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A. Background
Language is an important thing in our life, because everyone needs
language as a part of communication or communication activity with other
people. It is difficult to do all activities without language. Every person
used language as a tool of communication with each other to express the
personal reaction to situation to stimulate a response someone else and
think something out. It means that language is a tool of communication to
express what we thought. Language also makes us for giving and receiving
some information.
Harmer states although English is not the language with the largest
number of native or „first‟ language speakers, it has become a lingua
franca. A lingua franca can be defined as a language widely adopted for
communication between two speakers whose native languages are
different for each other‟s and where one or both speakers are using it as a
second language.1 English is an international language that has great
influence on human life whole in the world and it is very important in our
life. Especially in facing of technological globalization era, change rapid
economic development in Indonesia.
English is viewed as a language which gives you access to the
world.2 English as a second language (ESL) education has gained
anincreasingly important role in career development in science,

Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, (3rdEd), (London:longman,
Michelle Maxom, Teaching English as a Foreign language for Dummies, (Chichester, West
Sussex: John Willey & Sons, Ltd,2009)p.9
business,and industry on the global stage.3 It means that, student should
have motivation to learn english because now English can give you access
to the world.
In English education development in Indonesia the purpose of
teaching English language in school is to developthe students‟ language
skill. However, the objective of teaching learning English is to develop
four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. 4 Therefore,
the students should have abilities in mastering four basic skills of learning
English like listening, speaking, reading and writing. One of the four
language skills, students often encountered difficulties in the ability to
speak or speaking skill. Because people use speaking almost constantly,
speaking also is the basic language activities by which people related
themselves to others.
Speaking is active use of language, but differ in the mental activity
involved and demands that they make on learners of language in term of
finding and sharing meaning.5 Speaking with good pronunciation is not
easy for Indonesian students, they do not speaking in English can be cause
by social condition of students which accustomed to using their local
languages so that foreign language is difficult to be accepted and
Speaking is one of the skills that every english students must
master. Speaking skills are considered important because with one’s skills
will be considered mastering English. This is allows students to
communicate actively, creatively, and imaginatively. In modern teaching
and learning activities, the role of students becomes very fundamental or,
perhaps can exceed the role of instructors and subject matter. Therefore
teachers need to be aware of natural abilities and talents students in

David J Alonso, English as a Second Language, (New York: Nova Science Publisher, inc,
H.Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles, An Interractive Approach to Language Pedagogy,
Secon Edition, (New York:Longman, 2001), p.232
Lynne Cameron, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2001), p.40
learning who need to be motivated to be more creative. So, next to giving
information, the main task of teachers is increase student learning
The English zone is implemented which requires students to speak
English in the environment of TBI. However, only a few students speak
fluently and speak confidently. There are still many students who speak
haltingly or nervous because they feel anxious so that the students appear
to be less able to speak English. Lack of confidence active communication
hampers their speaking ability. The problems is not only a lack of
confidence but also a lack of vocabulary and poor grammar. However, as
students they must be able to overcome these problems.
Speaking skill is needed when communicating. In line with this,
Richards states that when people meet, they exchange greetings, engage in
small talk, tell recent experiences, and so on, because they want to friendly
and build a comfortable zone of interaction with others. This is show that
speaking fluently or being good in verbal communication is a core aspect
of being human to remain connected to each other. Because language is a
communication tool, there is no reason for language learners because they
cannot speak language learned.
Speaking is a skill where a person in judged based on his face
value. In other words, people may often form judgements about our
language competency from our speech rather than other language skills.
However, only a few students are able to speak English confidently. Some
students are able to understand English texts but they are less able to speak
and communicate in English.
The success of teaching and learning process, including teaching
and learning speaking is greatly influenced by some components namely
the teacher, students, method, motivation, and the linguistic factors.
Learning speaking can be done effectively if the whole influencing
components support each other to reach the goal. So identifying the
problems and the causes of the problem in learning speaking is very
important. So that the speaking class will run well.
Based on the phenomenon by interviewing some of students in
TBI’s environment, only a few students spoke full english. Some students
said that they had several problems in speaking, amontg others: lack of
vocabulary, confusion in arranging the structure of words, poor
pronounciation and fear of making mistakes. Then, based on this research
will examine what problems are the obstencle in speaking through “An
Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Skill Problem Conversation In TBI

B. Research Question
Based on the background, there needs to be a problem statement in
this research.
1. What problems do the students’ of English departement at Tarbiyah
faculty IAIN Curup face in learning speaking?
2. What are the causes of the problems faced by the students’ of English
Departement at Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Curup in learning speaking?

