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07/10/2020 RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]


ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English
Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]
for 3 mark question write 3-4 lines
* Required

1. Name and Roll No. *

Question I Read the extract and answer the questions that follow
Tarry a little, there is something else.
This bond doth give the, here no jot of blood?
The words expressly are a pound of flesh?
Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh, but in the cutting it,
if thou dost shed one drop of Christian blood

a) Choose the correct answers from the options given after each question [5]

2. 1. Who is the speaker? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) nerissa

b) jessica

c) portia 1/5
07/10/2020 RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]

3. 2. To whom is it spoken? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) shylock

b) gratiano

c) bassanio

4. 3. Mention the words expressed in the bond. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) Jot of blood.

b) A pound of Flesh

c) Tarry a little

5. 4. Where was the incident taken place? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) In the court of Belmont.

b) In the court of Venice.

c) In the street of Venice.

6. 5. Whose pound of flesh will be taken? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

a) Gratiano

b) Antonio

c) Bassanio

b) Write the answer in one sentence only [2] 2/5
07/10/2020 RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]

7. 1. What would be the consequences, according to the speaker, for shedding a 1 point

drop of Christian blood? *

8. 2. What is the warning contained in the first line? * 1 point

9. c) What drawbacks in the bond is highlighted by Portia? [3] * 1 point

Question II Read the extract and answer the questions that follow
Their logs held tight in death’s still hands.
Was proof of human sin.
They did not die from the cold without.
They died from the cold within.

a) Choose the correct answers from the option given after each question [5]

10. 1.The phrase “death’s still hands” is an example of which figure of speech. * 1 point

Mark only one oval.



Alliteration 3/5
07/10/2020 RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]

11. 2. What do you mean by “Cold Within”? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Lack of warmth within

Extremely cold outside

Cold weather

12. 3. Why were the logs required? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Hitting each other

Burning the fire

Playing a game

13. 4. Who are they in the extract? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Six humans

The rich and the poor men

The black man and the white woman

14. 5. None of them used the log for what reason? * 1 point

Mark only one oval.

Human prejudices

Love for each other

To help each other

b) Write the answer in one sentence only [2] 4/5
07/10/2020 RYAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL, ASSESSMENT I (2020-21) Grade X-English Paper - II (Section - A) Total Marks [20]

15. 1. What proof of human sin is being referred to here? *

16. 2. What killed the six humans? *

17. c) The poet says that the characters died from the cold within in the last line of the
extract. What does it imply? [3] *

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