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This project mainly studies number theory and how the number theory is

used in solving mathematical problems by using python. and application of

number the cry, aiming to review the history of this discipline and explore
its influence on production and our life and its applications In the different
fields. Number theory is devoted originally to the study of the integers, with
the contributions made by mathematicians of different ages to advancing
the study of the integers, the basic system of numbers has been gradually
improved, and thereby a Complete and unified discipline has been formed.
Defi- Number theory is a branch of mathematics devoted to studying
natural numbers and integers.
As It holds the foundational place in the discipline & Geman mathematician
Carl Friedrich's Number theory is full also called " The Queen of
mathematics". Number theory has always professional
fascinated amateurs with mathematical pursuits. By wing number theory we
can solve the question quickly:

Euclid Algorithm to find the god of 2 numbers a and b and extended Euclid
Algorithm to compute the inverse of a model m Chinese Remainder
Application of Number theory In Engineering The number theory, ey is des
applied in Compared engineering to Calculey geometry, etc The problem
was that it could not be used directly in any application but the number
theory Combined with the computational power of modern Computers is
out to give interesting solutions to real-life problems It has many uses in the
various fields but Here unfocus on the application of number theory about
engineering challenges.

In the early period, number theory is practically less applied in real life but
Combined with present Computational technologies, it provides a pro
solution to many current problems. Cryptography is one of the essential
fields in today's digital era, where online security is a big concern. A
message sent from an Islander to a receiver in online communication has
the risk of being seen by an unknown person with cut spate proper safety.
This problem is solved by the use of the concept of encryption/decryption
Algorithm to generate such numbers with the help of number theory.
Congruence modulo relation is a part of modular arithmetic; a fundamental
part of the number theory. I Congruence modulo relation is a part of
modular arithmetic. The Congruence modulo relations, Coupled with linear
in Cryptography, transformations play an essential role.
There are many exciting series of numbers that have the most important for
problem-solving one such series is the Fibonacci series (oil, 1,2,3,5,8 ) It
has multiple applications in engineering. In Computer Science engineering,
the "Fibonacci search technique, as discussed by Ferguson, it is a way of
searching for a sorted Harry. It was mostly divided by and Conquer
Algorithm. This algorithm helps to narrow down the possible locations of
the required element with the aid of the Fibonacci number - Fibonacci
search splits the array into two Segment that has sizes that are successive
Fibchace numbers. It has one only needs to perform addition and
subtraction to Calculate the indices as the accessed array element instead
of other tedious operations.

Another Concept related to the Fibonacci Series is the golden ratio &
(Phil. )Any two quantities are said to be in the golden I ratio if their ratio y is
equal to the ratio of their sum to the biggest of the two quantities.
Represented Algebraically for two quantities x fy, x>y>z>o, (n+y)/x = x/y=0
Shapes of several natural and human-made objects are seen to obey the
golden ratio eq; - spirals in the flowers as plants and p Parthenon &
Fibonacci series is also used in architecture as well as engineering and it is
widely seen in nature
Application of Number theory in cryptography Cryptography is a method of
protecting information and Communication through the use of Coaches so
that only these ser com the information is intended Can bead and process.
Crypto graphic is a division of applied mathematics concerned with
developing schemes and forms was. to enhance the privacy of
Communication through the use ut Codes Uses Cryptography allows its
users, whether government, military, businessman or individual to maintain
privacy and confidentiality in their Communication Master Modern
cryptographic systems rely on and functions associated with advanced
mathematics, including a specialized branch of mathematics termed
number theory Cryptography, is the study of procedures that Callow
messages or information encode. in such a way that it is extremely difficult
to read or understand the information without having a specific key
Encryption systems involve the simplistic replacement of letters with
numbers as they can involve the use of highly secure "time pads" because
the time pads are based upon Codes and keys that can only be used once,
they offer the only crackproof method of cryptography known.
The vast number of codes and keys required, however, makes one-time
pads impractical for general use. Many wars and diplomatic negotiations
have turned on the ability of one com hasten or Country to read the
supposedly secret messages of its enemies. In world war I the Allied forces
gained important strategic and tactical Advantages from being able to
intercept and read the secret messages of Nazi Germany that had been
encoded with a cipher machine called Enigma - In step with the growth of
Computing technologies and the decline of paper and Ipas record keeping
the importance of cryptography rose during the latter half of the to 20th
Century Increasing amount of data began to have permanent storage only
in Computer memory. Although the technological revolution & dies of the
internet presented a unique set of Security challenges, there were also
challenges to the basic security of mounting levels of L information stored
and transmitted only in electronic form.

ege - from cryptography, fermet import feanet key= fernet generate_keyu

printke P Hellow, encode () f obj= Fernet (key) encopted msy = f obj
encrypt (msg) print (encrypted msg) encrypted_msg=fachj.elecrypt
(enerpted msg) print (decrypted_msg)
Application of Number theory in Quantum Computing Algorithms are
mathematical procedures developed to solve a problem. when encoded on
a Computers algorithms must be translated to a series of simple steps,
each of which the computer knows how to do. This task is relatively easy to
do on a classical Computer and we witness the benefits of this success in
our everyday life Quantum mechanics, the physical therapy at the very
small, promises to enable Completely hovel architectures of our machines,
which will provide specific tasks with higher Computing power. Translating
and implementing algorithms on quantum Computers is hand. However, ule
will show that such to the problem can be found and yield surprising
applications Ho number theory.

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