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Summative Test #1

NAME: _____________________________________ SECTION: _________________ DATE: _________________ SCORE: _________

MODULE 1: ORIGIN AND STRUCTURE OF THE EARTH (Most Essential Learning Competencies)
A. The Universe and Solar System
● State the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the universe. S11/12ES -Ia-e-1
● Describe the different hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system. S11/12ES -Ia-e-2
B. Earth and Earth Systems
● Recognize the uniqueness of Earth, being the only planet in the solar system with properties necessary to support life. S11/12ES -Ia-e-3
● Explain that the Earth consists of four subsystems, across whose boundaries matter and energy flow. S11/12ES -Ia-e-4
● Explain the current advancements/information on the solar system S11/12ES -Ia-e-5
● Show the contributions of personalities/people on the understanding of the earth systems S11/12ES -Ia-e-6
● Identify the layers of the Earth (crust, mantle, core). S11/12ES -Ia-e-7
● Differentiate the layers of the Earth. S11/12ES -Ia-e-8
General Directions: Read the following items carefully, write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided.
_____1. It comprises all space and time, and all matter & energy in it.
A. The Universe B. Earth C. Solar System D. Galaxy
_____2. The universe is made up of _____ baryonic matter, _____ cold dark matter, and _____ dark energy.
A. 24%, 71.4%, 4.6% B. 71.4%, 4.6%, 24%
C. 4.6%, 24%, 71.4% D. 4.6%, 71.4%, 24%
_____3. Which of the following is NOT a related study to Earth Science?
A. Geology B. Biotechnology C. Oceanography D. Meteorology
_____4. Ancient philosophers accepted that Earth was the moving center of all motion in the middle of a __________.
A. Heliocentric Universe B. Geocentric Universe C. Parallax D. Almagest
_____5. There is also a constant exchange of heat and moisture between the atmosphere and the hydrosphere through the?
A. Carbon Cycle B. Hydrogen Cycle C. Hydrologic Cycle D. Atmospheric Circulation
_____6. Which of the following BEST describes planet Earth?
A. It is a “Blue Marble” planet as seen from the outer space.
B. It is the only known planet that can support life.
C. It is in the Goldilocks zone.
D. All of the above.
_____7. What is the process by which plants manufacture their own food by converting solar energy into chemical energy?
A. Calvin cycle B. Photosynthesis
C. Cellular respiration D. Photodissociation
_____8. How many seconds does it take for sun’s light to reach the surface of the earth?
A. 150 seconds B. 250 seconds
C. 500 seconds D. 1000 seconds
_____9. The earth is able to sustain life for millions of years because of the presence of this shield that protects the life forms from harmful
solar radiation.
A. Aurora B. Atmosphere C. Magnetic field D. North and south pole
_____10. Which of the following statements is FALSE in a comparison between Mars and Earth?
A. It has life mechanism.
B. It has carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
C. It has atmosphere that supports oxygen.
D. It has liquid water and atmosphere.
_____11. Which gas dominates the Earth’s atmosphere?
A. CO2 B. He C. N2 D. O2
_____12. Which answer best describes the role of the ozone layer?
A. It traps heat from the sun to heat the planet.
B. It protects the plants and animals on earth from receiving too much ultraviolet radiation.
C. It cools the earth through the evaporation of water vapor
D. It keeps the oxygen in the atmosphere closest to Earth and the nitrogen separated in the atmosphere.
_____13. Human actions greatly affect the Earth itself. Which of the following is an example of a human impact of the biosphere?
A. A factory that throws its toxic waste in the sea.
B. A group of students who litters in a natural park.
C. Vehicles that emit smoke and pollutes the air.
D. All of the above
_____14. His observations lead him in discovering the phases of Venus, the Galilean moons of Jupiter, the mountains of the moon, and
other phenomena helped undermine the Ptolemaic universe.
A. Galileo Galilei B. Copernicus
C. Johannes Kepler D. Tycho Brahe
_____15. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Solar flares are deflected by gravity
B. Magnetosphere is part of the lithosphere
C. Aurora borealis is the result of falling space debris
D. The earth’s magnetic north pole serves as its geographic south pole
General Directions: Identify the following statements if they correspond to the following:
A. Biosphere B. Lithosphere/Geosphere C. Hydrosphere D. Atmosphere
_____16. It is the gaseous blanket of air that envelops, shields, and insulate Earth.
_____17. It makes up the solid Earth-landforms, rocks, soils, minerals.
_____18. It includes the waters of Earth-oceans, lakes, rivers, and glaciers.
_____19. It is composed of all living things: people, other animals, and plants.
_____20. What subsystem will network with biosphere for photosynthesis to take place?
General Directions: Read the following items carefully then, identify what is being stated. Select your answer in the box provided.
Closed system Natural Hazard Water Meteors Terrestrial Planets
Nutrients El-Nin͂o General Relativity Big Bang Milky Way
Crust Temperature Mantle Open system Meteoroids
Jovian Planets Kuiper Belt Earth Systems Inner Core Climate
_______________21. It is the result of hydrosphere (ocean)-atmosphere interaction.
_______________22. The inner four planets are ______, small rocky Earth-like worlds, has no rings and have few moons.
_______________23. Our planetary environment, the _______, relies on the interactions among a vast combination of factors that enable
to support life.
_______________24. This will influence how quickly atoms and molecules move.
_______________25. Planets that are large and low density, has ring systems and families of moons.
_______________26. This matter dissolves and transports materials in and out of the cell.
_______________27. These are materials that build and maintain an organism’s body.
_______________28. Earthquake waves that pass through the _____ indicate that it is composed of solid rock matter.
_______________29. Earth’s _______ has a radius of about 960 kilometers (600 mi).
_______________30. It is composed of a great variety of rock types that respond in diverse ways and at varying rates to surface
processes, The Earth’s solid exterior.
_______________31. The universe began in the ________.
_______________32. Most Earth systems are __________ because both energy and matter move freely across subsystem boundaries as
inputs and outputs.
_______________33. It lies beyond the planet Neptune and comprise numerous rocky or icy bodies a few meters to hundreds of
kilometers in size.
_______________34. Explains the peculiarities of the orbit of Mercury and the bending of light by the Sun and has passed rigorous tests.
_______________35. It refers to the natural processes, typically of unusual intensity. That put environments and human life or property at
risk of damage or destruction.
_______________36. It is a huge disc- and spiral-shaped aggregation of about at least 100 billion stars and other bodies.
_______________37. In space, a meteor before its fiery plunge, the object is called________.
_______________38. A __________ is one in which no substantial amount of matter crosses its boundaries, although energy can go in
and out.
_______________39. In space, a meteor before its fiery plunge, the object is called________.
_______________40. It describes an area’s average weather, but it also includes deviations from normal or average that are likely to occur
and the atmospheric processes involved.

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