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In which house does the Moon give the best results?


Other aspect of moon in birth chart:


Waxing Moon - If moon is placed within 7 houses from sun in anticlockwise direction, it is
waxing moon. For example. sun is in 5th house and moon is in 9th house. So moon is within
7 houses from sun in anticlockwise direction.

Waning Moon - If moon is placed within 7 houses from sun in clockwise direction, it is
waning moon. For example, sun is in 4th house and moon is in 12th house. So moon is within
7 houses from sun in clockwise direction. As the moon has great importance for the
individual, wherever it is placed in the chart makes that area the main focus where one's mind
tends to concentrate most on.

1st House - As moon is a benefic planet, this placement gives good results. One has
emotional, changeable and caring nature. One has looks similar to the Moon, making a
person slender and possessing large emotional eyes. One is soft, romantic and gentle. If moon
is waxing , it enhances one's soft , feminine appearance. If the moon is waning , it can make
one too moody. The moon in a bad sign can cause emotional problems, difficulties with
mother figure in early childhood and lack of peace of mind.

2nd House - This placement gives fluctuating finances, but gentle, soft and emotional
speech. If the moon is well placed, it gives family happiness and an emotional attachment to
the family. Usually has a good-looking face. The person could like liquid food/diet more.
(Not sure, please tell me about this in comments)

3rd House - As 3rd house carries gemini energy, moon here tends to give a very restless
mind and changeable emotions. The person has difficulty finding peace of mind with this
placement. However it gives a natural interest in communication and one may exhibit some
creative skill. This person is usually fond of travelling and short travels. The person has a
highly changeable relationship with the mother. As 3rd house also rules curiosity, moon
which represents mind , will give a person curious nature. The person is fond of younger
siblings. As 3rd house is also house of courage and motivation , a benefic/feminine planet
like moon is not suitable for that, so person may lack courage or motivation when required.

4th House - Moon attains Digbala (directional strength ) in 4th house. This placement shows
strong emotional attachment to the mother or home. The mother may be a caring nurturing
figure if the moon is free from affliction. The person has a soft, tender heart and enjoys
comfort and luxury. If the moon is in good sign, it will give a strong psychological nature and
emotional stability to the person. The person enjoys looking after the home and may be
interested in farming or the dairy industry. Happiness may fluctuate keeping in nature with
the Moon. If the moon is very afflicted, the person will have many emotional problems and a
disturbed relationship with the mother. For women , an afflicted moon is bad for the
reproductive processes.

5th House - This placement indicates that the native's children and other 5th house affairs are
of central importance. The person's mind is coloured by their feeling nature. Their thoughts
are never constant but always changing. They have a strong attachment to their children. If
the moon is well placed the person can do well in speculation, but results will fluctuate. The
waxing Moon is benefic and helps one in all 5th house affairs. It is a good placement for
fame as both the moon and 5th house rules fame. The waning Moon can give some negative
results. The person with moon in 5th has a flirtatious and romantic nature. One will be
interested in all forms of learning or enjoyments. It can also bestow a good memory. The
native may be good at drama and other creative fields which require a lot of emotional

6th House - Moon in the 6th house usually gives delicate health in childhood along with
difficulties in relating to the mother or the mother could have health issues. The mother may
work in a service profession. The moon in the 6th bestows a highly caring nature and is
usually good for nurses or any type of service work, which involves daily contact with the
public. This moon makes one oversensitive and the person will have a worrying nature. One
could be mentally troubled by enemies. For women , it can cause health trouble involving the
reproductive system. If moon is afflicted here, it can give weak lungs, psychological and
emotional disorders, depression, menstrual problems, bronchitis or excessive mucous.

7th House - Moon in the 7th house when well placed, will give a caring and sensitive nature
and supportive partners. It can be a highly changeable influence and make one restless in
relationship. In this case, one is always focused on relationship issues and constantly looking
for a partner (Not necessary sexual partner). These people will find it really hard to travel or
live alone or go anywhere without a partner. The moon can give wonderful results when
occupying its exaltation sign Taurus. The earthiness of Taurus stabilizes the changeable
nature of moon as well as gives special partners. Moon in 7th makes one highly sensitive to
the public. They would feel themselves changing/anxious/ self-conscious whenever in public
place. But this position is helpful for any public figure. Women with this placement have
strong charisma and feminine charm.

