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Student’s Book A1.


• Recite the alphabet. • Understand personal information • Describe daily activities. • Understand dialogues related to
• Ask and give the time. questions. • Talk about preferences related to food, sports, people’s routines.
• Introduce oneself. • Understand greetings and farewells. drinks, music and sports. • Understand physical descriptions.
• Greet people and say goodbye. • Understand spelled words. • Express quantity. • Identify different prepositions of place.
• Ask and give basic information. • Identify family members, occupations • Describe physical appearance.
• Talk about peoples’ nationality. and characteristics. • Refer to people’s possessions.


• Write personal information. • Verb to Be. Affirmative, negative
• Write short texts about daily activities. • Simple present. Affirmative, negative
• Write about people characteristics. and interrogative
• Use there is/are according to the and interrogative.
• Describe peoples’ general location. • Prepositions of time
context. • Possessive adjectives.
• Identify and use time prepositions. • Wh- questions.
• Use different pronouns and adjectives • Prepositions of place.
in a text. • Quantifiers.
• Write a composition about one’s • There is / are.
house using vocabulary and locating



• Recognize personal pronouns in a
text. • Family members
• Numbers • Locate objects, people’s in different • Frequency adverbs
• Understand the congugation of the • House elements.
verb to Be. • Days, months. places in a text.
• Occupations. • Understand short paragraphs about • Physical characteristics.
• Understand information about • Sports and musical instruments.
peoples’ occupations and • Places around the city. everyday actions.
• Understand information presented in • Ordinal numbers
short ads.
• Identify verbs in a text used in simple

A1.1 A1.2
A1.3 A1 A1.4


• Ask about places in a city. • Accept and decline invitations. • Talk about talents and abilities. LISTENING
• Ask for and give directions. • Identify object pronouns in small • Make polite requests.
• Make and accept invitations. dialogues. • Make suggestions and • Understand basic conversations on the
• Describe and give opinion about the • Understand instructions and directions recommendations. phone.
• Understand modal verbs in everyday
weather. on how to get to places. • Express obligation. dialogues and their contexts.
• Ask about prices when going shopping. • Understand opinions about the weather. • Make predictions about the future
and plans.


• Describe what people are wearing. • Quantifiers.
• Modal verbs. Can, Could, Would
• Write a letter to describe current actions that • Object pronouns. • Write short and simple texts Should, Must, Have to, Will and May.
are happening. • Imperatives. about one’s obligations, plans, • Be going to.
• Write a short composition about the most • Present progressive. activities and predictions. Affirmative, negative and interrogative.
popular places in a city.


• Understand information presented • Understand basic rules at one’s • Workplace vocabulary

• Adverbs of place.
about prices and items at a store. workplace. • Adverbs of manner.
• Some and Any.
• Can infer meaning from texts related to • Understand predictions of the • Horoscope.
• Clothing.
weather conditions. horoscope. • Abilities.
• Weather.
• Understand texts about clothing items, • Identify one’s abilities in a written • Ailments
• Cities.
weather conditions and activities context.
perfomed in several places. • Understand polite and impolite
expressions in a paragraph.
• Infer duties from a job description.
Student’s Book A1.4 You can do it

A1: A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4

A A2: A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4

M . C. E .
Marco Común Europeo
B1: B1.1 B1.2 B1.3 B1.4

B B2: B2.1 B2.2 B2.3 B2.4



Amazing skills: Lesson 1 & 2 4-6

Talk about abilities using ‘Can’ and ‘Can’t’ -
Hablar acerca de habilidades usando ‘Can’ y ‘Can’t’.

Describe characteristics of actions using adverbs of manner -

Describir las características de acciones usando adverbios de manera.

Hold the Line: Lesson 3 & 4 8 - 10

Make polite requests using the modals ‘Would’ and ‘Could’ -
Hacer peticiones formales usando los modales ‘Would’ y ‘Could’.

Ask for and give permission using the modal verb ‘May’ -
Pedir y otorgar permiso usando el modal ‘May’.

Make and receive phone calls using formal and informal language -
Hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas usando lenguaje formal e informal.

Good Advice!: Lesson 5 & 6 12 - 14

Make suggestions using the modal verb ‘Should’ -
Hacer sugerencias usando el verbo modal ‘Should’.

Discuss symptoms of common illnesses -

Discutir síntomas de enfermedades comunes.

Review & Progress Assessment 16

It’s a Must: Lesson 7 & 8 18 - 20

Express obligation or necessity by using ‘Must’ and ‘Have To’ -
Expresar obligación o necesidad usando ‘Must’ y ‘Have To’.

Talk about rules in the workplace -

Hablar acerca de reglas en el lugar de trabajo.

I’ll Be There: Lesson 9 & 10 22 - 25

Talk about predictions and events by using the modal verb ‘Will’ -
Hablar acerca de predicciones y eventos usando el verbo modal ‘Will’.

Talk about life expectations using simple vocabulary -

Hablar acerca de expectativas de vida usando vocabulario simple.

It’s Gonna Happen!: Lesson 11 & 12 27 - 29

Talk about future plans using ‘To be going to’ -
Hablar acerca de planes futuros usando ‘To be going to’.

Talk about life expectations and hopes using simple vocabulary -

Hablar acerca de expectativas y deseos de vida usando vocabulario simple.

Review & Progress Assessment 31

Hoy empieza o continúa tu experiencia como estudiante de una
segunda lengua, la más importante de todas: ¡El Inglés!

Académica, profesional y personalmente estás dando un gran paso.

El bilingüismo te transformará poco a poco en un ciudadano del
mundo, incrementará tus oportunidades y facilitará que alcances esas
metas que tanto has perseguido.

Skool English Institute ha desarrollado este programa de enseñanza

especialmente para personas emprendedoras como tú, teniendo como
base el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia y aplicando principios de
programación neurolingüística (PNL) en su metodología. Un programa,
que fortalecido con el uso de la tecnología y el aprendizaje
significativo, te permitirá, además de vivir una experiencia única y
enriquecedora, aprender más fácil y rápidamente el idioma Inglés.


Juan Guillermo Ochoa Alarcón


Skool English Institute

Lesson1 Input

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:
• Talk about abilities using ‘Can’ and ‘Can’t’ -
Amazing skills
Hablar acerca de habilidades usando ‘Can’ y ‘Can’t’.
• Describe characteristics of actions using adverbs of manner -
Describir las características de acciones usando adverbios de manera.

Word Bank
(To) Dance - Bailar (To) Use - Usar (To) Call - Llamar (To) Help - Ayudar

Chess - Ajedrez Magazine - Revista Every - Cada

Poker (Cards) - Póker Newspaper - Periódico All - Todo
Message - Mensaje Noise - Ruido Only - Solamente
Pen - Lapicero Night Club - Club nocturno Quickly - Rápidamente
Laptop - Computador portátil Underage - Menor de edad Slowly - Lentamente
Cellphone - Teléfono celular Several - Varios Carefully - Cuidadosamente

To be in a hurry - Tener prisa Give it a try - Hacer el intento

How come? - ¿Cómo así? I’m afraid that... - Me temo que...

Language focus
Expressing abilities with CAN / CAN’T - Expresar habilidades con Can y Can’t.
Usamos el verbo modal Can para expresar habilidades.

+ Basic Form
She of the Verb

I can play the piano very well -

Yo puedo tocar el piano muy bien.

Our son can read and write now -

Nuestro hijo ahora puede leer y escribir.

He can't drive a car. He’s underage -

Él no puede conducir un auto. Es menor de edad.

Can a kangaroo jump? -

¿Un canguro puede saltar?

