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Centre name & number: Sekolah Bogor Raya, ID167

Candidate name & number: Jashan, 0021

Reflective Paper

Evaluation of The Project Outcome

Simply put, our project aimed to raise awareness on what governments could’ve done better to
prevent Covid-19, and what we as citizens could’ve done to help them achieve their goals. First off,
we couldn’t go very deep into our research. We certainly think that we have achieved our aim, but we
were lacking research on how we as citizens could help the government achieve their goals in
controlling the pandemic, however, the Global Perspectives aspect hasn’t been achieved all that much
and, in my opinion, our correlation between the cultural background and what they spoke about in the
interview is ambiguous. We only found that the solutions they offered to what governments could’ve
done better to handle the spread of Covid-19 were somewhat affected by their cultural backgrounds,
as our Indonesian interviewees said that preparation of funds and hospitals would’ve been better
however our Indo-Canadian interviewee said that more of online deliveries for groceries and
necessities could’ve been done. To conclude, our project outcome has met the requirements but
wasn’t particularly outstanding. The changes we could’ve made in the project would have been to
rectify all the points mentioned beforehand such as having a wider spectrum of interviewees, having
more research on our topic, and coming to a clear conclusion.

Evaluation of Own Work Process

I had a lot of contributions to this project. One was a smaller portion of the research to the interview.
In the research, I had contributed to the research of better worldwide COVID handling and helped
with the research of a few notable examples of countries that handled COVID-19. In my opinion, I
think that my research was satisfactory as I found the notable points for the research. Furthermore, I
also worked on most of the interviews, doing the interview questions and conducting 2 interviews. I
think that the interview questions were more than necessary, which resulted in the interview being
rather ineffective. However, I’ve also helped my teammates do their tasks, such as helping with the
design of the poster and looking at the poster, I feel that we’ve done a good enough job. Overall, I
know that I didn’t give this team project my best as I had other projects to work on. To improve this, I
would manage my time better with other subjects. I also think that as a leader, I’ve done a good job
however my teammates were the weak link.

Evaluation of Team Work and Own Performance as a Team Member

We were a team of three. As a leader, my roles were assigning tasks to my teammates, and my
contributions were doing a part of the research and conducting 2 of the interviews, and also preparing
the poster. Unfortunately, the tasks I assigned to my teammates weren’t completed on time, leading to
slow progress and late submission of outcome. Working in a team, we have the advantage of more
people in groups compared to being alone. Everyone can focus on different tasks which reduces the
burden on individuals. In our group, we benefited from groups as we the task division was based on
what our members are more skilled at. On the contrary, working personally could’ve been better for
me as if one of the members doesn’t do their tasks, at least my own score won’t be affected. Working
in groups also means the different quality of work, which means that some parts of the product are
nice while some not as good.

Learning About Different Cultural Perspectives and From the Whole Project
In our project, we had interviewed 2 people of Indonesian nationalities, and one person of Canadian-
Indonesian nationality. From our results, we saw that when inquired on what the governments
could’ve done better to prevent the spread of Covid-19, the interviewee of Indonesian nationality had
answered preparing more hospital beds and more funding. On the contrary, our Canadian-Indonesian
interviewee said that the government could’ve utilized more online resources for the delivery of
groceries and food and citizens’ needs, just like China did. This portrays that the place where a person
has spent their lives can influence their thinking in a wide range of ways. Our research also taught us
that the respondents had answered according to what their country had experienced in the pandemic
even when asked on a global scale.

Communicating key personal research findings and connecting team and personal
elements of the project
I had done a small part of the research, which was what the world could’ve done better to prepare for
the pandemic. From this research, from GAVI, the vaccine alliance, I had found that clear messaging
and communication from big NGOs and big health organizations would’ve helped a lot in the
management of Covid-19 and will help a lot in managing future pandemics (The Vaccine Alliance ,
GA VI). As an example, the WHO had first stated that human-to-human transmission of the virus was
impossible, but then it turned out to be a communicable disease. This misinformation might’ve led to
people not being careful enough, and then increasing the spread of the virus. This, along with other
information, helped the outcome by adding to what governments could do to prevent future
pandemics (Rossman, Dr Jeremy), and this will help the general public understand what they can
expect for the next pandemic through our poster. As a team, our findings connected as we first
explained the factors affecting the spread of Covid-19, then we explained how to control those factors,
and then we looked at a few examples of countries that had controlled the spread of the virus really
well and some that didn’t. Furthermore, we had found that some government policies were wrong and
had made absolutely no sense, such as physical distancing (Mendez, Rich). Lastly, I researched what
the world could’ve done better to handle the pandemic and what it can do for the future. Combined
with our interview results, we were able to clearly meet our aim for this project.
Word Count: 995 Words

Mendez, Rich. “MIT Researchers Say Time Spent Indoors Increases Risk of Covid at 6 Feet or
60 Feet in New Study Challenging Social Distancing Policies.” CNBC, CNBC, 27 Apr. 2021,

Rossman, Dr Jeremy. “What Can the World Do to Avoid Future Pandemics like Covid-19?”
BBC Science Focus Magazine, 2021,

The Vaccine Alliance, GAVI. “Seven Things Countries Have Done Right in the Fight against
COVID-19.” Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, 22 June 2020,

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