8th House - The moon in the 8th house generally indicates a mysterious and hidden mother
figure or difficulties in the relationship with her. Early childhood may have been disturbing.
Generally the person with this placement is oversensitive emotionally or psychologically.
There may be a natural interest in mystical subjects and the person is naturally psychic The
moon can show legacy through the mother. The mother may be interested in the occult. For
women the moon here can give reproductive problems. The person is secretive in expressing
his/her feelings. The person has a deep mind and an innate understanding of others, thats why
they make best psychologists, detectives and spies. If the moon is afflicted , one may lose
one's mother early in life. The moon in the 8th house always gives one a strong sexual
attractiveness or sensuality.

9th House - Here, moon makes one very popular for one's caring and generous spirit. The
person is greatly attracted to foreign travel or foreigners and interested in philosophy, religion
or spiritual matters. They are fortunate through the mother. Their outlook on life may change
a great deal but they adhere to a strong sense of caring. The person is nurtured by teachers
throughout life and also by his/her faith in higher things.

10th House - One is very focused on their career with this placement. A sense of security is
derived from the career. The career may undergo changes and fluctuations depending on the
sign the Moon occupies. The father may be seen as a caring figure or the mother may be the
authority in the family. Career is usually related to the government in some form or the other
i.e. some field of public service. One is respected for one's caring , protective and nurturing

11th House - Generally all planets flourish in 11th house unless afflicted by sign or aspect.
Moon here will make one very focused on social life, friendships, ambitions, wealth and
cooperative ventures. The person may develop a great deal of psychological understanding.
The relationship with the elder sibling may be an emotional one. The moon may give public
popularity if well placed. One is very active on social media. Friend circle could be large or
small but person has great bond with them and friends are always there for help.

12th - This moon can give emotional hardships and a lonely childhood, along with a distant
relationship with the mother. The moon indicates solitude and periodic retirement form the
world is important to the person. The person may have difficulty gaining
popularity/recognition. As 12th house also rules sleep and moon has changeable nature, the
person could have changeable sleep patterns or very light sleep. The person hides his/her
emotions. The person may have important dream experiences. The person may be capable of
doing a lot of charity service. They could also get induged in other 12th house matters like
intoxication/drugs/alcohol and sexual experimentation

In which house does the Moon give the best results?

The Moon (Chandra) is the most important horoscope factor in Indian astrology. Its
significance is proportional to and even outperforms the significance of the ascendant. If the
reason for the basic meaning of the Moon is understood, then the essence of the whole system
becomes clear, because it governs the sphere of the mind, comfort, basic well-being, and
good luck of the individual. Unlike Western astrology, where the focus is on personal
tendencies and attractions, strength, authority, and abilities, in Indian astrology, the main
thing is the well-being that a person has, that is, comfort, wealth, fame, etc. This is the
essence of Indian astrology. Therefore, if the Moon is weakened or afflicted, it will be quite
difficult to achieve success in life and a person may never know happiness and well-being.

The Moon governs the mother, women, emotional life, and society. She also knows growth
and, probably for this reason, significantly affects health in childhood. People with an
afflicted Moon are generally weak and sickly in the early years of their lives. Also, the Moon
governs the mind, not the intellect, but the sphere of common sense. Memory is a function of
the moon. Probably the most important fact to remember about the Moon is that more than
any other factor in the horoscope, except the ascendant alone, it influences the main direction
of life.

The house where the Moon is located should never be ignored or underestimated in analysis.
The indicators of this house are the most important beneficial facets of life. It also often helps
to determine the profession that a person will choose.

Given that the Moon is such an important factor in the horoscope, the next step after
analyzing the natal chart is to look at the horoscope, where the 1st house is the one in which
the Moon is located. This chart is called Chandra Lagna (literally, the Ascendant of the
Moon). The analysis of this chart has no independent significance, but the information
obtained from it is kept in memory by Indian astrologers and used in the description of the
horoscope. Chandra lagna is not very accurate in predictions, but it gives additional weight
and shade to the current horoscope.

