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A Body Condition Scoring Chart for Holstein Dairy Cows

A. J. E D M O N S O N , I I. ,I. LEAN, 1,2 L. D. W E A V E R , ~ T. F A R V E R , 3

and G. WEBSTER 1
Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Center
University of California
Tu lare 9 3 2 7 4
Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
University of California
Davis 95616

ABSTRACT Both location specific scores within cows

A chart for body condition scoring of and the overall b o d y score for a cow were
freely moving Holstein dairy cows was strongly correlated, demonstrating that
developed using an iterative process the chart was internally consistent. The
consisting of literature review, interviews chart is an effective field tool for b o d y
with experts, field testing, statistical condition scoring Holstein cows.
analysis, and comments from chart
users. The chart consists of text and INTRODUCTION
diagrams that detail changes in con- Body condition scoring (BCS) is a sub-
formation with body condition change jective method of assessing the amount of
for eight b o d y locations identified as metabolizable energy stored in fat and muscle
important in b o d y condition scoring. The (body reserves) on a live animal. Jefferies (12)
precision with which a p r o t o t y p e chart
initially developed a BCS system for ewes. The
was used to give location specific condi-
system involved palpating the backbone and
tion scores to cows was examined, and
lumbar processes, feeling for the sharpness and
the variability among the assessors
covering of the bones. Ewes were scored on a
described. This chart gave consistent
scale from 0 to 5, where 0 was on the point of
results with small variability among
death and 5 was very fat. His technique was
assessors, no significant difference at-
adapted for scoring beef cattle by Lowman
tributable to experience of assessors, and
et al. (16) using a 0 to 5 scale, with intermediate
no significant cow assessor interaction.
values for animals whose condition falls be-
Minor modifications were made to the
tween these numbers, functioning as an l 1-
chart, which was then used to assess
point scale. This system also used palpation of
location specific and overall b o d y condi-
the backbone and lumbar processes and in-
tion scores. Assessors scored cows in the cluded palpation of the tailhead region. Sub-
eight b o d y locations and rescored the sequently Mulvany (19) modified the system
cows in a different order to assign an for use in dairy cattle but introduced adjust-
overall score. The chart produced con- ment factors if the scores in the tailhead and
sistent scores over a wide range of b o d y loin areas differed. In Australia, an 8-grade
conditions with small variance among system for scoring dairy cows was developed b y
assessors. The overall score was most Earle (6) and a similar 10-point system de-
closely related to the condition scores of veloped in New Zealand (10). Both the New
the pelvic and tailhead areas of the cow. Zealand and Australian scoring systems used
photographs of individual cattle to define
condition scores and have accompanied the
Received October 7, 1987. photographs with a limited text description of
Accepted August 22, 1988. the areas to be scored.
1Veterinary Medicine Teaching and Research Body condition scoring of dairy cows in
Center, Tulare, CA 93274.
2 Reprint requests. the US is generally performed according to a
3Department of Epiderniology and Preventive 1 to 5 scale (26). This method, like those
Medicine, Davis, CA 95616. used in the United Kingdom, involves palpating