C. Purpose of Study
The purpose of this study is to find out:
1. The problems faced by the students’ of Englis Departement at
Tarbiyah Faculty IAIN Curup in learning speaking.
2. The causes of the problems faced by the students’ of english
departement at Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Curup in learning speaking.
D. Significance of The research
The research will contribute to give benefits for several parts which
1. For students, this thesis will enrich their knowledge about students’
problem in learning speaking and the strategies to solve them.
2. For the lectures, it is hoped that they would apply an appropriate way
in teaching speaking.
E. Scope and Limitation
Among the language skills such as: reading, writing, listening, and
speaking, the writer only works on speaking, especially students’ speaking
problems. The writer wants to investigate the speaking problems. The
students who become the population are the third semester students’ in
English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty at IAIN Curup. They are chosen
because they have taken Speaking subject, and they are considered to have
some problems in speaking.


A. Speaking
1. Definition of Speaking
Speaking is a tool used to communicate verbally. Speaking here is
specialized in English. Speaking in general can be defined as the delivery
of one’s intentions (ideas, thoughts, heart’s contents) to another by using
spoken language so that the meaning can be understood by others.
Speaking is one of the skills that every english student must
master. Speaking skill are important because one’s skills will master
English. This allows students to communicate actively, creatively, and
imaginatively. This agrees with Mc Donough and Shawn in nunik “in
various contexts, speaking is a skill by which a person is judged on the
basis of his face value. In other words, people may often form judgments
about our language competence from our speech rather than other
language skills.”6
According to Landouse speaking, it is an activity to explain
someone in a certain situatuation or an activity to report something.
Meanwhile, according to Tarigan speaking was a way to communicate that
was influential in our daily lives. This means speaking is a way of
communicating that can affect someone’s life.7
According to Ramlannaire speaking was a process of thinking and
reasoning so that someone’s conversiation can be well accepted and
understood by other people or listeners. Both were one unifield whole.
However, only a few students can speak English confidently. Some
students are able to understand English text but they are less able to speak
and communicate in English.8
Nunik Lukitasari, The Problems in Learning Speaking At The Second Year of SMPN 2 Ponorogo,
thesis, (Malang: Libraryof State University of Malang (UM), 2008), p.2.
Landouse,G.P, Language Issues, (White plans, NY: Longman,1987)
Ramlannaire, Pembelajaran Berbicara Dengan Model Pembelajaran Debat, 2011.
Based on the opinion of language experts related to speaking, it can
be concluded that speaking learning is an activity of conveying a message
of information to other people in oral form. Learning will be successful if
someone often does exercises in pronounciation before they use the
B. The Importance of Speaking Skill
Speaking is one of the four language skills that must be provided
by English teacher in teaching and learning English. Speaking skill is very
important to be learned, because by mastering speaking, we also master the
language. Speaking is not only to produce sound of words or sentences but
also to express our idea, opinions, and everything that we want to say.
Fulcher state “Speaking is the verbal use of language to
communicate with others , the focus of its skill is to increase the students’
ability to communicate in the target language”.9
Burns and Joyce in Kurniasari , in every day life speaking has
many different reasons. Some of these reasons are to do with humans’
desire to relate to each other as people, while others have to do with
exchanging information or seeking a practical outcome.10
Abraham Oeman said that The importance of English as a global
language there is no question about it and being a competent user of this
language is a demending time. This means that the importance of English
as a global laanguage is no longer in doubt and being a language user who
is able to speak English is a requirement.
There are several reason about the importance of speaking skill
1) Seaking is a tool. A tool used to communicate to other people and
the surrounding environment. Through speaking skills between one
person and another person can understand each other about the

Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second Language Speaking, (Person: Longman,2003),p.23
Vida Kurniasari, “Students Strategies In Learning English At SMP Negeri 8 Malang”,thesis,
(Malang: Library Of Muhammadiyah University,2006),p.1
message to be conveyed. Proficiency in using these tools is caled
2) Speaking skills can increase “selling value”. Thats why many
parents put their children in from an early age to learn a foreign
language (English) because they know the needs of their children
in the future.
3) Speaking skills, especially foreign languages is a source of income.
There are so many professions that require foreign language as the
language of instruction. For example: foreign language tutoring,
tours guide, online translation services, hotel receptionist, and so
on. Foreign language ability will increase prestige, selling value,
credibility, and image in the eyes of all person.
4) Speaking skills impove career. Speaking ability especially English
is the main requirement recruitment of imployees in addition to
other competency qualifications. If it is majoring in foriegn
languages, of course, become a professional workforce, however if
a career in other fields, such as accounting, marketing, and others,
speaking skill has a plus.
C. The Benefits of Speaking Skills
The benefits that can be felt immediately if someone is able or
skilled at speaking. Some of these benefits can be stated in following
1. Streamlining Communication between Peers
Communication between humans is mostly done by way or
through talking. Therefore, it is basically the ability to speak plays
an important role in communication between people. Everywhere
we watched speaking to one another . talks take place in the
market, at home, at school, at the airport, in official forums, on
daily interections in the village or in the community, and in a wide
variety of other places and opportunities. Between each other,
people speak a certain language. They understand each other. It is a
natural consensus that if people communicate with each other, they
have to use the same, someone has to adjust, if previously the
people involved speak with different language backgrounds.
Someone who is good at speaking well, then automatically,
he will find it easy and smooth in communicating with the other
person. One barrier to interaction has been resolved, the language
channel is not problematic. You can imagine, if someone speak
unclearly, is not fluent, stifled, and the words and sentences are
difficult to digest, it will certainly make it difficult for the
interlocutor to absord and respond to person’s conversiation.
Indeed, in certaibn cases it can be understood the ambiguity,
irregularity and irregularity of words and sentences experienced by
a person. Case like this are very likely to occur, for example, when
foreign language learners hold a conversiation with native speakers
or between learners of that language. They have problems
understanding each other, but usualy foreign speakers can accept
the speech of the interlocutor, try to understand it, or in other words
give high tolerace to the interlocutor. What is important, they can
understand each other.
2. Facilitate Providing Various Information
The accuracy and speed of information given orally from
one person to another is very dependent on the quality and clarity of
the information giver’s speech. Therefore, people who are able to
speak well are likely to be able to convey information accurately
and quickly to in the interlocutor. No matter how intellectually
someone has the ability, if he is weak in speaking, he will have
difficulty expressing his ideas or ideas to others. Many clever
people fail to communicate, are hampered in conveying their ideas
or thaoughts to the crowd, because they do not have the ability to
speak in public (romli, 2003:64). You can imagine it will be very
difficult for information to be absorbed by the recipient, if those
who provide information have a weak ability to communicate
something verbally (through speaking). Therefore, people who
often work in the field of providing information, including those
engaged in public relations, really need to improve their speaking
3. Increase Self Confidence
A good speaker usually has high confidence. The speakers
who are more confident in conveying things to others. A good
speaker also understands that one cares about assertiveness in
conveying something, but that does mean he shows rigidity. He
conveyed something airily, without a communication channel
(through verbal) that he used for other people. Thus, the interlocutor
or the partner is more confident in what the speaker is saying.
A good speaker does not mean someone who is deemed
good at speaking with tongues or in a negative sense, not ‘asbun’ or
the origin of the sound. The speaker is not meant to be described as
speaker who is fiery or exaggregated. A good speaker is someone
who is able to express something to others clearly and can
understand the situation of the interlocutor or partner. In other
words, a good speaker also means being able to dominate his
4. Increase Self-Reliance
A good speaker have high self-confidence. Because of that,
it will directly increase his dignity when he appears as a speaker,
and at the same time it is possible that authority will merge with or
affect his experience as a whole. Experience shows how high the
authority of Bung karno as the first president of the Republic of
Indonesia. Bung Karno’s authority was partly due to his ability to
make speeches. The authority referred to is not only in the ability to
speak, but there are still many factors that influency it. A person
who speaks is not only able to express something verbally, but the
quality of what is expressed is much more important and the form
of the expression itself. This is related to the quality of knowledge
or mastery of the subject matter.
5. Improve the Quality of Profession and Job
The ability to speak is not only useful for obtaining a
profession an a job, but at the same time it can improve the quality
of the profession and job someone is crying. A school principal will
be more authoritative and more successful in crrying out his duties
if he can communicate effectively with teachers and school staff.
He can direct his subordinates appropriately. One of the “weapons”
is the ability to convey any ideas or directions orally. He placed
teachers and school staff as daily speech partners. He speaks
fluently, including being able to understand the thought patterns and
behaviour of his subordinates as speech partners. A company leader
also needs to be skilled at speaking. He must be able to provide
guidance to his employes. One way of coaching is by providing
directions or advice which is done orally. He always maintains
direct or face to face contact with his imployes. He is required to be
able to negotiate (also verbally) with employees in solving
problems in his company. As the leader of the company (whatever
his level) he deals a lot with outsiders or partners. He has just been
able to build communication with all these parties so that he can
raise and develop his company. Of course, this communication is
mostly done by talking, for example during special meetings in
order to discuss or expand cooperation networks.
D. Speaking Learning Activities
Activities of learning should be conducted to develop the students’
ability in speaking. These activities can involve some styles. According to
Kavi, there are several activities that can be used in learning speaking, such
as discussion in group, storytelling, role-play, speech in front of audience,
debate, etc11
1. Discussion in group
The students’ are divided into two groups to discuss any interesting
topic. They may aim to arrive at a conclusion, share ideas about an
event or find solution in the discussion.
2. Story Telling
Students’ can briefly summarize a tale or story heard from
somebody beforehand, or they create their own stories to tell their
classmate. Story telling fosters creative thinking, it also helps students’
express ideas in the format of beginning, development and ending,
including the characters and setting a story has to have.
3. Role play
In this activity, the teacher give information to the learner such as
who they are and what they think or feel, the teacher can tell the
students that they are David, you go to doctor and tell what happen last
4. Speech in front of audience
This is a rather hard activity to be done by students’. In this case,
the students’ should be able to make a paper to be presented in front of
audience, and then
students’ will present one of the topics of their idea.
5. Debate
In this activity, students’ are divided into two groups, teachers will
give one topic to debate. They will be free to express their opinion on
the topic. At the end of it, teacher might like to put the issues to vote or
make conclusion about the topic that has been already debated.
6. Dialogue
This traditional language learning technique that has gone
somewhat out of fashion in recent years. The learner think a brief

