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NAME: Jorge Andrés Fortich Ordosgoitia DATE:______

Achievement indicator: Escribe diferentes tipos de textos informales usando ejemplos de jerga teniendo en
cuenta la situación, su intención y el lector.

Formal to Informal: Make the Change

W hileformal writing is important, sometimes it is helpful to change a formal style into an informal one in order to
clearly understand the meaning. This is especially true for historical texts and classic literature. Below is the introduction
to the United States Declaration of Independence. Rewrite it in an informal style using slangs and colloquialisms and
keeping the author’s purpose.
Formal text
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve
the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the
powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of
Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that
they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

Informal version

In human day-to-day life, it becomes normal for people to divide or separate in a political way that conceived it with

another. And be able to take command or the powers of the earth, to split and same station to Nature laws and Nature´s

God entitle them, to affront and have respect to the ideas of the human, tough they need to say the reasons that made them


Formal text
Main premise: The government should introduce tighter gun controls
Jack Spring maintains that everyone should have the right to own a gun. This position
asserts that the government is infringing our democratic rights when it restricts gun
ownership. Most people, who own guns, so this argument goes, are responsible citizens
who keep the guns for sport and recreation. It is further contended that the police are
unable to stop violent crime and we need guns to protect ourselves. However, as
Josephine Bluff states, guns increase the amount of violent crime in the
community. Moreover, human life is worth more than sporting shooters right to go
shooting on the weekend. In addition, many of the guns that are kept around the house end
being used in violent domestic disputes or teenage suicides.







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