1989 J Dairy Sci 72:68-78 68


cows to assess the amount of tissue under the assigning an overall body condition score could
skin. These systems therefore require animals to be examined individually for changes along a 1
be under restraint while scoring is performed. to 5 scale, using .25-unit increments, func-
In many production systems, especially those tioning as a 17-point scale. A score of 1 in-
with large herd sizes, the opportunity for this dicated an emaciated condition, and a score of
type of evaluation is limited. The Australian 5 indicated an obese condition. Initially, during
and New Zealand body scoring techniques, trial 1, the chart examined nine body areas with
however, use only visual inspection, a preferred location B8 being divided into B8 (spinous and
method when large numbers of freely moving transverse processes of the coccygeal vertebrae)
cattle are involved. Body condition scoring and B9 (ischiorectal fossa). This was sub-
performed in this way is a rapid and easy sequently modified to the eight body locations
method of assessing the condition of cattle outlined below and shown in Figure 1. The
without the use of scales and is relatively modifications were a result of user comments
unaffected by body size (10). To the authors' and the variance found for the tailhead region
knowledge neither the New Zealand, Aus- in trial 1. The eight areas of the cow's body
tralian, nor American systems have been fully were examined and criteria within each area
validated. Cattle condition scores have been were used to indicate the body condition. The
related to milk yield and reproductive per- eight locations (B1 to B8) examined were in
formance (2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 17, 22, 23). three major regions:
Advice has been given regarding condition for 1) Loin -- B1 spinous processes, (the
stage of production, management decisions (16, vertical prominances of the lumbar vertebrae);
19, 21, 24), and in the evaluation of dairy B2 depression between the spinous and trans-
production and nutrition (15). verse processes; B3 transverse processes (the
Body condition scoring dairy cows is cur- transverse prominances of the lumbar ver-
rently performed using a variety of scales tebrae); B4 overhanging shelf formed by the
and systems, and difficulty exists in inter- transverse processes above the flank.
preting the literature because of variabili- 2) Pelvis - B5 tuber coxae ( h o o k s ) a n d
ty in the way authors apply scoring meth- tuber ischii (pin bones) bony prominances; B6
ods. The objectives of this study were to depression between the hook and pin bones; B7
develop a condition scoring chart for freely depression between the hooks.
moving Holstein dairy cows and to evaluate 3) Tail head - B8 spinous and transverse
the precision that this chart gave when used processes of the coccygeal vertebrae and
by different assessors under practical field ischiorectal fossa (depression beneath the tail).
Precision: Trial 1
The chart precision was evaluated by nine
Chart assessors, each scoring the same 59 cows, and
A chart for condition scoring Holstein cows rescoring 16 of these animals as a convenience
was prepared after reviewing and applying the sample.
procedures currently used for condition scoring Assessors. The nine assessors were con-
in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, sidered in three groups: 1) three experts in-
and US (6, 10, 12, 13, 16, 19, 25, 26). The volved in the development of the scale; 2) three
original template was subsequently modified by novices with some experience in condition
interviewing three people experienced in both scoring cattle; and 3) three beginners who had
Australian and US dairy cattle condition never condition scored cattle or seen the chart
scoring methods and repeating this process until prior to this trial, but who were familiar with
agreement on all the areas of the chart was cattle.
achieved. Diagrams were added to the text to Cattle. Seventy-two cattle were selected
convey the gradation of body changes and from one dairy, which had 2000 lactating
reduce the dependance on written descriptions. Holstein cows available. Animals were chosen
The chart was prepared so that each area of by a stratified random procedure, the strata
the cow that was considered important in being parity (first, second, or subsequent

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989

SCORE Spinous processes (SP) Spinousto Transverse Transverse Overhangingshelf ! Tubercoxae(hooks) Between pins and Between the books Tailheadto pins
5 (anatomy varies) ixocesses processes (care - rsmen fill) & Tuberisch~(pins) hooks (anatomy varies)
SEVERE individual processes ! deep depression : very prominent, ! definiteshelf, ! extremely sharp, : severe depression, ! severely depressed : bones very prominenl
UNDERCONDITIONING 1,00 distinct, giving a • ! > 1/2 length visible * gaunt, tucked : no tissue cover ! devoid of flesh : ~ /~ ~ ! with deep "V" shape£
(emaciated) - saw-tooth appearance 4- It-- ~ T T ~ " " J L . . ~ ; T cevityunder tail
,< 1,25

