm
and ventricular afterload (SVR). These hemo- Hg. Norepinephrine should be used as the
dynamic changes are attributed to enhanced first-line vasopressor. If MAP remains inad-
production of nitric oxide in vascular en- equate despite norepinephrine, vasopressin
dothelial cells. Oxidant injury to the vascu- should be added. If the MAP is still in-
lar endothelium leads to fluid extravasation adequate despite norepinephrine and vaso-
and hypovolemia. Proinflammatory cytokines pressin, epinephrine should be added. In-
cause cardiac dysfunction, though cardiac travenous steroids should be used to treat
output is usually increased early on due to septic shock with ongoing requirement for
tachycardia and volume resuscitation. In ad- vasopressor therapy. Invasive monitoring of
vanced stages of septic shock, cardiac output arterial blood pressure is preferred over non-
is reduced, which is a poor prognostic indica- invasive methods. Sources of infection should
tor. Splanchnic blood flow is often reduced, be sought after and treated accordingly. A
which could lead to disruption of the intesti- low tidal volume ventilator strategy should be
nal mucosa. This creates risk of translocation adhered to.3,4
of enteric bacteria and endotoxins across
the bowel mucosa into the systemic circu- HYPOVOLEMIC SHOCK
lation, which could add further insult. Poor
tissue oxygenation is the result of a defect Severe hypovolemia or intravascular fluid
in oxygen utilization in the mitochondria. In depletion can result in hypovolemic shock. It
fact, whole body oxygen consumption is in- is driven by a reduction in preload or cen-
creased in sepsis. Oxidants disrupt proteins tral venous pressure. This, in turn, causes
in the electron transport chain resulting in a reduction in CO and pulmonary capil-
impaired aerobic metabolism and decreased lary wedge pressure. To compensate, the
ATP production. As a result, serum lactate will SVR will be elevated. The most common
accumulate. The management of sepsis con- cause is due to severe hemorrhage, which
sists of bundles that need to be performed in can be spontaneous or mechanical, such as
a time-sensitive manner, which is elaborated a gastrointestinal (GI) bleed or trauma, re-
in Table 5.3 spectively. Other causes include, but are not
limited to, GI losses via diarrhea and vomit-
ing, burn injuries, and renal losses through
polyuria seen in diabetic ketoacidosis or
Table 5. Surviving Sepsis Bundle insipidus.2 Treatment involves IV fluid or
blood resuscitation, the latter being preferred
Obtain appropriate cultures over crystalloids in hemorrhagic shock, and
Start antibiotics immediately. Ideally within treatment of the underlying cause of hypov-
1 h of recognition
olemia. Surgical evaluation is recommended
Administer IV balanced crystalloid
in cases of hemorrhagic shock secondary to
resuscitation (at least 30 mL/kg within first
3 h of resuscitation) trauma. Early gastroenterology and interven-
Obtain serum lactate tional radiology consultation is required in
cases of hemorrhagic shock secondary to GI
Abbreviation: IV, intravenous. bleeding.

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Shock 229

OBSTRUCTIVE SHOCK consists of cardiothoracic surgery evaluation

for pericardiectomy though this is associated
Obstructive shock is predominantly char- with significant perioperative morbidity and
acterized by a reduction in CO. Dissimilar mortality.
to cardiogenic shock, the etiology is related
to an extracardiac process causing physi- EVALUATION OF SHOCK
cal obstruction of circulation into or out of
the heart. Tension pneumothorax, cardiac The evaluation of a patient in shock be-
tamponade, constrictive pericarditis, and pul- gins with appropriate utilization of a history,
monary embolism can all cause obstructive physical examination, and testing, which
shock.2 Tension pneumothorax and pericar- will allow for prompt diagnosis. A major-
dial tamponade prevent blood from entering ity of patients will, however, present with
the right side of the heart. Pulmonary em- encephalopathy, so history may have to be
bolism and severe pulmonary hypertension obtained from a reliable source such as a
prevent ejection of blood from the right loved one who is familiar with the patient’s
side of the heart. Ventricular interdepen- medical history. This allows for expeditious
dence can also be seen in obstructive shock initiation of therapy and rapid restoration of
causing further circulatory compromise. This oxygen delivery during the reversible phase
describes the dysfunction of 1 ventricle sec- of shock.2
ondary to a disorder of the other, mainly A detailed history and physical examination
due to involvement of the interventricular can many times reveal the type of shock a pa-
septum. For instance, in a pulmonary em- tient is in. For a patient in distributive shock
bolism, the right ventricle filling pressure from sepsis, history and physical may reveal
increases, pushing the interventricular sep- the patient having had a fever or a focal site
tum toward the left ventricle, which, in of infection. A patient may admit to GI bleed-
turn, increases the left ventricular filling pres- ing, which would help identify hemorrhagic
sure. This reduces filling of the left ventricle shock. In anaphylactic shock, history may re-
during diastole, which subsequently reduces veal exposure to a known allergen such as a
stroke volume and cardiac output. The phys- bee sting.
iology of constrictive pericarditis is similar. The physical examination on the same pa-
In these cases, the pericardium does not tient may reveal hives, dyspnea, or facial
expand to accommodate increased venous edema. Pulsus paradoxus, elevated jugular
return to the right side of the heart dur- venous pressure, and distant heart sounds
ing inspiration and limits cardiac volume. may be seen in cardiac tamponade. A ten-
Because of increased filling pressures, ven- sion pneumothorax may be diagnosed by an
tricular interdependence is also seen. These absence of breath sounds over the affected
processes decrease stroke volume and car- lung, subcutaneous emphysema, or tracheal
diac output. Treatment is directed toward the deviation away from the affected side.1,2
underlying cause. For instance, pulmonary Other more subtle clues on physical exam-
embolism with shock, termed “a massive pul- ination can help identify a patient in shock.
monary embolism,” should be treated with Early on, patients will compensate by an el-
systemic thrombolytic medication if there evation in their HR to increase CO. Patients
are no contraindications. Needle decompres- may present with tachypnea to compensate
sion and chest tube placement would be for underlying metabolic acidosis from inad-
the treatment for a tension pneumothorax. equate tissue perfusion. Most patients will
Emergent cardiothoracic surgery evaluation present with low blood pressure. Although
and pericardiocentesis would be the treat- this is defined as a systolic blood pressure
ment for cardiac tamponade. Treatment for less than 90 mm Hg or MAP less than 65
shock secondary to constrictive pericarditis mm Hg, patients who live with chronically

