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Jacqueline Chamale
12 June 2022
Dream Home

What you learned:

During the assignment, the major thing I learned was using the move to back/front tool. There
were a lot of lines and shapes used during this project that often time they were in the way of
each other due to stacking or grouping. The move to the front/back tool allowed me to get a
better view and a neater finish of the layout. Alongside this, I learned the advantages of layering.
Adding layers made completing a complex layout like this a lot easier and less time-consuming
as well. Overall this assignment helped me master the skills in the previous assignments.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) S Addressed:

1.5 Computational Thinker
Students develop and employ strategies for understanding and solving problems in ways that
leverage the power of technological methods to develop and test solutions.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

As I mentioned in the previous assignments these tools would be a great asset in math
classrooms to aid students in visualizing word problems. This same assignment could be used as
a get-to-know-me assignment at the beginning of the year. Students will create their dream home
and compare similarities they had with their peers. This will create connections among one
another and break the awkwardness during the first week of school.

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