: j. "_.
":" 1/2 length of
: process visible :
4- 4- - 4- 4- ~,~ /'~ j,"~. 4- bones prominent
individual processes : obvious depression: : prominent shelf prominent : =Um shaped cavity
2.00 evident/~
Z FRAME OBVIOUS formed under tail
o "-"• : • 1 4-
T between 1/2 to 1/3T (.~
2.25 /
: : of processes visible"
sharp, prominent @.- : thin flesh covering ! definite depression : first evidence
: , ~)~.._. : "
2.50 1 ddge of fat t~
4- 1/3 - 1/4 visible ~ moderateshelf 4-
• smooth concave ~ < 1/4 visible • slight shelf • smooth : depression • moderato "- bones smooth, cavity
• [ ' "- curve : : [ : : : depression : under tail shallow O
WELL BALANCED .. --c- 4- 4- 4- (--..--~ 4- 4- 4- 4- & fatty tissue lined . t~
3.25 : ,~ : appears smooth, : ) : : : ~ :
: [~ :TP's Just discernable: ." • • • >
" smoothridge, the ~" O "7" ":" I ";" 4- slight ~ Slight depression .'~ ~ r
3.50 SP's not evident : smooth slope : distinct ridge, no : (---~ covered : depression
: invidual processes : \ - -r
• T di~?rnabie T :
4- .'-- bones rounded with
flat, no processes : nearly flat : , : none "~" rounded with fat
4.00 fla'~t ~ flat : tat and sligM tat-SIle¢
FRAME NOT AS discemable edge : depression under tair
,, ...%
4- "-
÷: "-
: 3/"
4.50 edge barely ";" buried in fat ";" • : bones buried in fat,
(iecemable : cavity filled with fat
4- 4- forming tissue folds
." ~ ._
SEVERE 5.00 buried in fat : rounded (convex) buried in fat i( bulging rounded : rounded ". "~ (

F i g u r e 1. B o d y c o n d i t i o n scoring c h a r t for H o l s t e i n cows.


lactation), and within each parity, days in milk The body condition scale was considered
(DIM) (0 to 120, 121 to 240, 241 to dry, and continuous (even though the scores were
dry). The final selections were made using a corrected to the nearest .25 point) and normali-
table of random numbers and the last two digits ty assumptions made. This allowed the scores
on the cow's ear tag. The 16 animals for re- from each body location to be examined by
scoring were a random convenience sample ANOVA using statistical software (SAS In-
from several pens. stitute, Inc., Cary, NC). Initially, the effects of
Design. The nine assessors were given the assessor, cow, expert category, parity, and DIM
scoring chart 1 d prior to the trial, and the were examined using a partially hierarchal
chart design was discussed before arriving at the (nested) analysis of covariance. A final evalua-
dairy. Photographs of dairy cattle were used to tion, using only the variables found to be
discuss the areas included on the scoring chart statistically significant in the preliminary
and the ranges of condition in each area. analysis, was made using a random effects
Selected cows moved freely with other cattle ANOVA model.
in dry lot or freestall housing during scoring. The final model is given below:
The assessors moved from cow to cow as a
group, viewing each animal and assigning a Yjln = u + aj + Cl + (ac)jl + ejln
score to each body location. The condition
score assigned to a body location was not where u is a constant, aj (assessor), cI (cow),
discussed between assessors. After all available and (ac)jl (interaction) are independent normal
cattle had been scored, 16 cows were rescored random-variables with expectations zero and
using the same procedure, without reference to respective variances O2a, a~, and O~c; ejln are
the previously assigned scores. independent N(o, o 2), and independent of ai,
Cl, and (ac)jlj = 1. . . . 9; 1 = 1. . . . 59, n = 2 for
Precision: Trial 2 16 cows that were rescored, otherwise n = 1.
Trial 2. Using statistical software (BMDP
The usefulness of the chart was examined by
Statistical Software, 1985, Los Angeles, CA),
six assessors; five of whom had used the chart
the data were examined by cluster analysis to
in trial 1, and one who had not scored cows
determine which body locations were scored
with the chart previously but was experienced
similarly, and the correlations among each body
with dairy cattle. Each assessor scored the same
location with the overall body condition score
25 cows. The 25 cows were a convenience
assigned. By considering the body condition
sample selected from the corrals of a dairy with
scale as continuous (even though the scores
2000 Holstein cows available. The cows were
were corrected to the nearest .25 point) and
selected to represent a wide range of body
making normality assumptions, the data were
further examined by ANOVA. A random
Each assessor scored the 25 cows in the eight
effects model was used to estimate the mag-
body locations by marking the chart where the
nitude of the factors determining the condition
criteria on the chart matched the appearance of
score. In this trial, there was no estimate of the
the cow. The 25 cows were then rescored in a
error of the variance, because no replication in
different order to minimize the correlation
the scoring of each body location occurred. To
between the two assessments. When rescored,
determine if the interaction term among
the cow was given an overall body condition
assessor and cow could be used as a proxy for
score without reference to the location specific
the error term, the interaction term was com-
scores previously assigned. Cows moved freely
pared with both the estimate of the error term
with other cattle in dry lot or freestall housing
and the interaction term obtained in the
during scoring. Consultation among assessors
did not occur. previous trial.

