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The specific intention of organization development must be to improve organization effectiveness.

This point excludes changes that

(A) merely seek to reduce costs.

(B) merely imitate what others have done.

(C) sound good in theory but don't work in practice.

(D) do not bring about increased dividends for shareholders.

(E) none of these

The system-wide application of behavioral science knowledge to the planned development and
reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes for improving organizational
effectiveness is called

(A) change agency.

(B) process change.

(C) transition management.

(D) organization development.

(E) none of these

Which of the following is a system-wide organization development involving a major restructuring of

the organization or institution of new programs?

(A) process change

(B) transition management

(C) change agent

(D) structural change

(E) strategic initiative

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