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a) Mores

b) Customs

c) Taboos

Norms contain types and they are only 3 as pointed above.

a) *Mores*

meaning behaviour pattern expected in a given society. Mores can be positive or negative. *Negative
mores* these tell you what you are not suppose to do for example---- do not steal ; do not kill and do
not commit adultery.

*Positive mores* tell you good things to do for example respect elders; be honesty ; love your

b) *Customs*

Another type of norms meaning socially accepted ways expected in social interactions. Customs
preserve our culture (unhu/ubuntu) e.g when talk to elders girls shld kneel down.

C) *Taboos*

This is another type of norms but is called a negative norm.

This is because taboos is a strict prohibitation of behaviour that society holds for example beating your
mother its a zezuru taboo or eating pork its a Muslim taboo.

*Types of Values*

a) Social Values

b) Moral Values

c) Religious Values

d) Political values

e) Aesthetic values
f) Economic Values

*Social Values*

are beliefs and practice of a society. For example greeting someone its a social value in Zimbabwe;
wash hands before eating and not talking whilst eating its a social value; in marriage homosexuality is
an abomination. In countries like Britain same sex marriage can be also normal for a girl to
propose a men. On social values they is also Hospitality and warfare in Zim ; strangers and visitors are
treated with respect given food etc unlike in S.A were they are xenophobic attacks.

*Moral values*

These values ensure one lives long and enables people to avoid curses on them and others.

Adultery, Stealing , witchcraft is not allowed one caught doing this is chased and shamed. E.g
traditionally witches will hve six inch nail driven into their head.

In shona ; though now no longer followed mini skirts were regarded as not moral yet in America thats

*Religious values*

Belief of the existence of a supreme being called Mwari or Musikavanhu.

Believe that they is connection btwn human world; natural world and spiritual world. The belief of
spiritual guidance. In zim believe is on human soul ; they value not only God but the dead named them
Vadzimu; ask for mashavi emvura.

This type include value of sacred places e.g Matopos ; mavhuradonha and Njelele shrines. Traditional
leaders and chiefs burried in mountains.

This type involve the value of wells and pools like Mana pools; Chinhoyi pool also known as chirorodziva.
Trees; plants and stones are also valued such as Mutiusinazita ; muhacha or Domboramwari in Epworth.

*Political Values*


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