Harvavi Kavi, Teaching Speaking,(http;//
dialogue and they might learn by heart. They perform privately in pairs
or publicly in frond of their friends. Learners can be asked to perform
the dialogue in the different topic such as their relationship in their
family, culture, and other ideas.
7. Reporting
It can be used to make students’ speak up. In this activity teacher
asked students’ to read news paper or magazine before coming to the
class, in the class they report to their friends what they find as the most
interesting news.
According to Harmer, there are five kinds speaking activities that
can be used In speaking class, such as ; information – gap, favourite
objects, survey, photographic competition, and the portrait interview .12
1. Information – Gap Activities
Information – gap is where two speakers have different bits of
information, and they can only complete the whole picture by sharing that
information – because they have different information, there is gap
between them . For example : describe and draw (one of popular
information – gap activity).
2. Favourite Objects
Favourite objects is an activity in which students’ asked to talk about their
favourite objects (things like MP3 players, instruments, clothes, picture,
ect). They think about how they would describe their favourite objects in
terms of when they got them, why they got them, what they do with them,
and why they do so important to them, ect
3. Survey
It can be used to get students’ interviewing each other. For example , they
can design a questionnaire about people sleeping habits with questions like
‘how many hours do you normally sleep?’, ‘have you ever walked in your
sleep or talked in your sleep?’, ect.
4. Photographic Competition

Jeremy Harmer, How To Teach English, (Person:Longman,2007),p.129-130
In this activity students’ divided it several groups, teacher told them that
they going to be the judges of a photographic competition. The teacher
brings four or five kinds of picture, for example: a picture of for men with
different kinds activity. Before they see the picture, they decide the criteria
that they going to use to make their choice. They have to choose the
winning of the photograph by using the criteria that they have decided.
Finally the groups have to report back on their choices and say why they
have chosen.
5. Portraits Interview
In this activity, the students’ are put into four or five groups, each groups
gets a copy of picture from the teacher. They should make a question
based on the picture. Finally a students’ from each groups come to the
front of class and play a different characters and interview in the same
E. Problems in Learning Speaking
According to Sadtono in kurniasari, language learning has two
problems, they are linguistic factor and non-linguistic factor:13
1. Linguistic factors are factors related to language. They are pronunciation,
grammar, vocabulary and language culture background.
2. Non-linguistics factors are factor of non-language such as the student, the
teacher, method, material, facilities, motivation and etc.

1. Linguistic Problems
The linguistic problem includes all the difficulties found in the target
language it self encountered by one who is studying the language.
Linguistic problem has some categories they are:
a) Pronunciation
The outer manifestation of speech is sound. The speaker
must first decide what to say, be able to articulate the words, and
create the physical sounds that carry meaning. Second language

