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JOHN H. L U F T , M.D.

From the Department of Anatomy, UIliversity of Washington, Seattle

Epoxy embedding methods of Glauert and Kushida have been modified so as to yield rapid,
reproducible, and convenient embedding methods for electron microscopy. The sections
are robust and tissue damage is less than with methacrylate embedding.

It has become apparent that there is considerable the recommended times, and (2) difficulties in
advantage in using epoxy resins in embedding cutting, resulting in corrugated or shattered sec-
tissues for electron microscopy. Compared to tions, even after prolonged soaking in the liquid
methacrylates, epoxy resins offer remarkable resin in attempts to achieve adequate impregna-
freedom from polymerization damage, with con- tion.
sequent excellent preservation of cellular fine These difficulties have been apparent in other
structure and intercellular relationships (Birbeck laboratories as well, and have led to the develop-
and Mercer, 1956). Epoxy sections also seem to ment of embedding methods based on other
suffer less degradation during irradiation by the epoxy resins. Thus Kushida (1959) and Finck
electron beam than do those cut from methacry- (1960) have published methods using an ali-
late. They can be used with many fixatives without phatic epoxy resin marketed by the Shell Chemical
danger of "bubbling." Corporation under the name, Epon 812 (previ-
The first practical method of embedding in ously known as Epon 562). These methods have
epoxy resins was that of Glauert et al. (1956, not been tried in this laboratory.
1958). This procedure has by now received a con- Quite independently, over the last three or
siderable trial, and has yielded very fine results in four years, there have been developed in this
the hands of some investigators. laboratory two separate approaches to epoxy
On the other hand, we have had difficulty in embedding. These have had sufficient success to
using these resins, even with the British materialsx warrant publication. The first approach involved
said to be identical to those recommended by use of the aromatic Araldite resins of the Ciba
Glauert et al. (1956, 1958). The use of so called Company, adapting these materials to yield
"equivalent" materials of United States origin rapid, reliable procedures of embedding. The
has given even more trouble. Problems encoun- second approach was similar in some respects to
tered with these Araldites involve (1) inadequate that of Kushida (1959) and Finck (1960). It is
penetration of tissue blocks (1 to 1.5 mm. cubes) in likewise based on aliphatic Epon 812 and has led
to rapid, flexible, versatile, and reliable methods
1 The author is indebted to Dr. H. Huxley, Uni-
of embedding which have become routine in this
versity College London, to Professor J. T. Randall,
King's College, London, to Dr. M. S. C. Birbeck, laboratory. These Epon methods have been sent to
Chester Beatty Research Institute, London, and to several laboratories in other cities, where they
Mr. H. Voorhees, Ciba, Inc., Kimberton, Pennsyl- have been applied successfully. They are now
vania, for gifts of the British materials; i.e., Araldite used in our laboratories for instruction of beginners
casting resin M, hardener 964B, and accelerator in biological electron microscopy. Students be-
964C. ginning with Epon embedding methods have, in