The moon is greatly influenced by the planets that surround it. The Moon should not be
isolated in the horoscope. It is good when the planets are either in conjunction with the Moon
or are located in the previous or subsequent houses, possibly both. Of course, it is good if
they are beneficent planets, but even malefic planets are better than none at all. Otherwise -
when the Moon is isolated - it can lead to mental breakdown, lack of luck, fame, and good
reputation. Of decisive importance in Indian astrology is the fact whether the Moon was
waxing or waning at the time of birth, as the waxing Moon is good, and the waning Moon is

However, it should be clarified that a growing or brightening Moon can only move slightly
from the new moon point and therefore still be quite dim. In the same way, a waning moon
can move slightly from the point of the full moon and still be very bright. Therefore, this
provision must be used with caution. But two facts should be remembered thoroughly: the
first is that there is a qualitative difference between the waxing and waning Moon; the second
is that a bright moon has a stronger effect than a dim one.

You should also know that the bright Moon in the house where it is located, and its aspects
give the same strong effects as Jupiter. Therefore, the Full Moon, which in Western astrology
has an extremely heavy influence (known as the opposition of the Moon to the Sun), is one of
the most fortunate and favorable astrological positions in the Indian system. It is quite easy to
distinguish a waxing moon from a waning moon in a birth chart.

If it moves from the Sun to the opposition, then this is the growing Moon, or gaining
brightness. If it has reached opposition with the Sun and is moving towards conjunction, then
it is a warning Moon, or losing its brightness. The Moon is a cold, wet, and feminine planet.
The best position is in Taurus, where she is exalted. The worst thing about Scorpio is where
she's in the fall. The Moon rules Cancer and gives very good results in this sign. Receives
dig- Bala or guiding force in the 4th house where it gives excellent results.

The friends of the Moon, that is, the planets that greet her in their signs, are the Sun and
Mercury. The rest of the planets are neutral to it. She has no enemies. Another name for the
Moon is Soma. Pearls and silver should be worn to strengthen a weak, waning, and afflicted

Characteristics of the Moon

 Avatara (Divine Incarnation): Lord Krishna

 Mantra: Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya
 Spiritual qualities of the planets (according to K.N. Rao): The ability to
concentrate, meditate, and soft and tender feelings
 Personification: controls the spirit (is the soul of Kala Purusha or the Universal
 Karakatwas: mother, heart, psyche, emotions, character, popularity, change,
travel, foreign travel, places by the water, sea, pearls, seafood, expensive meals,
liquids, bodily fluids, perfume, milk, salt, medicines, petroleum products,
gardening, hernia, left eye.
 Main characteristics: indecision, fertilization, the ability to bear a child,
connection with water and the forces of nature; crawling insects.
 Ruler of the Graha: Varuna
 Deity: Chandra
 Friends: Sun, Mercury
 Enemies: none
 Neutral planets: Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn
 Ruled Signs: Cancer
 Exaltation point: 3° Taurus
 Point of debilitation: 3° Scorpio
 Mulatrikona: 3-30° Taurus
 Average daily angular velocity: 13°10'35”
 Number: 2
 Day of the week: Monday
 Direction: northwest
 Symbolizes age: a person who is about 70 years old
 Age of maturation of the planet: 24 years
 Age period under the influence of the planet: 0-4 years
 Chakra: 4th
 Season: "rainy season" in India (20.07 - 19.09)
 Best position (or dik-bala - guiding force): 4th house
 Distance for estimating travel distance: 1 yojana (relatively short distance)
 Metal: bronze
 Gemstone: pearl
 Geometric shape: circle
 In personality: mind, emotions, feelings
 Subtle Energy: Peace
 Significations: psyche, heart, attachments, plants.
 Guna: sattva
 Influence: detrimental (like Rahu) when the Moon is dim (especially waning);
benefic (like Jupiter) when the Moon is bright (especially waxing Moon, peak at
full moon); average - on the rest of the lunar days - see here for more details
 Energy:
 Element: water
 Varna/caste: vaishya (merchant)
 Gender Female
 White color
 Positive qualities of character: susceptibility, sensitivity, fantasy, good memory,
propensity for a healthy lifestyle
 Negative qualities of character: hypersensitivity, reactivity, inadequacy in
communication, inability to control one's feelings
 Temperament (based on overall strength): fickle and changeable
 Method of persuasion: temptation
 Ayurvedic constitution: vata and kapha
 Parts of the body: heart, lungs, mind, blood, all fluids in the body, face; flesh,
chest, cheeks, calves, left eye in men and right eye in women, stomach,
esophagus, uterus, ovaries, bladder. Kapha and Vata doshas.
 Taste: salty
 Diseases: diseases of the heart, lungs, chest, tuberculosis, left eye, asthma,
diarrhea, anemia, all diseases due to imbalance of fluids, vomiting, poisoning with
poisons, menstrual dysfunction, colds; heart and lung diseases, asthma, throat
problems, cough, colds, bronchitis, diarrhea, dysentery, colic, indigestion,
diabetes, jaundice, appendicitis, kidney and uterine diseases, menstrual disorders,
venereal diseases, skin diseases, itching, anemia , apathy, blood pollution, boils,
fever, tumors, tuberculosis, fear of horned animals and water, dropsy,
 External signs: phlegmatic constitution, unhealthy appearance, rounded shapes,
thin and tall appearance; limbs strong and very beautiful, pleasant eyes, wit,
sexuality, frequent mood swings.
 Height: short people
 Birth Features: Backwards
 Direction of view: direct view
 Clothes: new clothes
 Relatives: mother
 Position in government: queen (queen)
 Marriage: with a person of his circle
 Sphere of predominant influence (dhatu / mula / jiva): mula (vegetable world)
 Places of stay: water places; rivers, seas, aquariums, coasts, docks, wells,
houseboats, barges and ships, public places, hotels, motels, inns, breweries,
women's residences, hospitals
 Spheres with which the profession is connected: agriculture, art, music, art,
medicine, psychology, chemistry
 Animals: rodents, reptiles and many creatures such as insects
 Trees and Plants: Rice and any plants rich in oils and sap, various aquatic and
night blooming plants, palm tree.
 Flowers: lily, poppy.
 Foodstuffs: Rice, melon, coconut, palm tree, common fruits and vegetables,
cucumbers, milk and dairy products, corn, condiments that have a mild taste,
plain water, beer, anything that is stewed or steamed, any food in general ,
cooked, water, chilled foods, almost all very juicy and soft fruits or vegetables
 Donation items: rice, milk, silver, pearls, yogurt, sugar, flowers and white cloth,
sandalwood. Donate Monday night.
 Occupations and professions: traveller, traveling merchant, mechanical engineer,
navy, maritime professions, shipping, water professions, catering, bars, tourism,
advertising, journalism, educator, nursing homes, hospitals, women's welfare,
agriculture, horned breeding livestock, work with salt, fish, corals, alcohol, glass,
mirrors, chemicals, gasoline.

