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Q. 1. Fill in the blanks. (Angiosperms, gymnosperms, spores, bryophyte, thallophyta,

i) ………………. Plants have soft and fibre like body. ( Thallophyta)

ii) … ……….. is called the ‘amphibian’ of the plant kingdom. ( Bryophyta )
iii) In pteridophytes, asexual reproduction occuars by ………………. ( Spores )
iv) Male and female flowers of ………………. are borne on different sporophylls of the same plant.
v) Coconut plant isclassified in division --------- ( Angiosperm )
vi) Funaria plant isclassified in division --------- ( Bryophyta )
vii) Pinus plant isclassified in division --------- ( Gymnosperm )
viii) Sunflower plant isclassified in division --------- ( Angiosperm )

Q.2. Find the odd one out.

i) Pteridophyta, Thallophyta, Bryophyta, Gymnosperms. Ans – Gymnosperms ( Phanerogams )

ii) Spirogyra, Moss, Ulothrix, Ultra. Ans – Moss ( Bryophyta )

iii) Thuja, Deodar, Cycas, Anthoceros. Ans – Anthoceros ( Bryophyta )

iv) Pteris, Adiantum, Saragassum, Equisetum. Ans – Saragassum ( Algae )

v) Bamboo, Banana, Onion, Bean. Ans – Been ( Dicot plant )

Q. 3. Find the correlation between the first gien pair and rewrite the answer.
i) Kingdom plantae : Autotropic : : Kingdom Fungi : ……………..
ii) Protista : Eukaryotic : : Monera : …………………
iii) Asexual reproduction in ferns : Spore formation : : Sexual reproduction in ferns :
………… iv) Spore formation : Cryptogams : : Seed formation…………
v) Dictot plants : Pentamerous flower : : Monocot plants : …………….

Q.4. Write characteristics of algae.

Ans. i) Algae are classified under division thallophyta.
ii) All algae are autotropic because they have chlorophyll for photosynthesis.
iii) Few algae are fresh water e.g. spirogyra and few are marine. e.g. ulva, sargasum
iv ) Few algae are unicellular ( e. g. Chlamidomonas, chorella ) while most of algae are
multicellular. e. g. spirogyra, ulva, chara, sargasum
v) All algae are non vascular plants.

Q.5 Write characteristics of division - Thallophyta

i) These plants grow mainly in water.
ii) This group of plant, which do not have specific parts like root – stem - flowers but are
autotrophic due to the presence of chlorophyll, is called algae. Algae show great diversity.
iii) They may be unicellular or multicellular, and microscopic or large.
iv) Some of these are found in fresh water while some are found in saline water.
v) These plant usually have a soft and fibre – like body. Various types of fungi like yeasts and
moulds which do not have chlorophyll are also included in this group.
Q.6. Write characteristics of Pteridophyta
1) Plants from this group have well developed roots, stem and leaves and separate tissues for
conduction of food and water.
2) They do not bear flowers and fruits.
3) They reproduce with the help of spores formed along the back or posterior surface of their
leaves. 4) These plants reproduce asexually by spore – formation and sexually by zygote
formation. They have a well – developed conducting system. e. g. are ferns like Nephrolepis,
Marsilea, Pteris, Adiantum, Equisetum, Selaginella, Lycopodium, etc.

Q.7 Write characteristics of Gymnosperms.

1) Gymnosperms are mostly evergreen, perennial and woody.
2) Their stems are without branches. The leaves form a crown.
2) All gymnosperms are vascular plants.
3) Most of these plants are unisexual plants therefore they bear male and female flowers on
different sporophylls of the different plant.e.g. Cycus.
4) Seeds of these plants do not have natural coverings, i.g. these plants do not form fruits and are
therefore called gymnosperms. e. g. Cycas, Picea ( Christmas tree ), Thuja ( Morpankhi ),
Pinus ( Deodar ), etc.

Q.8 Which criteria are used for the classification of plants? Explain with reason.
Ans. 1) The presence or absence of organs : Vascular bundles

a) Vascular plants – pteriodophytes, phanerogams

b) Non-Vascular plants – Thallophyta and bryophyte

2) Number of cells : a) Unicellular plants. Eg. Few algae and fungi

b) Multicellular plants. Eg. All pteridophytes and Phanerogams

3) Depending upon presence or absence of flowers, fruits and seeds: Based on this criteria, plants
are classified as cryptogams and Phanerogams. Phanerogams have seeds while cryptogams lack
flowers, fruits and seeds.
4) Depending upon whether seeds are enclosed within a fruit or not: Phanerogams are further
classified as gymnosperms and angiosperms.In natural coverings whereas in angiosperms, seeds
are covered within fruits.
5) Depending upon number of cotyledons : Depending upon the number of cotyledons in the
seeds: Angiosperms are further classified as dicots and monocots.