our experience, achieved satisfactory specimens in MODIFIED ~ARALDITE'' METHOD
a m u c h shorter time than was necessary when
methacrylate was used. M e t h a c r y l a t e has been T h e main defect of Glauert's Araldite, that ot slow
a b a n d o n e d in our laboratories as an e m b e d d i n g penetration, was ameliorated by using propylene
m e d i u m for electron microscopy. oxide as an additional stage in the transition be-
T h e new Araldite and E p o n procedures have led tween the d e h y d r a t i n g alcohols a n d the liquid
to significant improvements in case of penetration resin. Various reactive diluents are available to
a n d of cutting, as c o m p a r e d lo Glauert and reduce the high viscosity of the liquid epoxy
Glauert's (1958) Araldite methods. For most tissues, resin mixture, but most of these tend to degrade
the new methods permit e m b e d d i n g of tissue the mechanical properties of the cured, solid
cubes from fixation to sectioning in 24 to 48 hours. resins. (Non-reactive diluents, such as xylene, etc.,
T h e blocks can be cut nearly as easily as can the are even worse in this respect and may even sepa-
methacrylates. W i t h the Epon resin the hardness rate from the resin during polymerization). A
can be readily varied over a wide range. In the series of mono-epoxides was tried as reactive
electron microscope, Epon sections yield better diluents at the ratio of 10 per cent v/v in the final
contrast than Araldite preparations. Either Epon resin. T h e mono-epoxides used in these trials
or Araldite sections can be stained readily, either were C,6-Cls olefin oxide, dodecene oxide, di-
on the grid for electron microscopy, or as 1 # pentene monoxide, octylene oxide, butylene oxide,
sections for light microscopy (Heidenhain's a n d propylene oxide. 2 This series revealed that the
iron-hematoxylin). T h e sections are robust and long-chain mono-epoxides seriously detracted
often can be examined in the electron microscope from the cutting qualities of the cured block,
without any supporting film at all, or on a simple producing materials with properties resembling an
c a r b o n film. Sandwiching techniques (Watson, a r t - g u m eraser in extreme cases. However, the
1957) are unnecessary. Epon materials seem to be short-chain members (butylene oxide and propyl-
easily available inside or outside N o r t h America ene oxide) gave cured blocks which cut fairly
without the difficulties a t t e n d a n t to p r o c u r e m e n t well, but no better t h a n the undiluted resin
of the Ciba Araldites. These developments were alone. Propylene oxide was the best of the series.
expedited by the excellent book on epoxy resin It has very low viscosity and a low boiling point
technology by Lee and Neville (1957). (similar to ethyl ether in both respects), is quite
soluble in water, and miscible in all proportions
with alcohol and epoxy resins. It quickly replaces
most of the alcohol used for d e h y d r a t i o n and
The modifications reported in this paper utilize the rapidly diffuses out of the tissue block to be
following materials, in addition to those commonly replaced by the liquid resin. ]'races r e m a i n i n g
used in laboratories engaged in sectioning for electron within the block cause no difficulty. Although no
microscopy. a d v a n t a g e results, propylene oxide can be used in
Araldite 502--Ciba Company, Inc., Plastics transition between alcohol and methacrylates.
Division, Kimberton, Pennsylvania.
This does, however, reveal t h a t the propylene
Dodecenyl succinie anhydride (DDSA) (hard-
oxide step causes no detectable d a m a g e or addi-
ener)--National Aniline Division of Allied
Chemical and Dye Corp., New York City. tional extraction over the usual methods of
Epon 812--Shell Chemical Co., San Francisco. methacrylate embedding.
Methyl nadic anhydride (MNA) ( h a r d e n e r ) - This statement must be qualified if the tissue
National Aniline Division of Allied Chemical has been stained first in the alcohol stages with
and Dye Corp., New York City. phosphotungstic acid a n d subsequently e m b e d d e d
2,4,6-tri (dimethylaminomethyl) phenol (DMP-
30) (accelerator)--Rohm and Haas Co., 2 The C16-C18olefin oxide, dodecene oxide, dipentene
Philadelphia. Eight ounce bottles available as monoxide, and oetylene oxide were generously pro-
free sample on request. vided by Dr. R. V. Gall of the Beeco Chemical I)ivi-
Propylene oxide (1-2-epoxy propane) Matheson sion of the Food Machinery and Chemical Corp.,
Coleman and Bell, Norwood (Cincinnati), Buffalo, New York. The author is grateful to Dr.
Ohio; East Rutherford. New Jersey; also East- Henry Lee of the Epoxylite Corp., E1 Monte, Cali-
man Organic Chemicals, No. 2068, Distillation fornia, for information on the sources of these dil-
Products Industries, Rochester, New York. uents and for other information about specific resins.