Trial 1. Preliminary data description was Trial 1
performed using a statistical graphics program Of the 72 cows selected in the sample, 59
(Statgraphics, 1985 STSC, Inc., Rockville MD). were available for scoring. Box plots suggested

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


that higher parity cows may have significantly

higher b o d y condition scores than lower parity
cows, but the number of cows scored in the
fifth, sixth and seventh parity groups was very
small (Figure 2). Box plots display batches of
data, the middle line shows the median, the top
and b o t t o m lines of each box show the upper
and lower quartiles, the vertical lines show ~3
the extremes, and the plus symbols indicate .J

outliers. Notches indicate the 95% confidence

intervals of the medians; overlap of the notches
suggests no significant difference between the
data sets (18). Analysis of variance indicated
no significant source of variability attributable
to parity above the degree of variability among 1 I I I
cows within the parity groups. Days in milk was
not a significant covariate. No significant source
of variability could be attributed to expertise Figure 3. Notched box and whisker plots illus-
category above the degree of variability among trating the distribution of the condition scores
assessors within these categories (Figures 3 and ( m e a n from the 9 b o d y locations) given by the dif-
4). These results were consistent for the data ferent categories o f assessors.
from all nine b o d y locations. The analytical
design, therefore, reduced to one involving the
factors "cow" and "assessor", both being
considered random. The two-way analysis of not explained by the variation among assessors
variance showed no significant interaction or among cows is given as error (Table 3). F o r
between "assessor" and "cow" in all nine b o d y all locations, variability among cows had a
locations where scoring took place in the much greater impact on the variance of the
replicated trial. location specific mean scores than the vari-
"Assessor" and "cow" main effects were ability among assessors (Table 4). In locations
significant (P<.0001) in all nine body locations B8 and B9, the variability among assessors was
(Tables 1 and 2). Residual variation in the data larger than in other b o d y areas. Thus, the


+ It 8
~- 3

~2 ~: 2 +

1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I
1 2 3 ~ 5 6 7 A B C D E F G H 1

Figure 2. Notched box and whisker plots illus- Figure 4. Notched box and whisker plots illustrat-
trating the effect of parity on the distribution of the ing the di'stribution of the condition scores (mean
condition scores (mean score from the 9 body loca- for the 9 b o d y locations) given by each of t h e 9
tions). assessors.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


TABLE 1. Point and interval estimates of variance

of the assessor and F-statistics for testing H0: vari-
ance of the assessor = 0 (Trial 1).

Body Assessor 95% Confidence

location F-Statistic ~ variance in terval

B1 8.9 .00682 .00288,.03126

B2 6.1 .00555 .00224,.02948
B3 4.7 .00445 .00157,.03874
B4 12.1 .01311 .00566,.05623
B5 4.9 .00325 .00127,.01914 o
B6 9.9 .00878 .00374,.03922
B7 9.0 .00789 .00333,.03611
B8 29.2 .03353 .01497,.17534
B9 19.2 .03060 .01349,.12345

All significant (P<.0001 ).


