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Msaddek, El Bechir and Baili, Maher and Bouaziz, Zoubeir and

Dessein, Gilles Influence of the compensation method of
machining errors of Bspline and Cspline. (2021) International
Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 34 (3). 282-292.
ISSN 0951-192X

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Influence of the compensation method of machining errors of Bspline and
El Bechir Msaddeka, Maher Bailib, Zoubeir Bouaziza and Gilles Desseinb
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sfax, ENIS, Unit of Applied Fluids Mechanics of Process Engineering and Environment,
Sfax, Tunisia; bDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, University of Toulouse, ENIT-INPT, Laboratoire Génie De Production (LGP), Tarbes,

Contemporary advances in manufacturing are moving towards the diversification of interpolation KEYWORDS
methods in Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) softwares thanks to the growing need of free- Bspline and Cspline
forms of high quality. New interpolations such as ‘Bspline’ and ‘Cspline’ provide accurate toolpaths, interpolations; machining
but they generate significant machining errors. The nodes insertion technique is one of compensa- errors; nodes insertion;
tion methods of those errors. This paper presents a study of the influence of this compensation influence of compensation;
method on the manufacturing process: dynamic behavior of machine-tools, errors of controller, dynamic behavior; surface
and surface quality. To make this study, Bspline and Cspline interpolations, errors generated, and quality
the compensation method are defined. In addition to that, feed rate, cycle time and roughness
before and after compensation are measured in order to exanimate the impact of the nodes
insertion method. The present work aims to deliver a framework that demonstrates how manu-
facturing companies with such specific parameters optimization can improve smartness and
machining efficiency.

1. Introduction (HSM) of free forms, led to search other ways of

Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing (CAD/ path programming such as polynomial interpola-
CAM) is an essential step in obtaining a part tions. Our study will give attention to two types of
machined by numerically controlled machine- spline interpolation: Bspline and Cspline.
tools. CAD/CAM software calculates tool paths The Bspline (Bezier or Basic spline) can be defined
from geometric information, interpolation engi- by a polynomial of third degree or more. Programmed
neering information, user instructions, or informa- positions are not the points of the curve, but only
tion from specific software (P G and G C 2003). ‘control points’ of the spline. The curve does not pass
Then, the Numerical Command (NC) file represent- directly through these points, but that it ‘tends’ to
ing the tool paths is transferred to the Numerical them. A ‘control polygon’ of the spline is created, it
Control Unit (NCU) of the machine which follows links the control points. According to Siemens, the
the instructions imposed by this file. Fidelity to the Bspline is ideal for describing tool paths in freeform
theoretical model is the main constraint to respect surfaces machining. The Cspline (Spline Cubic) is an
when using CAD/CAM software. The passage interpolation by a cubic polynomial. It passes exactly
between nodes of the tool path causes contour through the points of the curve. It has a low curvature
deviations especially in certain critical areas diffi- variation. However, the Cspline has a strong tendency
cult to reach by the tool (sharp angle, connection). to oscillations between these points. The modification
The CAM systems provide several interpolation of the Cspline has an overall effect. The modification
methods in order to obtain a toolpath that of one point influences many blocks.
respects the fidelity criterion during the machining Recent studies have focused on the spline inter-
of complex shapes (Helleno and Schutzer 2006). polation and the compensation of machining errors
Thus, the limitations caused by linear and circular in CNC machine-tools. Lacalle et al. (De Lacalle et al.
interpolations, especially in High Speed Machining 2002) have investigated a method of generating

CONTACT El Bechir Msaddek Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sfax, ENIS, Unit of Applied Fluids
Mechanics of Process Engineering and Environment, Sfax, Tunisia
error-free programs for the high-speed milling of simulations, the impact of the compensation
molds. Hsu and Wang (Hsu and Wang 2007) and method on the dynamics of the machine, on the
Lei and Hsu (Lei and Hsu 2003) have corrected geo- cycle time, on the NCU errors (following error and
metric errors in real time or not by compensation contour deviation), and on the surfaces quality of
algorithms for 5-axis CNC machine tools. Souza et al. the piece.
(Souza and Coelho 2007) and Helleno et al. (Helleno
and Schutzer 2006) have shown that the type of
interpolation can influence the dynamic behavior of 2. Bspline and Cspline interpolations and
the machine. Zuo et al. (Zuo et al. 2013) and Zhu compensation methodology
et al. (Zhu et al. 2012) have developed methods of 2.1 Bspline interpolation
compensation of geometrical errors of machining
system NC by the correction of the NC codes. Liang According to Šulejic (Šulejic 2011), a nth degree
et al. (Liang, Zhao, and Xi 2013) have proposed an Bspline curve (of ordern þ 1) is defined by:
interpolator to improve the machining of surfaces k
modeled by polynomial curves of NURBS type. CðtÞ ¼ Ni;n ðtÞ Pi (1)
Msaddek et al. (Msaddek et al. 2014) have tested i¼0