in the highly reactive Epon resin. In this case, parting of the section from the block at the ad-
considerable extraction of the P T A occurs. Acids vancing molten or softened region.
in general, and P T A in particular, are reactive M a n y of the attractive features of epoxy resins
with epoxides (Lee and Neville, 1957); in the case for industrial applications result from the mechani-
of solid P T A and pure propylene oxide, the reac- cal properties associated with a high degree of
tion is explosive. Staining of the tissue block can cross-linkage, which can be obtained with the
be preserved by removing the excess protons from formulations recommended for commercial use.
the bound P T A with alkali, as follows: Following These highly cross-linked resins prove to be very
the usual P T A treatment and a 30-minute abso- difficult to cut. Epoxy resins cured by mono-
lute alcohol rinse, the tissue blocks can be exposed anhydrides are chemically less subject to such
for 15 to 30 minutes to 0.01 per cent N a O H in cross-linkage than are resins cured by other
absolute alcohol followed by a 30-minute rinse in means. Moreover, according to Lee and Neville
two changes of absolute alcohol. The tissue may (1957), the amount of cross-linkage can be modi-
then be run into propylene oxide and embedded fied further to some extent by varying the tem-
by one of the methods described here. perature of the curing cycle. Thus low tempera-
The second problem, namely difficulty in sec- tures are said to favor a linear polymer with few
tioning, has been lessened by two alterations in the cross-linkages. Lee and Neville state further that
usual procedure: (1) by modifying the tempera- once the molecular architecture of the gelled
ture at which the resin is cured, and (2) by select- resin is established, it is less likely to be influenced
ing a different resin proportion. by subsequent higher temperatures, which are,
Unpublished experiments by the author using nevertheless, necessary to increase the degree of
methacrylates indicate that difficulty in sectioning cure. For purposes of tissue embedding, a cool
seems to be correlated more with the degree of initial incubation period might be useful to
cross-linkage of the plastic than with hardness of evaporate off the propylene oxide without boiling
the block. Thus, using a Porter-Blum microtome (b.p. 35-37°C.).
and a glass knife, n-butyl methacrylate polymer In view of the arguments presented by Lee and
becomes more and more difficult to cut as the Neville (1957), a three-stage curing program was
plastic is cross-linked chemically more and more chosen with incubation at 35 °, 45 °, and 60°C. for
heavily. This cross-linkage is easily varied in a about 12 hours at each temperature. The resulting
controlled manner by adding varying small resin has a low heat distortion point, indicating a
amounts of agents such as ethylene glycol di- low degree of cross-linkage. The combination of
methacrylate to the monomer before polymeriza- propylene oxide and this three-stage cure made it
tion. The greater the amount of difunctional possible to use the United States equivalent of
methacrylate present, the greater the degree of Araldite casting resin M, namely Araldite 502, in a
cross-linkage. The degree of cross-linkage can be rapid modification of the procedure described by
assayed by solubility and swelling tests. Conversely, Glauert et al. (1958). As used here less than 48
the poly-n-butyl methacrylate blocks can be cut hours elapsed between embedding and finish of
more and more easily and with duller knives as cure. Good rapid results were obtained with three
chain-transfer agents (Riddle, 1954) are added to separate batches of Araldite 502 aswell aswith the
British casting resin M.
the monomer before polymerization. These
Dr. R. L. Wood of this department has intro-
agents, such as benzene thiol or 2-naphthalene
duced a further significant improvement in the
thiol, tend to reduce the average molecular weight
Araldite method by setting the anhydride-epoxy
of the polymer chains and narrow the distribution
ratio at 0.7. This can be achieved by employing
of chain lengths, producing a molecularly more the following mixture:
uniform polymer of sharper melting point. (Un-
fortunately, polymerization damage was also Araldite 502 27 ml.
worse in the presence of these chain-transfer Dodecenyl succinic anhydride (DDSA) 23 ml.
agents). These relationships of cross-linkage and 1.5 to 2.0%, v/v DMP-30 (accelerator) is added just
before use.
molecular weight to section cutting are consistent
with the hypothesis that cutting of these resins The anhydride and resin are mixed very thor-
represents a zone-mehing at the knife edge and a oughly. The mixtures are stable and usable for