TABLE 2. Point and interval estimates of variance

of the cow and F-statistics for testing H0: variance
of the cow = 0 (Trial 1).

Body Cow 95% Confidence
location F-Statistic * variance interval

B1 33.5 .18383 .13051,.27826

B2 31.3 .22628 .16053,.34286
B3 30.6 .23487 .16659,.35601
B4 29.1 .21685 .15372,.32896
B5 41.1 .21842 .15534,.32977
B6 30.6 .19239 .13646,.29160 O O O O O O ~ O O
B7 32.0 .20133 .14287,.30496 -,2
B8 36.0 .27293 .19389,.41273
B9 30.2 .32295 .22903,.48691

t All significant (P<.0001).

TABLE 3. Point and interval estimates of the error
(Trial 1 ).
ox.~ ~ M M M ~ M M

Body 95% Confidence

location Error interval

B1 .06458 .05789 .07250

B2 .08534 .07638 .09565 "O
B3 .09074 .08121 .10170
d d d d d d d d M
B4 .08821 .07895 .09887
B5 .06226 .05572 .06978 O
B6 .07408 .06630 .08303
B7 .07423 .06643 .08320 e~
B8 .08912 .07976 .09989 O

B9 .12640 .11313 .14167 r~


Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


largest estimates and confidence intervals o f the a m o n g cow main effects to be significant
variance o f the estimated m e a n were o b t a i n e d ( P < . 0 0 0 1 ) in all eight b o d y locations (Table 5).
f r o m these areas. The estimate of t h e m e a n The a m o n g assessor variability was significant
f r o m all nine b o d y locations was similar; ( P < . 0 0 0 1 ) in all b o d y locations e x c e p t B6 and
however, certain locations tended to give high
scores (B2 ~nd BS) and o t h e r s gave low scores
(B8, B9 and B4) (Table 4). B1 __. a
Trial 2
T h e c o n d i t i o n scoring chart is shown in
Figure 1. The eight locations on the cows b o d y B3 I
are defined, and criteria within each area are
described. T h e scale for the b o d y c o n d i t i o n is 1
continuous, but for convenience, t h e chart is
marked in .25 increments.
Cluster analysis indicated that b o d y condi- B5
t i o n scores given for t h e first f o u r b o d y loca-
tions (B1 to B4) tended to cluster, as did scores B6
given to the last f o u r b o d y locations (B5 to B8)
(Figure 5a). The overail b o d y c o n d i t i o n score B7
given by the assessors fell within the group o f
pelvic and tailhead location scores (B5 to B8)
(Figure 5b). Overall b o d y c o n d i t i o n score was B8
associated m o s t closely with the scores given
for the b o n y p r o m i n e n c e s of t h e h o o k and pin
bones (BS) (Figure 5b). Correlation coefficients
were greater than .92 a m o n g all the b o d y B1 b
locations, including the overall score.
The ratios of the interaction term c o m p a r e d B2
to the estimate of the error or t h e interaction
obtained f r o m the first trial were all close to 1. B3
The interaction term could, therefore, be used
as a p r o x y for the error t e r m in the analysis 84
of variance. T h e analysis of variance showed the

TABLE 5. Point and interval estimates of variance
of the cow and F-statistics for testing H0: variance 0v
of the cow = 0 (Trial 2).
Body Cow 95% Confidence
location F-Statistic t variance interval
B1 27.02 .39567 .23727-- .78896
B2 38.39 .46766 .28185- .92396
B3 33.00 .51277 .30844-1.01665 B8
B4 39.09 .48446 .29204-- .95679
Figure 5. Tree diagrams summarizing the cluster
B5 46.88 .53495 .32309--1.05287
analysis of body condition socres. The most closely
B6 35.93 .45205 .27222-- .89443
related body locations are connected in successive
B7 42.98 .47773 .28828-- .94172
steps from left to right (1). 1. Relationship among
B8 47.47 .58397 .35274--1.14910
the condition scores given for each location by all
Overall 63.42 .48812 .29555- .95636
the assessors, b. Relationship among the condition
scores given for each location and the overall scores
1All significant (P<.0001). by all the assessors.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