the influence of different types of interpolation on ThePi are k þ 1 control points.

the machining process in HSM. Zhong et al. (Zhong It is considered the vector known as the knot vec-
et al. 2015) have developed a model of identification tor be defined T ¼ ðt0 ; . . . ; tm ÞwhereTis anon-
and compensation of geometric errors of position decreasing sequence of real numbers with
(5-axis machine) based on servo loops and recursive ti  tiþ1 andi ¼ 0; . . . ; m 1. Theti are called nodes.
correction. Poniatowska (Poniatowska 2015) has pro- The ith Bspline basis function of nth −degree is defined
posed a method for compensating for systematic by Cox-de Boor recursion formula:
errors of free-form surfaces. Lai et al. (Lai et al. 
2017) have investigated a novel method for error 1 if ti  t  tiþ1
Ni;0 ðtÞ ¼ (2)
0 otherwise
compensation of free-form surface with critical area
using the local refinement of the T-spline surface.
t ti tiþnþ1 t
Calleja et al. (Calleja et al. 2018, 2014) have proposed Ni;n ðtÞ ¼  Ni;n 1 ðtÞ þ  Niþ1;n 1 ðtÞ
tiþn ti tiþnþ1 tiþ1
a new method for accuracy in 5-axis flank computer
numerically controlled (CNC) machining. Ben
Makhlouf et al. (Ben Makhlouf et al. 2019) have The De Boor algorithm provides a method for evalu-
developed an approach based on the B-Spline for- ating a Bspline curve (Šulejic 2011; Sederberg 2005).
mulation for rebuilding the CAD model entities The compensation approach of the generated
(faces, edges and vertices) from those extracted errors using Bspline interpolation adopted inspires
from the deformed mesh (triangulations, arcs, from the method of Zhao et al. (Zhao, Zhu, and Ding
nodes). The authors (Msaddek et al. 2018, 2017) 2013). Our method allows us to insert two control
have studied Bspline and Cspline interpolations, points around the initial control point of the tool
machining errors generated and a compensation trajectory generated in CAM while respecting the
method of errors in previous papers without desired tolerance (Figure 1).
a critical study of the influence of this approach on B0(u) is symmetrical with respect to the angular
the manufacturing process. bisector of the two lines p0 p1 and p1 p2 . Thus, the
Despite the smoothing of the tool path, Bspline maximum deviation between the Bspline and the
and Cspline interpolations have presented critical two lines is the distance between the spline center
errors penalizing the desired precision. A method and P0. The approximation of the error can be
based on the insertion of nodes has been devel- expressed as:
oped in order to compensate machining errors. The estimated error Ercan be expressed as:
This method has effectively reduced these errors
Er ¼ ε ¼ P1 Q32 ¼ ðd2 sin βÞ=2

despite some shortcomings. So, it remains to inves-
tigate in this paper, after presenting modeling and With d2 : distance between P1 and Q10
Q2 ði; 1Þ: Matrix of the coordinates X of the second
inserted nodes.
Q2 ði; 2Þ: Matrix of the coordinates Y of the second
inserted nodes.
Bði; jÞ: Matrix of the reference nodes.
θðiÞ: Angle between tow linear blocks,
θðiÞ ¼ 180 γðiÞ. (10)