Additional indicators of the Moon:

 mother
 women
 mind, common sense, memory
 people, mass consciousness
 emotions
 milk, grains, liquids
 growth (health in childhood), fertility
 vision
 chest, brain
 pearl
 metal - silver
 northwest direction
 Monday
 menstrual cycle
 general well-being (abundance, wealth, fame, popularity)
 beauty, romance, susceptibility, femininity
 cooks, nurses, nannies, food vendors
 fickleness, fickleness, fickleness

The ruler of the nakshatra where the Moon is located, and related health problems:

Sun: stormy temperament;

Moon: carefree, cheerful, good health;

Mars: skin diseases, hypermenorrhea, blood in urine;

Mercury: worries about health, very rich fantasy;

Jupiter: excellent health;

Venus: venereal diseases, precarious health, weak immunity;

Saturn: mental disorders, pessimism;

Rahu: phobias, shyness;

Ketu: irritable, aggressive, but timid in the presence of the enemy.

Health status

a) The Moon controls the flow of vital energy.

b) With a weak Moon, this flow becomes intermittent and uneven, which leads to illness.

c) When the Moon is afflicted, anxiety, mental tension, an inferiority complex, as well as
lung diseases occur.

d) The moon in excellent condition gives enviable mental abilities.

Moon in the houses of the horoscope

1st house:

a) a person lacks independence in judgments, internal fluctuations, extreme subjectivity, easy

disposition, pleasant personality, attractive appearance;

b) when the new moon is in Lagna (when neither the Sun nor the Moon govern the sign of the
Ascendant), health suffers;

c) the growing moon gives a good physique.

2nd House:

Attractive face, pleasant manners, strong family ties, generosity.

3rd House:

Influential speech or writing, traveller, taciturn, inquisitive;

if the Moon is strongly affected, mental disorders.

4th house:

material gain from the state, conveniences, popularity of the people.

5th house:

love of pleasure and speculation, innate artistry.

6th House:

Low vitality, pedantry, inappropriate position for health and popularity.

