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When Prof first informed the class about the TikTok assignment, I had mixed feelings of

excitement and anxiety because I never had a TikTok account and was never familiar
with the whole application. I was; therefore, excited to try it, but at the same time was
worried that I would not be able to meet Prof Jafre’s expectations. After much hesitation
(as there are many aspects of the English language that I had to choose from), I finally
decided to be a little creative and to not touch the any technical aspect.
The English language is fascinating as it is popular and obviously has its own history and
quirks. Instead of only focusing on grammar and other theoretical aspects, I wanted to
also look at it from an entertaining side. To complete the TikTok task, I took a decision to
do a video on five fun and interesting facts about the English language.
As the TikTok video only allows us to create a video for 1 minute, I had to be meticulous
in choosing the best five facts that would suit the TikTok video.
Below are the five fun and interesting facts in a table form that I personally picked from a
long list based on my reading:

Fact Number 1 The longest possible English word that can be spelled without
repeating any letter is the word “Uncopyrightable”.

Fact Number 2 The word “Rhythm” is the longest English word without any vowel.

Fact Number 3 “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog” is a Pangram
sentence because it contains all the letters in the English word.

Fact Number 4 “Bookkeeping” and “Bookkeeper” are the only two words in the
English language with three consecutive double letters (ookkee).

Fact Number 5 The word “SWIMS” will still be SWIMS when turned upside down.

Honestly, I was having so much fun whilst preparing the TikTok video. It felt so wow to
finally be able to complete it. I am very happy with the end product, and I hope Prof
enjoys it, too.

Thank you for the interesting task, Prof!

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