2.2 Cspline interpolation

According to Rabut (Rabut 2010), for a givenx, it is first
necessary to determine the interval xj :: xjþ1 in
which x is located, then the cubic polynomial is calcu-
lated at which the spline is equal into this interval:
Figure 1. Method steps (Zhao, Zhu, and Ding 2013).
ðx xj Þ2
pðxÞ ¼ pðxj Þ þ ðx xj Þ p0 ðxj Þ þ p00 ðxj Þ
β: angle between p1 p2 Q22 Q42 2
ðx xj Þ3
To confirm that the estimated error remains within þ p000 ðxj Þ (11)
the specified tolerance, the length d2 shall be calcu-
lated as follows: p0 ðxj Þ, p00 ðxj Þ and p000 ðxj Þ are respectively the first deri-
vative, the second derivative and the third derivative
d2 ðiÞ  2Er= sin βðiÞ; i ¼ 0; 1; 2; (5) of the polynomialpðxÞinxj .
So the coordinates (X,Y) of the added nodes must be x and xj are respectively the abscissa of the spline
calculated for different cases of θðiÞ and θði þ 1Þ, in point and the abscissa of the reference point.
such a way that d2 (i) respects this condition. The compensation approach of the generated
The algorithm used is the following: errors using Cspline interpolation adopted inspires
from the method of Liang et al. (Liang, Zhao, and Xi
if θðiÞ  0 θði þ 1Þ  0 2013). The authors have proposed to add nodes form-
ing segments of constant lengths in order to keep the
d2 ðiÞ trajectory in Cspline interpolation in the desired tol-
Q1 ði; 1Þ ¼ Bði; 1Þ þ cos θðiÞ  (6)
2 erance ε.
Figure 2 shows the original and the compensated
d2 ðiÞ Cspline interpolation on one block of trajectory hav-
Q1 ði; 2Þ ¼ Bði; 2Þ jsin θðiÞj  (7)
2 ing two nodes Pi and Pi+1.
In order to calculate the distance between the
d2 ðiÞ added nodes, a block of two reference points Pi and
Q2 ði; 1Þ ¼ Bði; 1Þ cos θði þ 1Þ  (8)
2 Pi+1 of coordinates respectively x(i), y(i) and x(i + 1), y
(i + 1)is taken. The points: Pj, Pj+1, . . . Pj+nare the
d2 ðiÞ calculated nodes of the Cspline trajectory of coordi-
Q2 ði; 2Þ ¼ Bði; 2Þ þ jsin θði þ 1Þj  (9)
2 nates respectively xx(j), yy(j), and xx(j + 1), yy(j + 1) . . .,
and xx(j + n), yy(j + n) (Figure 3).
elseif θðiÞ  0 θði þ 1Þ  0 The error Er(j) is calculated as follows:
For j=1, . . ., n
. xxðjÞ  xði þ 1Þ and xxðjÞ  xðiÞ (12)

With Q1 ði; 1Þ: Matrix of the coordinates X of the first ErðjÞ ¼ abs ðyyðjÞ yðiÞÞ (13)
inserted nodes.
Q1 ði; 2Þ: Matrix of the coordinates Y of the first
If ErðjÞ  ε (14)
inserted nodes.
Figure 2. Original and compensated Cspline on one block.

Figure 3. Calculation method of distance d2.

xxðjÞ xðiÞ critical areas that have major errors. In these areas,
d2 ðjÞ ¼ (15)
cosðγðiÞÞ the CAM tool generates more spaced reference points
which cause the remoteness between the Bspline or
With γðiÞ: angle between pi piþ1 and pi pj
Cspline trajectory and the desired one. However,
So a distance matrix d2 (i, j)is found and the average
machining by using these two types of interpolations
distance is calculated which respect the tolerance ε.
affects very important criteria for machining complex
Therefore, d2avris the retained distance between the
shapes such as cycle time and surface quality.
inserted nodes. Then, the coordinates of the added
nodes are calculated by the same algorithm such as
the Bspline curve with little difference. 3. Influence of the compensation method on
the machining process in HSM