Q.9 Write the characteristics of subkingdom Phanerogams.

Ans. i) Phanerogams have special structures for reproduction. Ie. Flower
ii) They are seed bearing plants.
iii) Seeds are formed after the process of reproduction and contain embryo and stored food.
iv) Phanerogams are further classified into two division gymnosperms and angiosperms.
v) They show presence of separate conducting tissues for conduction of water and food.

Q.10 Write the characteristics of the plants belonging to division Bryophyta.

Ans. i) Plants belonging to division bryophyta are called the amphibians of the plant kingdom. It is
because they grow in moist soil but need water for reproduction.
ii) The plants belonging to this division are thalloid, multicellular and autotrophic.
iii) The structure of the plant body is flat, ribbon- like long, without true roots, stem and leaves.
iv) Plants body is made up of stem – like or leaf – like parts and root – like rhizoids.

v) Bryophytes do not have specific tissues for conduction of food and water.
vi) They reproduce by spore formation. vii) e. g. Moss (Funaria), Marchantia, Anthoceros, Riccia,

Q.11. Write a paragraph in your own words about the ornamental plants called fern.

i) Ferns are ornamental plants which belongs to subkingdom cryptogams and division pteridophyta.
ii) They are vascular plants therefore they have well developed roots and stems.
iii) They are green and have feathery structures (hence ornamental). They grow luxuriantly in moist
and shady places.
iv) Ferns do not bear flowers and seed.
v ) Ferns reproduce asexually with help of spores formed at the posterior surface of their leaves and
reproduce sexually by zygote formation.

Q.12. Distinguish the following.

A) Monocots and Dicots

i)In their seeds there is one cotyledon i)In their seeds there are two cotyledons
ii)They have fibrous root system ii)They have tap root system
iii)Their leaves show parallel venation iii)Their leaves show reticulate venation
iv)Their flowers have pentamerous or iv)Their flowers have trimerous symmetry
tetramerous symmetry

B) Angiosperms and Gymnosperms

i) In these plants seeds are enclosed in i) In these plants seeds are naked not enclosed in
fruits. fruits
ii)They have fibrous root system ii)They have tap root system
iii)Their leaves show parallel venation iii)Their leaves show reticulate venation
iv)Their flowers have pentamerous or iv)Their flowers have trimerous symmetry
tetramerous symmetry

Q.13. Give scientific reasons.

1) Banana plant isclassified under monocotyledonous plant.
Ans – i) In banana plant, there is one cotyledon in seeds.
ii) banana plant has fibrous root system
iii) In banana plant leaves show parallel venation.
iv) It’s flowers has trimerous symmetry These are characteristic of Monocotyledonous
plants.therefore Banana plant classified under moncots

2) Pea plant is classified under monocotyledonous plant.

Ans – i) In Pea plant, there are two cotyledons in seeds.
ii) Pea plant has tap root system
iii) In Pea plant leaves show reticulate venation.
iv) It’s flowers has pentamerous symmetry These are characteristic of dicotycotyledonous
plants.therefore Banana plant classified under dicotycotyledonous plant.
3) Spirogyra plant is classified under thallophyta
ii) Spirogyra plants grow mainly in water.
ii) Spirogyra does not have specific parts like root – stem - flowers but are autotrophic due
to the presence of chlorophyll.
iii) It is multicellularplant.
iv) It has slender, soft and fibre like body. These are characteristicsof thallophytes
Therefore Spirogyra plant is classified under thallophyta.

7. Energy flow in an Ecosystem

Q. 1 Fill in blanks.
1. Primary consumers are directly dependent on Autotrops (producers).
2. In energy pyramid, the initial quantity of energy Decreases from the lowest level to the highest
3. Fungi and other micro-organism decompose dead bodies of animals, hence they are called
as Decomposers.
4. The cyclic flow of nutrients within an ecosystem is called the bio-geo-chemical cycle.
5. Nitrogen forms 78 % portion of the atmosphere.
6. Producers in the living world are autotrophs.
7. Seed eating birds are included in which tropic level ? Second.
8. Which of the following is an apex carnivore? Eagle.
9. In an ecosystem, the first tropic level is producers.
10. The decaying remains of dead organisms are called detritus.
11. Which of the following is detritus eater? Crab.
12. Decomposer dissipate some amount of energy in the form of heat.
13. Plants converts carbondioxide into carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis.
14. Conversation of Ammonia into a nitrite and then nitrate is called Nitrification.

