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• Identify the meaning and definition of cultural conditioning

• Understand the relevance of a person’s behaviour and characteristic

to cultural conditioning
(Unawain ang kaugnayan ng pag-uugali at katangian ng isang tao sa
cultural conditioning)

Cultural Conditioning
is a process through which we absorb and interpret the influences,
norms, and messaging from our environment.

Other definitions
- ways in which all people in all groups are the same
- what a particular group of people have in common with each other
and how they are different from every other group
- ways in which each one of us is different from everyone else, including
those in our group
Universal / Cultural / Personal Activities:
Personal 1. Sleeping with a bedroom window open.
Universal 2. Running from a dangerous animal.
Cultural 3. Considering snakes to be “evil.”
Cultural 4. Men opening doors for women.
Cultural 5. Respecting older people.
Personal 6. Liking spicy food.
Personal 7. Preferring playing soccer to reading a book.
Cultural 8. Eating with knife, fork, & spoon.
Cultural 9. Being wary of strangers.
Cultural 10. Calling a waiter with a hissing sound.
Universal 11. Feeling sad at the death of a loved one.
Cultural 12. Wearing white mourning robes for 30 days after the death
of your mother.
Personal 13. Not liking wearing mourning robes for 30 days after the
death of your mother.

(Pwede tong itanong after ng two phases of cultural conditioning)

The Process of Cultural Conditioning will answer the ff. questions:
How do people acquire their culture?
How do they learn all the behaviors that are regarded as right and
wrong in their society?
Two Phases of Cultural Conditioning
1. Childhood conditioning - infants and young children learn basic
activities of life
eating, walking, talking, dressing, bathing, etc.
2. Adult conditioning - people learn new behaviors or new ways to
perform already conditioned
behaviors learning to use a Turkish toilet or eat with your hands rather
than with silverware
The Concept of Self: Individualism
- identifies primarily with self
- the needs of the individual before needs of the group
- looking after and taking care of oneself
- self-sufficient
- independence
- self-reliance
- people tend to distance themselves psychologically and emotionally
from each other.
The Concept of Self: Collectivism
- one’s identity is in large part a function of one’s membership and role
in a group
- survival and success of the group ensures the well-being of the
- considering the needs and feelings of others, one protects oneself
- harmony and the interdependence of group members
- group members are relatively close psychologically and emotionally,
but distant toward nongroup members
Cultural and social conditioning and expectations are the expectations
and conditioning that are placed on us from the world around us
Women should wear pink
And me should wear blue

Men should
Play basketball
Earn money to keep the family
Not cry or show emotions

Women should
Cook and clean
Look after the children
Be emotional and cry
Be soft and not as strong as men
Be attracted to the opposite sex

We did..

We invented all of our cultural and social conditioning and

What it does do is make us feel sad…


Cultural and social conditionin can make us feel suppressed..


Because Cultural Conditioning can prevent us from being who we want

to be, and doing what we truly want to do

(for example sa pag aaral ang gusto ganon pero yung magulang mo ang
gustong kuhanin mong course ay iba sa gusto mo )


Did you know that where you come from and the people you spend
time with can shape the way you see the world?

Our cultures shapes our beliefs and our values and this can influence
how we interpret and respond to world around us
For example, have you ever thought that something was weird or
wrong, just because it was different from what you ere used to? That’s
cultural conditioning

Americans do not realize that they have been culturally conditioned to

believe certain things as if it’s gospel truth they have accepted a lot of
things as the norm that everybody assumes that they are they operate
out the cell
Everybody assumes that they think independently but when I tell them
for instance when you go to public food system excuse me to public
school system youre being culturally conditioned to do what to accept
the history to accept the laws the ways things run

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