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Plot-8, Sector-23, Rohini,New Delhi-110085

Session 2021-2022
Name: ……………………… S.No: W-3___
Roll No. ____ Class: VI___Subject: English
Date: . .2021 Openings Date of submission: . .2021

Given below is a story without a beginning. Read the rest of the story taking cues from the picture and
write an interesting (brilliant) and relevant beginning for it. Ensure that you use sophisticated
vocabulary. If required, divide it into paragraphs. Once you have completed the sheet, the original
beginning will be discussed with you.

Shopping For Adventure

“Aah! It’s such a boring afternoon” said Meg annoyingly as Rohan and Sandhya shook their heads in
concurrence as they all met on a cloudy Saturday at Rohan’s house. “Hey! Let’s go biking near the nearby
forest” said Sandhya excitingly and soon all three were on their brand-new bikes headed towards dense
forest. “Hey! Look at that bizarre antique shop. Was is there before? I never noticed it” exclaimed Rohan.
“Let’s check it out” said Megs with excitement. This was an antiques shop and all three friends went through
the old wooden door with broken door handle and into the shop. From outside it appeared to be a small
antique shop but from inside it was like a huge den with lots of old and rusted items like boxes, pottery and
lots and lots of clocks of all shapes and sizes. One surprising that was that all the clocks despite being old
were working and showing the same time.

There was one large grandfather clock that was making a rather angry noise. They watched in fascination.
“It's like he is shouting at us,” said Sandhya.
“Gives me a creepy feeling,” said Megs, “Let's get out of here.”
Just then there was a loud whirring sound and the clocks began to chime. It was three o'clock. Even before
they knew what was happening they were grabbed and pulled into the clock. Then they found themselves
thrown out. Getting up and dusting themselves they looked around. They saw many children like themselves
looking at them.
“Where are we?” asked Megs. The kids didn't say a word.
Just then they heard a loud Voice. “Welcome children. You are now in Clocking Town. I am your leader and
you are in my power. But I am not unreasonable. If you want to leave this place you have to get out within an
hour. Once the clock chimes the fourth hour and you are unable to get out, then you will be like my other
subjects…yes, they are the ones watching you.”
“No one would want to stay here…” said Megs.
“Why not?” asked the Voice. “These children lead a good life. Chocolate and fries, movies and video
games… and of course work!”
“Work?” asked the three.
“They are helping me in my project. And that reminds me…Children BACK TO WORK!”
The children scattered.
“So do you want to get back or not?” asked the Voice.
“Of course we do,” said Rohan irritatedly.
“Well…in all this talking you have already lost 15 minutes. Solve this riddle in the remaining time and then
you are free. And time is running out! Hahahahah!”
“Will you tell us what the riddle is?” shouted Rohan. They were getting frantic because they had by now lost
another 10 minutes.
“Nought in a box
Incredibly guarded by Mr Fox
Turn right
Step One, Two, Three

And you are free!”

“Oh no!” said Megs, “What does this mean? We are never going to solve this thing!”
“Let's not give up even before we start!” said Sandhya. “Let's see. Nought in a box…”

After much thought, they figured it must be an Easter egg.

“Come on, let's not waste time. Let's try and find the egg or Mr. Fox,” said Megs.
So the three of them ran off, not knowing where they were going. They ran to the right and the left and in
circles. But they couldn't find Mr. Fox. Tired, they sat under a tall statue. They just had another 10 minutes
to go before they became prisoners in Clocking Town.
Megs leaned against the pedestal. There were letters on it. Unconsciously Megs began to read the letters.
“This statue has been erected in memory of Roald Dahl, the best-selling children's author of classic books
like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, The BFG, Fantastic Mr. Fox, James and the Giant Peach…”
“What did you say?” asked Sandhya.
“Nothing! I was just reading what's written on the pedestal.”
“Let me see…” and Sandhya read it all over again aloud.
Megs jumped up screaming, “I've got it. I've got it. Come on quick. Turn right and take three steps…”
Barely had they taken three steps when they heard a roaring sound and from out of the ground came a large
box. They opened it and reached out to get the chocolate egg. As their hands touched the egg they found

themselves once again carried away with great force. With a thud, they landed back in the dark, gloomy
“Phew! What an adventure! And we thought it was going to be a boring afternoon!” said Megs.

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