In Context
1. I can understand my teacher now - Yo puedo entender a mi profesor ahora.
2. The professor can speak several languages - El profesor puede hablar varios idiomas.
3. My sister can ride a motorcycle - Mi hermana puede montar motocicleta.
4. He never has time to read magazines - Él nunca tiene tiempo para leer revistas.
5. We can’t open this door. We don’t have the key - No podemos abrir esta puerta. No tenemos la llave.
6. He can’t sleep because there is too much noise - Él no puede dormir porque hay demasiado ruido.
7. Can your sister stay at our house? - ¿Tu hermana puede quedarse en nuestra casa?
8. Can you please help the kids with their homework? - ¿Puedes por favor ayudar a los niños con su tarea?
9. Where can we eat something? I’m hungry - ¿Dónde podemos comer algo? Tengo hambre.
10.When can you go downtown with me? - ¿Cuándo puedes ir al centro conmigo?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Babysitter Needed
Can you speak English? Can you drive a car? Are you responsible and sweet? Can you work well with children? Do you have
a valid passport? Can you travel at any time? If your answer is ‘yes’ to all of the questions, you could be the person we need.
cualquier podrías
We have to travel a lot for our jobs and we want to be with our kids on our trips, so we need a young female babysitter who
can travel with us to different cities and sometimes abroad. We can offer a good wage, excellent health insurance, one
extranjero seguro
day-off a week and all trip expenses. If you are interested, you can send us your resume to P.O. Box 2985

Answer the questions according to the text - What words or expressions mean -
Responda las preguntas según el texto. Qué palabras o expresiones significan:
1. Which ability is not required? Female
Femenina - _________________________
A. To be able to travel B. To speak French C.To drive Day-off
Día libre - ___________________________
Hoja de vida - _______________________
2. What is one of the benefits of the job? Wage
Salario - _____________________________
A. Good salary B. Weekly bonus C. Weekends off Trip expenses
Gastos de viaje - ____________________

Write the abilities under each of the following animals based on what you hear -
Escriba las habilidades bajo cada uno de los siguientes animales basado en lo que escuche.

It can swim, but it __________
It can fly, but it __________
This animal can eat __________
This animal can

can't walk. __________
can't swim. __________
fruit, but it can't __________
jump, but it can't fly.

__________ __________ __________

it meat. __________
Laugh and Learn
Follow your teacher’s instructions -
Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.
Lesson2 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
“Whether you think you can
or think you can’t, you’re right.”

• Talk about abilities using ‘Can’ and ‘Can’t’ -

Hablar acerca de habilidades usando ‘Can’ y ‘Can’t’.
Henry Ford

• Describe characteristics of actions using adverbs of manner -

Describir características de acciones usando adverbios de modo.

Language Practice
Complete with Can / Can’t + a verb from the list.

Buy / Play / Come / Use / Call / Be / Stay / Try

1. I _______ be
________ late today, I have to work. Can
5. It’s too late to go home. _________ stay
you _______ here today?
2. She’s busy right now. She _______ come
________later. Can
6. I can’t talk to you today. _________you call
_______ tomorrow?
3. We _______ buy
________ can't
this cake for her birthday. She hates vanilla. 7. My aunt _______ use
________ a laptop. She doesn’t know how to.
4. We are musicians. We _______ play many instruments.
________ can
8. I don’t know how to do this, but I _______ try

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.
She can't dance. Can you dance?
1. Ella no puede bailar ¿Tú puedes bailar? - ______________________________________________________________

I'm afraid that I can't eat fish. I'm sorry!

2. Me temo que no puedo comer pescado ¡Lo siento! - __________________________________________________

I can't go to your birthday party.

3. Yo no puedo ir a tu fiesta de cumpleaños. Tal vez el próximo año - ______________________________________

Maybe next year.


Can he sleep with all that noise?

4. ¿Puede él dormir con todo ese ruido? - _______________________________________________________________

Javier can't speak Japanese, only Russian.

5. Javier no puede hablar japonés, solamente ruso - _____________________________________________________

When can you come to my house?

6. ¿Cuándo puedes venir a mi casa? - ___________________________________________________________________

Where can we buy any new clothes?

7. ¿Donde podemos comprar alguna ropa nueva? - _____________________________________________________

8. ¿Pueden ellos trabajar este sábado? Yo necesito el reporte - Can they work this Saturday? I need the report.

Can you please help me with this?

9. ¿Puedes por favor ayudarme con esto? -______________________________________________________________

You can't drive. You're too young.

6 10. Tu no puedes manejar. Eres demasiado joven - _______________________________________________________
B. Autonomous Practice 7
Write a paragraph about some of the things you can / can’t do -
Escriba un párrafo acerca de algunas de las cosas que puede y no puede hacer.
So, I can walk fast, but I can't run or trot. I can cook salty food, but I can't cook desserts.
I can skate, but I can't ride a bike. I can write and read, I like it, but I can't dance or sing, I don't like it.

A. Guided Practice
Find someone who!
Ask your classmates the questions until you find someone who can do the following activities. Then report to the class -
Haga las preguntas hasta que encuentre a alguien quien pueda hacer las siguientes actividades, luego, repórtelo al grupo.

Question: Can you sing a beautiful song? Answer: Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

Activity Classmates’ Names

Sing a song
Play an instrument Daniela, Karen
Ride a motorcycle Melany
Speak another language
Play chess B. Zuluaga, Jackelyn
Drive a car Karen
Dance salsa Katheryn, Manuela, Juan David and Melany
(your own idea) Draw Manuela, Katheryn, Brayan, Daniela

B. Autonomous Practice
Imagine you have turned into a superhero and tell your
class about all the abilities you have now - Imagina que
te has convertido en un superhéroe y cuéntale a tu clase
acerca de las habilidades que tienes ahora.
I am a superhero. I can run very fast, actually I have super speed
like Flash. I can climb walls, I can walk through walls,
I can travel through time, and I can even make myself invisible.

Write what the girls can /can’t do according to what you hear. Choose the best candidate for the babysitting job from the
Reading Comprehension section - Escriba lo que las chicas pueden / no pueden hacer según lo que escuche. Escoja la mejor
candidata para el trabajo de niñera de la sección de la Comprensión de Lectura.

Laura can write reports very Melany can drive a car, she Isabel can cook, she can
1. 2. 3.
fast on the computer. can cook and she can speak drive a car and she can
She can speak French, but English well. But, she can't speak Portuguese. But, she
she can't travel. play any music instruments. can't speak English very well.
Lesson3 Input

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de:
Hold the line

• Make polite requests using the modals ‘Would’ and ‘Could’ -

Hacer peticiones formales usando los modales ‘Would’ y ‘Could’.
• Ask and give permission using the modal verb ‘May’ -
Pedir y otorgar permiso usando el modal ‘May’.
• Make and receive phone calls using formal and informal language -
Hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas usando lenguaje formal e informal.

Word 20
(To) Give - Dar 16 (To) Answer - Contestar (To) Tell - Contar, decir (To) Say - Decir

Dial - Marcar Form - Formulario Joke - Chiste, broma
Line - Línea Survey - Encuesta True - Verdadero
Operator - Operador/a Available - Disponible Truth - Verdad
Receptionist - Recepcionista Certainly - Claro, por supuesto Lie - Mentira
Manager - Gerente Again - De nuevo, otra vez Voice - Voz

Do (someone) a favor - Hacer un favor (a alguien) Hold on - Espera

Let (someone) know - Avisar (a alguien) Call back - Devolver la llamada
Wrong number - Número equivocado Pick up - Recoger, levantar
Go ahead - Adelante, prosiga Hang up - Colgar

Language Focus
Modals Would, Could and May - Verbos modales Would, Could and May.

- Para solicitar favores de manera cortés usaremos

los verbos modales Would, Could y May.
Would you come here, please? - Could you please repeat that? -
¿Vendrías aquí, por favor? ¿Podrías por favor repetir eso?

- El verbo modal Would también se utiliza para referirse a situaciones

o acciones hipotéticas, es decir, no reales.
Would you go with them? - Vivian would never say that -
¿Tú irías con ellos? Vivian nunca diría eso.

- El verbo modal May se utiliza para solicitar un permiso de manera formal.

May I please leave a message? - Of course you may go with us -
¿Puedo por favor dejar un mensaje? Por supuesto que puedes ir con nosotros.

