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I have always viewed myself as a 21 st Century teacher. But undergoing this course made me

realize that I have so much more to learn and improve. Going back to the first session of this course up

until the very last meeting, I know, and I am confident that I am now a better person, more so a better


I had learned what it takes to be a Hyflex teacher. It is more than knowing how to use blended

modalities. It also includes finding the balance between the two. It taught how to properly plan

instruction in both modalities instead of simply mixing them up. I also understood better where the

Hyflex learners are coming from. The demands of time are constantly changing, so are the skills they

need to learn. I realize how massive my role is as the facilitator of their learning.

The course also opened my eyes with the reality of students’ situations. I have always kept the

philosophy, “Education for All” at the back of my head. But the sessions made me ask the question, ‘do I

really cater all forms of students, or I just blindly teach regardless of their individual context because

that is more convenient for me in designing instruction?’ It made me guilty at some point. But that guilt

definitely ignited a change within me. I also learned what relevant curriculum looks like and how

feedbacking is not solely my role as a teacher but the community as a whole. The quote, “It takes a

village to raise a child” made more sense to me now.

But despite all realizations and the workload it implies, I also deserve a break. There’s always a

balance between the two. I have always ranted how heavy the responsibilities and how tiring the

workloads are. But a positive attitude, good relationship with others, and genuine love of work

neutralizes the toxicity in the workplace. I cannot change the system, but I can change my outlook.

It only took me a couple of months and seven courses to reap observable results in my

personality and perspective as a teacher. But more than the learnings, the fruitful exchange of ideas

with my classmates and instructor made it more remarkable.

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