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Task 01: The elementary means of communicating with other people is 1)______ messages by voice. This
fact is widely acknowledged and we recognize the voice as a feature characterizing the 2)______ of a
person. The array of voices is immeasurable as no two are exactly similar. They can be nasal, resonant or
shrill produced in accordance with the individual physical 3)_____ of the throat.

One possible implementation of the art of voice recognition is voice profiling used by police analysts as a
method of substantiating court 4)______ in trials. Every year thousands of audiotapes with recorded
interviews or casual utterances are 5)______ to the purpose to help identify the probable culprit. Specialists
dealing with the voice investigation claim that people can 6)______ themselves away by their accents,
infections or other voice attributes like pitch, intensity and loudness. A recorded sample is usually
converted into electric impulses and later transformed into a pictorial recording which is 7)______ by a
computer program. Very frequently voice analysts have a stab at deciphering the relevant information
which may be 8)______ with background noise or other interfering sounds until they attain the desired

Thankfully, these efforts help the police 9)______ individuals who threaten their victim by phone or inform
about bomb planting or those who make offensive calls 10)______ the peace of decent citizens.

Task 02: Dreams are a sequence of ideas, emotions, sensations and images, which arise during certain
stages of sleep. The purpose of dreams as part of the biological 1)______ is not yet fully understood.

Dreams are known to be connected to the 2)______ mind and the stage of sleep at which they occur is
3)______ by rapid-eye-movement (REM), when an observer might see a sleeper’s eyelids ‘fluttering’.
Although our dreams may last for up to half an hour, we can rarely 4)______ them clearly and usually,
within moments of waking, find it difficult to bring them to mind at all.

The significance of dreams can be 5)______ in many different ways. Freud, renowned as the father of
psychoanalysis, believed that dreams are manifestations of our most profound desires and anxieties. He
claimed to be able to 6)______ an individual’s subconscious through dreams and demonstrated a
connection between dreams and repressed childhood 7)______.

The ancient Egyptians noted their dreams on papyrus as people who experienced vivid dreams were
considered to have a kind of 8)______ sense. They believed that dreams 9)______ oracles, bringing
messages from the gods; thus they would attempt to deliberately evoke dreams, going to sanctuaries to
sleep on special dream beds. This is not something which modern scientists would hold with, but perhaps
we should keep an 10)______ mind!

Task 03: Today, there is much talk about ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is
not a learning 1)______, however it can cause difficulties in an academic setting.

Usually, this disorder is noticed in children around the age of six and in order for a proper 2)______ to be
made, they need to be observed for around six months. What are the 3)______? First and foremost,
children who suffer from disorder are often unable to 4)______ information easily or to focus on a task for
any 5)______ of time. Therefore they have difficulties in completing it. They have a very 6)______
attention span and as a result, they get bored easily. Their 7)______ is also affected and in a classroom
setting, the student may be 8)______ and unable to sit down and take in information. Students are also
9)______ and unable to wait; they often do things impulsively.

Unfortunately, the 10)______ of ADHD is still unknown, but as it is becoming more and more common in
students today, constant research is being carried out.
Task 04: June 8th is World Oceans Day – an idea instituted by the United Nations to celebrate and protect
our natural heritage. Just as our own central nervous 1)______ controls every part of our body, so the
oceans control every part of our planet. They regulate climate, weather and ecosystems.

Unfortunately, human activities have led to pollution and the destruction of marine habitats. Another result
of human 2)______ in the natural environment is climate change with its accompanying extreme weather
3)______. A rise in greenhouse gas emissions has led to an increase in global temperatures and as a
consequence sea levels have risen. Plastic pollution is also a big issue.

In 2016, as 4)______ of World Oceans Day, thousands of people took part in ‘the better bag challenge’ and
promised to use reusable bags instead of plastic ones. 80 per cent of plastic rubbish 5)______ on land ends
up in the sea, usually washed there via 6)______ – where rivers empty into the sea. You may have seen
such debris washed up onto your local beach at low 7)______. Most plastic bags are made of polyethene –
a 8)______ compound which is not biodegradable. Plastic bags break down into tiny visible 9)______,
which are ingested by fish and marine mammals. ‘The better bag challenge’ aims to halt this devastating
process and give new 10)______ to our oceans.

Task 05: We are familiar (0) with the saying “a picture paints a thousand words” and in the global village
the world has become, information in pictorial form is (1)_____we turn. Much communication takes place
through symbols rather than words, a case in point (2) ______ airports, where you can see the majority of
the thirty-four symbols devised (3) ______ the American Institute of Graphic Arts in the 1970s. Such signs
as a knife and fork for a restaurant or a telephone for a phone booth are a boon for (4) _______ a traveller
who does not speak English or use the Latin alphabet. (5) _______ worldwide "languages" of this kind are
musical and mathematical notation, circuit diagrams, road signs and computer icons, (6)______, again,
bypass the need for words. Even a label on a garment will carry, in symbols, washing and ironing
instructions. All these (7) ______ to be sufficient to their, (8)______ restricted worlds but would it really
be possible to devise a universal symbolic system of communication independent of any spoken language,
culture-free and value-free, as dreamt of by the seventeenth-century philosopher Leibniz? It would seem
(9) ______. Chinese and Japanese pictograms and ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics are sometimes cited as
examples of such a system, yet both Japanese script and Egyptian hieroglyphics include sound-based
elements and Chinese is often transliterated (10)______ romanised sound-based "pinyin" script. In a word,
words are inescapable.

Task 06: A few decades ago, entry to university meant studying a strictly academic subject -a science, or
perhaps literature, a foreign language or the classics. These days, (1) ________ education establishments
offer every conceivable subject from Chinese medicine to crime scene science. In Britain, this trend
coincided with a dramatic increase in the (2) ________ of universities and more relaxed entry
requirements, (3) ________ more students to experience tertiary education. Many feared these measures
would result in a (4) ________ down of degree-level courses and the press seized every opportunity to
ridicule such courses. The creation in 1999 of a bachelor’s degree in surfing studies was taken as the
ultimate proof that universities were prepared to give (5)_______ in anything in an attempt to attract young
people, thereby (6)_______Britain’s academic reputation. In reality, the course, run by Plymouth
University in South-West England, is highly scientific, and the curriculum is (7)_______ including
oceanography, meteorology, materials technology and business management. Students on this course and
other seemingly more practical courses have (8) ________ performed better in tests than those doing
straight science degrees. Far from having an adverse effect on higher education, these new disciplines
(9)_______ students and aid learning by offering the opportunity to (10)_______theoretical knowledge
directly. Many of today’s graduates have a broad base of knowledge and are well placed to enter the job

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