In Context 9
1. Could I have a glass of water, please? - ¿Podría tomar un vaso de agua, por favor?
2. Would you please answer a quick survey? - ¿Respondería una encuesta rápida?
3. Sorry, could you say that again? - Disculpa ¿Podrías decir eso de nuevo?
4. May I have your name and ID number? - ¿Podría decirme su nombre y número de identificación?
5. He wouldn’t tell us all his company’s secrets - Él no nos contaría todos los secretos de su empresa.
6. Welcome to Bay Industries. How may I help you? - Bienvenido a Industrias Bay ¿Cómo le puedo ayudar?
7. Certainly, I would love to dance with you - Claro, me encantaría bailar contigo.
8. We would like to go, but we don’t have any money - Nos gustaría ir, pero no tenemos nada de dinero.
9. He’s not in at the moment. May I take your message? - Él no está en el momento ¿Puedo tomar su mensaje?
10. I’m sure they are telling us the truth - Estoy seguro de que ellos nos están diciendo la verdad.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Conversation 3
A: Hello? A: Welcome to Southern United. A: Hello?
B: Mary, what’s up. It’s Victor. Could I This is Janeth Murray. How may I B: Hi darling. Could you put daddy
talk to Carl please? help you? on the phone please?
A: Oh, hey Victor. How’s it going? He’s B: Good afternoon. May I speak to Mr. A: Hi mommy. He’s washing his car
not in right now. Larson, please? outside. Hold on a minute?
B: Do you know what time he’ll be A: Certainly, Sir. Do you know the B: Oh, well, I ‘m in a bit of a hurry so
back? extension number or the just give him a little message for
A: Uhm, I have no idea, but I could department he belongs to? me, ok honey?
take a message. B: Sales, I think. A: Sure. What do you want me to tell
B: No, nevermind. It’s nothing A: Alright, sir. Would you hold the line, him?
important really. Just tell him to call please? Mr. Larson will be with you B: Let daddy know I called and tell
me back when he gets home, ok? shortly. him to buy something for dinner
A: Sure thing Victor. B: Thank you very much. and pick up your sister from her
piano class.

Answer the questions according to the text – What words or expressions from the text mean –
Responda las preguntas de acuerdo al texto. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
1. Which conversation is the most formal? How do you know?
C2. In this conversation they use a more formal way for speak.
____________________________________________________________ Nevermind
Olvidalo - ______________________
2. Which conversation is between friends? How do you know? Shortly
En breve - ______________________
Victor and Mary are friends, for the way of speak between them
Querido/a - ____________________
3. What is the mother’s message?
Algo - __________________________
C3. The father should buy something for dinner and pick up his
daughter from her piano class.

Listen to the conversation and answer the following questions -
Escuche la conversación y responda las siguientes preguntas.

1. What’s the reference number? ________________________________________________________________
30 minutes earlier, 8:15pm
2. What time do the people have to arrive at the theater? ________________________________________
Reserve 2 tickets for the movie
3. Why is the man calling?________________________________________________________________________
full name, card number
4. What information does the operator ask the caller for? ___________________________________________
2 tickets
5. How many tickets is the man buying? ____________________________________________________________

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.
Lesson 4 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
"Talk to yourself like you would

• Make polite requests using modals Would and Could -

Hacer peticiones formales usando los modales Would y Could.
• Ask and give permission using the modal verb ‘May’ -
to someone you love."
Brene Brown

Pedir y conceder permisos usando el modal May.

• Make and receive phone calls using formal and informal language -
Hacer y recibir llamadas telefónicas usando lenguaje formal e informal.

Language Practice
Complete the sentences using May, Could, Would or Wouldn’t and the following verbs: try, use, play, say, ask -
Complete las frases usando May, Could, Would o Wouldn’t y los siguientes verbos: try, use, play, tell, ask.

1. I’m afraid of insects. I ____________

wouldn't try
____________ exotic food in China.
2. ____________
May/Could use
I ____________ your laptop for half an hour? I have to send an e-mail.
3. ____________
Could tell
you ____________ the teacher I need to talk to him, please?
4. That game looks fun! ____________
Would play
you like to ____________ with us?
5. ____________ say
you ____________ ‘hello’ to your sister for me?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.
1. Por favor, avísame cuando llegues a tu casa -
Please, warn me when you arrive your home.

2. Necesito dejar un mensaje para el señor Shane -

I need to leave a message for Mr. Shane.

3. ¿Puedo hablar con el gerente, por favor? / Sí. Espere -

May I speak with the manager, please? / Yes, Hold on.

4. Devuélveme la llamada ahora mismo, necesito contarte algo -

Call me back right now, I need to tell you something.

5. ¿Puedo hacerle algunas preguntas de este formulario? -

May I do you something questions about this form?

6. Marque el número de extensión después del tono -

Dial extension number after the tone.

7. Gabriel, por favor cuelga el telefono, necesito llamar a papá -

Gabriel, please hang up the phone, I need to call to dad.

8. ¿Está Emily en casa? / Número equivocado, lo siento -

Is Emily in house? / Wrong number, sorry.

9. El recepcionista no está disponible en este momento. Llame más tarde -

The receptionist isn't available at this moment. Call more late.
10. ¿Puedo pedirte un favor? / Sí, claro, adelante -
May I ask for a favor? / Yes, certainly, go ahead.
B. Autonomous Practice
Create a polite request for the pictures - Cree una petición formal para cada imagen.

It’s a windy day. Bill is Jack is very tired and his

feeling too cold. he wants bags are too heavy. he
the window closed. needs help.

Would you please closed Could you please help

the window? me with the bags?

Linda’s friend is not in. The Mary is talking to the

receptionist offers to take a new manager but he
message. speaks too fast.
Would you like to leave Could you please speak
a message? a little louder?

The phone is ringing but It’s lunchtime. Gigi is

you’re taking a shower. Ask hungry. She asks her friend
someone to pick it up. for something to eat.
Would someone answer Excuse me, Would you
the phone? have something for eat?

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Create an appropriate request for each situation using the modals Would, May or Could -
Cree una petición apropiada para cada situación usando los modales Would, May o Could.

- It’s too hot today and you’re far from the window. Ask someone to open it for you.
- Answer: Could you open the window, please?
1. You are in your best friend’s house and it’s too late to go home. Ask for permission to stay all night.
2. You have a test today, but you don’t have a pen. Ask your classmate for one.
3. There’s an interesting event at the zoo this week and you don’t want to go alone. Ask someone to go with you.
4. Your phone is ringing, but you’re in class. Ask for permission to answer the phone.
5. You need to call a friend, but you don’t have the phone number. Ask a classmate to give it to you.
6. You are a at party and you see an interesting guy/girl. Ask him/her to dance with you.

B. Autonomous Practice
Role-play: In pairs choose one of the roles. Create a conversation where you need to
take and leave a message. Be prepared to present your scene to the rest of the class -
Juego de roles: En parejas elija un rol. Cree una conversación en la que necesite tomar y
dejar un mensaje. Esté preparado para presentar su escena al resto de la clase.

A.Receiver B. Caller
The person the caller wants to talk to is not in. You want to speak to somebody. But the
Take the message. Remember to be very polite. person is not present, leave a message.

Answer the questions based on the following recorded message -
Responda las preguntas basado en el siguiente mensaje grabado.

She's out of the country at the moment, she's on summer vacation.

1. Why isn’t Doctor Annie available? _______________________________________
Call her to her cellphone or leave voice message.
2. How can people contact her? __________________________________________
She comes back the next week.
3. When does she come back? ___________________________________________
Lesson 5 Input

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de :
Good advice!

• Make suggestions using the modal verb ‘Should’ -

Hacer sugerencias usando el verbo modal ‘Should’.
• Discuss symptoms of common illnesses -
Discutir síntomas de enfermedades comunes.

Word Bank
(To) Suggest - Sugerir (To) Keep - Mantener (To) Hurt - Doler (To) Hope - Esperar

A cold - Un resfriado Headache - Dolor de cabeza Pill - Píldora, pastilla

A fever - Fiebre Backache - Dolor de espalda Medicine - Medicina
An allergy - Una alergia Toothache - Dolor de muela, diente Massage - Masaje
Pain - Dolor Stomachache - Dolor de estómago Weak - Débil
Sick - Enfermo/a Earache - Dolor de oído Dizzy - Mareado/a

To be allergic to - Ser alérgico/a a To go on a diet - Ponerse a dieta

What’s the matter? - ¿Qué sucede? To get better - Mejorarse

Language Focus
Modal verb Should - Verbo modal Should.
Wait: Esperar (tiempo)
Hope: Esperar (esperanza)
Usamos el verbo modal Should para dar consejos,
recomendaciones o sugerencias.

I feel sick. What should I do? -

Me siento enfermo. ¿Qué debería yo hacer?

You should go to a doctor -

Usted debería ir al médico.

She shouldn’t take that pill -

Ella no debería tomar esa pastilla.