Q. 2. Answer in one sentence

1. What is tropic level ?

Ans. Each level in food chain is known as tropic level.

2. How organism are classified on the basis of mode of nutrition ?

Ans : On the basis of mode nutrition organisms are classified as producers, consumers, saprotrops
(saprophytes) and decomposers.

3. Which element is involved in the formation of ozone ?

Ans: Oxygen is involved in the formation of ozone through various atmospheric processers.

4. Mention the important processes of nitrogen cycle.

Ans: Nitrogen fixation, ammonification, nitrification and dentrification are the important processes
of nitrogen cycle.

5. What is meant by ‘ ecosystem ‘?

Ans: Bioticfactors, abiotic factors and their interactions with one another together form an

6. Which are the different types of ecosystems?

Ans: Forest ecosystem, Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystem, Tree ecosystem etc are different
types of ecosystem

7. What is meant by nitrogen fixation?

Ans: The process of conversation of atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compounds and fixing
in the soil is called nitrogen fixation.
Q. 3. Answer the following.

1. Explain in detail the inter-relationship between the food chain and food web.
Ans: a. A definite sequence in the interaction between producers, consumers and
saprophytes is called food chain b. Each food chain consists of four, five or more links. For example, an
insect feeds upon leaves of different plants but at the same time this insect is the prey for various animals
like frog, which is again a prey for snake, snake is the prey for eagle or kite. In the similar way rabbits are
prey for wild cat and jackals which are again prey for lions. C. An ecosystem consists of many such
food which are interconnected at various levels forming an intricate web instead of a linear chain. This kind
of intricate network is called a ‘ food web ‘.

2. Explain the following with suitable examples. What type of changes occur in the amount of energy
during its transfer from plants to apex consumers ?
Ans: a. All the plants in the ecosystem are producers.
B. these plants store of the solar energy in the form of food.
C. This stored energy is passed on from one trophic levels to the next.
D. When energy flows from one tropic level to the next, some of the energy is lost as heat at each step.
E. Apex consumers occupy the 3rd position in trophic level.
F. So the amount of energy decreases during its transfer from plants to apex consumers.

3. State the different types of bio-geo-chemical cycles and explain the importance of those cycles.
Ans: 1. There are two types of bio-geo-chemical cycles; gaseous cycle and sedimentary cycle.
2. Gaseous cycle : In this type of bio-geo-chemical cycle, the major reservoir of the abiotic
gaseous nutrient exists in gaseous phase in earth’s atmosphere. The Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen cycles,
water vapour are examples of gaseous cycles.
3. Sedimentary cycle : In the sedimentary type of cycle, the major
reservoir of abiotic nutrient materials is the lithosphere i.e. soil, sediment and sedimentary rocks etc. it
includes soil components like iron, calcium, phosphorous etc.
4. Bio-geo-chemical cycles are important for
transformation of matter from one form to another. This transformation plays significant role as matter
become available for organisms in specific form. 5. Bio-geo-chemical cycles help to
maintain the flow of nutrients which are required by all organism for their growth.

Q. 4 Explain the following cycles in your own words with suitable diagrams.

1. Nitrogen cycle :

Ans. Definition : The

circulation and recycling of nitrogen gas
into the form of different compounds
through various biotic and abiotic
processes occurring in nature is called the
nitrogen cycle.
Important processes of nitrogen cycles:

A. Nitrogen fixation : In this step nitrogen

is converted into nitrates and nitrites
through atmospheric, industrial and
biological processes.
B. Ammonification : Here, ammonia is
released through decomposition of dead
bodies and excretory wastes of organism.
C. Nitrification: In nitrification, ammonia is converted into nitrite and then nitrate.
D. Denitrification : It involves conversion of nitrogen compounds into gaseous nitrogen.

2. Carbon cycle :

a) Plants convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates by the process of photosynthesis.