7th House:

Early marriage, beautiful and obedient wife, material well-being, popular and admired in
one's circle, sociability, possession of real estate.

8th house:

Moon here gives material benefit from a partner, but shortens the life of a spouse or mother.

9th house:

travel abroad, religiosity, mysticism, justice.

10th house:

virtuous, expert in various fields, changes activities;

travel, comfortable and long life, security.

11th House:

Easily achieves success,helps others, has a large circle of acquaintances, female friends, lives
in comfort, is fortunate.

12th House:

Deep-seated phobias, loves philanthropy and mysticism, greedy, achieves success abroad,
spiritually inclined mother.
Moon in the signs of the zodiac

Aries: round eyes, inflexible nature, rash decisions and reactions, wanderlust, independence,
arrogance, ambition, quick wits.

Such a person does not tolerate being interfered with.

If the Moon is afflicted - recklessness.

Taurus: Democratic, inspired by beauty, the good life and the fairer sex, phlegmatic,
indecisive, self-centered, pleasure-hungry.

Gemini: sharp and resourceful mind, seeker of change, admirer of music and women,
eloquent speaker, gentle nature, long-liver.

Cancer: Extraordinary emotional strength and sensitivity, influenced by women, has a lot of
real estate, thrifty, prudent, religious.

Leo: Loyal in affection, stubborn, bold, self-centered, proud, haughty, irritable, ambitious.
Virgo: almond-shaped eyes, mind-controlled heart, good physique and pleasant speech, shy,
too restless, talkative, sociable, fond of women and music.

Libra: loves beauty, elegance, art, justice and honesty, helpful, far-sighted, changeable, full of
desires, picky.

Scorpio: broad chest, strong emotions, extremely sensitive, sentimental, miser, spiteful,

Sagittarius: optimistic, childishly naive, honest, respects elders, religious people and teachers,
happy to help others, grateful, stingy.

Capricorn: good eyesight, thin waist, discreet, practical, immoral, conservative.

Aquarius: Developed intuition and intelligence, humane, open, chooses friends carefully,
keeps friendships for a long time, active, worries about general well-being, irritable,
energetic, artistic inclinations.

Pisces: extremely sensitive, clairvoyant, weak to alcohol, addicted, dreamer, cannot come to
terms with the surrounding reality.

Observations on the Moon

1. The Moon at a distance of up to 72° from the Sun is considered inauspicious, but
gets rid of bad qualities if the Sun is weak. The moon does not lose its brilliance
when it is near the weak sun.
2. The moon has its maximum strength from Shukla Paksha Ekadashi to Krishna
Paksha Panchami (from the 11th day of the waxing moon to the 5th day of its
3. Venus trine Moon damages eyesight.
4. A person with a full Moon in a chart aspected by Jupiter or Venus, even if born in
humble circumstances, will rise to royal status.
5. A person with Vargottama-Moon in the horoscope enjoys life.
6. In a male chart, when another planet aspects the Moon, the wife will have the
following traits:The sun is from a respected family;Mercury - sane, smart;Venus -
cheerful, beautiful;Mars - bold, rebellious;Jupiter - economical, with good
manners;Saturn is serious, reserved.
7. The ruler of the sign of the Moon in Navamsa has some influence on the
character and appearance of a person.
8. The position of the Moon in the navamsa of Mercury gives a person good
9. A man with the Moon in Cancer is a favorite of friends.
10. If the Moon in a chart is aspected by the lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses, the
person is unable to cope with obstacles.
11. The more unfavorable planets affect the Moon, the more restless the person.
12. If the Moon is in debilitation, but there are combinations to cancel its fall, the
character of the person will be restless and absurd.
13. A weak Moon is an indicator of a changeable and opportunistic nature.
14. The auspicious Moon gives a person great responsibility, good imagination, but
also inconstancy.
15. When the Moon is placed in the 2nd house or conjunct the 9th lord, the person
has an indulgent disposition and an open mind.
16. A person with the Moon in Capricorn or Aquarius is unlikely to be democratic.
17. The Moon aspected by a malefic does not promise either open-mindedness or
18. Aspects of the rulers of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses to the Moon negatively affect
mental abilities.
19. A full moon on the border of two signs does not bring good results.
20. The position of the Moon between Mars and Saturn shows breathing problems.
21. A weak and afflicted Moon can cause chronic ailments in a person's mother.
22. A debilitated Moon aspected by Mars gives blood diseases, including leukemia.
23. With a weak Moon in a water sign in the 8th house, there is a risk of drowning. If
the same Moon is connected with Ketu, diseases of the rectum may occur -
hemorrhoids, fistulas.
24. A weakened Moon in the 8th house portends ill health in childhood.
25. If Saturn or Rahu falls into the previous sign from the Moon and no other planet is
wedged between them, a person will achieve the highest status and authority in
his field of activity.
26. Mars with Moon in the 6th house gives suicidal tendencies.
27. A person with the Moon in the 9th house is devoted to his parents.
28. The waning moon in the constellation of Aries or Scorpio becomes a dangerous
unfavorable planet.
29. Anapha yoga (the presence of a planet in the 12th house from the Moon)
promises good health.
30. Sunapha yoga (the presence of a planet in the 2nd house from the Moon) allows
you to earn a fortune by your own labor.
31. A person with the Moon in the 1st, 2nd, 10th or 11th house has financial
management abilities in agriculture, irrigation, water management, dairy
production, and other areas that the Moon is in charge of.
32. The Moon in the 2nd from Saturn indicates the possibility of working abroad, and