In Context
1. Do you feel OK? You look a little sick - ¿Te sientes bien? te ves un poco enfermo.
2. I am a little dizzy. I think I need to sit down - Me siento un poco mareado. creo que necesito sentarme.
3. She’s sick. Should she take this medicine? - Ella está enferma. ¿Debería tomar esta medicina?
4. I don’t know why my neck hurts so much. It’s awful! - No sé por qué me duele el cuello tanto ¡Es espantoso!
5. Man, look at you! You should go to the doctor - ¡Hombre, mírate! Deberías ir al médico.
6. What’s the matter? / Oh, nothing. I hate headaches - ¿Qué te pasa? / Ah nada, detesto los dolores de cabeza.
7. She shouldn’t smoke. That is why she is sick - Ella no debería fumar. Es por eso que está enferma.
8. He has a backache. He should get a massage - Él tiene dolor de espalda. Debería hacerse un masaje.
9. I hope you get better soon. We need you - Espero que te mejores pronto. Te necesitamos.
10. I have a pain in my left hand - Tengo un dolor en mi mano izquierda.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
Patrick: Hey Al, are you OK? You look sick.
Alessa: No, I don’t feel well today.
Patrick: What’s the matter?
Alessa: I feel weak and my head hurts.
Patrick: Oh, I’m really sorry to hear that. You should take a painkiller.
Alessa: That’s a good idea. Could you go to the pharmacy and get one for me, please?
Patrick: Sure, I can go right away.
Alessa: Wait Patrick! I feel dizzy and nauseous. I think I’m going to throw up.
Patrick: Hey Alessa, I really think we should go to see a doctor. Maybe you’re pregnant.
Alessa: Maybe I’m what? No way!
Patrick: Yeah, Iquiero
those symptoms are obvious. You know what? I will buy you a pregnancy test.
Alessa: Do you really think so? Well, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it.
Patrick: No worries. I will be back soon.

Mark True(T) or False (F) according to the text - Marque Verdadero o Falso según el texto.
1. Patrick has an awful headache. (F)
2. Alessa doesn’t have a lot of energy today. ( T)
3. The couple
is going to take some pills. (F)
4. Patrick thinks Alessa is probably expecting a baby. (T)
5. Patrick feels a little dizzy. (F)

What words or expressions from the text mean - Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
Analgésico - __________________________________
To throw up
Vomitar - ______________________________________
Right away
De inmediato - ________________________________
Embarazada - _________________________________
No worries
No te preocupes - _____________________________

Listen to each statement and write the best response -
Escuche cada enunciado y escriba la mejor respuesta.
1. I feel a little dizzy today. / C. You should sit down for a moment.
2. When should I go to the doctor? / A. Maybe tomorrow.
3. I think Amanda has a terrible headache. / B. She should relax today.
Peter can't sleep very well. / B. He shouldn't drink coffee at night.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/ a.
Lesson6 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
• Make suggestions using the modal verb ‘Should’ -
Hacer sugerencias usando el verbo modal ‘Should’.
“Success is the ability to go
from failure to failure without
losing your enthusiasm.”
Sir Winston Churchill

• Discuss symptoms of common illnesses -

Discutir síntomas de enfermedades comunes.

Language Practice
Complete with should and shouldn’t - Complete con Should y Shouldn’t.
1. Kids ______________
Shouldn't smoke.
2. I feel a little dizzy maybe I __________ stay home tonight.
3. You’re allergic to milk.You _____________ drink yogurt.
4. They have to study today.They __________ watch too much tv.
5. Milly ______________ take these pills for her headaches.
6. I think I _____________ go on a diet.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

I have a headache. I should take a pinkiller.

1. Tengo dolor de cabeza. Debería tomar un analgésico - ______________________________________________________

2. Creo que ella es alérgica a los gatos. No debería jugar con ellos - ___________________________________________
I believe that she's allergic to cats. She shouldn't play with them.

3. Philip no puede ir a la escuela hoy. Tiene fiebre - ____________________________________________________________

Phillip can't go to the school today. He has a fever.

4. Me duele la espalda. Necesito un masaje - _________________________________________________________________

My back hurts. I need a massage.

What's the matter? You look terrible.

5. ¿Qué te pasa? Te ves terrible - _____________________________________________________________________________

6. Oh, lamento escuchar eso. Espero que te mejores - ________________________________________________________

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I hope that you get better.

Do you feel weak or dizzy?

7. ¿Te sientes débil o mareado? - ____________________________________________________________________________

8. Está realmente tarde, deberías llamar a tu mamá - ________________________________________________________

It's really late, you should call your mom.

9. Te sugiero tomar más agua y ponerte a dieta - ____________________________________________________________

I suggest you drink more water and go on a diet.
You should keep your medicine in your room.
10. Deberías mantener tu medicina en tu cuarto - ___________________________________________________________
B. Autonomous Practice
Write advice for the following symptoms - Escribe un consejo para los siguientes síntomas.

1. Fever 2. Dizzy

You should take a shower of cold water. She should sit down for a moment.

3. Allergy 4. Stomachache

She shouldn't is near of the flowers. He should take a pill.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
1. What medicine do you usually take when you have a stomachache / backache / headache?
2. Are you allergic to cats / dogs / flowers?
3. Are you sick / dizzy / on a diet?
4. Do you think people should go to the doctor for an allergy / fever / cold?
5. Do you exercise regularly / eat well / like to go on diets?

B. Autonomous Practice
Role-play: In pairs choose one of the roles. Create a conversation where you need to give
and ask for advice about the symptoms of a common sickness. Be prepared to present your
scene to the rest of the class - Juego de roles: En parejas elija un rol. Cree una conversación en
la que necesite dar y pedir consejos acerca de síntomas de una enfermedad común. Esté
preparado para presentar su escena al resto de la clase.

A. You don’t feel well. Describe at least B. Listen to your partner’s symptoms and give
three symptoms to your partner. him/her some advice to help him/her feel better.

Write three suggestions for the person in the following situation. Use ‘should or ‘shouldn’t’ -
Escriba tres sugerencias para la persona en la siguiente situación. Use ‘Should’ o ‘Shouldn’t’.

1. For the cough and the headache he should take pills.

2. He shouldn't work until so late.
3. He shouldn't skip meals and he should spend more time with his family.
Review & Progress Assessment Part 1

(30 Minutes)
In pairs remember the topics you have studied from lesson 1 through 6 and fill in the chart -
En parejas, recuerde los temas que ha estudiado desde la lección 1 hasta la 6 y llene el cuadro.

Lessons 1 & 2 Lessons 3 & 4 Lessons 5 & 6

Topic: Topic: Topic:

Language focus: Language focus: Language focus:

Example: Example: Example:

Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary:

(10 Minutes)
Individually, reflect on your own process and do a self-evaluation about each one of the
objectives of the lessons, marking in front of each competence if you comply or need
reinforcement -
De manera individual, reflexione acerca de su propio proceso y haga una autoevaluación
acerca de cada uno de los objetivos de las lecciones, marcando en frente de cada
competencia si cumple o necesita refuerzo.

Competences Complies

Talk about abilities using ‘Can’ and ‘Can’t’.

Describe characteristics of actions using

adverbs of manner.

Make polite requests using the modals

‘Would’ and ‘Could’.

Ask and give permission using the modal verb ‘May’.

Make and receive phone calls using formal

and informal language.

Make suggestions using the modal verb ‘Should’.

Discuss symptoms of common illnesses.

(20 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Output Lesson Check Lesson 2 Lesson 4 Lesson 6

Autonomous writing.

Listening comprehension.

Performance Assessment:
(30 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.





Listening comprehension


(30 Minutes)
Your teacher will provide you with some feedback of your learning process so far, for you to consider and
apply his/her advices -
El/La profesor/a le dará retroalimentación de su proceso de aprendizaje hasta ahora, para que usted
considere y aplique sus sugerencias.

Student’s signature ________________________________ Teacher’s signature __________________________

Lesson7 Input

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:
I t’sa must

• Express obligation or necessity by using ‘Must’ and ‘Have To’ -

Expresar obligación o necesidad usando ‘Must’ y ‘Have To’.
• Talk about rules in the workplace -
Hablar acerca de reglas en el lugar de trabajo.