TABLE 6. Point and interval estimates of variance B7, w h e r e n o significant variability was f o u n d
of the assessor and F-statistics for testing H0 : variance
a m o n g t h e assessors ( T a b l e 6). T h e residual
of the assessor = 0 (Trial 2).
v a r i a t i o n n o t e x p l a i n e d b y assessor or cow is
given in T a b l e 7. F o r all eight l o c a t i o n s , vari-
Body Assessor 95% Confidence
location F-Statistic variance interval ability a m o n g cows had a m u c h greater i m p a c t
o n t h e v a r i a n c e o f t h e l o c a t i o n specific m e a n
B1 7.53 a .02385 .00837-.21381 scores t h a n t h e variability a m o n g assessors
B2 5.26 a .01279 .00425--.14460 ( T a b l e 8).
B3 7.03 a .02318 .00807--.21461 In assigning t h e overall b o d y c o n d i t i o n
B4 4.94 a .01203 .00395-.14523 score, t h e assessor and cow variances were also
B5 8.46 a .02088 .00742-.17896 significant. However, t h e v a r i a n c e o f t h e overall
B6 2.08 .00336 .00077--.00833
B7 .93 .00019 ..fl score fell w i t h i n t h e c o n f i d e n c e intervals o f t h e
B8 8.19 a .01268 .00768--.18802 l o c a t i o n specific variances (Tables 5 a n d 6).
Overall 11.57 a .01983 .00724-.15222
B o d y c o n d i t i o n scoring s y s t e m s have b e e n
~Too smallto calculate. d i f f i c u l t to i n t e r p r e t d u e t o i n a d e q u a t e detail.
S o m e have b e e n b a s e d o n p h o t o s w i t h m i n i m a l
interpretation and others on lengthy written
descriptions. This m a y limit t h e r e p e a t a b i l i t y
o f t h e s y s t e m to assessors w o r k i n g closely
TABLE 7. Point and interval estimates of the errors.
t o g e t h e r . Scoring s y s t e m s reflect b o d y n u t r i e n t
reserves o f c a t t l e (10, 14, 27). Wright a n d
Body 95% Confidence
location Error interval Russel (27) e x a m i n e d 73 d a i r y a n d b e e f cows
a n d s h o w e d t h a t t h e c o n d i t i o n score was
B1 .09124 .07193-.11956 r e l a t e d t o t h e p r o p o r t i o n of fat in t h e live
B2 .07505 .05917--.09835 w e i g h t a n d t o b o d y water, p r o t e i n , ash, a n d
B3 .09614 .07579--.12598 b o d y energy. T h e y also f o u n d t h a t b r e e d s
B4 .07631 .06016--.10000 differ in t h e p a r t i t i o n i n g o f fat a m o n g t h e
B5 .06995 .05515--.09166
various deposits, w h i c h r e s u l t e d in t h e s e b r e e d s
B6 .07764 .06121--.10174
B7 .06828 .05383--.08948 differing in t h e p r o p o r t i o n o f t o t a l b o d y
B8 .07540 .05944--.09881 fat at t h e same b o d y c o n d i t i o n score. In all b u t
Overall .04692 .03699-.05868 t h e t h i n n e s t cows, i n t e r m u s c u l a r a n d i n t r a m u -
scular f a t c o n s t i t u t e d t h e m a j o r deposit.

TABLE 8. Point and interval estimates of the mean and the estimate of its variance (Trial 2).

