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Jacqueline Chamale
17 June 2022
Graffiti Painting + Fictional Story

What you learned:

During the assignment, one of the major takeaways I learned was the connection. This project
involved two different parts and going into it I knew both had to align to create a good storyline.
Aside from that, I learned to use the paint tool in a detailed manner. I was able to use different
drawing tools that provided different textures to make the drawing more detailed with different
shades and shadows. This free-form drawing tool aided me in creating a transforming teacher for
my story.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) S Addressed:

1.3 Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

This same assignment would work well with math. Instead of creating a story students will need
to create a word problem. They will use the paint tool to draw out their word problem to visibly
see and understand what the problem is asking. Through this, the students will be able to have a
better understanding and discover away to make word problems more visual.

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