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1st scene: the man is in his office writing something on the paper

Dialogue: “I had enough it’s too exhausting”

(alarm rings): BEEP! BEEP!

2nd scene: the man heads off to his boss’s office and gave the resignation letter and said
Dialogue: “this job is eating me up, I want to resign”
Boss: “if that’s your decision, I will respect it .” ”my company is still open for you If you wish to

3rd scene: The man started the car

Sound of the car: “vroooooooooom”

4th scene
Dialogue: “I've been working over many years and have been unable to get the promotion”
(hits the steering wheel)

5th scene
The man gets off the car
Sound of closing the car’s door : SLAM!

6TH scene
The man is walking out of nowhere

7TH scene
The man is sitting on cliff's edge enjoying view of mountain ridge and started talking to God

Ps: no image of God just his voice above the sky

8th scene
The man: God? Are you there?
God: Yes my son, I’m always here

9th scene
The man: I quit my job (nomination)
God: Oh! Why? (restriction)

10th scene
The man: because it’s exhausting and it’s eating me up, I’ve been working in that company for
years but our boss never recommends me to have the promotion. (starts sobbing)

God: “******” (listening) (turn-taking)

11th scene
The man: (crying uncontrollably)
God: why are you crying? it’s your decision right? (topic control)
The man: It’s because…..
God: because what?

12th scene:
The man: God, how long is a million years? (topic shifting)
God : To me, it’s about a minute
13th scene:
The man: and how much is a million dollars?
God: To me, it’s a penny

14th scene:
(the man shifted his head and his sight is gazing below the cliff ) (he’s not looking above this

15th scene:
The man: “God, may I have a penny?

16th scene
God: “wait a minute”

17th scene:
(closer look of the man’s face like ni big iyang eyes kay dili sya katuo sa gi ingon saiya ni God)

18th scene
(his boss is calling through his phone) (communication breakdown)
Verbal sound: “ring, ring”

19th scene
(closes his phone and shifted his head looking back to God) (repair)
The man: God, what did you meant earlier?

20th scene
God: why didn’t you answered your boss?
The man: it’s just..

21st scene
God: Go back to your boss and apologize, for I have big plans for you. You’re just too impatient to
The man: (looking down)

22nd scene
God: Always remember son, everything takes time. So, wait for your moment to shine.

23rd scene
The man: Thank you God, I hope it’s not a minute to you.
God: just wait

24th scene (termination)

(the man bowed his head and left)

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