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Dayanara Garcia

July 9, 2022
Science Fair Project Reflection

What you learned: There were so many projects to choose from! I looked at different websites
and videos and tried to do one that included supplies that I already have at home. I ended up
choosing the water fireworks experiment because it sounded interesting, and I wanted to work
with something that had color.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS)•S Addressed:

Standard #1 1.1a: Students articulate and set personal learning goals, develop strategies
leveraging technology to achieve them and reflect on the learning process itself to improve
learning outcomes.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future: This assignment would be a fun project for
grades 2-5. It allows them to experiment while also having fun. Students are able to learn from
their own project and from the projects of their peers.

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