Word Bank
(To) Finish - Terminar (To) Start - Comenzar, iniciar (To) Find - Encontrar (To) Remember - Recordar

Job - Empleo Factory - Fábrica Bill - Factura (por pagar)

Duty - Deber Training - Entrenamiento Payment - Pago
Task - Tarea Deadline - Fecha límite, plazo Deal - Trato
Project - Proyecto Benefits - Beneficios Business - Negocio
Report - Reporte Successful - Exitoso Strategy- Estrategia

Day off - Día libre To work overtime - Trabajar horas extra

How do you like...? - ¿Qué te parece...? To keep in mind - Tener en cuenta, tener presente

Language Focus
Must and Have to.
Utilizamos MUST para indicar obligaciones y la forma negativa MUST NOT o MUSTN’T para prohibiciones.

People must drink water to live -

La gente debe beber agua para vivir.
(Esta acción es imperativa)

People mustn’t speak on the phone inside a bank -

La gente no debe hablar por teléfono dentro de un banco.
(Esta acción está rotundamente prohibida)

Utilizamos HAVE TO para indicar acciones que son

muy necesarias pero no obligatorias y DON’T HAVE TO
para indicar que una actividad no es necesaria.

You have to eat a balanced diet -

Tienes que comer una dieta balanceada.

She doesn’t have to work on her day off -

Ella no tiene que trabajar en su día libre.

In Context
1. How do you like your new workplace? - ¿Qué tal te parece tu nuevo sitio de trabajo?
2. When do you start your training course? - ¿Cúando comienzas tu curso de entrenamiento?
3. We must finish the report today. The deadline is tomorrow - Debemos terminar el reporte hoy. La fecha límite es mañana.
4. You mustn’t drink alcohol when you drive - No debes beber alcohol cuando conduces.
5. We must obey the rules during our visit to the museum - Debemos obedecer las reglas durante nuestra visita al museo.
6. I have to take this job. It’s a great offer - Tengo que tomar este trabajo. Es una oferta grandiosa.
7. Remember, he has to pay these bills on payday - Recuerda, él debe pagar estas facturas el día de pago.
8. Do you have a lot of duties in your new job? - ¿Tienes muchos deberes en tu nuevo trabajo?
9. You must keep this in mind for tomorrow’s meeting - Debes tener esto en cuenta para la reunión de mañana.
10. Does she have to work overtime next Saturday? - ¿Ella debe trabajar horas extras el próximo sábado?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
At Work
I work for a big company named Future-Link. We work with software
development for different industries like banks, factories and supermarkets. Our
main office is in Sidney, Australia, but we have sales
and production
departments all over the world. I work as a sales representative in Boston, USA.
We are working on the development of a new sales strategy to open a new
market. I love my job. Some of my duties include:
- Call customers
- Type reports
- Attend meetings and training courses
- Travel to other countries with my family
- Visit a lot of companies
I want to become the Sales Manager of a new office soon. When I get that
volverse pronto
promotion, my wife will be very happy, I know. I will not only have a better salary,
but I will also learn many new things about management and project
tambien manejo
development. I’m working hard on that goal.

Mark True (T) or False (F) - Marque verdadero o falso. What words or expressions from the text mean -
Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:
1. The writer works as a sales manager at Future-Link. ( F)
Administración - __________________
2. He is working on a new sales strategy now. ( T)
Volverse - ___________________
3. He works in the main office in Sydney Australia. ( F)
Ascenso - ___________________
4. He wouldn’t like to move to another department. (F) Goal
Meta - ______________________
5. He thinks his salary is bad. ( T) Type
Digitar - _____________________

Fill in the gaps with the information that you hear - Llene los espacios con la información que escuche.

busy week
This is a really ____________________________ for us. It is the last week of the semester and there are many things
have to do
that we ____________________________. must finish my report
I ___________________________________ for next Friday because it is
our deadine
__________________. work team has to
My __________________________________ collect different projects
data from the ____________________ and
recolectar datos
type the forms
departments to __________________________ we must
that ___________________include in the final report.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/ a.
Lesson8 Objectives

Now I can - Ahora puedo:

• Express obligation or necessity by using ‘Must’ and ‘Have To’ -
Expresar obligación o necesidad usando ‘Must’ y ‘Have To’.
“You must be the change
you want to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi

• Talk about rules in the workplace -

Hablar acerca de reglas en el lugar de trabajo.

Language Practice Complete with Have to, Has to and Must - Complete con Have To, Has To y Must.

has to
1. She __________attend a meeting. (Less strong) have to
4. I __________ pay this bill this afternoon after work. (Less strong)
2. We __________work overtime this weekend. (Obligation) must
5. George __________ meet his clients at the airport. (Obligation)
has to
3. Betty __________ mustn't
type a new report for her meeting. (Less strong) 6. You __________use your cellphone in the bank. (Prohibition)

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

1. Debo ir a casa ahora. Necesito terminar mi reporte -

I must go home now. I need to finish my report.

2. Paul tiene que encontrar un nuevo empleo este mes -

Paul has to find a new job this month.

3. Quiero ser un gerente exitoso algún día -

I want to become a successful manager someday.

4. Recuerda que tenemos que ir a la reunión este viernes a las 7:00 am -

Remember we have to go to the meeting on Friday at 7:00am

5. Mis obligaciones en la compañía son muchas pero estoy contento -

My duties in the company are many, but I'm happy.

6. Jacob tiene dos días libres cada semana -

Jacob has two days off each week.

7. Debes tener en cuenta la fecha límite para el proyecto -

You have to keep in mind the deadline for the project.

8. ¿Qué te parece la nueva estrategia de la compañía? -

How do you like the company's new strategy?

9. Estamos demasiado cansados. Necesitamos tomarnos un día libre -

We're too tired. We need to take a day off.
10. El día de mi pago es el jueves. Tengo que pagar muchas facturas -
The payment day is on Thursday. I have to pay maby bills.

B. Autonomous Practice
Write a paragraph about your duties and responsibilities at home, school or work -
Escriba un párrafo acerca de sus deberes y responsabilidades en la casa, colegio o trabajo.
My home's duties: I must clean the house, I do things like mop, sweep, wash the dishes,
cook the breakfast, the lunch and the dinner. Also I have to take care of my sister and my cat.

My school's duties: I must pay attention to the class. I must deliver my homework on time.
I must work in teams and approve the exams. I have to study autonomously in my house.

My church's duties: I serve in my church using the lights, so I must arrive on time before the
meetings and I have to do my best job in every meeting.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate - Haga estas preguntas a un compañero.

1. How do you like your new job / workmates / workplace?

2. Where do you start to work / your training course / your trip?
3. Do you have any days off / bonuses / benefits?
4. Do you have to work overtime on Fridays / Saturdays / Mondays?
5. What duties do you have at your job / school / university?

B. Autonomous Practice
In pairs, talk about the things you have to do this week. Then, report what your classmate
has to do - En parejas, hable acerca de las cosas que tiene que hacer esta semana. Luego,
reporte lo que su compañero tiene que hacer.

Answer the questions that you hear - Responda las preguntas que escuchen.
Where do you work? I don't work in a company, but sometimes I work in my house.
Name to of your duties at work. I have to do designs, I have to take photos and edits them, I have to written stories.
When do you usually have to work over time? I work freelance so I don't do over time.
When is your day off? Sunday is my day off.
Where are some of the benefits you have? I manage my time.

I will be able to - Yo seré capaz de:

I ’ll be there

• Talk about predictions and events by using the modal verb ‘Will’ -
Hablar acerca de predicciones y eventos usando el verbo modal ‘Will’.
• Talk about life expectations using simple vocabulary -
Hablar acerca de expectativas de vida usando vocabulario simple.

Word Bank
(To) Travel - Viajar (To) Happen - Suceder (To) Become - Convertirse en, volverse (To) Achieve - Alcanzar, lograr

World - Mundo Raise - Aumento Famous - Famoso

Future - Futuro Promotion - Ascenso Rich - Rico
Year - Año Goal - Objetivo, meta Wonderful - Maravilloso
Decade - Década Dream - Sueño Unbelievable - Increíble
Century - Siglo Achievement - Logro Probably - Probablemente
Soon - Pronto Prediction - Predicción Definitely - Definitivamente

To get a raise - Obtener un aumento To make sure - Asegurarse

To get married - Casarse For sure - Con seguridad, de seguro
To be able to - Poder, ser capaz de In a long time - En mucho tiempo

Language Focus
‘Will’ to express the future - Will para expresar futuro.

