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I} Question and Answers

Ans)1) these plants grown mainly in water.
2)these plants do not have specific parts like roots,steem,leaf,flower but are
autotrophic due to presence of chlorophyll,are called algae.
3)Examples of algae are spirogyra,ulothrix,ulva,sargassum etc.
4)some of these plants grown in fresh water and some of these grow in saline
5)these plants have soft and fibre-like body,
6)various types of fungi like yeast and moulds do not have chlorophyll are
aslo included in this group.

Ans)1)This group of plants of division bryophyta are called amphibians
2)these plants are thalloid,multicellular and autotrophic.
3) the structure of the plant body of bryophytes are ribbon-like long, without
true roots,stems and leaves
4)Instead the have stem-like or leaf-like parts and root-like Rhizoids.
5)these plants do not have specific tissues for conduction of food and water.
6)examples of bryophyta are moss(funaria),marchantia,antheceros,Riccia etc.
Ans)1) These plants have well developed roots,stem and leave.
2)These plants have separate tissues for conduction of food and water
3)They do not bear fruits and flowers
4)they reproduce by the help of the spores along the bac or posterior surface
of the leaves
5) example are ferns like Nephrolepis, marsilea, pteris, adiantum,
equisetum,selaginella lycopodium, etc.
6)these plants reproduce sexually by spore formation and asexually by
zygote formation.

IV} Phanerograms
Ans)1) The plants have special structure for reproduction
2)the produce seeds
3)In these plants after the process of reproduction,seeds are formed which
contain the embryo and stored fruit.
4)during the germination,the stored food is used for the initial growth of
5)depending upon if the seeds are enclosed in a fruit or not,phanerograms
are classified into gymnosperms and agniosperms

V} Gymnosperms
Ans)1) Gymnosperms are mostly evergreen perennial and woody
2)Their stem are without branches.
3)their leaves from a crown
4)they bear male and female flowers on different sporophylls of the same
5)the seeds of these plants do not have natural covering i.e. they do not form
fruits and therefore called Gymnosperms (Gymno: naked::Sperm: seeds)
6)_eg. Cycus, picea, thuja, deodar

VI} Energy flow through an ecosystem is `one way`.

Ans)1)green plants store some of the solar energy in the form of food
2)before reaching the decomposers this solar energy is passed on from one
tropic level to another.
3)decomposer dissipate some amount of solar energy in to heat.
4)however, no part of the energy returns to the sun.
5)hence,such passage of energy is called `one way` transport

VII} Equilibrium is necessary in various bio-geo-chemical cycles.

Ans)1) The cyclic flow of nutrients in within an ecosystem is called as bio-feo-
chemical cycle
2)nutrients necessary for the growth of organism are continuously
transferred from abiotic to biotic factors and biotic to abiotic factors within
an ecosystem
3) Any imbalance in the cycles will break the link between biotic and abiotic
4) Hence, Equilibrium is necessary in bio-geo-chemical cycles

VIII} Flow of nutrients through an ecosystem are cyclic

Ans)1)All organism need nutrients for growth.
2)Nutrients like carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, iron, calcium etc. are circulated
and recycled from biosphere and after their death back to the biosphere
3)nutrients are taken by plants and then passed on to the consumers
Eventually after their death, all types of consumers are decomposed by
decomposers and again released in biosphere and are again used my
4)therefore flow of nutrients through an ecosystem are cyclic

IX} The carbon cycle

Ans)1) The circulation and recycling of the carbon from atmosphere to living
organisms is called the carbon cycle
2)abiotic carbon atoms are circulated and recycled into biotic form mainly
through photosynthesis and respiration
3)hence, carbon cycle is one on the important bio-geo-chemical cycles
4)plants covert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates by the process of
5)similarly,they produce carbon compounds like protiens and fats too.

X} The Oxygen Cycle

Ans)1) Oxygen forms 21% of the atmosphere.
2) Oxygen is also present in hydrosphere and lithosphere
3) The circulation and recycling of oxygen in biosphere is called oxygen cycle
4)this cycles include both biotic and abiotic factors.
5)oxygen is continuously prodouce and used up in the atmosphere
XI} The Nitrogen Cycle
Ans) 1) Nitrogen fixation: Conversion of nitrogen into nitrite and nitrate
through atmospheric, industrial and biological process
Ammonification: Conversion of ammonia through dead bodies and excretory
waste of organisms
2)Nitrification: Conversion of nitrogen into nitrite then nitrate
3)Denitrification: Conversion of nitrogen into gaseous compounds

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