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Video: Food security in the world.

-What is the problem about?

The problem is not that we aren’t producing enough food, but rather that
people lack of access to food. Many people do not have enough money to
purchase food and cannot grow their own. One in nine people in the
world go hungry each day, and suffer from a bad nutrition and many
people that have access to food consume too much.
The rising of food prices, and population growth.
Since June 2010, an additional 44 million people are estimated to have
fallen into extreme poverty due to rising food prices.
-Science’s role in solving the problem.
-Science can also provide new tools to increase crop production, such as an
optical sensor to scan crops in order to customize fertilizer to plants needs.
"I can't ask a plant how it feels, but I can sense it with optical sensors,"
said researcher Bram Govaerts. That involves technology.
-To strengthen food safety and quality systems in a sustainable way and to
improve conditions of food production.
By Increase Livestock and Pasture Productivity, Improve Soil and Water
Management, Plant Existing Cropland More Frequently, and Adapt to
Climate Change.
- Sustainably intensify agricultural production while reducing greenhouse
gas emissions, the degradation of ecosystems and the rehabilitation of
degraded environments.
Concerted action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture to
prevent further acceleration of climate change and avert threats to global
Climate-smart agriculture must improve and secure the livelihoods of rural
To enable more productive livelihoods and ecosystems, nutrition must be
improved, multi-benefit farming systems developed and rewarded.

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