J. H. LVFT Epoxy Embedding 411

several weeks if kept in the refrigerator. Precau- sequence for polymerization is preferred. Sections
tions are taken to prevent condensation of moisture may be cut directly onto distilled water. The block
in the bottle or in the resin. Risk of contamination should trim and cut in a m a n n e r comparable to
with water can be reduced if the bottle is allowed the 50:50 D D S A - M N A E p o n mixture (see below).
to w a r m to room temperature before it is opened, There is some clearing under the b e a m but the
and if it is allowed to remain open only a short contrast at the microscope is less than that with
time. Epon embedding. The tissues are preserved very
well, with perhaps some differences from Epon.
PRECIS OF ARALDITE PROCEDURE Araldite sections may be stained with heavy
metals in the same m a n n e r as Epon and the sec-
1. The tissues are fixed and dehydrated with ethyl
tions can be self-supporting on a 200-mesh or
alcohol. One change in absolute alcohol is adequate.
300-mesh grid with somewhat less difficulty.
2. The absolute alcohol is poured off. The tissue
blocks are immersed in two changes of propylene Araldite e m b e d d i n g appears to preserve relation-
oxide for 10 to 15 minutes each. Decantation and re- ships in connective tissue regions with less dis-
filling is done quickly so that the tissue does not dry tortion than is sometimes seen with Epon.
out on the surface. The propylene oxide is flushed
down the sink drain with cold water. Precautions are EPON EMBEDDING METHOD
taken to avoid evaporation of the liquid and inhala-
tion of the vapors. A resin combination using Shell Epon 812 allows
3. The second change of propylene oxide is for even more rapid penetration. Epon 812 is a
poured off and 1 to 2 ml. of fresh propylene oxide is glycerol-based aliphatic epoxy resin of low vis-
added. An equal quantity of the freshly prepared cosity. Blocks prepared by our method cut rather
resin mixture as recommended by Wood (see above)
easily. The sections show greater contrast in the
containing the accelerator (1.5 to 2.0 per cent) is
electron microscope than do comparable Araldite
added and mixed by swirling. After 1 hour another
equivalent volume of the resin mixture is added. sections. With this resin it is possible to have
Three to 6 hours are allowed for infiltration. The sufficient contrast to permit use of osmium
longer period of time is preferred if time permits. tetroxide fixation alone without additional
4. The required number of capsules are filled to staining.
within 1 to 2 ram. of the top with the resin mixture W h e n dodecenyl succinic anhydride (DDSA) is
containing 1.5 to 2.0 per cent accelerator (DMP-30) used alone as the curing agent (as in the Araldite
but no propylene oxide. The specimens are taken up procedure), the blocks based on Epon 812 are
in a large bore pipette. The specimen is allowed to rather soft. Another liquid anhydride, methyl
settle to the tip of the pipette and transferred to the
nadic anhydride ( M N A or methyl endomethylene
capsule with a minimum of propylene oxide mixture.
tetrahydrophthalic anhydride), produces much
The tissue block is sometimes placed on a wooden
tongue blade for draining excess propylene oxide harder blocks. The two can be mixed in any
mixture and then introduced to the capsule by proportion to give a continuous and wide range
touching the block to the resin surface. It is not of hardness. This feature is used to give a two-
necessary to stir the resin in the capsule after intro- mixture system with flexibility and convenience.
ducing the specimen. The anhydride :epoxy (A :E) ratio of the mixtures
5. The resin in the capsules is then polymerized is reduced from the value of 0.9 to 1.0, recom-
according to the following schedule: m e n d e d for industrial use of E p o n 812, to 0.70.
(a) Overnight at 35°C. This gives considerable i m p r o v e m e n t in cutting
(b) Next day at 45°C.
(c) Next night at 60°C. Can be sectioned the next
Satisfactory results also have been obtained by PRECIS OF EPON METHOD
placing the capsules directly into an oven at 60°C. for
1. The tissue is fixed as usual and dehydrated up
12 hours.
through absolute ethanol.
2. The blocks are put through two successive
It is deemed important to allow sufficient in-
changes of propylene oxide for 15 to 30 minutes
filtration time (3 to 6 hours), to measure the each. This stage can be omitted.
accelerator fairly accurately and to mix the resin 3. The last change of propylene oxide or absolute
and accelerator thoroughly. The 350-45o-60 ° oven alcohol is poured off and 2 to 3 ml. fresh solvent is


