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Jacqueline Chamale
26 June 2022
Celebrity Gossip Newspaper

What you learned:

With this assignment, I learned the different parts of a newspaper. In the beginning, I had no idea
what the masthead was but I later learned it was the title. I also learned what parts and/or
elements can be included such as columns and even advertisements. Some people pay to have
their business featured in a newspaper. It was great research and creative assignment which
allowed me to learn new things and gain an interest in newspapers.

ISTE National Educational Technology Standards for STUDENTS (NETS) S Addressed:

1.3 Knowledge Constructor
Students critically curate a variety of resources using digital tools to construct knowledge,
produce creative artifacts and make meaningful learning experiences for themselves and others.

Application of Skills Learned for the Future:

This project is a very useful tool to get information across. For future use in the classroom, I can
create monthly “newspapers” to hand out to my students so they are aware of what they are
going to learn. This newspaper will include math equations, example programs, and deadlines.
Essentially it will serve the purpose of a planner but look like a newspaper. This will help keep
students aware and prepared and it will create an organized classroom environment.

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