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Private room 1,500
Semi Private room 1,000
General Ward. 1,000
Nursing care / day 500
Professional fee 2.5% of total

Private 1,800
Special Meal 3,000

Specialist Consultation 15,000
Specialist Review 7,500
3rd Revs 5,000
Subsequent review 5,000


Registration 1,000
GP initial Consultation 1,000
Review 500


Anaethethist fee
Minor 15,000
Intermediate 25,000
Major 35,000

Anaethetic Agent
Minor 10,000
Intermediate 15,000
Major 20,000
Regional 15,000
Local 5,000
Minor fee 15,000
Intermediate 22,000
Major 30,000

Rh +ve 15,000
Rh-ve 20,000
EBT Rh+ve with set
EBT Rh-ve with set

Minor wound dressing/ day 500

Major wound dressing/day 1,000
Primary Suturing 5,000
Circumcision 5,000
Ear piercing 1,500
Tongue Tie Release 5,000
Rhogan injection Negotiable

Immunization (FFS hosp)
OPV, BCG, DPT,MEASLES each 1,000
Hepatitis & yellow fever each 1,500
Gastric Lavage 3,000
ICU Care/ day 10,000
Phototherapy /day 2,500
Oxygen Therapy/day 3,500
Lumbar puncture 3,500
Nebulisation +drug 3,000
Incubator care / day 7,000
IUCD insertion 5,000
IUCD removal 3,000
Retrieval of lost IUCD (Surg) 35,000


Lord's procedure 15,000
Breast lump excision+histology 50,000
Ganglion excision 25,000
Injection sclerotherapy 20,000
Excision Biopsy 30,000
I&D 10,000
Ingrowing toe nail 25,000
Keloid excision minor 20,000
Lipoma excision 25,000
Minor Burns /Wound Debridement 15,000
Major Wound Debridement 25,000
Release of chordate 30,000
Small cyst excision 15,000
Minor suturing 5,000
Major suturing 15,000
Pollicisation of index finger 10,000
Gastroduodenoscopy 30,000
Bronchoscopy Negotiable
Oesophagoscopy 20,000
Proctoscopy Negotiable
Sigmoidoscopy Negotiable
Intercostals Drainage Insertion Negotiable
Keloid excision major 150,000
Liver/kidney/ bone marrow biopsy 35,000
Synovectomy 30,000
Tracheostomy Negotiable
Stenosing Tenosynovitis Release 35,000
Major I&D 30,000
Abdomina Rectopexy 50,000
Anal fistulectomy repair 60,000
Appendectomy uncomplicated 50,000
Appendectomy (Ruptured) 100,000
Cystic Hygroma Excision Negotiable
Dissecton of femoral triangle Negotiable
Fistula in ano Negotiable
Heamorroidectomy 40,000
Hernioraphy inguinal/femoral/ ventral 40,000
Strangulated hernia 60,000
Hydrocelectomy 40,000
Orchldectomy /orohldopexy 70,000
Pericardiocentesis Negotiable
Skin grafting Negotiable
Torsioned spermatic cord 80,000
Correction of Duputyrein contracture 40,000
Drainage of anal abcess Negotiable
Thoracotomy Negotiable
Varicocoelectomy Negotiable
Vasectomy Negotiable
Cavenosum Spongiosum Negotiable
Colostomy construction/closure Negotiable
Closure Negotiable
Drainage of hepatic abcess Negotiable
Hiatus Hernioraphy Negotiable
Diverticulectomy Negotiable
Laparatomy 120,000
Oesophagostomy 60,000
Anal pull through 50,000
Testicular Biopsy 50,000
Urethra Bouginage 50,000
Transrectal Biopsy of prostate 50,000
Trans perineal Biopsy of prostate 50,000
Tendon grafting (tenoplasty) Negotiable
Intestinal obstruction without resection 100,000
Intestinal Obstruction with resection 150,000
Supra pubic Cystostomy Negotiable
Bowel Resection & Anastomosis 150,000
Cholecystectomy 100,000
Choledochojejunostomy Negotiable
Craniotomy Negotiable
Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair Negotiable
Exploratory Laparotomy /Adhesiolysis Negotiable
Gastroenterostomy Negotiable
Intussuseption Operation Negotiable
Mastectomy +histology Negotiable
Meckel Diverticulectomy Negotiable
Pyeloroplasty+vagotomy 150,000
Pylorotomy Negotiable
Cysetectomy Negotiable
Resection & Anastomoses Negotiable
Surgery of bowel perforations Negotiable
Splenectomy Negotiable
Splenorrhaphy Negotiable
Priapism shunt procedure Negotiable
Abdomen-perineal resection Negotiable
Adrenalectomy 150,000
Nephrolithotomy Negotiable
Nephrolithotomy 80,000
Pancrealectomy 100,000
Urethrotomy 80,000
Poly/syndactyly 30,000
Evacuation of impacted feaces Negotiable
Subtotal thyroidectomy +histology 150,000
Thyroid lobectomy +histology 120,000
Biopsy of thyroid + histology 50,000
Subtotal parathyroidectomy +histology 150,000
Total throidectomy 150,000
Perineal prostatectomy excluding blood 200,000
Retropubic prostatectomy excluding blood 200,000
Urethroplasty Negotiable
Drainage of whitlow 10,000
Lig of hepatic/ left gastric / splenic artery Negotiable