Utilizamos el verbo auxiliar “WILL” para hacer

predicciones, expresar una decisión espontánea,
expresar una acción voluntaria o disposición para hacer
algo. También puede expresar una promesa. La forma
negativa contraída es “WON’T”.

I’ll help you with your shopping bags -

Yo le ayudaré con sus bolsas del mercado.
He won’t travel tomorrow -
No viajaremos mañana.
Will they come together? -
¿Ellos vendrán juntos?

In Context
1. I will start my next book this month - Yo empezaré mi próximo libro este mes.
2. My parents will travel to Europe next year - Mis padres viajarán a Europa el próximo año.
3. She won’t travel to Paris on vacation next week - Ella no viajará a París de vacaciones la próxima semana.
4. He’ll become a great professional because he studies hard - El se convertirá en un gran profesional porque estudia duro.
5. She’ll get a better job next year - Ella obtendrá un mejor trabajo el próximo año.
6. Will the couple get married soon? - ¿La pareja se casará pronto?
7. When will you finish University? - ¿Cuándo terminarás la universidad?
8. We will work together on that project next year - Trabajaremos juntos en ese proyecto el próximo año.
9. He won’t be able to finish this today. It’s too long - El no será capaz de terminar esto hoy. Es demasiado largo.
10. I’m sure you will achieve all your goals and dreams - Estoy seguro que lograrás todas tus metas y sueños.

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
THE HOROSCOPE: What do the stars hold for your future?

Aquarius (January 21st - February 18th) Leo (July 23rd - August 23rd)
You will learn something this week that will be You’re working too much, you need a vacation.
very important for your future. You’ll be very happy. You will have a great business idea this month.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

Virgo (August 24th - September 23rd)
You won’t be able to travel this week because
you’ll have problems at home. You should be with You need to be very careful. You’ll get a great
your family. job offer if you do things right at work.

Aries (March 21st - April 21st) Libra (September 24th - October 23rd)
This weekend will be good for you.You will travel a bit You will have a great time with your family. They
and you will meet some very interesting new people. need you around right now. There will be a nice
surprise for you.

Taurus (April 22nd - May 20th)

You won’t have any more problems with your Scorpio (October 24th - November 22nd)
friends or relatives, and your love life will be much You will be near a sick person this month. This will
better. be a good week financially speaking. Keep calm.

Gemini ( May 21st - June 21st) Sagittarius (November 23rd - December 21st)
Watch your diet. You won’t feel well if you don’t
You will have some problems related to school or
eat well. You will receive some good news.
work this week but you will find the best solution.

Cancer (June 22nd - July 22nd)

This week you’ll be full of energy. You will start a Capricorn (December 22nd - January 20th)
new project. Have a realistic goal and it’ll become Watch your health.You’ll have a lot of pressure at work.
a reality. You will have to learn to calm down and take it easy.
Answer the following questions based on the text - Responda las preguntas, basándose en el texto.

1. What zodiac signs will have some kind of problem?

Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius.
2. What prediction does the horoscope writer make for Cancer?
You will be full of energy, you will start a new project, you will fulfill your dreams.
3. What zodiac sign will learn something very important for their future?
4. What zodiac sign should stay home and be with their family?

What words or expressions from the text mean - Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:

Financieramente hablando - Financially speaking

__________________ Sorpresa - Surprise
Manténgase calmado- Keep calm
_______________________ Love life
Vida amorosa - ______________________________
Presión - ______________________________________ Job offer
Oferta de trabajo - ___________________________

Write the sentences that you hear - Escriba las oraciones que escuche.
1. The world will be a very different place in a century.
2. You will definitely achieve all your goals.
3. My little brother will be rich and famous.
4. Our dreams will come true very soon.
5. You will get a raise because you work hard.

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/

Lesson10 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
• Talk about predictions and events by using the modal verb ‘Will’ -
”Have the passion, take the
action & magic will happen.”

Hablar acerca de prediciones y eventos usando el verbo modal ‘Will’.

Bar Rafaeli

• Talk about life expectations using simple vocabulary -

Hablar acerca de expectativas de vida usando vocabulario simple.

Language Practice
Complete with Will / Won’t + the correct verb on the list -
Complete con WILL / WON’T + la forma correcta de un verbo de la lista.

Buy / Go to bed / Travel / Come / Get up / Call / Visit / Be / Stay

will go to bed
1. I think I ___________________ now. I’m tired. won't buy
5. It’s way too expensive! I ___________________ it.

will call
2. She can’t talk to you right now. She ___________________you later. won't come
6. The students ________________ will be
next week.They ________________ on vacation
won't visit
3. I'm sure she ___________________ us this week. She’s too busy. Will
7. _________ stay
you __________ in that hotel on your vacation?
will travel
4. We ___________________ to Europe next year. will
8. Why _____________ get up
they _____________ early tomorrow? Don’t they have to work?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.

1. Viajarás a muchos países pronto -

You will travel to many countries soon.
2. Ellos se casarán el próximo año. Están muy contentos -
They will get married next year. They're very happy.
3. El mundo será un lugar muy diferente en un siglo -
The world will be a very different place in one century.

4. Lo siento no podré visitarte la próxima semana. Tendré mucho trabajo -

I'm sorry, I won't be able to visit you next week. I will have much job.
5. ¿Estará ella contenta cuando obtenga el ascenso? -
Will she be happy when she will get a promotion?
6. Mis abuelos definitivamente necesitan un nuevo apartamento. Creo que compraran uno -
My grandparents definitely need a new apartment. I think that they will buy one.
7. Nuestro viaje a las Bahamas será increíble. Viajaremos el próximo fin de semana -
Our trip to the Bahamas will be unbelievable. We will travel the next weekend.
8. ¿Alcanzarás todos tus sueños cuando te conviertas en un profesional? -
Will you achieve all your dreams when you will become in a professional?
9. Me aseguraré de comprar el libro antes de la conferencia -
I will make sure to buy the book before the conference.
10. ¿Vendrán tus padres a nuestra nueva casa este fin de semana? -
Will they come your parents to our new house this weekend?
B. Autonomous Practice
Write a paragraph about how you think the world will be in 10 years -
Escriba un párrafo acerca de cómo piensas que será el mundo en 10 años.
The world will be no more different to like is today, because unfortunately the movements that to move in this days only
will be more strong. Things like the humanism, the racism, the inequality , but especially all the politic corrupt movement
won't be very different to like is today. The people will need to think about all this, because the future is in our hands.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence - Haga estas preguntas a
un compañero, quien contestará con una oración completa.

1. Will you get married soon / have kids / travel?

2. Where will you go next year? / travel / live
3. What will you do tomorrow afternoon? / morning / night
4. When will you finish your English course? / homework / book
5. When will you buy a new watch? / phone / laptop?

B. Autonomous Practice
In pairs, discuss about what you will do when you finish your English course. How will your life be different?
Then, report what your classmate told you - En parejas, discutan acerca de qué harán cuando terminen
su curso de inglés. ¿Cómo será su vida diferente? Luego, reporte lo que su compañero le dijo.

Write the predictions that the fortune teller makes for the man inside the crystal ball -
Escriba las predicciones que la vidente hace para el hombre en la bola de cristal.

She see that he will have many

problems with and important
project at work. She see a woman

that she will love he and will make

he very happy in the future.


Lesson11 Input

I will be able to - Seré capaz de:
• Talk about future plans using ‘To be going to’ -
It’sgonna happen!

Hablar acerca de planes futuros usando ‘To be going to’.

• Talk about life expectations and hopes using simple vocabulary -
Hablar acerca de expectativas y deseos de vida usando vocabulario simple.

Word Bank
(To) Do - Hacer (To) Graduate - Graduarse (To) Save - Ahorrar, guardar (To) Improve - Mejorar

Abroad - En el extranjero Experience - Experiencia Friendship - Amistad

Life quality - Calidad de vida Retirement - Jubilación Values - Valores
Confidence - Confianza College - Instituto profesional Own - Propio
Expectation - Expectativa Graduation - Graduación Couple - Par / pareja

Do one’s best - Hacer su mejor esfuerzo Self-improvement - Superación personal

Any minute now - En cualquier momento Self-esteem - Autoestima

Language Focus
‘To Be Going To’ to express plans - ‘To be going’ to para expresar planes.
I am
You are
We are
They are Going to + base form of the verb
He is
She is
It is
To be + Going to
El tiempo futuro con going to se usa para expresar planes futuros o
algo que ya ha sido preparado, o una predicción hecha a partir de
evidencia observable de que tal acción va a suceder.