Summary of the sources of variability in the

body condition scores
Body Estimated 95% Confidence Estimated % Assessor % Cow % Other sources
location mean interval total variability variability of error

B1 3.40833 3.28-3.53 .0204 19.5 77.6 2.9

B2 3.33667 3.05-3.62 .0213 10.O 87.8 2.2
B3 3.23433 2.92--3.54 .0250 15.4 82.0 2.6
B4 3.21000 2.92--3.50 .0219 9.1 88.4 2.3
B5 3.23000 2.92--3.54 .0253 13.7 84.5 1.7
B6 3.26667 2.99--3.54 .0192 2.9 94.3 2.7
B7 3.22167 2.95--3.50 .0196 .15 97.5 2.3
B8 3.21833 2.89--3.54 .0275 13.2 85.0 1.8
Overall 3.29500 3.00--3.59 .0232 14.3 84.2 1.3

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


Several workers (3, 9, 16) found scores cow to cow by a similar amount, even if they
correlated with subcutaneous fat depth mea- did not assign the same score (similar accuracy
sured by ultrasound, and relationships with on all cows). Thus there was consensus among
b o d y weight and heart girth measurements have assessors on when a b o d y condition score was
been found (3). Johnson (13) showed that the high and when it was low. The lack of in-
change in condition score followed the pattern teraction indicates that the chart enabled
of live weight change in dairy cattle, and others assessors to score cows without bias in their
(8, 10) have estimated the live weight change interpretation of the subjective criteria on
associated with changing condition score. different animals. Both Evans and Nicoll (7, 20)
Surface profiles of cows around the loins and found this interaction term to be significant
rump have been correlated with the condition and in some cases to be larger than the variance
score (10). Wildman (26) similarly found b o d y between assessors.
weight and frame measurements correlated with The overall mean scores obtained in trial 1
b o d y condition score. Condition scores have reflect the average condition score of cows on
also been related to biological measures (25), the dairy, since the stratified sample of cows
milk yield (10, 11, 23), and reproductive scored was representative of all the cows on the
performance (2, 4, 5, 10, 22). dairy. The between cow variability is con-
The chart developed in this study resulted sistently larger than the variability between
from an iterative process of literature review, assessors, indicating that the scoring procedure
interviews with experts, field testing, statistical works.
analysis, and comments from chart users. Trial 2 was designed to evaluate a wider
Scoring with a chart removes the influence of range of body conditions than assessed pre-
the individual cow by using diagrams, rather viously. The cow variances calculated were
than photographs of single cows, to depict consequently greater than those in the original
change in conformation with weight gain or trial and cows were more varied in condition
loss. Further, this format minimizes the dif- than previous studies cited (7, 20). This may
ficulty of interpreting written description and have been due to cow selection procedures used
focuses the assessors attention on each b o d y in each study. Nicoll (20) used cattle going on
location before assigning an overall score. to, and finishing, a feeding trial. Consequently,
The analyses of variance indicate the relative it is probable that these cattle were in similar
magnitude of the components that affect the b o d y condition. Evan's (7) cattle were scored in
assigned condition score. The variance also smaller groups (range 9 to 24, mean 14) than
indicates the precision with which a score may the number of cows in this study, and the
be assessed by several observers (7). Our an- smaller numbers may have resulted in less
alyses found that significant variation generally variability.
exists between assessors when each b o d y Significant assessor variation was found
location was scored. Trial 1 found no sig- (variance ,01 to .02) except in two b o d y
nificant difference between assessor expertise locations. The depression between the hook
category, suggesting that the chart enabled and pin bones and the depression between the
beginners to condition score cattle with a hooks (B6 and B7) had no significant variance
similar precision to experienced assessors. The among assessors. Despite the greater range of
variability of the score given b y an assessor on conditions scored, assessor variability was
the first and second observation in trial 1 was similar to or less than in trial 1, indicating that
very small. Other sources of variability in the precision with which b o d y condition is
addition to assessor (i.e., expert category) and assessed has improved. Compared with results
cow (i.e., replication, days in milk, and parity) of Evans (7) and Nicoll (20), the assessor
represented a very small portion of the total variability was similar or slightly less, despite a
variability (coefficient of variance .27 to .41%). more varied range of cattle. This suggests that
Trial 1 demonstrated that scores given by either the new chart was easier to interpret
the assessors were almost parallel across the because of the improvements, or assessors have
cows scored (no significant cow-assessor in- learned to score cows more consistently with
teraction). This indicates that all assessors the chart, or both these factors were involved.
increased and decreased the score assigned from Cluster analysis is used to group individuals