Vida Kurniasari, “Student Strategies..........,p.10
learners therefore need knowledge of the language they wish to
speak, an understanding of the phonetic structure of the language at
the level of the individual word, and understanding of intonation.14
b) Grammar
Like most words in our language, the word “grammar” is
used in several different senses. It may mean a particular kind of
book, a textbook for learning a language, or a reference of book for
looking up various point of usage. Grammar is a description of the
language form and pattern we use in communication. According to
Ur , grammar is sometimes defined as ‘the way words are put
together to make correct sentences’.15
Harmer states that grammar is partly the study of what
forms or structure are possible in language. Thus a grammar is a
description of the rules that govern how a language’s sentences are
Harmer in Lukitasari confirms since a necessary knowledge
of grammar is essential for competence user of language, it is
clearly for students. Obviously, for example, they need to know
that verbs in third person singular have an ‘s’ ending in the present
simple (e.g. ‘she sings’,‘he eats’, ‘it takes’). They also need to
know that modal auxiliaries are followed by bare infinitives
without ‘to’ so that they can eventually avoid making mistakes like
‘ he must to go’.17
c) Vocabulary
Vocabulary is one of important component in language
acquisition. we can not communicate without mastering an
adequate number of vocabularies. Vocabulary can be defined,
roughly, as the words we teach in the foreign language (Ur)21.
Glenn Fulcher, Testing.............,p.25
Penny UR, “A Curse in Language Teaching (Practice and Theory)”, (Cambridge University
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach...........,p.1
Nunik Lukitasari, “The Problems...............,p.16
However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single
word: for example, post office and mother-in-law, which are made
up of two or three words but express a single idea. Burns and joys
in Kurniasari states that vocabulary or context word are first
recognisable element of spoken language to develop.22
According to Harris and Spat in kurniasari vocabulary is
concept of explaining things (noun), action (verb), observable
qualities (adjective and adverb), and relationship (function,
conjunction, and preposition).23
2. Non Linguistic Problems
a. The Student Factor
In teaching and learning process students play an important part.
They come to classroom with different background, ability, style,
attitude, etc. They are different from others. According Brown and
Segaran in Athena, student factors include such of some points that
have relationship with age, opportunity, motivation, talent, attitudes,
persistence, and also the bravery of drilling to speak up in front of
About the opportunity, the best time to learn English is when the
learners’ need of this language appears and there is a spare time. If
there are high motivation and opportunity, at that time, the learners can
learn well. The success of learning English does not only depend on
the ability, but also depends on persistence. Good potential does not
give much success if the opportunity to learn is not used. So, the ideal
terms in the combination of the potential and persistence that should
run well.
The learners’ attitude about the learners’ language can fulfil what
they need in communication and put on the meaning of his or her
though clearly. Another factor is that the learners who have sociable
character and take the opportunity to speak English with other person
incline more success when they make communication and relation. In
this case, they should force themselves to take this opportunity to
speak up in English. In this occasion, the bravery is quite important
and embarrassed sense should be disappeared, because it sense can
obstruct the capability in learning English speaking.
b. The Teacher Factor
Teacher is a figure that has an important role in teaching and
learning activities. Teacher is a model, a manager, and a controller in
the classroom. He or she takes a significant position in effectiveness
and efficiency of teaching and learning process. Teacher also
demanded to create an enjoyable and acceptable condition in order to
make teaching and learning process will run well.
According to Athena, an English teacher plays a very important
rule in English instruction since he or she is one of the factors that
determines whether the teaching will be successful or unsuccessful.26
Nunan states that in terms of acquisition teacher talk is important,
because it is probably the major source of comprehensible target
language input the learner is likely to receive.27
Long and Richards in Nanik state that in the widest sense, the
teacher is human agent responsible for presenting foreign language
material to a learner. He or she may be either physically presents (as in
the conventional case of a teacher working with a class or group), or,
in the case of self-study courses, embodied within the handbook and
possibly in accompanying recordings, or in a computer-assisted
instruction, known to the learner only through instruction he receives
as to his optimum learning procedures.28
c. Motivation
Motivation is important for students. It pushes them positively.
Without motivation, the students will be lazy and having bad mood in
the classroom. For creative construction to take place, motivation must
probably be based on communication need for the second language.
The need may be immediate or longer-term. In skill learning, it may
also be due to factors related directly to the context of instruction, such
as shortterm behavioural objectives, which have little to do with
communication as such. (Littlewood)29
According to Nunan in Lukitasari, there are some effort can be
done to built up learners motivation:30
1) Make instructional goals explicit to learners
2) Break leaning down into sequences of achievable steps
3) Link learning to the needs and interest of learners
4) Allow learners to bring their own knowledge and perspective into
the leaning process
5) Encourage creative language use
6) Help learners to identify the strategies underlying tasks they are
engage in
7) Develop ways in which learners can record their own progress.
d. Method
It is the way of teaching language based on a particular set of
theory dealing with the nature of language, learning, and teaching that
is applied in the classroom. According to Brown, method is a
generalized prescribe set of classroom specifications for accomplishing
linguistic objectives. Method tends to be primarily concerned with
teacher and students roles and behaviours, and secondarily with such
features as linguistic and subject-matter objectives, sequencing and
e. Material
In material development and classroom teaching the goal is to
develop a sequence of activities that leads the teachers and learners
through a learning route that is at an appropriate level of difficulty, is
engaging, that provides both motivating and useful practice. Good
materials do many of the things that a teacher would normally do as
part of his or her teaching. Tomlinson in Richards suggests that good
materials have the following characteristics:32
1) Material should achieve impact
2) Materials should help learners feel at ease
3) Material should help learners to develop confidence
4) What is being taught should be perceived by learners as
relevant and useful Material should require and facilitate
learners self-investment
5) Material should provide the learners’ with opportunities to use
the target language to achieve communicative purpose
f. Facilities
Text book, teaching media laboratories, classroom, and library are
facilities of teaching and learning process. Meanwhile teacher,
students, method, material, and facilities are instrumental input which
influences teaching and learning process. If the facilities in the school
are available, the goals of teaching and learning process will be easy to
be reached.
F. Another Possible Problems
In learning speaking, students get problems to talk. Ur stated that
there are some problems faced by students in learning speaking, they are:33
1. Inhibition
Unlike reading, writing, and listening activities, speaking requires
some degree of real-time exposure to an audience. Learners are
often inhibited about trying to say things in the classroom, worried
about making mistakes, fearful of critics or losing face, or simply
shy of the attention that their speech attracts.
2. Nothing to say
Even if they are not inhibited, you often hear learners complain that
they cannot think of anything to say, they have no motivation to
express themselves beyond the guilty feeling that they should be
3. Low or uneven participation
Only one participant can talk at a time if he or she is to be heard;
and in large group this means that each one will have only very
little talking time. This problem is compounded by the tendency of
some learners to dominate, while others speak very little or not at
4. Mother-tongue used
In classes where all, or a number of, the learners share the same
mother tongue, they may tend to use it: because it is easier, because
it feels unnatural to speak to one another in a foreign language, and
because they feel less ‘exposed’ if they are speaking their mother
tongue. If they are talking in small groups it can be ‘quite difficult’
to get some classes-particularly the less disciplined or motivated
ones to keep to the target language. Moreover, Ur stated about the
characteristic of successful speaking activity, they are:
1) Learners talk a lot
As much as possible of the period of time allotted to the
activity is in fact occupied by learners talk. This may seen
obvious, but often much time is taken up the teachers talk or
2) Participation is even
Classroom discussion is not dominated by a minority of talk
active participants but all get chance to speak, and
contributions are fairly evenly distributed.
3) Motivation is high
Learners are eager to speak because they are interested in
the topic and have something new to say about it, or because
learners wants in contribute to achieve a task objective.
4) Language is of an acceptable level
Learners express themselves in utterances that are relevant,
easily comprehensible to each others, and of acceptable
level of language accuracy.34
G. Cause Of Speaking Problems

