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Hello, how are you?

I am fine, thank you

I am very glad to meet you ( senang bertemu denganmu)

What are you doing? ( sedang apa kamu?)

I am studying english (saya sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris)

It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? ( hari ini indah ya?)

What happened with you? (ada apa dengan mu?)

I don’t feel up to it (saya tidak merasakannya)

Do you want to have a coffee with me? ( maukah kamu ngopi bareng denganku?)

Do you ever meet Mr. Muhsin? (apakah kamu pernah bertemu Mr. Muhsin?)

See you tomorrow morning (sampai ketemu besok pagi)

Good bye (selamat tinggal)

Joni : Jack, How are you today?

Jack : Hello Joni, I am fine, thank you. And you?

Joni : I am fine too.

Jack : What are you doing?

Joni : I am making an appointment

Jack : Oh well, Have a nice day!

Joni : Thank you. Good bye!

Jack : Good bye!

Birthplace and Residences

Where are you from? (darimana asalmu?)

I am from Indonesia (saya berasal dari Indonesia)

Salatiga is my city ( salatiga adalah kota saya)

Where do you live? (kamu tinggal di mana?

What is your hometown like? (seperti apa kampung halamanmu?)

I want to go to your birthplace someday (aku ingin pergi ke tempat kelahiranmu suatu
saat nanti)

My place residence is very nice (tempat tinggalku sangat menyenangkan)

It sounds nice (kedengarannya menyenangkan)

Joni : where do you live now Jack?

Jack : I live in Semarang, but I am from Pati

Joni : why did you move from your hometown to Semarang?

Jack : I moved because I enrolled at university in semarang

Joni : I see, what is your hometown like?

Jack : it is in the countryside and is famous for sego gandul

Joni : it sounds nice! I would like to visit your hometown someday

Jack : Sure, i would be happy to give your a tour


What is your hobbies? (apa hobbimu?)

Do you have any hobbies? ( apakah kamu memiliki hobbi?)

His favorite hobby is playing football (hobbinya adalah bermain bola)

My father is good at playing tennis (ayah ku jago bermain tennis)

I usually spend time reading book ( saya biasanya menghabiskan waktuku membaca

What do you do during your leisure time? (apa yang kamu lakukan diwaktu senggang

He is interested in playing guitar ( dia tertaring bermain gitar)

My friend often goes to camping ( temanku sering pergi berkemah)

Joni: do you have any hobbies jack?

Jack : yes, i like reading a book joni. I often spend time reading a book during my

leisure time.

Joni : sound’s like fun Jack. What kind of book do you like

Jack : romantic story Jon. I really enjoy it. What about you?

Joni : I like, playing footbal.

Jack : You seem to be a good at football. Do you play often?

Joni : yes. Every weekend. I’m keen on football

Jack : that’s nice! Now i am interested in watching your games.

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