2.3 Simulation and compensation of machining 3.1 Study methodology

errors of Bspline and Cspline After machining with the compensation method of
The method of inserting nodes for Bspline interpola- the test piece, using the interpolations Bspline and
tion differs from that applied for Cspline interpolation. Cspline, the major machining errors generated are
The origin of this difference is the mathematical for- compensated. To know the impact of this method
mula of each interpolation. on the HSM machining process, its influence on the
Figure 4 shows the simulation and the compensa- dynamics of the machine (feed rate, cycle time), on
tion of machining errors of Bspline and Cspline for the NCU error (following error and contour deviation),
a machining toolpath of our test piece. and on the surface condition (roughness) will be
Our theoretical approach is validated with experi- studied.
mental tests on the Huron KX 10 3-axis HSM machine.
As a result, major errors are successfully eliminated of
3.2 Influence of the compensation method on the
the order of 1100 µm, because in this critical area, the
dynamics behavior of the machine
control points before insertion are so far. So, this
proves the effectiveness of this method in terms of The post-processor development principle is to com-
accuracy. This improvement is mainly localized in pensate the machining errors by inserting additional
B-Spline-curve with 410 control points of order 4
35 original Bspline
reference node
added node (1)
30 added node (2)
compensated Bspline

Z (mm)


Zoom 1


0 50 100 150
X (mm)

C-Spline-curve with 399 nodes of order 4

Original Cspline
35 Compensated Cspline
Reference nodes
Inserted nodes
Linear trajectory

25 Zoom 1
Z (mm)




0 50 100 150
X (mm)

Cspline-Zoom 1
Cspline-Zoom 1

Bspline-Zoom 1
Bspline-Zoom 1

Figure 4. Simulation and compensation of the machining errors in Bspline and Cspline with zooms on critical areas (zoom1 in Bspline
and zoom1 in Cspline).
nodes. It is clear that increasing the number of the especially the time IPO (execution time of a block)
control points will affect machining accuracy. and thanks to the number increase of small seg-
Consequently, it will affect the machining time and ments and changes of directions. By adding more
the feed rate with an inversely proportional points, the curvature of the tool-path is changed.
relationship. Since the curvature is altered, the NC system must
re-calculate the machining feed rate to stay within
acceleration and jerk limits of the drives.
3.2.1 Influence of the compensation method on the
Consequently, it slows down the tool movement
feed rate
The feed rate is measured for a single machining pass
for Bspline and Cspline interpolations after compensa- Before compensation, the average feed rate in
tion. Figures 5 and Figure 6 show feed rates with Bspline was 2.542 m/min. After compensation, the
Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after average feed rate decreases to 0.983 m/min. Thus,
compensation, with the CAM tolerance T = 0.025 mm the same decrease for Cspline is observed. This
and the programmed feed rate F = 4.8 m/min. diminution is due to the increased constraints caused
The feed rates in Bspline and Cspline interpola- by the inserted nodes (necessary number of nodes to
tions are variable, but the increase of oscillations respect the CAM tolerance) such as the slowing down
after compensation is noticed. This variation is of the machine during the passage of tangency and
due to the dynamic behavior of the HSM machine curvature discontinuities. The most limiting

Table 1. Shows the NC file size and the average feed rate in Bspline and Cspline before and after compensation.
Initial Bspline Bspline after compensation Initial Cspline Cspline after compensation
NC file size (Ko) 200 431 200 410
Average feed rate (m/min) 2.542 0.983 3.764 2.054
Table 1. Average feed rate in Bspline and Cspline before and after compensation.

Figure 5. Feed rate with Bspline interpolation before and after compensation.