added. An estimated equal quantity of the complete cold, they should be warmed past the dew point
mixed resin (containing accelerator) is then added before opening. The proportions are chosen to give
and mixed by swirling. This is allowed to remain at an anhydride:epoxy ratio of 0.70. This is generally
least 1 hour, swirling occasionally. not optimum for industrial use, but seems to give
4. Gelatin capsules are filled nearly full with the satisfactory results for sectioning.
complete resin mixture (see below, under 6). Each Immediately before use, the accelerator, DMP-30
tissue block from stage 3 is sucked up into a pipette, (2,4,6-tri(dimethylaminomethyl)phenol), is added
allowed to settle to the tip, and transferred with a to the selected resin mixture in the proportion of 1.5
minimum of the liquid to the surface of the resin in to 2.0 per cent v/v, and stirred thoroughly. This con-
the capsule. The tissue block slowly settles to the stitutes the complete resin mixture referred to above.
bottom of the capsule, losing most of its solvent on
the way. It is not necessary to mix or stir. (This is Most failures seem to arise from failure to mix
adequate for No. 00 capsules. With smaller capsules adequately these viscous materials. It is con-
or very large tissue blocks, it is better to allow the venient to measure the resin mixtures into a 10 to
tissue blocks to settle first through 5 to 10 ml. of the 15 ml. conical pharmaceutical graduate (Kimble
complete resin in a beaker and then transfer them to 60340), stirring for a full 5 minutes, continually
the capsules).
sweeping out the entire volume of the grad-
5. The resin is cured overnight at 60°C., or sub-
uate with the stirring rod. Mixtures A and B pour
jected to the following polymerization schedule:
(a) Incubation overnight at 35°C. easily. The small quantities of D M P - 3 0 should be
(b) Incubation next day at 45°C. accurately measured and delivered. This can be
(c) Incubation next night at 60°C. done conveniently with a tuberculin syringe with a
The blocks can be cut on the morning following long, large bore needle. The propylene oxide can
completion of polymerization. However, the ease of also be conveniently dispensed with a 10 ml.
cutting improves with age. A day at each stage in the syringe and long needle, thus avoiding excessive
oven may improve the cutting quality. Under mild exposure to the vapor of this moderately toxic
conditions such as these, the cure is always far from agent. The D M P - 3 0 can cause a severe contact
complete. Even under drastic laboratory conditions
dermatitis unless handled carefully (Lee and
the cure never reaches completion (Lee and Neville,
1957). Neville, 1957).
6. The resin components are made up as follows: The hardness of the final resin depends upon
Mixture A the ratio of A to B in the complete resin mixture.
Epon 812 62 ml. A alone gives a soft block, whereas B alone is very
DDSA 100 ml. hard. An approximate hardness scale (estimated
Mixture B by needle penetration) of the following mixture
Epon 812 100 rnl. is included in Table I.
MNA 89 ml. The procedure outlined here has similarities to
These are all moderately viscous liquids. They
methods developed independently and recently
should be thoroughly mixed. Under refrigeration
published by Kushida (1959), in which hardness
they have a life of up to 6 months, but several days at
room temperature does no harm. The components of the final block is adjusted by varying propor-
need not be dried, but can be used as obtained from tions of E p o n 815 and Epon 562 (now called Epon
the manufacturer. However, they should be protected 812), both of which are combined with dodecenyl
from water, and if the mixtures are stored in the succinic anhydride, and to a method of Finck


Total Accelerator
Mixture A Mixture B volume (DMP-30)
(volume) (volume) resin (volume) Equivalent hardnessas related to methacrylates

(ml.) (ml.) (ml.) (ml.)

10 0 10 0.15 100% n-butyl meth.
7 3 10 0.15 10-15% methyl meth. in n-butyl
5 5 10 0.15 15-20% methyl meth. in n-butyl
3 7 10 0.15 20-30% methyl meth. in n-butyl
0 10 10 0.15 30-50% methyl meth. in n-butyl

J. H. LUFT Epoxy Embedding 413

(1960) in which a reactive plasticiser is used to hydride: epoxy ratio in the resin. A wide hardness
vary the resin hardness. range can be achieved by using two different
a n h y d r i d e curing agents.
The author is indebted to Dr. H. Stanley Bennett for
Epoxy resin e m b e d d i n g methods are presented assistance and encouragement during the develop-
ment of this embedding method. I am also pleased
consisting of variations of the original Araldite
to acknowledge the help received from the group
procedure of Glauert et al. (1958). T h e advantages
involved in electron microscopy at the University of
of the methods are (a) rapid embedding, (b) easy Washington in criticizing and evaluating the various
sectioning of the e m b e d d e d tissue, (c) good con- stages of progress in this project.
trast in the electron microscope, and (d) a wide
This work was supported in part by a grant from the
range of hardness. Infiltration is accelerated by
Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America, Inc.
using propylene oxide after the alcohol d e h y d r a -
Dr. Luft is a United States Public Health Service
tion. Easier sectioning results from a gradual cure Senior Fellow, SF-63.
t h r o u g h increasing temperatures a n d a low an- Received for publication, July 12, 1960.

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