Usually students‟ problems in speaking activity come from

the difficulties in speaking activity faced by students, such as the
problems of them fear making mistakes come from skill factor or
difficulties face by students. It is supported by Thorn bury stating that
most difficulties that learner speakers face can be categorized into two
main areas:
 Knowledge factor: The learner does not yet know aspects of the
language that enable production. They are lack of knowledge of the
language and lack of practice interactive speaking itself, because
English is complex language, so practice is as important
contributing factor to improve speaking proficiency.
 Skill factors: The learner knowledge is no sufficiently automated to
ensure fluency. As a result, there are may also be “affective factors”,
such as lack of confidence or self consciousness which might inhibit
fluency. 39

From the statement above, the writer can conclude that there are two
factors that hinder speaking, there are: knowledge factor and skill factor.
Knowledge refers to theoretical information acquired about any subject
whereas skills refer to practical application of that knowledge there are
may also be affective factors such as lack of confidence which might
inhibit fluency.

In other opinion, Normazidah, Koo & Hazita; Trawinski, also presented

the factors that impact the EFL learners to have poor performance in
English Language Learning as follows:

1. English is regerded as a difficult subject to learn

2. Learners‟ learning depends on the English teacher as authorities

3. There is a lack of support to use English in home environtment

and the community
4. Learners have insufficient or lacking of exposure to the language
as there is a limited opportunity to use English outside the
5. Students have a limited of vocabulary proficiency as well as
English reading materials are not always available
6. Learners have unwillingness and lack of motivation to learn
English as they do not see the immediate need to use the language
7. Lack of motivation for learning or the negative attitude towards
the target language.40

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that not only English as
and difficult subject but also limited opportunity in the classroom and lack
of motivation in English speaking are the important factor that can causes
students problems in mastering speaking skills.

Meanwhile, Juhana also states that some psychological factors such as:
1. Fear of mistake
2. Shyness
3. Anxiety
4. Lack of confidence
5. Lack of motivation.41

From the statement above, it is obvious that there are many factors that
causes of speaking problems, such as fear of mistake, shyness, anxiety,
lack of confident and lack of motivation.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher choose the research from
Juhana, because she had the observation to get the data and she said that
have been some relevant researches conducted, and the another study
finds that students fail to join in the English speaking because of their fear
of making mistake, shyness, anxiety, lack of confident and lack of
motivation are the causes in their ability to speak English. In the research,
she verify that students have some factors such as fear of making mistake,
shyness anxiety, lack of confidence and lack of motivation in English that
hinder them from practicing their English speaking. The factors like fear
of making mistakes, were commonly caused by their fear of being laughed
at by their friends.