Removal of foreign bodies
Ear 15,000
Noise 15,000
Throat 15,000
Pure tone audiometry (PTA) 6,000
Tyympanometry 6,000
PTA+Tympanometry (Lagos) 7,500
Antral washout x1 x2 50,000
Indirect Laryngnosocpy 50,000
Direct Laryngnoscopy 50,000
Aural & Nasal washout 40,000
Electrocautery of the Nose 15,000
Nasal packing 10,000
Ear syringing / ear 10,000
Parotidectomy Negotiable
Submandibular Gland Excision Negotiable
Tonsillectomy Negotiable
Adenoidectomy Negotiable
Tracheostomy Negotiable
Multiple nasal polypectomy Negotiable
Tympanoplasty Negotiable
Mastoid surgery Negotiable

Amputation & joint dislocation Negotiable
Bone Grafting Negotiable
Closed reduction & cast application 35,000
Drainage of septic abcess 30,000
Exostectomy 30,000
Skin traction 40,000
POP application 18,000
Hand cast 12,000
Fore arm casr 15,000
Upper arm cast 12,000
Full arm cast 20,000
Foot /Ankle cast /scotch 22,000
Leg cast 15,000
Knee cast 18,000
Full leg cast 20,000
Hip spica 40,000
Gypasum 15,000
Joint effusion tap Negotiable
Sequestirectomy Negotiable
Ostectomy Negotiable
Chondromectomy Negotiable
Saucerisation of chronically infected bone Negotiable
ORIF 200,000
Tenoplasty Negotiable
Arthrodesis Negotiable
Arthroplasty Negotiable
Skeletal traction Negotiable
Simple congenital talipes repair Negotiable
K nail insertion/ extraction Negotiable
Amputation Negotiable

Foreign Body Removal 15,000
Ptergium Excision/eye 20,000
Style incision 15,000
Entropion & Ectropion repairs 25,000
Granuloma excision 25,000
Syringing & probing 20,000
Chalazion incision /drainage 25,000
Trabeculectomy Negotiable

Colposcopy 30,000
Hysteroscopy 30,000
Pap smear procedure 12,000
Lap/rupture/ repair 150,000

EUA 40,000
Cs+Hysterectomy 120,000
Manual removal of placenta 25,000
Bilat Tubal ligatio Negotiable
Repair of 3rd deg tear 30,000
Perineal Warts podophyllin Rx X 6 courses 15,000
Cauterization 15,000
Marsupialisation 30,000
Cervical polypectomy 35,000
Therapeutic D& C/ Uterine Evacuation 20,000
Cervical smear
Cervical cone/punch biopsy 15,000
Laparoscopy & Dye test 100,000
Ectopic Pregnancy excluding blood 120,000

ANC Booking (Including investigations & 2 Scan 30,000

Birth before arrival care 10,000
Normal Delivery+ Epi +/- induction 30,000
Episiotomy 5,000
Vaginal laceration
Multiple Delivery 40,000
Assisted Breech Delivery (extra) 35,000
Repair of cervical laceration 20,000
Cervical cerciage 60,000
Caeserian section(TOTAL PACKAGE) 150,000
Tuboplasty single Negotiable
Double Negotiable
Ovarian Biopsy Negotiable
Oophorectomy/unilat+histology Negotiable
Bilateral Negotiable
Hysterectomy (Elec vaginal, Elec abd) 120,000
Hysterectomy+Bilat Salph+oophorectomy 120,000
Ovarian cystectomy 80,000
Myomectomy (TOTAL PACKAGE) 200,000
Forceps delivery (extra) 30,000
Vacuum Delivery 30,000
Cervical Polypectomy Negotiable
Manchester repair
WF repair (specific centers only) Negotiable

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