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Advantage of Turbine over steam reciprocating Engine:

1. Directly getting rotational motion in Turbine than reciprocating converted as rotational in

reciprocating Engine.
2. Efficiency of Turbine operation is higher than reciprocating engine due to
(A) Utilization high vacuum advantageously.
(B) Less loss from reduced friction compare with reciprocating steam Engine.
3. Compare with reciprocating steam engine Turbine is easily balanced if the workmanship is
good – Less Vibration
4. Absence of internal lubrication in Turbine is good advantage
(A) Steam is not contaminated with oil vapour, so feed water from condensate does not
required any filtering arrangements. Additionally if steam is used other than propulsion
such as heating, its efficiency is maintained.
(B) Saving of Lube oil cost
5. In steam turbine power is generated at uniform rate, therefore flywheel is not required.
6. Thermodynamic efficiency of the steam turbine is higher compared to the steam engine.
7. Very high power-to-weight ratio, compared to reciprocating engines
8. Much Higher speed and greater range of speed is possible than in case of reciprocating
steam engine.
De-aerators are used in a steam turbine plant

A de-aerator is a device that removes oxygen and other dissolved gases from liquids. Deaerators
are commonly used to remove dissolved gases in feed water for steam-generating boilers.
Dissolved oxygen in feed water will cause serious corrosion damage in a boiler by attaching to
the walls of metal piping and other equipment and forming oxides (like rust). Dissolved carbon
dioxide combines with water to form carbonic acid that may cause further corrosion.

The De-aerating Feed Tanks degassed and stored feed water for the boilers. The water was
heated by saturated auxiliary steam from the boiler steam drum. Cool condensate was sprayed
into the steam filled upper portion of the tank. The steam cooled and condensed into water and
drained into the central cone-shaped baffle, and from there into the de-aerating unit. There the
water was thrown outward into the curved baffles where it lost dissolved gasses, removing all
traces of dissolved oxygen. The de-aerated water fell into the storage space at the bottom of the
tank. This was the reservoir of feed water for the boilers. If the water level in the de-aerating
feed tank got too high the tank would not de-aerate the water. If the level was too low a sudden
demand for feed water might drain the tank, and that could cause problems with the feed water
pumps and the boilers.

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