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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 8

Word List with Definitions

1. anteroom (n) a smaller room that serves as an entry into a larger room

2. bauble (n) a worthless but attractive adornment

3. bureaucracy (n) government through administrative organizations or departments

4. condolence (n) sympathy for or acknowledgment of another's pain or grief

5. conflagration (n) an extensive fire

6. denude (v) to remove covering

7. dissuade (v) to convince a person to abandon an action or belief

8. exacerbate (v) to make worse; to aggravate a problem or condition

9. ghastly (adj) having a horrible appearance

10. impetus (n) a factor that causes action

11. jaundice (n) a yellow discoloration of the skin and tissues caused by a medical condition, such as hepatitis

12. lenient (adj) tending to give a lesser punishment or penalty

13. myth (n) a fictional story told as true in a particular culture, often containing a moral or explaining natural
phenomena through supernatural tales

14. navigate (v) to control the course and direction of a vessel or vehicle; to find a route, as with a map

15. omnivorous (adj) eating food from both animals and plants

16. pandemic (adj) widespread and pervasive; affecting everyone

17. perspective (n) a particular mental outlook or point of view

18. premonition (n) a prophetic feeling; an impression that an event, often a bad event, will happen in the future

19. ravine (n) a deep, long depression in the earth, as a canyon or gorge

20. reticent (adj) unwilling to speak; tending to be silent

21. shiftless (adj) lacking willingness or energy to accomplish anything

22. tacit (adj) not stated outright but understood

23. trepidation (n) a feeling of anxiety or uncertainty

24. veneer (n) a superficial, often deceptive, outer layer

25. zealot (n) a person who is fanatical or holds extreme and passionate views on a particular topic, especially a

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 8 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means the same or about the
same as the word given.

1. forgiving 6. tale

2. entryway 7. viewpoint

3. quiet 8. fear

4. worsen 9. gorge

5. lazy 10. motivation

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that means opposite of the word

11. cover 16. talkative

12. core 17. explicit

13. strict 18. congratulation

14. ember 19. alleviate

15. beautiful 20. energetic

Choose the word from the list that best completes the analogy, creating the same
relationship between the second set of words as exists between the first set of words.

21. persuade : for :: : against

22. clairaudience : hear :: : foresee

23. democracy : people :: : departments

24. generalist : specialist :: : limited

25. ocean : drop :: : spark

26. multitalented : artistic :: : herbivorous

27. forgery : signature :: : jewel

28. cyanosis : blue :: : yellow

29. reactionary : conservative :: : religious

30. climb : top :: : destination

Copyright 2008 InstructorWeb

Name__________________________ Date_________________

SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 8 (cont’d)

In the space provided, write the word from the list above that best completes each given

31. There is and legend in every culture, such as the story of Paul Bunyan.

32. I'm beginning to think it's his attitude that's preventing him from getting a job.

33. I tried to her from taking a vacation right now, but she's doing it anyway.

34. The look of caused by his kidney disease gave his skin an unhealthy hue.

35. She felt a growing about going into the graveyard at night.

36. The volunteered to go door-to-door to talk to people about his religion.

37. Through the valley, there ran a deep cut into the earth by a river.

38. The burned all night, consuming thousands of acres of forest.

39. From his , he couldn't see anything wrong with the plan, but he wasn't viewing
the whole picture.

40. She waited in the while the maid told them she was there.

41. Underneath his of respectability, he was really a criminal.

42. The for him to save money was the cost of college for his three children.

43. Rats are creatures that will eat almost anything.

44. The mining process will the land, removing all the trees and cover from the earth.

45. A good portion of our government is , a system of complex laws administered by

an equally complex system of departments.

46. Scientists fear that a disease could overload heath care systems around the world.

47. His appearance did not deter her; she was just glad to see him.

48. It was difficult to the trail that led to the overlook, but they found their way.

49. In my opinion, the judge was too and should have given her a longer sentence.

50. We had a agreement never to bring up the subject; we both just knew not to.

51. I know you were trying to help, but you'll the situation if you keep doing that!

52. The bracelet was just a , but she loved it even though it was worthless.

53. I had a that Kevin would get into a car accident.

54. Although he is , it's not that he's unfriendly; he's just shy.

55. You have my about the death of your pet; I know how sad you must be.

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SAT Vocabulary Lesson and Practice: Lesson 8 Answer Key

Synonyms 20. shiftless 39. perspective

1. lenient 40. anteroom

2. anteroom 21. dissuade 41. veneer

3. reticent 22. premonition 42. impetus

4. exacerbate 23. bureaucracy 43. omnivorous

5. shiftless 24. pandemic 44. denude

6. myth 25. conflagration 45. bureaucracy

7. perspective 26. omnivorous 46. pandemic

8. trepidation 27. bauble 47. ghastly

9. ravine 28. jaundice 48. navigate

10. impetus 29. zealot 49. lenient

30. navigate 50. tacit

11. denude 51. exacerbate
Sentence Usage
12. veneer 52. bauble
31. myth
13. lenient 53. premonition
32. shiftless
14. conflagration 54. reticent
33. dissuade
15. ghastly 55. condolence
34. jaundice
16. reticent 35. trepidation
17. tacit 36. zealot
18. condolence 37. ravine
19. exacerbate 38. conflagration

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