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4rd International Congress on Materials

& Structural Stability

Rabat, Morocco, 8-10 March 2023


Authors’ Guidelines for Preparing Abstract for CMSS-2023 Proceedings

Author Onea, Author Twob And Otherc

University or Company, Department, City, Country
University or Company, Department, City, Country (if it's different)
University or Company, Department, City, Country (if it's different)

Abstracts accompany all articles in Scientific Society journals. They are often republished as
printed in secondary abstracting services and journals. The abstract, therefore, should meet two
requirements. An abstract should be able to tell quickly the value of the research will be published.
It also should provide the literature searcher enough information to assess its value and to index it
for later retrieval.

Format: Times New Roman,

Title: 14 point font, bold, centered.
Authors: 12 point font, bold, centered.
Institutions: 11 point font, centered.
Text: 12 point font, justified.

Some tips for writing your abstract:

- Strive for an impersonal, noncritical, and informative account.
- Give a clear, grammatically accurate, exact, and stylistically uniform treatment of the
- Provide rationale or justification for the study. The statement should give a brief account of
the purpose, need, and significance of the investigation.
- State the objectives clearly as to what is to be obtained.
- Give a brief account of the methods, emphasizing departures from the customary.
- State results succinctly.
- Outline conclusions or recommendations, if any. An emphasis of the significance of the
work, conclusions, and recommendations.
- Never cite references.
- Contain about 300 to 400 words.
- Use this same file and send a .pdf file renamed by your name followed by the first name to:

Corresponding Author: email

Type name, title, institution, address, email.

- Send a .pdf file renamed by your name followed by the first name to:

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