Referring to the explanation above, the researcher choose the research

from Juhana to conclude the causes of speaking problems in mastering
speaking skill, and conduct the research based on the theory. So, the
researcher concluded that causes of students‟ problems in mastering
speaking skill are fear of mistake, shyness anxiety, lack of confidence and
lack of motivation.

H. Previous Research

some researchers about problems in speaking have be conductedby some

researchers. For example, at SMP Negeri 1 Tirtomoyo Wonogiri by Rika
Wulandari11 The result of her study is the problems faced by the students
are: the students difficulty to make the sentence and difficulty to make
the sentence with the correct structure. Students insufficient and difficulty
to remember all of vocabularies used to communicate with others.

The second previous study, the researcher takes from IAIN Raden Intan
Lampung by Waki‟ah. She concluded that Student‟s problems in
speaking skills are vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.12 It could be
concluded that the main problems that usually faced by the students to
mastering speaking are: vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar.
In Vida Kurniasari's research (2006), about students’ problem in learning
speaking that was conducted at SMP Negeri 8 Malang and took 40
students of grade VII and 40 students of grade VIII as the sample. The
result show that students grade VII and grade VIII thought that speaking is
vary important, and they have done some effort in order to improve their
English. The general problems that faced by students’ grade VII and VIII
were about vocabulary and low motivation. The others had problems in
grammar, mother tongue use and low self confidence. Their ways to solve
their problems in learning speaking were making conversation with their
friends everyday, learning and memorizing vocabulary, making notes
about vocabulary and grammar, joining some courses, and problem
related to low motivation and self confidence, students try to keep
motivation by keeping their selves active, and learning speaking more
creatively by joining English course and English conversation club. The
instruments used in her study were questionnaire and interview.

Athena (2004), in her research about students’ non linguistic problems in

learning English speaking that was conducted at SMP III Probolinggo and
took 23 students of the second years as the sample, concluded that the
students faced some problems in learning English speaking, and they had
tried some effort to overcome those problems. To solve the problem
related to the students' low motivation and low confidence, the students
tried to keep their motivation by keeping themselves active, trying to
motivate themselves, and learning speaking more creatively by joining
English courses and English conversation clubs. Meanwhile, to solve the
problems of unattractive materials, the students tried to discuss the
difficult material to improve their understanding. Besides, to solve the
problem of the ineffective media, the students suggested that the media
must be familiar, appropriate with the topic, and up to date. The last one,
to overcome the method problem, the students suggested the teacher
should apply various methods in teaching English speaking. The
instruments used in her study were questionnaire and interview.



1. Kind of Research
In this research, the researcher employed a qualitative research.
Qualitative research tend to study things in their natural setting,
attempting to make sense of or the interpret phenomena in terms of the
meaning people bring to them.1 The qualitative research is descriptive. It
means that type of qualitative research in this research focused on
This research produced descriptive data in form of written words
the subject and its behavior can be observed. The types of qualitative
research focused on description. Schrieber states that descriptive studies
simply describe some phenomenon using numbers to create a picture of a
group or individual.2 It means that descriptive studies are methods for
explain the phenomena of group. This research the researcher observed
the data in form of written words.
This study employ descriptive qualitative. According to Ary,
qualitative research is conducted to describe the current status of
phenomenon that while exist at the time of study.37
Adler and Clark in Sylviene, stated that descriptive research
design is to describe groups, activities, or event with focus on structure,
attitude or behaviour. One of characteristic of the descriptive research is
that there is no control of treatment as it is around in experimental
The current status of phenomenon in this study is students
speaking problem in doing conversation at English department in
Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Curup.

2. Population and sample

According to Arikunto , the large group about which the
generalization is made is called population, and the small group that is
observed is called sample.39
In this research, the population is students in English department
of Tarbiyah faculty IAIN Curup. The students are considered as
population because the population are considered homogenous, the
writer take 50% for each.
3. Data Collecting Technique
In this research, there were some steps conduct with intention of
gaining the data from the beginning until the end of the teaching
learning process. Consequently, in this research, the researcher
conducted the observation, questionnaire and interview to get of the
data for this research. The steps are as follows:
a. Interview
Interviews are guided question–answer conversations, or an
“inter-change of views between two persons conversing about a
theme of mutual interest”. However, they differ from other
conversations by having a specific structure and purpose.5 In this
research the researcher uses interview to get the data from the
teacher and the problem faced by that teacher and students. In
addition, the researcher find out the students’ problems and causes
of students problems in mastering speaking speaking skill.
b. Questionnaire
The researcher gives questionnaire to the students. According to
Arikunto, questionnaire is a list of question given to others who are
willing to respond in accordance with user requests. Furthermore
Arikunto says, questionnaire can be divided into:
a. Open questionnaire is presented in the form of a questionnaire so

that respondents could provide stuffing according to the will and

the circumstances. Open questionnaire is used when researchers

have not been able to estimate or guess the possibility that there

are alternative answers to the respondent.

