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<0. Introduction>

0-1 Please Introduce yourself.

- MommySon: Hi I am MommySon, the founder of ESION and co-founder of GENE_SIS. I am the
lead of a Korean Music Label called ‘Beautiful Noise’, and an NFT creator.
- NotEvenWrong: Nice to meet you everyone. I am NotEvenWrong. I am in charge of business
development in team ESION. Thanks for joining us.
-Gharliera: Hi I am Gharliera, the founder of GENE_SIS and advisory for ESION. Welcome all.
-Jee: I am Jee, the manager of GENE_SIS and advisory for ESION. I will be translating. Thank you.
- MommySon: Since MLin_D’s too bound up in her work and cannot attend, I will introduce her
instead. MLin_D has worked as a Character Artist for a gaming company for over 10 years. To briefly
introduce her previous works, she worked with NeoPle_Dungeon & fighter, SNK, Tencent_King of
fighters, JYP_Twice etc/

0-2 Please Introduce the two projects.

-MommySon: ESION is an artist-led web3 brand focusing on art, music and storytelling. ESION is a
project created by MommySon (the rapper and the NFT creator) and artist MLin_D (the visual artist).
Our upcoming collection will consist of 10,000 unique NFTs that will explore the world of ESION and
the Dream Catchers.

- Gharliera: GENE_SIS is a 10,000 generative art project based on the dystopian cyberpunk worldview
that Gharliera has built so far. It is a project that provides the world view of GENE_SIS to holders
in various fields such as music, figures, and fashion, as well as NFT artwork.


1-1 Will we be able to choose if we wanted our ESION NFTs to be light or dark mode? Or will it be one
of them by default and maybe an option for PFP mode only for the other?

-MommySon: I know many people are curious about it. We are going to reveal that info little by little
until mint, so that we could leave you guys room for guessing. To give a hint, it will be the best option
among the options that you could possibly think of.

1-2 What inspired MommySon to create his own record label, Beautiful Noise?
-MommySon: While working as a musician for more than 10 years, I got to know the music business
and it was quite natural that I established a label. I want to pursue fun in Beautiful Noise, not the
money. But that doesn’t mean that I am shabby in terms of our labels’ size and our musicians’ abilities.
I consider the label as a school and each of its musicians as a student. Beautiful Noise is highly famous
in the industry.

1-3 How does Beautiful Noise relate to ESION?

-MommySon: ESION's roadmap will spread to various branches of art. Music is one of the things we
can do best. Artists of "Beautiful Noise" will work in the world of Web 3 based on ESION's worldview.
Of course, the traditional way will go with it, and I think these two ways will have good synergy. Since
it is still in the early stages of the market in regard to music NFT, the approach requires a variety of
considerations. I revised ESION Creatives and Lullaby sessions after much consideration.

1-4 How did MommySon come up with the idea for the project?
-MommySon: I enjoy daydreaming. The storyline of ESION begins with it, these story is also well
represented in the Sleep Exhibition Music Video, the basis of the Sleep Exhibition NFT. We have an
artist group called SyndromeZ, and this group of artists is a gathering place of various artists, including
3D models, programmers, and filming directors. They are ESION's hidden assistants.


2-1 When is mint and has the price been announced yet?

-MommySon: Not fixed yet. But it will be a quite reasonable price, considering the market condition.
Mint date not fixed yet, but will be done in July.


3-1 Sleep Exhibition is an NFT collection of soundtracks produced by Beautiful Noise which was
released in early May, owning multiple NFT’s gave WL opportunity for ESION.
Is there going to be any future utility or benefits for holders after ESION mint for this collection?

-MommySon: As mentioned before, SLEEP EXHIBITION is a separate project of ESION that

was produced before the launch of ESION, which was produced with total sincerity of all
musicians in Beautiful Noise. We will be preparing some surprises for Sleep Exhibition holders
but since it’s truly for lovers and supporters of Beautiful Noise’s music, it has nothing to do
with ESION’s roadmap.


4-1 There is a lot on the ESION roadmap and I would like to unpack the main points for our community
today, starting with:

Music: how will music be a part of the road map?

MommySon: ESION will continue its activities by establishing a music label that works within the
ESION community with various artists of Beautiful Noise and many other musicians. As we've already
shown in the Genesis OST, we're working with top tier artists from K-pop. The entire team is thinking
about how to give benefits to the holders here in a fun way and not an obvious way. In addition, music
is included in the roadmap naturally because it is what we can do best, but it is not a road map that
represents us. As has been revealed, ESION is a comprehensive IP brand.

Cartoon: can you tell us more about the plans of having a webtoon?