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uncontrolled hypertension may have inade- MANAGEMENT OF SHOCK

quate tissue perfusion at what may be con-
sidered a “normal” blood pressure for most Treatment should be directed toward the
patients. Patients will have decreased capil- underlying cause of circulatory shock to
lary refill and cold and clammy skin. Oliguria, restore perfusion and oxygen delivery to
defined as less than 0.5 mL/kg/h urine output, tissues. Management of different causes of
will also be present. As mentioned earlier, shock is summarized in Table 6. This requires
a majority of patients will also present with a multidisciplinary team to evaluate and treat
encephalopathy due to decreased central the patient. Treatment should begin as early
nervous system perfusion.1,2 as possible and in a setting such as an in-
tensive care unit where frequent assessments
LABORATORY FINDINGS and invasive monitoring can be performed.
Early IV access should be obtained with a
Laboratory evaluation should be performed large bore IV catheter to allow for aggres-
in all patients with shock. This testing in- sive volume resuscitation. Placement of a
cludes, but is not limited to, an arterial or central venous catheter may be required for
venous blood gas, renal function tests, liver prolonged vasopressor or inotrope admin-
function tests, cardiac enzymes, a complete istration. Vasopressor administration should
blood count with differential, lactate, coagu- not be delayed for the placement of a cen-
lation studies, urinalysis with urine sediment, tral venous catheter though; many of these
blood, sputum, and urine cultures. A blood medications can safely be run through a pe-
gas may reveal metabolic acidosis. Lactate ripheral IV catheter until other access is
will commonly be elevated suggesting in- obtained. An arterial line can allow for contin-
adequate perfusion and oxygen delivery to uous assessment of blood pressure and MAP.
tissues. Normally, lactate is produced from A urinary catheter should be placed for close
skeletal muscle, the brain, skin, and intestine. monitoring of urine output.2,3
The white blood cell count may be elevated Volume resuscitation can be a primary ther-
suggesting infection; or hemoglobin may be apy in certain categories of shock such as
significantly reduced from baseline suggest- distributive and hypovolemic shock. Admin-
ing hemorrhage. Renal function tests may istration of fluids can, however, be harmful in
show an elevated creatinine signifying kidney other categories of shock such as in certain
injury from inadequate perfusion. Liver func- cardiac conditions. Therefore, assessment of
tion tests may reveal elevated liver enzymes in intravascular volume status should be per-
an obstructive pattern suggesting biliary ob- formed in all patients with shock. This can
struction and potentially indicating a source prove to be very challenging, however. Phys-
of infection. They may conversely be elevated ical examination can be unreliable and there
in a hepatocellular pattern from ischemia. Uri- is no available technology that can accurately
nalysis may reveal pyuria identifying a source identify a patient’s volume status. Frequent
of infection. An electrocardiography should reassessment is therefore important to en-
be performed on all patients to help iden- sure that the patient is clinically improving
tify causes of shock such as arrhythmias or a with volume resuscitation rather than de-
myocardial infarction. Echocardiography can compensating. Examples of tools used at the
help categorize shock and sometimes even es- bedside to assess for intravascular volume
tablish the cause of shock. Finally, imaging status include, but are not limited to, pas-
such as radiography or computed tomogra- sive leg raise, stroke volume variation, and
phy can be a helpful tool in the evaluation of point-of-care ultrasonography. These have
shock. For example, it may identify a source their own limitations, however, and should
of infection, a pneumothorax, or a pulmonary not be solely relied upon during assessment.
embolism.2 Passive leg raise is a predictor of who will