Similarly, they produce carbon compounds like proteins and fats, too.
b) Herbivores feed upon plants.
c) Carnivores feed upon herbivores. In this way, biotic carbon is transported from
plants to herbivores, from herbivores to carnivores and from carnivores to apex
d) Eventally, after death, all types of consumer, are decomposed by decomposers like
bacteria and fungi and carbon dioxide is released again into the atmosphere and is used
again by living organism. In this way,
e) carbon is continuously passed on from one living
organism to another.

Q. 5 Give reasons :

1. Energy flow through an ecosystem is ‘one way’.

Ans. 1. The sun is the most important source of energy in any ecosystem.
2. Green plants store some of the solar energy in the form of food by the process of
photosynthesis. 3. Before reaching the decopmosers, this stored energy is passed on from one
trophic level to the next i. e. from producers to herbivores, from herbivores to carnivores and from
carnivores to mixed consumers. 4. Decomposers release some amount of energy in the form of
heat. However, no part of the energy returns to the sun. Therefore, energy flow through an ecosystem is ‘
one way ‘.
2. Equilibrium is necessary in the various bio-geo-chemical cycles.
Ans. 1. The state of equilibrium in bio-geo-chemical cycles occurs when there is a balance in the
cycling of the elements in biosphere.
2. Various human activities and climatic changes seriously affect the speed,
intensity and equilibrium of these cycles.
3. Equilibrium in the bio-geo-chemical cycles is important for the
continued survival and existence of organisms and also for the stability of the environment.

Q. 6 Complete the following table (carefully study the carbon, oxygen and nitrogen cycles).

Bio-geo-chemical cycles Biotic processes Abiotic processes

1 Carbon cycle Photosynthesis, respiration in plants Burning of fossil fuels, absorption
and animals, Biotic decompositions. of carbon compounds in water.
2 Oxygen cycle Photosynthesis, animal respiration, Combustion, corrosion, rusting
biotic decomposition.
3 Nitrogen cycle Nitrogen fixation by nitrogen fixing Industrial and atmospheric
bacteria like Rhizobium. nitrogen fixation

Q. 7 Distinguish between :

1. Autotrops and Heterotrophs

Autotrophs Hetertrophs
1. Autotrophs are able to produce food 1. Heterotrophs are incapable of producing food molecules
molecules themselves by harnessing solar and they feed upon autotrophs or decaying organic matter.
2. They are producers of the living world. 2. They are consumers of the living world.
3. e.g. Green plants 3. e.g. Plants such as fungi, bacteria and animals

2. Gaseous cycle and Sedimentry cycle

Gaseous cycle Sedimentry cycle

1. An accumulation of the main abiotic 1. An accumulation of the main abiotic nutrient
gaseous nutrient materials is found in the materials is found in soil, sediment and sedimentary
earth’s atmosphere. rocks, etc. of the earth.
2. Includes nitrogen, oxygen, carbon 2. Includes soil components like iron, calcium,
dioxide, water vapour, etc. phosphorus etc.

Q. 8. Answer in short .

1. What is a food web? Construct a food web with the help of the following organisms. ( Grass,
Grasshopper, Rabbit, Snake, Eagle, Mouse, Frog )
Ans: The
interconnections among different food chains at different trophic levels forming a network is called
a food web.

2. Explain in detail the inter-relationship between the food chain and food web.
Ans: Food chain is a linkage of organisms within an ecosystem. Each link feeds on the
one before it and is fed on by the one after it. Only the first link in the chain is a producer and all
the rest are is more commonly seen that an organism may feed on several different
organisms and in turn be fed up on by several different organisms. If this has to be represented as a
diagram we would get a complex branched web. Different food chains intertwine with one another
and form the food webs.
Q. 9. Answer briefly:
1. Observe figure and explain the relationship between the
Ans: In this food chain plants are the producers. They are eaten
byby grasshopper which is a herbivore. Herbivores are eaten by
carnivores the frog – Frogs are eaten by snakes, both are
carnivores but at different tropic levels. Snakes are eaten by eagle
which is an apex carnivore. Dead bodies of carnivors are
decomposed by decomposers and the nutrients return back to
air, water and soil, in turn these nutrients are absorbed by the

2. Make a list of the various consumers of the ecosystems around you and classify them
according to mode of nutrition.
Ans: Plants ---------------- produces
Grasshoppers ------------ saprophytes
Fungi, bacteria ---------- decomposers

Q. 10 . Drwa neat labelled diagram

1) Nitrogen Cycle

2) Food Chain

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