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Jacqueline Chamale
26 June 2022
Celebrity Gossip Newspaper

What you learned:

After choosing the theme of my launchpad I learned about some of the animals in the svanna and
what they were known for. Specifically, I did not know the ostrich was the heaviest bird in the
world. In specifics to actually creating the launchpad I learned what it was because I had no idea
what it is was nor had I ever used one before to this specific extent. When using Apple Pages to
create it I ran into some issues with layering aspect so I learned to group the animal with their
phrase/link to make it easier to manouver and better organize. It was a trial and error learning

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for TEACHERS (NETS) T Addressed:

2.4 Collaborator
Educators dedicate time to collaborate with both colleagues and students to improve practice,
discover and share resources and ideas, and solve problems.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

This exact project can be used in my future classroom since all the links are focused on high
school math. If the school uses Canvas or Google Classroom I can have this pinned on the home
page so my students have all the resources available to them. In a similar concept, a student can
create their launchpad to stay more organized with their assignment such as linking the resources
they used for a research paper. Overall this assignment can be very versatile and be motified to
fit any class needs.

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