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Table 6. Management of Causes of Shock

Distributive shock Sepsis Refer to Table 5

Severe burn injuries IV fluid resuscitation, wound care, infection prevention,
vasopressor support
Anaphylaxis IV fluid resuscitation, removal of offending agent,
epinephrine, glucocorticoids, bronchodilators,
vasopressor support
Adrenal crisis IV fluid resuscitation, stress dose glucocorticoids, close
monitoring for hypoglycemia, vasopressor support
Pancreatitis IV fluid resuscitation, pain control, enteral nutrition,
antibiotics if suspecting secondary infection, surgical or
advanced endoscopic management in select cases,
vasopressor support
Capillary leak syndrome Conservative IV fluid resuscitation to avoid hypervolemia,
vasopressor support
Severe brain or spinal cord injuries Conservative IV fluid resuscitation, vasopressor support,
atropine and temporary pacing in select cases, careful
monitoring for respiratory complications, treatment of
underlying cause, neurosurgical evaluation
Hypovolemic Hemorrhage Blood transfusion, reversal of coagulopathy,
shock gastroenterology or surgical consultation depending on
cause, vasopressor support
GI and renal losses IV fluid resuscitation, vasopressor support, treatment of
underlying cause
Obstructive shock Tension pneumothorax Needle decompression, chest tube placement, vasopressor
support, thoracic surgery evaluation
Cardiac tamponade Vasopressor and inotropic support, pericardiocentesis,
cardiothoracic surgery evaluation
Constrictive pericarditis Pericardiectomy, cardiothoracic surgery evaluation
Pulmonary embolism Systemic tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) or surgical
thrombectomy, inotropic and vasopressor support,
multidisciplinary evaluation with pulmonology,

interventional cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, and

critical care

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Abbreviations: GI, gastrointestinal; IV, intravenous.


Table 7. Stroke Volume Variation therapies using pulmonary artery catheters

have led to increased morbidity and compli-
cations. They can be useful though in patients
SVV = (SVmax – SVmin)/SVmean with mixed or undifferentiated shock.1-3
Vasopressors and inotropes should be used
Abbreviations: SVmax, maximum stroke volume; SVmin,
minimum stroke volume; SVV, stroke volume variation.
when volume resuscitation has been op-
timized or in situations in which volume
have an increase in stroke volume in response resuscitation may be harmful. The choice of
to fluid administration. It is performed by agent will depend on the etiology of shock.
sitting a patient at 45° in head-up semirecum- For instance, in distributive shock, the initial
bent position. From here, the patient’s upper vasopressor of choice is norepinephrine. In
body is lowered to horizontal and both legs cardiogenic shock, the initial vasopressor or
are passively raised to 45°. If there is a 10% inotrope of choice is a combination of nore-
increase in stroke volume on a cardiac mon- pinephrine and dobutamine or epinephrine
itor or 10% increase in pulse pressure if no alone. The clinician should understand the
monitor is available, this is considered a posi- adverse drug reactions associated with each
tive test and predicts fluid responsiveness. Of vasopressor and inotrope so not to cause the
note, 30 to 90 seconds should surpass after patient harm. For example, epinephrine can
raising the legs prior to assessment of pulse cause tachyarrythmias, myocardial ischemia,
pressure. Stroke volume variation is useful decreased splanchnic blood flow, pulmonary
only in mechanically ventilated patients. The hypertension, and acidosis. Dobutamine can
equation for stroke volume variation is listed cause hypotension due to its effect on B2
in Table 7 later. This can be calculated using receptors and subsequent vasodilation.1-3
the waveform off an arterial line, or there are Shock is a commonly encountered condi-
devices that calculate this independently. A tion in the hospital that is associated with
stroke volume variation greater than 10% can high morbidity and mortality. With early
be predictive of fluid responsiveness. Certain recognition and treatment, shock can be
maneuvers using point-of-care ultrasonogra- reversible. Health care professionals should
phy can help assess a patient’s volume status. thus have a comprehensive understanding
These include cardiac ultrasonography, lung of the condition to allow for appropriate
ultrasonography, and even measurements of care, which requires a systematic and de-
the inferior vena cava. Finally, Swan-Ganz pul- tailed approach. Expert consultation should
monary artery catheters can be used to help be sought early for guidance in management.
differentiate which class of shock a patient Most importantly, early discussion with sur-
is in. This is elaborated in Table 7. It should rogate decision makers and loved ones is
be noted, however, that they have fallen out warranted to establish goals of care and real-
of favor due to their limitations and impli- istic expectations depending on the etiology
cations. Studies have shown that aggressive of shock.


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