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MTARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY AVIATION 1A VEILS AT LAST...AN AMERICAN SAILPLANE...Page 22 DECEMBER, 1937 _ THE ARMY’S NEW AUTOMATIC LANDING DEVICE—Page 18 Light Plane Clubs « Gliding and Soaring « Trophy Winning Models - 30 Fact and’ Fiction Features COMPLETE BILL BARNES AIR NOVEL IN THIS ISSUE AIRCRAFT CHRISTMAS SPECIALS “THE PRODUCT OF SKILLED CRAFTSMEN” EVERY ONE A CONTEST WINNER TAYLOR CUB GAS MODEL FLIGHT TESTED EACH KIT CONTAINS Completely formed shock absorbing landing siruts. gribs. Formed Dural metal motor mount. & iM air wheels.” Detach- ‘wings for convenient carrying. Adjustable hapa celluloid. wind- 2 Selected. straight Die cut cabin Windows and many humerous to mention. 6 foot wing span. PRICE $5.50 lus $0¢ for packing & mailing. ‘This is a dry Fit Motors, Cement and Dopes are not included, duthentic One-Quarter Inch to the Foot So: EVERY ONE A CONTEST WINNER, EXCLUSIVE AIRCRATT sureR DETAILED DIF CAST PARTS For single kits add 10c for pack- ing & postage. For 2 or more kits add Sc for cach kit. Per- sonal checks add 10c. No C.0.D. Add20% to there prices ~~ for ship. ments to Foreign Coun- OTE. These are actual photographs of models built from ATR AIRCRAFT, 4348 NORTH PULASKI ROAD, DEPT. A. 12, CHICAGO, ILL. @ Ir nusry srams did squeak, no one would have to warn you against trying to get chead in « modern world with antiquated training! Keeping your brain modern is just as important as keeping plant equipment modern, The best way to keep your brain up to date is to keep your training up to date. The business of modernizing men’s training is the business of the International Correspondence Schools. All over the world men testify to the effectiveness of I. C. S. training—and if you node are stuck on a job, if your pay envelope is too thin, this coupon can WUE one be the first step toward changing the whole course of your entire life, Guy INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS BOX 4930-C. SCRANTON, PENNA. + Without cost. or obligation, please send me a copy of your booklet, “Who Wins and Why, and full particulars about the subject before which 1 have marked X: at seo Precemt Pastis end thir coupon oat Comesentene She A STREET & SMITH PUBLICATION Volume IX No. 3 December, 1937 Editor F. Orlin Tremine Associate Eats Gye Panghorn Willian, Winter Light Plane Editor ald Hi Suite Gliding end Soaring Editor ‘Alexis Davydot? Model. Editor Gordon 8. Light dnt Bilior W. R Lawler 7 William Winter New Yor ildertising Director Harry Brown fast, Ade, Director italph‘R, Whittsker Chicago: Tews & N EM Lueck Do Hturway & Company 155 Montgomery St Single Cop} Yeorly Subscription, $1.50