b. Close questionnaire is questionnaire presented in the form of

respondents live in such a way that gives a tick (X) on a column

or an appropriate place.

c. Mix questionnaire is a combination of an open questionnaire with

close questionnaire.6

In this research, the researcher gives questionnaire in order to know the

further opinions and the aspect that may influence the students’ learning

process and to confirm the answer given by their teacher. From collecting

data through questionnaire, the researcher find out the students’ problem

and causes of students’ problems in mastering speaking skill.

4. Instrument of The Research

In this research, the researcher used questionnaire in order the

answer well organized and systematically to get the data based on the

research problems. Questionnaire refers to a set of questions that is

written in the places of paper in order to get some information.

According to Subana and Rahadi, there are two types of

questionnaire, those are structure or close form questionnaire and

unstructured or open form questionnaire. 40 A structure or close form

questionnaire contains of the questions and alternatives answer to them.

The answers provided for each questionnaire should be exhaustive

answers of all possible responses an at the same time mutually

exclusive. A structured or close form include suggested answer. So the

respondents should choose the chosen answer. The administration and

scoring of a structured questionnaire are straight forward and the result

lends them to analyze.

An unstructured or open form does not include suggested

answers. The respondents will be given subjective question, in which

the respondents are given an opportunity to answer the question freely,

based on their opinion.

In addition, according to Singarimbun and Effendi, there are

three kinds of questionnaire, those are: close-form question, open –

form question, and semi open – form question.41

Close-form question is the respondent has no chance to answer

the question freely, because in this form has been there the answer. For

example: ‘yes’ and ‘no’ question.

Open-form question is the respondent can answer the question

based on their opinion, because in open question there is no alternatives

answer for the respondents.

The last is semi open question, in this question there is an

alternatives answer but the respondent can also give the answer based

on their opinion. This research take the combination of both

questionnaire types (closeform, open-form, and semi open question)

above because in addition to the a valuable choice. The respondents

were also given the change to answer and solve the question based on

the personal opinion.

5. Validity and Reliability

Validity comes from the word validity which means to what extent

accuracy of measuring instrument in carrying out its measurement

function. Validity is also interpreted as a measure that indicates the level

of validity of an instrument. A valid instrument or it has high validity, on

the contrary the instrument is laacking valid means it has low validity.

Reliability is the level of confidence in the results of the a

measurement, concerning the accuracy of the measuring instrument.

Measurements that have high reliability that is able to provide reliable

measurement results. The reliability of a measuring instrument can be

known if the tool is capable shows the extent to which the gauge can

provide relative results the same if the measurements were taken again on

the same object. In other words, reliability is the accuracy of a measuring

instrument with a result tend to have a consistency value when it is

reapplied to the same sample but with a different time.

In qualitative research, data can be categorized good data if the

data are valid. To get validity of data, Creswell classified the validity of

data into eight strategies, those are:

1. Triangulate the different sources of information by examining

evidence from the sources and using it to build a coherent

justification for themes.

2. Use member checking to determine the accuracy of the

qualitative finding through taking the final report or specific

description or themes back to participants and determining

whether these participants feel that they are accurate.

3. Use rich, thick description to covey the finding.

4. Clarify the bias means the researcher brings to the study.

5. Also present negative or discrepant information that runs counter

to the themes.

6. Spend prolonged time in the field.

7. Use peer debriefing to enhance the accuracy of the account.

8. Use an external auditor or review the entire project.8

In this research, the researcher used triangulation technique.

Triangulation may be defined as the use of two or more methods of data
collection in the study of some aspect of human behavior. Thus,
triangulation technique means the researcher study. Thus, methodological
triangulation is making different method to get validity of data.9
From those types of triangulation, the researcher used

methodological triangulation to get validity of data. Besides, the

researcher collects the data by observation which is supported by

interviewed the teacher and the researcher also used questionnaire which

can give evidence if the participants are people that is proper to be used as

subject of reset.

6. Data Analysis
The data analysis from the questionnaire involve some steps, they
are follow:
1. Identifying the problems faced by the students in learning speaking
2. Finding the way how the students minimize the problems in learning
3. Analyzing the data after being identified. To get the percentage of
each item questionnaire , the researcher used the formula as stated

P =N/F X 100%

P= The percentage of students problem

F= The number of frequency of the respondents answer
N= The number of respondent
4. Describing students’ way to minimize the problems
5. Drawing the conclusion

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