MommySon: ESION has released comic strips of ESION's 4 main characters Doyle, Agatha, Keigo,
and Baku in May. Based on this, ESION's story will be revealed little by little after minting. Ultimately,
our aim is to serialize ESION's official webtoon with four characters. Korea is playing a leading role in
the webtoon market worldwide. We are trying to collaborate with one of the two largest webtoon
companies in Korea. I can't tell you the details yet, but we are taking webtoons as a very serious part of
ESION’s roadmap.

Goods: What kind of goods can ESION holders expect?

MommySon: Among the main characters, Baku is actually born for "Goods," and ESION is now
planning to develop Baku into a single independent IP derived from ESION, and is looking for partners
to run various businesses, including emoticons, merchandising and so on. Among them, like webtoons,
we are exploring collaborative companies with abundant experience and infrastructure. ESION's
holders will have some form of benefit in developing Baku's IP.

Experience: Can you tell us more about what kind of experiences can holders expect and what is ESION
MommySon: We are preparing a lot of events so that people can actually experience and participate in
ESION. One of them is ESION creatives. ESION creatives are supporting talented ESION community
members by releasing the NFTs which are made by community members under the name of ESION,
with the proceeds all going to the creators.

4-2 What are the plans of the team to keep the community engaged after mint?

-NotEvenWrong: Basically, we will hire full-time community managers and staff to continue to
communicate with the community and strive to revitalize the community. Various contests and events
that many people can participate in will continue. We will select outstanding works among them and
make them into ESION creations that we’ve explained earlier. Through this, we will discover and
support many talented artists in the community. In addition, we want to make ESION a community
where people can relax. We want our community to be some place that can be subtly integrated into
your night time, where you can relieve the fatigue accumulated in your day time.

4-3 One of the challenges that I’ve seen NFT projects make is not identifying the core customer base or
who the intended target audience is and thinking that a core initial community will be there through the
life cycle of the project. How do you guys intend to capture markets or incorporate your product to bring
new sustaining investors and not just riding a wave of a short term launch volume period?

-MommySon: The first market’s target customer is NFT lovers. But as we pursue enlarging ESION’s ip
as a whole, our final customer will include the public who don’t have interest in NFT, crypto or so on.
We are confident that we can succeed in developing the IP business of ESION. The key is to make sure
people don’t feel bored in the meantime. As we explained in the previous question, we’ve got a lot of
plans that will keep people interested in the project.


5-1 What is the relationship between ESION and GENE_SIS and how will they work together in the

-MommySon: MommySon is dealing with various business and music in GENE_SIS as a co-founder,
and Gharliera helped a lot for ESION in regards to art and with the overall NFT space. We will keep
working together.
- Gharliera: Not only art, but also the various know-how and visions that I gained from the NFT scene.
In addition, I am directly cooperating by introducing various precious people I have met while working
as NFT artists to ESION as staff.

5-2 How did Gharliera and MommySon start working together?

-MommySon: We have known each other for about three years. I proposed to work in the NFT space,
and within a few months, Gharliera got a fruitful outcome and gained insights. Since then, we shared
the vision for NFTs and started working together.

5-3 How does MommySon think NFT’s will impact pop culture in the future?

-MommySon: Blockchain technology has the power to reorganize the profit distribution structure of
artists in the existing popular culture market. The field of visual art has changed a lot through NFTs in
that it is possible to prove digital ownership, but it is still difficult to feel the change in the music field.
Personally, this part hurts the most, but at the same time, I think it's fun because there's room for


6-1 How do you feel about the market conditions and how is that affecting the projects? How will ESION
adjust to the bear market?

-MommySon: I think the bear market is hard but also an opportunity. Surviving in the market means we
have a strong fan base, as such that makes us feel more confident. That is, the bear market will serve as
an opportunity to develop long-term energy in my opinion.
- Gharliera: I want you guys to take a rest from the NFT scene and focus more on reality at this
moment; eat some good foods, meet some friends, do some exercise etc. I hope you continue to have a
positive vibe, pursuing the everyday life happiness rather than just looking at a bad market.

<Wrapping-up Question>

What makes ESION and GENE_SIS unique projects?

MommySon: What makes GENE_SIS special is Ghaliera's art, mindset, and passion.
And what makes ESION unique is it is an IP business starting from a new branch called NFT,
specifically PFP not from traditional novels, cartoons, and games,. I think this will be a fresh shock to
the existing market if it can be successful.
Jee: In addition, the whole transparency is a point here as well. Since we are confident in success, we
share who our founders are, we share that Beautiful Noise is the label behind the music that is being
released, we have real world collabs with established singers and with GENE_SIS brands that make
legit fashion and toys.

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