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Applied Ethics in Contemporary Times

Lesson-Critique-Activity Sheet

Group Members: Section: 72-1

Borja, Al Vincent V.
Candare, George M.
Capuno, Gynnea Yna M.
Full Name: Bolivar, Krisna Jaira R.

Answer each section. Use the guide questions to answer comprehensively.

1. What is the situation all about?
The significance of cultural sensitivity and respect in interpersonal relationships—
especially about religious beliefs—is highlighted in this particular situation. Due to
their religious convictions, Muslims can't be able to consume dinuguan, a Filipino stew
prepared with pork blood. Even though we have different religious traditions in food,
the fundamental principle is that we should respect one another's cultural heritage
and enjoy each other's company, which promotes inclusivity and understanding.
2. What makes the situation problematic?
The situation presents a challenge since it could lead to a conflict between friendship
and Muslim friends Haram. Even though the person eating dinuguan wants to show
consideration and respect for their Muslim friend's views, it could still be interpreted as
offensive or insensitive to eat a dish made of pork blood in front of them. Even if they
make an effort to meet friends, the dish's visual and aromatic presence may offend or
cause discomfort for their Muslim friend, which could result in feelings of isolation.
Furthermore, the scenario may draw attention to a lack of knowledge or thought given
to the possible influence of cultural differences on interpersonal interactions,
highlighting the necessity of more communication and understanding amongst people
with different origins.
1. What are the two conflicting decisions to apply in the given situation?

In every situation, a combination or complex action should be given to know your

choices when making a decision. In this specific situation, the group has come up with
two conflicting scenarios where situation (a); If the group ate dinuguan in front of their
Muslim friend, it means that the group chose to take an action that would lead to
disrespecting the beliefs of the Islam religion because eating dinuguan is included in
Haram in which Muslims like their friend, cannot do so that they would not violate their
soul. However, the group could also argue that the Muslim friend should respect their
belief about not being forbidden to eat the dish after all, the majority of the group is
allowed to eat it.

On the other hand, situation (b); The group would not eat the dinuguan as a way of
respecting the beliefs and their friend itself even though the group would like to eat
the dinuguan. They decide to make their Muslim friend feel they belong despite
having differences when it comes to their religious practices. But then again, despite
having the good intention of making the friend belong, they might feel the opposite
way since people around them have to adjust for the sake of their practices. The two
conflicting decisions should be analyzed thoroughly as they involve sensitive topics in

2. What is the ethically/morally correct thing to do? Cite evidences.

The situation given falls under the moral issue and the group decided that the morally
correct thing to do is to not consume the dinuguan in front of their Muslim friend because
morality, according to Haidt (2012 as cited by Norenzayan, 2013), refers to a set of
values, virtues, norms, or practices that work together to suppress self-interest and make
cooperative societies possible. Prioritizing the comfort and Haram beliefs of the friend
over personal preferences such as eating dinuguan demonstrates being moral as it
facilitates cooperative behavior in order to promote cultural sensitivity and specially,
providing a sense of belongingness to their friend.

It is important to be aware or be sensitive to the differences that you might have with your
friend to be able to develop your relationship with them. Wisner, 2023 mentioned that
there are different reasons why cultural awareness is important and one of them is that
you must understand their culture to truly understand their lived experiences and how
they show up to the world. In this context, the group wanted to emphasize the importance
of being considerate and how they would want to be treated if they were the ones to have
such beliefs. Aside from that, the group believes that to be able to communicate
effectively without cultural prejudice or cultural racism reflects their moral values and
shapes their character as an individual and as a group.

Overall, the group’s decision to prioritize their Muslim friend’s comfort and beliefs over
their personal preference of eating the dinuguan showcases that being culturally aware is
not enough, you have to do something in order to attain a cooperative society. Showing
cultural sensitivity also not only gives a sense of belongingness to their friends but also
reflects the importance of having and understanding different perspectives that could
contribute to the welfare of their relationship with their friend. The group also gives
emphasis on being considerate to have an effective communication without prejudice or
racism that could shape the group’s character and moral values.