I’m going to stay home tonight -

Me voy a quedar en casa esta semana.

She’s not going to buy that laptop -

Ella no va a comprar ese computador portátil.

Are you going to graduate soon? -

¿Te vas a graduar pronto?
In Context
1. I’m so excited! I’m going to graduate very soon - ¡Estoy tan emocionado! Yo voy a graduarme muy pronto.
2. My sister is going to save money for her graduation - Mi hermana va a ahorrar dinero para su graduación.
3. It’s going to rain, for sure. Look at those clouds - Va a llover, de seguro. Mira esas nubes.
4. I’m going to open my own business this month - Voy a abrir mi propio negocio este mes.
5. We are going to teach our kids many values - Vamos a enseñarle a nuestros hijos muchos valores.
6. They’re going to finish their course in a couple of weeks - Ellos van a terminar su curso en un par de semanas.
7. Are you going to leave? Aren’t you going to stay with us? - ¿Se van a ir? ¿No van a quedarse con nosotros?
8. Is Vivian going to travel to Hawaii on vacation? - ¿Vivian va a viajar a Hawaii de vacaciones?
9. When is he going to improve his life quality? - ¿Cuándo va él a mejorar su calidad de vida?
10. What time are you going to fly to New York? - ¿A qué hora va usted a volar a Nueva York?

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Reading Comprehension
What are you going to be when you grow up?
When I grow up I’m going to be a professional tennis player, like Roger Federer, my favorite tennis player. I’m going to be
the best tennis player in the world. I play three times a week after school. I’m going to train very hard, every day.
First, I’m going to play in the Wimbledon Juniors, and then I’m going to win all four Grand Slams. I’m going to travel all
over the world and I’m going to be very famous. I’m not going to marry until I’m very old - about 25. Then, I want to have
two sons. I’m going to play tennis until I’m 40 – that’s a very long time. Oh! and I’m going to teach my sons to play. I want
them to be famous tennis players, too!
Answer the following questions based on the reading - What words or expressions from the text mean -
Responda las siguientes preguntas basado en la lectura. Qué palabras o expresiones del texto significan:

1. Who is the author’s favorite tennis player? to grow up

Crecer - __________________________________
Roger Federer
a menudo a week
Por semana - _____________________________
2. How often does the writer play tennis?
The writer plays tennis three times a week after school
to train
Entrenar - ________________________________
3. At what age is he going to get married?
When she is about 25 years.
_______________________________________________ to teach
Enseñar - ________________________________
4. How old do you think the writer is right now?
I think that she's underage.
I have many expectationof my own job.

Write the best description for each picture according to what you hear -
Escriba la mejor descripción de cada imagen de acuerdo a lo que escuche.

1. We are going to travel are in 2. She is going to finish her 3. He is going to be late for work 4. They are going to visit a new

honey moon homework country

Laugh and Learn

Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/ a.
Lesson12 Output

Now I can - Ahora puedo:
• Talk about future plans using ‘To be going to’ -
Hablar acerca de planes futuros usando ‘To be going to’.
• Talk about life expectations and hopes using simple vocabulary -
“The best way to predict
the future is to create it.”

Hablar acerca de expectativas y deseos de vida usando vocabulario simple.

Language Practice
Complete the sentences with ‘Will’ or ‘Be going to’ (affirmative, negative or interrogative) -
Complete las frases con Will o Be going to (afirmativo, negativo o interrogativo).
am going to
1. I’m saving some money. I ___________________ buy a car. (plan) 5. They plan to go on vacation next month, but they
aren't going to
____________________ swim on the beach. (plan)
2. I’m sorry I’m late. I _______________ do it again. (promise)
6. Our graduation is tomorrow. _______ going to
you_______________ come
3. Fred and I are a bit busy now. We _______________ call you later. (promise)
with your parents? (plan)
are going to
4. We won’t go to your party. We ___________________ stay home I'll
7. Are you going to the cinema? Wait! ___________ go with you. (offer)
and watch some movies. (plan) will
8. What _______________ you do next summer? (prediction)

Siga las instrucciones

Drill: Follow your teacher's instructions. de su profesor(a).

Integrated Skills
A. Guided Practice
Translate - Traduzca.
1. Mi hermana va a tener su bebé en cualquier momento -
My sister is going to have her baby any minute now.

2. Tengo muchas expectativas de mi nuevo empleo -

have many expectations of my new job.

3. ¿Vas a abrir tu propio negocio este año? -

Are you going to open your own business this year?

4. Ellos van a hacer su mejor esfuerzo para llegar temprano a la graduación -

They are going to do their best to get to the graduation early.

5. Kelly va a visitar varias ciudades cuando viaje a Europa -

Kelly is going to visit several cities when she travels to Europe

6. Tu hermana menor y Jenny tienen una bonita amistad -

Your little sister and Jenny have a beautiful friendship

7. Matthew va a ahorrar dinero para su jubilación -

Matthew is going to save money for his retirement

8. La superación personal es muy importante en nuestras vidas -

Self-improvement is very important in our lives

9. Vamos a tener muy buenas experiencias en esta universidad -

We are going to have a very good experiences in this university

10. ¿Vas a llamar a tu esposa para ir a la graduación? -

Are you going to call your wife to go to the graduation?
B. Autonomous Practice
Write 5 sentences about things you are planning to do in the near future using ‘Going
to’. Make sure to write affirmative and negative sentences - Escriba 5 oraciones acerca
de cosas que planee hacer en el futuro cercano usando Going to. Asegúrese de escribir
frases afirmativas y negativas.
1. Today in the night I'm going to go to do exercise with Sebas and Daylin.

2. Tomorrow I'm not going to assist with all classes of English, because I'm going to do some homework.

3. On this night, I'm not going to make the dinner.

4. Any minute now I'm going to clean my house.

5. In the afternoon, I'm going to do designs in Photoshop.

A. Guided Practice - Ask me!
Ask these questions to a classmate who will answer with a complete sentence -
Haga estas preguntas a un compañero, quien contestará con una frase completa.

1. What are you going to do after class / tomorrow morning / on the weekend?
2. Who are you going to talk to / invite / call?
3. Where are you going to study your career / English course / French course?
4. When are you going to travel on vacation / finish your course / get married?
5. Why is your friend going to save money/ have a party tonight / retire?

B. Autonomous Practice - Board Game!

Set students into pairs or groups of three. Each student will choose a small item to represent him /
her. A coin will determine how many spaces each player moves on the board (Heads = 2 spaces ;
Tails = 1 space). Follow the numbers. The first to reach the “Finish” box is the winner. Players could
continue the game to reach second or third place if time allows. No answers may be repeated
throughout the game - Haga grupo con uno o dos compañeros - Escojan un ítem pequeño para
representar a cada uno. Una moneda determinará cuántos espacios pueden moverse en el tablero
(Cara = 2 espacios; Sello = 1 espacio). Siga los números. El primero en alcanzar la casilla Finish es el
ganador. Jueguen hasta que el profesor indique que la actividad ha terminado.

1. Complete the sentence 2. Make 3 yes / no questions 3. Talk for 30 seconds

START! with real information:
Next week I’m going to...
using going to.
(partners answer)
about dreams and
expectations for the future.

7. Describe the lifestyle 6. Sorry Dear! 5. Talk for 30 seconds 4. Congratulations! =)

you are going to have You lose a turn! about a city you are You can go ahead
in a few years.. =( going to visit in the future. 3 spaces for free!

8. Talk for (at least) 9. Answer 3 information 10. Talk for (at least)
30 seconds about something
you’re going to buy.
questions about a
place you’re going to visit.
30 seconds about your
plans for tonight. FINISH !

Answer the questions that you hear - Responda las preguntas que escuche.

1. Who are you going to visit next week? The next week I'm going to visit to my grandparents.
2. Where are you going to live in 5 years? I don't know, but I think that I'm going to live in another country.
3. Are you going to have your own business? I don't know, i like to work for other.
What values are you going to teach your kids? I'm going to teach my kids about the fear of God.
30 4.
5. What places are you going to visit this year? This year I'm not going to visit other places.

