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World Building Checklist

Fictional worlds in a manga, comic or story are really important. A detailed fictional world can help
to draw your readers in, and make them feel like a part of the universe of your story. When you
think of world building, you may think of the fantasy genre, however, worldbuilding is also
prominent in every other genre of anime and manga. Without worldbuilding, the setting of your
story may feel flat, and at some points, could confuse your reader. So how do you world build an
interesting and entertaining world that will really compel your audience? This checklist will help you
through all the steps.

World Building Basics –

Timeline: ______________________________________________________________
Describe The Setting:
Geography (Terrain): ______________________________________________________________
Draw A Map Of Your World Below

Is Your World Magic or Science Based?

 Magic
 Science
 Both
Population (Humans, animals, mystics etc):
What Is The Role Of Your World In Your Story?
CITIES (Including Capitals)_________________________________________________________
VILLAGES _________________________________________________________________________
WATER (Lakes, rivers, ponds)_______________________________________________________
Cultural Features:
Next, you need to decide on how your world should look. This is especially
important in a comic or manga, as it will be drawn. How the world looks greatly
depends on how you answered the previous questions.

For example, in a magical world, technology may be run on magic. In this case,
your drawings would show floating items, magical gears, or perhaps magical
characters using their magic to help others.

Decide on how each place in your world should look.

If it's in a city, then it might be filled with different people, humans, animals, and
other kinds of creatures.
If it's in a small country area, then there may be a secret place only populated by
magical characters.
Consider the landscape of your world also. Is it filled with grassy plains, nature
and rain forests? Is there deserts? Is there beaches? Is it a magical land with
fantasy like plants and animals?
I recommend you draw multiple sketches of many things, the towns, the cities, the
forests, the villages, and use that to help you brainstorm exactly how you want
your world to look.
You can use this space below to sketch out what you want your world to look like!

Write Down Any Significant Names For Locations In Your World:


Write Any Further Notes Here:

World Conflicts (Social Divides, Politics, Wars etc):

Extra Details:

Currency _____________________________________________________
Language/s _____________________________________________________
Transport _____________________________________________________
Work _____________________________________________________
Politics _____________________________________________________
Leisure Activities _______________________________________________
Food ______________________________________________________
Clothing ______________________________________________________
Education _______________________________________________________

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