Moon and other planets

If the Sun conjuncts the Moon [in the same house of the horoscope], the person will be
skilled in machinery and construction;

The Moon in conjunction with Mars makes a man a deceiver, a dealer in women, wives, and
drinks, causing evil to his mother;

Moon with Mercury makes a person amiable in speech, skillful in interpretation and
translation, famous and popular;

The Moon with Jupiter makes a person successful in the fight against enemies, the head of a
sect or family, capricious and rich;

The Moon with Venus makes a person skillful in weaving and weaving;

and the Moon with Saturn makes a man a son by a second marriage... In the same way, the
results of the combination of more than two planets should be obtained.

(Varahamamihira - Brihad Jataka, 14.1-2, 14.5)


The last sentence implies that the interpretation of the clusters of planets should be combined
with the interpretations of pairs of planets.
For example, when interpreting the conjunction of the Sun, Venus, and the Moon, the
interpretations of the Sun and Venus, the Sun and the Moon, and Venus and the Moon should
be used.

In addition, attention should be paid to the relative strength of each particular planet.

moon and sun

• The Sun in Cancer, the Moon in Leo, or the conjunction of the luminaries in these signs
makes a person thin and fragile.

• The Sun and Moon in the 6/8 mutual position indicate that a person's mother and father do
not maintain a relationship with each other.

If the weaker planet is the Sun, then the fault lies with the father, otherwise - with the mother.

• The Sun and Moon, located in the same sign, but in mutual navamshas, portend poverty.

• A person with the Sun and Moon in Lagna is notable for inconstancy.

• The connection of the luminaries in Leo strengthens the Sun but weakens the Moon.

• The connection of the stars in Libra weakens the Sun, but the Moon does not lose strength.

• The conjunction of the Moon and the Sun means birth in Amavasya (new moon).

The presence of the Moon at 3 degrees from the Sun deprives a person of vital energy.

• The conjunction of the Sun and the Moon is more favorable for material wealth than their
opposition (full moon) or location in a Kendra from each other.

• The Sun + Moon combination forms the malefic yoga of the new moon.

If Mercury joins them, then the Moon ceases to be unfavorable.

• A person with the Sun and Moon in the 12th house without any aspects of benefic planets is
reputed to be a simpleton.

• Positions of the Moon and the Sun on 2/12 or 6/8 create conflicts in those houses where the
luminaries are located.

• Communication of the Sun and the Moon makes the person henpecked.

Moon and Mars

Extremely emotional, unpredictable, badly in control, healthy, overactive, short-tempered,

headstrong, belligerent, ambitious, unceremonious;

if the conjunction is in Lagna, then boils and bleeding may appear in the dasha of Mars.

Moon and Mercury

a) Active mind, highly developed intellect, sober reasoning, good memory, witty, expressive,
has many outstanding qualities.

b) If the connection is affected, then the person is hypersensitive, disdainful of others, stands
out with an eccentric command, and loves to gossip.

The weak nervous system, especially if the Moon and Mercury are in opposition to each

A person suffers from various complexes, suspicion, feelings of guilt, and insecurity.

c) This combination in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th house makes a person skilled in poetry,
creativity, and crafts, and also promises wealth.

