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SECTION 1: LANGUAGE STUDY an A) Al) Do as directed: (Any 4) (4) © 1) Make a meaningful sentence by using the given phrase: dropped out of 2) Complete the given word-chain (minimum 2 words of 5 letters each) Write, Punctuate: he said have you ever seen the english soldiers fighting Spot the error and rewrite the correct sentence. The king send his men and his own physician attending him. ify the type of sentence: was their farewell message as they signed off. “two past participles in which the last letter is doubled. directed: (Any 2) (4) to you for an answer to my questions. If you can give me none, please say will go home,” said the king to the hermit. (Change into indirect speech) how already know what you truly want to become.(End with ..... by - what power he possesses. (Change to past perfect tense) (Any 1) £0) word as a verb and a noun in two separate sentences- Waste, a sentence. I turned in order to look at my neighbour when I saw a (a) SECTION Il: TEXTUAL PASSAGE Reading skills, Vocabulary and Grammar Q.2) A) Read the following passage and do the activities: a Al) Complete the web- diagram, ‘{must hear him and see him, the boy Se ‘Iv’ the chance of a lifetime’ Thes he began to cough and gasp for breath and had to be given oxygen from the cylinder that stood under the bed. But his large eyes were fixed on his sister. ‘Smita bit her lip in self-reproach. She had been so excited at seeing the annouacement, that she had not remembered that her brother was very ill. She had seen how the doctors had shaken their heads gravely and spoken words that neither she not even her parents could understand. But somewhere deep inside Smita had known the frightening truth that Anant was going to die. The word cancer had hung in the air. Her brother was dying of cancer even though she pretended that all would be well and they would return together, a small family of four, to their home in Gaganpur. And he was only fifteen and the best table-tennis player in the school and the fastest runner. He was learning to play the sitar; they were both taking sitar lessons, but Anant was better than her as in many other things. He was already able to compose his own tunes to the astonishment of their guru. Then cancer had struck and they had come to Bombay so thit he could be treated at the cancer hospital in the city. Whenever they came to Bombay they stayed with Aunt Sushila. Her apartment 5 not big but there was always room for them. They had come with high hopes in the miracles of modem science. A2) 1) What was the frightening truth that Smita had known? Q 2) Which high hopes did the family come with? () () — aD Pick out two adjectives from the passage. (1) 2) Give the noun forms of: (l) a) pretend b) better Do as directed: Q) AM) 1) Anant was better than her as in many other things. (Change to positive degree) 2) Whenever they came to Bombay, they stayed with Aunt Sushila. (Use —- ing participle and rewrite) 4s) What would you consider asa ‘chance of lif time’? Explain. @ 5) Read the following passage and do the given activities: (10) 1) Complete the following table: (Draw the table) ) ” Arjan Singh 1) Date of birth 15*April 1919 2) Place of birth Lyallpur 3) First Assignment 4) Place of Education Commending his role ia the war, Y B Chavan, the then Defeace Minister had ‘wien: “Air Marshal Arjan Singh is a jewel of a person, quite efficient and firm; nexcitable but a very able leader.” In 1944, the Marshal had led a squadron against the Japanese during the Arakan flying close air support missions during the crucial Imphal campaign and later ed the advance of the Allied Forces to Yangoon (Formerly Rangoon) recognition of his feat, he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) Spot by Supreme Allied Commander of South East Asia, the first Indian pilot to eived it Singh was selected for the Empire Pilot training course at Royal Air Cranwell in 1938 when he was 19 years old. He retired from service in 1969. on April 15, 1919, in Lyalpur (ow Faislabad, Pakistan), and completed Sahiwal, Pakistan). His first assignment on being Wapiti biplanes in the North-Western Frontier at Montgomery (now d was to fly Westland ce as a member of the No. 1 RIAF Squadron. (a) After a brief stint with the newly formed No. 2 RIAF Squadron where the Marsha, flew against the tribal forces, he later moved back to No, 1 Sqn as a Flying officer w fy the Hawker Hurticane. He was promoted to the rank of Squadron Leader in 1944, B2) B3) Bd) BS) Q3) A) What enabled Arjan Singh to receive the DFC award? @ 1) Give one word for: Q i) an achievement requiring great courage ii), short period of work 2) Make verbs: a) recognition b) close Doas directed: @ 1) He was promoted to the rank of Squadron leader in 1944. (Rewrite beginning with They) 2) He retired from service in 1969, (Make Interrogative) How do you think awards conferred upon military personnel are essential? (2) SECTION III: POETRY Read the following extract and do the given activities: © Match the words with their meanings: @ A B 1) unreal 2) unfortunate events 2) misfortunes b) lessened 3) ambition fake 4) diminished 4) strong desire May he sit still, they said May the sins of your previous birth be bumed away tonight, they said May your suffering decrease the misfortunes of your next birth, they said. May the sum of al evil balanced in this unreal world (s) against the sum of good become diminished