Figure 6. Feed rate with Cspline interpolation before and after compensation.
parameter is the Jerk Max. of the HSM machine (Tapie, or the incremental measurement. The contour devia-
Mawussi, and Anselmetti 2007). tion is the calculation of the deviation from the pro-
grammed path and the output to the controller.
3.2.2 Influence of the compensation method on the Figure 8 shows curves of the following error and
cycle time the contour deviation in Bspline interpolation before
Figure 7 depicts the histogram of the CAM cycle time and after compensation.
and the experimental cycle time for interpolations: Figure 9 shows traces of the following error and the
Bspline and Cspline, before and after compensation. contour deviation in Cspline interpolation before and
After compensation, increasing the number of con- after compensation.
trol points from 200 to 410 in Bspline causes elevation Figures 8 and Figure 9 illustrate that the following
2.5 times of the cycle time from tcy = 252.324 s to tcy error decreases after compensation. However, the
= 624.875 s. So, accuracy requires more time to satisfy contour deviation is partially constant depending on
the need for quality of the part. the compensation method. The variation is consid-
Similarly, for Cspline interpolation, increasing the ered negligible.
number of control points from 200 to 399 after com- The average following error of the Bspline after
pensation, causes elevation 1.5 times of the cycle time compensation decreases to less than half from
from tcy = 166.094 s to tcy = 281.904 s. Therefore, the 127.57 μm to 54.614 μm. Therefore, the addition of
Cspline interpolation remains faster than the Bspline other control points to the tool path helps the servo
interpolation even after compensation. system to correctly track the CAM tool path with
undesirable jerk during machining. As a result, the
trajectory executed becomes closer to that of com-
3.3 Influence of the compensation method on the mand. Increasing the saturation acceleration number
controller (NCU) errors on the critical areas and the speed limitation, set by
The compensation method affects the NCU behavior the interpolation cycle time; favor the machining
thanks to the increase of the blocks number in the NC accuracy of the free-form. The average contour devia-
program. Indeed, the generated errors of the control- tion kept a constant value at about 11 μm with neg-
ler must be evaluated after adding control points. The ligible variations.
main parameters involve the NCU errors available to Similarly, for Cspline, the average following error
measure in the controller Siemens 840D are the fol- after compensation decreases to almost half from
lowing error and the contour deviation. The following 200.47 μm to 112.05 μm. Therefore, adding control
error is the difference between the theoretical posi- points to the Cspline tool path also helps the servo
tion calculated by the digital control and the real system to correctly track the CAM tool path. So, the
position of the moving part retuned by the encoder tool path executed becomes closer to that of

Figure 7. Histogram of the cycle time for Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after compensation.
Table 2. Shows the average following error and the average contour deviation for Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after
Initial Bspline Bspline after compensation Initial Cspline Cspline after compensation
Average following error (µm) 127.57 54.614 200.47 112.05
Average contour deviation(µm) 10.34 11.785 11.55 12.713
Table 2. Average following error and average contour deviation for Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after compensation.

Figure 8. Following error and contour deviation in Bspline before and after compensation.

Figure 9. Following error and contour deviation in Cspline before and after compensation.
Figure 10. Capture areas: 1 and 2 of the surface condition.

command. Thus, the average contour deviation kept Cspline interpolations on the surface condition, two
an average value of 12 μm with negligible variations. test piece areas (Figure 10) were machined by the
Subsequently, the compensation method favors Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after
the tracking of the CAM trajectory and serves to compensation.
reduce the NCU error in general. In fact, the form to Figure 11 shows the surface condition of the
machining becomes more respected by reducing the selected area 1 captured in zoom by a digital micro-
NCU errors. scope for the Bspline and Cspline interpolations
before and after compensation, with measurement
of the roughness Ra.
3.4 Influence of the compensation method on the Figure 12 shows the surface condition of the
surface quality selected area 2 captured in zoom by a digital micro-
scope for the Bspline and Cspline interpolations
In order to show the influence of the compensation of
before and after the compensation.
the machining errors generated by the Bspline and

Figure 11. Surface Condition for Bspline and Cspline interpolations before and after compensation (area 1).
Figure 12. Surface roughness in Bspline and Cspline before and after compensation (area 2).

According to previous results, the compensation concluded that our compensation method has
method of machining errors damages the surface a negative effect on the surface quality of the
condition. The protrusions of the surfaces gener- machined part. By adding more control points,
ated after the compensation are larger than those the tool path is basically made more accurate.
of the initial surfaces. So, polynomial Bspline and Also, the curvature of the toolpath is changed.
Cspline interpolations after compensation did not Since the curvature is altered, the controller
generate good surface quality. slows down the tool speed. Consequently, the
Figure 13 shows the histogram of roughness roughness increases. The mainly causes of this
values Ra for Bspline and Cspline before and after result are the multi-point discretization and the
compensation on two areas: Area 1 and Area 2. tool geometry (ball-end). By adding nodes, the
According to the histogram, the roughness Ra number of surface peaks increases affecting the
of the Bspline and Cspline surfaces increases after machining kinematics and accordingly the surface
the compensation for both interpolations. It is quality.

Figure 13. Histogram of roughness values Ra for Bspline and Cspline before and after compensation.
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