Review & Progress Assessment Part 2

(30 Minutes)
In pairs remember the topics you have studied from lesson 7 through 12 and fill in the chart -
En parejas, recuerde los temas que ha estudiado desde la lección 7 hasta la 12 y llene el cuadro.

Lessons 7 & 8 Lessons 9 & 10 Lessons 11 & 12

Topic: Topic: Topic:

Language focus: Language focus: Language focus:

Example: Example: Example:

Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary: Challenging Vocabulary:

(10 Minutes)
Individually, reflect on your own process and do a self-evaluation about each one of the
objectives of the lessons, marking in front of each competence if you comply or need
reinforcement -
De manera individual, reflexione acerca de su propio proceso y haga una autoevaluación
acerca de cada uno de los objetivos de las lecciones, marcando en frente de cada
competencia si cumple o necesita refuerzo.

Competences Complies

Express obligation or necessity by using ‘Must’ and ‘Have To’.

Talk about rules in the workplace.

Talk about predictions and events by using

the modal verb Will.

Talk about life expectations using simple vocabulary.

Talk about future plans using ‘To be going to’.

Talk about life expectations and hopes using

simple vocabulary.
(20 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Output Lesson Check Lesson 8 Lesson 10 Lesson 12

Autonomous writing.

Listening comprehension.

Performance Assessment:
(30 Minutes)
Follow your teacher’s instructions - Siga las instrucciones de su profesor/a.

Listening comprehension


(30 Minutes)
Your teacher will provide you with some feedback of your learning process so far, for you to consider and
apply his/her advices - El/La profesor/a le dará retroalimentación de su proceso de aprendizaje hasta ahora,
para que usted considere y aplique sus sugerencias.

Student’s signature ________________________________ Teacher’s signature __________________________


Verb Translation Verb Translation
Be (am, are, is) Ser, estar Light Encender, alumbrar, iluminar
Beat Golpear, vencer, ganarle a Lose Perder, extraviar
Become Llegar a ser, convertirse en Make Hacer, fabricar
Begin Comenzar, empezar Mean Significar
Bet Apostar Meet Conocerse, encontrarse
Bite Morder Pay Pagar
Bleed Sangrar Put Poner, colocar
Blow Soplar Read Leer
Break Romper, partir quebrar Ring Sonar, tocar
Bring Traer Rise Elevarse, levantarse
Build Construir, edificar Run Correr
Burn Quemar, arder, incendiar Say Decir
Buy Comprar See Ver
Catch Coger, agarrar, atrapar Seek Buscar
Come Venir Sell Vender
Cost Costar Send Enviar
Cut Cortar, Set Poner, colocar
Choose Elegir, escoger Sew Coser (una prenda de vestir)
Deal Tratar, acordar Shake Agitar, sacudir
Dig Cavar Shine Brillar
Do (does) Hacer, preparar Shoot Disparar
Draw Dibujar, pintar, trazar Show Mostrar, enseñar
Dream Soñar Sing Cantar
Drink Beber Sink Hundirse
Drive Conducir Sit Sentarse
Eat Comer Sleep Dormir
Feed Alimentar Slide Deslizar, resbalar
Feel Sentir Smell Olfatear, oler
Fight Pelear, luchar Speak Hablar
Fly Volar Spend Gastar
Forbid Prohibir Spread Extender, desplegar
Forget Olvidar Stand Estar de pie
Forgive Perdonar, disculpar Steal Robar, hurtar
Freeze Helar, congelar Stick Adherir, pegar, engomar
Get Conseguir, obtener, lograr Sting Picar (aguijón)
Give Dar Stink Apestar, heder
Go (goes) Ir Swear Jurar
Have Tener, haber, poseer Sweat Sudar
Hear Escuchar, oír Swim Nadar
Hide Esconder, esconderse Swing Balancear, columpiar
Hit Golpear Take Tomar, coger
Hold Sujetar, agarrar Teach Educar, enseñar
Hurt Herir, lesionar, dañar Tear Romper, rasgar
Keep Guardar, mantener Tell Decir, contar
Know Saber, conocer Think Pensar
Lead Dirigir, guiar Throw Lanzar, aventar, arrojar, tirar
Learn Aprender Understand Entender, comprender
Leave Dejar (abandonar) Wake Despertar, despertarse
Lend Prestar Wear Llevar puesto, usar
Let Dejar, permitir Win Ganar
Lie Tenderse (acostarse) Write Escribir
Segunda publicación 2017
Publicado por Organización Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S
bajo la marca skooL®, English skooL® y/o skooL English Institute®
© Copyright 2014 Asociación Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S.
Todos los derechos reservados.

Dirección de Proyecto: Juan Guillermo Ochoa Alarcón

Dirección de Desarrollo: Lina Giraldo Gálvez
Coordinación de Proyecto: María del Carmen Arellano
Elaboración de contenidos:
Carlos Arturo Giraldo Ramírez, Daniel Eduardo Moreno Llanos,
Elizabeth Novoa Hidalgo, Germán Andrés Sanchez Betancourt.
Edición: Carlos Arturo Giraldo Ramírez
Diseño y diagramación: Mario Andrés Gómez Morales

Ninguna de las partes de esta publicación o su totalidad podrá ser resproducida,

archivada en sistema de recuperación digital o transmitida de cualquier forma o por
cualquier medio electrónico, mecánico, fotocopiado, fotografiado, grabado o cualquier
otro, sin previa autorización de Organización Colombia Bilingüe S.A.S., titular de los
derechos de la marca Skool y sus productos. Ley 23 de 1982.
• Express one’s mood. • Understand and respond yes/no • Give instructions according to the context. • Understand instructions.
• Talk about criminal investigation. questions. • Discuss hygiene habbits. • Accept invitations.
• Talk about one’s chores. • Understand short stories and fairy tales. • Ask for and give permission. • Understand spoken dialogues at different
• Ask information questions. • Understands commands, orders and • Make a reservation at a resutaurant. places.
• Pronunce regular verbs in the past. instructions. • Talk about healthy and unhealthy habbits. • Make deductions according to a given


• Write short and simple texts in the past • Regular verbs in the past (ed). • Write short texts about recipes. • Zero conditional.
about: what they were doing, nice • Simple past. • Write paragraphs about their lifestyles. • Modal verbs (May-Might).
moments, information questions. • Past progressive. • Wries information about restaurants and • Imperatives.
places in a city. • Expressing quantity.
• Participle adjectives.

• Food-related vocabulary.
• Understand main details of short • Time expressions in the past. • Understand information presented on • Kitchen utensils.
paragraphs according to the • Mood- realated vocabulary. menus, recipes and manuals. • Personal-care related
context. • Daily activities. • Understand short texts about personal vocabulary.
• Analyze and understand the • Media- related vocabulary. care routines. • Feelings and emotions.
difference between simple past and • Crime-related vocabulary. • Understand a medical prescription. • Common illnesses and
past progressive in short texts. symptoms.

A2.1 A2.2
A2.3 A2 A2.4


• Talk about childhood memories. • Understand details about future • Talk about natural disasters. • Understand details about.
• Discuss college life. arrengements. • Make comparisons. • Understand the difference between
• Express future events. • Identify the main ideas of services • Give relevant information. comparatives and superlative
• Talk about one’s belongings. provided at universities, banks and • Ask for information about schedules adjectives.
• Discuss future consequences. offices. and prices. • Understand information at termials
• Infer about information regarding • Talk about holiday traditions. and airports.
internet services.


• Suffixes.
• Write paragraph about one’s memories. • Used to – There used to be. • Write about a future vacation.
• Comparatives and superlatives.
• Write about future plans. • First conditional. • Write about one’s favorite hobbies.
• Defining relative clauses.
• Write a list of office supplies. • Present progressive for the future. • Write about one’s culture traditions.
• Reflexive pronouns.
• Future in the past. • Make a written composition about
• Definite article. The. one’s trip.
• Possessive pronouns.


• Understand traffic signs. • University and college. • Read information written at • Natural phenomena.
• Understand information about online • Childhood-realated vocabulary. airports and terminals. • Linkers of cause.
safety. • Office supplies. • Comprehend information • Transportation.
• Identify the main idea in a paragraph • Traffic related vocabulary. presented at resorts and hotels. • Holidays.
taking into account verb tenses. • Banking related vocabulary. • Understand written information • Recycling.
about recycling.
do it

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