by your pain, May the poison purify your flesh 4 of desire, and your spirit of ambition they said, and they sat around on the floor with my mother in the centre, the peace of understanding on each face. More candles, more lanterns, more neighbours more insects and the endless rain, Why did the peasants want the scorpion to sit still? @ Name the figure of speech. ‘May he sit still’ (1) Read the following poem and write its appreciation with the help of the given points in a paragraph format: 6) The will To Win " Ifyou want a thing bad enough fo go out and fight for it, work day and night for it, i? Ip your time and your peace and your sleep for it you dream is about it and life 3s and worthless without it Sip aweat for, fret for and plan for it and loee mor of the opposition for it. P go after that thing that you want with all strength and sagacity, faith, hope and can keep you away from the thing that you want, Tf dogged and grim you besiege and beset it, with the help of GOD you'll get it! «Berton Braley 1) The title of the poem 2) The poet 3) Theme/central idea (3 to 4 sentences) 4) Rhyme scheme 5) Figures of speech SECTION IV: NON - TEXTUAL PASSAGE Q4) A) Read the following passage and do the given activities: (10) 1) Whatis the effect of - -@ 2) Earphones have become an inseparable part of our life ~ b) Ifyou go on a listening binge - ‘These days itis not unusual to see people listening to music or using their electronic gadgets while crossing busy roads or travelling on public transports, regardless of the risks involved. I have often wondered why they take such risks: is it because they want to exude a sense of independence, or is it that they want to tell the world to stop bothering them? Or is it that they just want to show how cool they are? Whether it is a workman or an executive, earphones have become an inseparable part of out lives, Sometimes even leading to tragicomic situations. And then every time you decide to go ‘0m a ‘listening binge,’ at the end of it, you have to get an appointment fixed with a doctor because you are very likely to end with a bad pain in your ears. This can happen because ‘of the strange and different sounds buzzing to music above a permissible decibel level nd can lead to loss of hearing in later life, _ 2) Why does the author think that people use earphones all the time? 2) 3) 4) Pick out two collocations from the passage (1) | E b) Pick out a word to which a prefix has been added. (1) (a) Doas directed; Q 4) a) You are very likely to end with a bad pain in your ears (Add a suitable question tag) b) ‘These days it is not unusual to see people listening to music. (Use a subordinator) 5) “Music is to the soul what words are to the mind,” Give your views on the statement. @ B) Prepare a summary for the above passage: @) SECTION V: WRITING SKILLS gg) A) Letter writing (Formal/Informal) ©) ‘Mumbai: 17 year old falls out of crowded Mumbal local train ‘A2) Write a letter to your friend who travels by train daily to travel safe. A1) Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper complaining about the hardships faced by commuters in local trains. Q6) A) Information transfer: Verbal to Non-Verbal/ Non-verbal to Verbal. (5) Al) Verbal to Non-Verbal Read the information given below and represent it in a fact file. The Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) which is located at Trombay in Mumbai, was the brainchild of Dr. Homi Bhabha, the father of India’s nuclear Programme. Dr. Bhabha took a personal interest in designing the centre because he felt _ that with an indigenous nuclear programme India would become a powerful nation. This “Centre, which was started on January3, 1954, was originally called the Atomic Energy Establishment, It was renamed Bhabha Atomic Research Centre on January 12, 1966 after Bhabha’s death. Over the years, BARC has played a major role in increasing the share the nuclear power programme for generating electricity and lighting up the rural areas f the country. BARC is however, chiely known for successfilly conducting the Pokhran both in May 1974 and May 1998. I rc) OR A2) Non -Verbal to Verbal Observe the following web-chart carefully and write a paragraph on ‘Advantages of Health & Fitness tips Up to-date knowledge Of the world watching Television.” Advantages of Watching television resets News Ttems Curriculum based uurpen issues. Developing English programme language B) Speech writing / View counterview. © B1) ‘Human beings are becoming slaves of technology’ Prepare a speech to be delivered to the Science club’ members of your school about the disadvantages of technology. OR B2) Write your counterview on:- Ambition is the root of all evils. 1) Ambition leads to negative values. 2) We lose the art of living. 3) We become overtly competitive. 4) We compromise on our principles. 5) We lose our sense of contentment leading to sorrow. (¢) SECTION VI: CREATIVE WRITING an 6) | a1) Expand the theme. Every cloud has a silver lining, | OR | | 42). Read the news headline and write a eport for the same. | School children visit an ute for disabled children | B) Develop a story or narrate an experience. ©) Bl) Develop a story with the given ending. ee -And so never again shall I sit on the back bench in my class. OR B2)_Narrate an experience beginning with the following. ‘Once I had an experience that was quite amusing ...... © AILTHEBEST ©) (8)

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