Moon and Jupiter

Optimism, benevolence, empathy, open-mindedness, kind heart, developed mind, religiosity.

If the connection is affected, the person becomes lethargic, wasteful, and too demanding.

Moon and Venus

Distinguished by a love of beauty, refinement, composure, justice, shyness, and the ability to
bargain and make deals;

follows fashion, is fond of art and music, and is prone to frequent mood swings.

Moon with Venus in the 7th or 11th house increases interest in the opposite sex.

The opposition of the Moon and Venus gives marriage for love (if the axis of 1/7 houses is
involved in the Rashi and Navamsha charts), and also forms Dhana yoga.

For those born at night, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the 6th or 8th house can
cause digestive disorders and problems in the abdomen.

Moon and Saturn

a) Bad character, anxiety, cautious, gloomy, conscientious, disciplined, hardworking,

perfectionist, pessimist, closed, low self-esteem, fear of making a mistake.

stands out with an eccentric command, loves to gossip.

The weak nervous system, especially if the Moon and Mercury are in opposition to each

A person suffers from various complexes, suspicion, feelings of guilt, and insecurity.

c) This combination in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th crowbar makes a person skilled in poetry,
creativity, and craft, and also promises wealth.

Moon and Jupiter

Optimism, benevolence, empathy, open-mindedness, kind heart, developed mind, religiosity.

If the connection is affected, the person becomes lethargic, wasteful, and too demanding.

Moon and Venus

Distinguished by a love of beauty, refinement, composure, justice, shyness, and the ability to
bargain and make deals;

follows fashion, is fond of art and music, and is prone to frequent mood swings.

Moon with Venus in the 7th or 11th house increases interest in the opposite sex.

The opposition of the Moon and Venus gives marriage for love (if the axis of 1/7 houses is
involved in the Rashi and Navamsha charts), and also forms Dhana yoga.

For those born at night, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus in the 6th or 8th house can
cause digestive disorders and problems in the abdomen.

Moon and Saturn

a) Bad character, anxiety, cautious, gloomy, conscientious, disciplined, hardworking,

perfectionist, pessimist, closed, low self-esteem, fear of making a mistake.

 If Mercury joins the waning Moon, then both planets become unfavorable.
 In the charts of people who were born during the day, the Moon gains strength in
the first seven houses from Lagna and the Sun in the houses from the 7th to the
12th. For those born at night, the Moon is strong in 7-12 houses, and the Sun is
strong in the first seven houses of the horoscope.
 In a chart drawn for Muhurta, the Moon in the 6th, 8th, and 12th houses are
considered weak and inauspicious. The exception is the position of the Moon in
the signs of Taurus or Cancer.
 Paksha-Bala (strength, due to the proximity to the full moon) plays a more
important role than Sthana-Bala (strength of position

b)stands out with an eccentric command, likes to gossip.

The weak nervous system, especially if the Moon and Mercury are in opposition to each

A person suffers from various complexes, suspicion, feelings of guilt, and insecurity.

c) This combination in the 3rd, 6th, 8th, or 12th crowbar makes a person skilled in poetry,
creativity, and craft, and also promises wealth.
Upayas - ways to harmonize the energy of the moon

(gain special power when performed on Mondays - on the day of the moon)

 Take care of mother

 Increased attention and respect for women - respect, communicate, give gifts to
mom or older women
 Communication and care for children (especially for children under 4 years old)
 wear white clothes
 Water procedures (shower, bath, pool) 2-3 times a day or at least once a day (in
the morning);
 Drink clean water
 Drink milk
 Eat rice dishes
 Work in the field (or anything related to agriculture - watering houseplants)
 Feed rabbits and aquatic animals
 Communication with doctors
 Wear pearls (little finger or ring finger)
 Walks in quiet places (forest, park, coast)
 Drink milk
 Travel or walk in a northwesterly direction
 Spend your evenings calmly
 Lead a quiet life
 Psychoanalysis, meditation, spiritual practice: strive to feel and understand your
emotions (observe your mind, and feelings, be able to listen to others, look deep
into yourself and try to understand your nature, understand your desires, listen to
your inner voice, remember life experience, people's behavior, books, dates,
names, emotions).
 Worship of Shri Krishna; in the Christian tradition - the Virgin Mary (Virgin Mary -
the mother of Jesus Christ)
 Repetition of mantras to the Moon 108 times (or a multiple of 108). Mantras:

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