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


with similar attributes (1). Location specific In recommending appropriate body condi-
scores from trial 2 fell into two main clusters; tion scores at particular stages of the pro-
those related to the loin and spinous region (B1 duction cycle, consideration must be given to
to B4), and those from the pelvic and tail- the genotypic differences in fatness at any
head regions (B5 to B8). Thus change in condi- condition score (27). The study population
tion is related most closely within similar consisted of a sampIe of Holstein cows from
anatomical regions of the cow, suggesting that one dairy, and the target population for this
the scale developed is effective. Additionally, chart is all Holstein dairy cows. The application
the scores from all b o d y locations are highly of this chart to other breeds may be biased due
correlated. Both these findings indicate that the to genetic differences in their distribution of
chart is internally consistent, since scoring fat.
criteria are correctly located on the scale for This BCS chart provided standard pro-
different body locations of the cow. cedures of known precision to condition score
The overall b o d y condition scores assigned freely moving Holstein dairy cows. This chart
in trial 2 fell within the pelvic-tailhead cluster can be used repeatedly, as described, to provide
of scores. This may have been influenced by a a condition scoring training tool, ensuring that
tendency to score cows from behind. The each area of a cow is observed and evaluated
overall score most closely reflects the scores before a condition score is assigned. Once the
given to the bony prominence of the hook and assessors are confident with the procedure
the pin bones (BS), the depression between the involved in assigning a score, only periodic
hook and pin bones (B6), and the depression reference to the chart should be required to
between the hooks (B7) (Figure 5b). The maintain consistency in assessing the overall
assessor variance on these three body locations condition score between observers. This study
is small (.0209 to .0002), being nonsignificant has shown that the effects of parity, DIM, and
in B6 and B7. This suggests that these b o d y expert category do not significantly affect the
locations are reliable areas to use when scoring analysis of scores assigned by an observer using
freely moving cows. The assessor variance this chart.
found on the overall score is within the con- Our chart indicates the score from a single
fidence intervals of the variance for the in- area is a good indicator of the overall score of
dividual locations, indicating that a single score the cow. If the assessor cannot view all b o d y
may be given to cows with confidence. areas, a condition score can still reliably be
Previous authors who scored with palpation given to the cow, because of the small variance
techniques have given greater emphasis to the in mean b o d y location scores found in trial !
tail head and loin regions. Our findings suggest and the close relationship of the overall score to
that, in the range of conditions scored (overall the b o d y location scores found in trail 2. It was
scores 1.5 to 5.0, mean 3.3), the depression be- demonstrated in trial 2 that an overall b o d y
tween the hooks and the depression between condition score can be assigned with little
the hook and pin bones may be most im- variance between assessors who used this chart.
portant, since no assessor variance was found in Trials have demonstrated that while b o d y
these areas. The emphasis previously placed on condition scoring is a subjective technique, it
the loin and tailhead may have resulted from can be related to objective measures of bio-
the palpation techniques used in other systems logical change (2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 22, 23, 26). In
(16, 21, 26, 27), since palpation of the tailhead this paper, use of a b o d y condition chart as a
may be easily performed in tie stall facilities. field tool is demonstrated. The chart proved to
Further, differences may exist in the relative be a method of ensuring precise responses from
merit of anatomical locations in reflecting a group of assessors scoring freely moving
tissue deposits at different b o d y conditions. Holstein cows. An overall score may be given
Differences in genotype among this study with confidence to cows by using the chart.
population and other populations previously The process of chart development described in
studied may have resulted in a different empha- this study produced a practical tool to reduce
sis since genotype influences the distribu- subjectivity in b o d y condition scoring. The
tion and mobilization of b o d y tissue (22). authors caution that, as with other b o d y

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989


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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 72, No. 1, 1989

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