3. What are the possible (positive and negative) effects if ethical standards will be followed?

 Positive:
 There will be no violated ethical standards.
 Peaceful situation
 My friend will feel respected

Explanation: If I consider the ethical standard of our friend’s religion

(Muslim), the possible conflict will be avoided. Thus, if I follow the ethical
standards of my friend, then I can propose a harmonious situation that
will come from my understanding and respecting their beliefs. In the
end, we can call this certain situation peaceful at the moment because
there are no ethical standards violated.

 Negative:
 My capability to eat my favorite dinuguan is being refrained from me.
 There is a tension that may occur between the two people that has a
different religion.

4. Do you think it is best to apply the ethical principle in this situation? Why or why not.

No, because my Muslim friend has different ethical principle. The ethical principle
within our religion does not prohibit us from eating dinuguan, therefore, it will go
against the principle of my friend for being a Muslim. The Muslim rules do not apply to
us, so we are not violating any ethical principle, however, we should consider some
ways to protect this kind of food from our Muslim friend so he will not feel offended
about the dinuguan and not to get this situation complicated for him. At this point, we
are going to apply the Rule utilitarianism, wherein we will choose the right action that
confronts the Muslim rule, even though we are not Muslims, we will do the action that
will generate the greatest good for us and our Muslim friend (Nathanson, n.d.).
1. What is the consolidated best decision of the group?

When it comes to our moral debate about whether or not to eat dinuguan in front of
our Muslim friend, we have concluded that it is better not to do so. Our choice is
based on a group assessment of cultural sensitivity and respect for religious views,
even when one team member may have argued for another approach based on
personal experience. Our identities and behaviors are shaped by our culture, and
cultural diversity helps us accept, even somewhat integrate, and adapt to different
cultures (DMN Contributors Network, 2024). We prioritize respecting our friend's
cultural and religious customs and acknowledging the Islamic dietary regulations that
forbid the consumption of pork and its byproducts, including dinuguan. Our choice
aligns with our aim to create a warm, inviting environment where everyone is treated
with respect and value. To show our Muslim friend that we care about their religious
observances and respect the idea of cultural sensitivity in our relationships, we will
refrain from eating dinuguan in front of them.

2. How did you come up with the decision? Explain your answer.

The decision to refrain from eating dinuguan in front of our Muslim friend is a result of
careful analysis of cultural, religious, and ethical considerations. However one of the
members came up with a different approach based on their personal experience of
eating dinuguan in front of their Muslim friend. With the use of moral debate on what
is the best answer for the situation, we have all agreed on one consolidated side. We
have taken into consideration many factors including the consideration for most
against the personal experiences. They realize that personal experiences are very
subjective and do not apply to many. We also include factors to promote inclusivity,
understanding, and respect for interpersonal relationships such as;

 Cultural Differences - A key aspect of making ethical decisions is recognizing

and valuing cultural diversity. A culture of tolerance and understanding is
fostered by acknowledging that different cultures have diverse dietary customs,
including prohibitions like Muslim abstinence from pork.
 Religious Considerations - It is essential to take into account the dietary
restrictions described in Islamic teachings. Muslims follow strict halal dietary
regulations, which forbid eating pig or any of its byproducts.
 Empathy and Respect - A genuine respect for their values and an intent to
prevent any discomfort or offense are demonstrated by the decision to refrain
from eating dinuguan in their presence.


1. Personally, what are your reflections and insights on the dilemma?
The situation given to the group had helped me think critically as answering this dilemma may have
bigger conflicts since religion is still a controversial topic in the Philippines. Personally, I believe that
answering this questions reflects the individual’s moral values in life and how they would want to
be treated when they are in the situation. Even if it is okay with my friend, I would be the one who
will be uncomfortable since I know the consequences of eating dinuguan in their religious

As an individual, this dilemma should also teach people to respect and understand different culture
and practices especially, now that we are in a globalized world where being culturally sensitive
should be practiced whenever interacting with people that surrounds you. To end this reflection,
the dilemma gave an eye-opening discussion within our group since we have different opinion
about this.

Dr. Asim Shah, DMN Contributors Network. (2019, August 25). Cultural diversity: Why we
should respect other cultures. Dallas News.

Nathanson, S. (n.d.). Act and Rule Utilitarianism. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

Norenzayan, A. (2013, December 5). Does religion make people moral? Behaviour.

Winser, W. (2023, May 26). Cultural Awareness—How to Be More Culturally Aware & Improve
Your Relationships. Verywell Mind.

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