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SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

NAME: __________________________________________________ DATE: ________________

GRADE & SECTION: _____________________________________ HPS: _50_ SCORE: _____
I. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided.
____1. What do you call an event due to random fluctuation in an empty void, there was a
great explosion or expansion sent space, time matter and energy in all direction.
A. Big Bang Theory C. Buffon’s collision theory
B. Descartes’ Vortex Theory D. Jeans – Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory

____2. A theory which proposed that the solar system was formed into bodies with nearly
circular orbits because of the whirlpool -like motion.
A. Big Bang Theory C. Buffon’s collision theory
B. Descartes’ Vortex Theory D. Jeans – Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory

____3. Planets are formed by the collision of the sun and aa giant comet.
A. Big Bang Theory C. Buffon’s collision theory
B. Descartes’ Vortex Theory D. Jeans – Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory

____4. Planets are formed from substance that was torn from the sun
A. Big Bang Theory C. Buffon’s collision theory
B. Descartes’ Vortex Theory D. Jeans – Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory

____5. A theory stating that the universe is unchanging in time and uniform in space
A. String Theory C. Steady State Theory
B. Descartes’ Vortex Theory D. Jeans – Jeffrey’s Tidal Theory

____6. A branch of geology that deals the origin, composition, structure and classification of
A. Stratigraphy B. Petrology C. Paleontology D. Geology

____7. The study of rocks layer and layering.

A. Stratigraphy B. Petrology C. Paleontology D. Geology

____8. The study of fossils.

A. Stratigraphy B. Petrology C. Paleontology D. Geology

____9. The boundary between the outer and inner core.

A. Lehmann Discontinuity C. Gutenberg Discontinuity
B. Moho Discontinuity D. Mign Discontinuity

____10. The earth is consist of three layers.

A. Crust, Water and Core C. Land, Mantle and Core
B. Land, Water, and Air D. Crust, Mantle and Core

____11. It is believed that at the beginning the continents are all locked up into a huge
A. Continent B. Pangea C. Solar System D. Bangea


____13. A vertical zones that gets a lot of sunlight, resulting to an abundance of aquatic
A. Mesopelagic zone or twilight zone C. Bathypelagic Zone or midnight zone
B. Epipelagic zone or sunlight zone D. Abyssopelagic or abyss

____14. A horizontal zone which the sea bottom is exposed during low tide and is
covered during high tide.
A. Coastal zone B. Pelagic zone C. midnight zone D. sunlight zone

____15. It is a vertical zone where lily fish, octopus, and squid are found.
A. Mesopelagic zone or twilight zone C. Bathypelagic Zone or midnight zone
B. Epipelagic zone or sunlight zone D. Abyssopelagic or abyss

____16. A horizontal zone that is located seaward of the coastal zone.

A. Coastal zone B. Pelagic zone C. midnight zone D. sunlight zone

____17. A vertical zone which does not receive an sunlight.

A. Mesopelagic zone or twilight zone C. Bathypelagic Zone or midnight zone
B. Epipelagic zone or sunlight zone D. Abyssopelagic or abyss

____18. A vertical zone that is described as deep sea where most living in this area are
A. Mesopelagic zone or twilight zone C. Bathypelagic Zone or midnight zone
B. Epipelagic zone or sunlight zone D. Abyssopelagic or abyss

____19. A vertical zone where is the deepest part of the ocean.

A. Mesopelagic zone or twilight zone C. Bathypelagic Zone or midnight zone
B. Hadalpelagic zone or trenches zone D. Abyssopelagic or abyss

____20. The layer of the atmosphere where most weather changes occur.
A. Troposphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere

____21. The layer of the atmosphere that protects earth from the meteoroids
A. Troposphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere

____22. The layer of the atmosphere has the ozone that protects Earth from the sun’s
A. Troposphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere

____23. The coldest layer of the atmosphere.

A. Troposphere B. Mesosphere C. Stratosphere D. Thermosphere

____24. It is the composition of living and non - living things and also called the zone of
A. Biosphere B. Biomes C. Biology D. Biogesic

____25. Layer of the earth that consist of liquid nickel and iron.
A. lower mantle B. upper mantle C. inner core D. outer core

____26. Layer of the earth that consist of solid nickel and iron.
A. lower mantle B. upper mantle C. inner core D. outer core

____27. Its boundary may be described by the sudden increase in seismic velocity
called Moho discontinuity?
A. lower mantle B. upper mantle C. inner core D. outer core

____28. Which of the following are the Terrestial planets?

A. Mercury-Venus-Earth-Mars C. Mercury-Venus-Earth-Saturn
B. Mercury-Venus-Earth-Jupiter D. Mercury-Venus-Earth-Neptune

____29. A remnant or trace of organisms of a geologic age.

A. Possils B. Friction C. Priction D. Fossils


____30. It a symbolic narrative of the beginning of the world as understood by a
A. Creative myth B. Curios myth C. Creation myth D. Cure myth

____31. A layer that lies after the lithosphere

A. sthenosphere B. asthenosphere C. Enosphere D. asthenosphere

____32. Places of events or rocks in their chronological sequence or order of occurrence

without knowing their actual age.
A. relative dating B. Relation dating C. Relate dating D. Absolute dating

____33. The method used is based on the decay rate of certain radioactive isotopes
within fossils, rocks, and artifacts.
A. relative dating B. relation dating C. abs dating D. absolute dating

____34. Which of the following are the Jovian planets?

A. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune C. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune -Earth
B. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune D. Mercury-Venus-Earth-Neptune

____35. Northern lights is also known as _________.

A. aurora borealis B. aura borealis C. aury borealis D. arora borealis

____36. Southern Light is also known as __________.

A. aurora australis B. aurora autralia C. aurora Austria D. aurora austris

____37. North and South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, & Antartatica are
A. Seven wonders of the world C. Seven Continents of the world
B. Seven Oceans D. Seven sign of being inlove

_____37. Which of the following statements are TRUE about the planet Earth?
A. Its atmosphere contains nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
B. It has liquid water.
C. It has 4 subsystems: atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere
D. All of the above

_____38. Unlike other planets in the solar system, earth holds an atmosphere which has
an essential function to life. Identify what substance in the stratosphere is
responsible for absorbing high-energy radiation from the sun?
A. Ozone
B. Methane
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Diatomic oxygen

For items 39 to 40, refer to the images below

A scientist has been studying rocks found within the Earth. Below is a picture of the rock layers.


____39. Which rock layer is the oldest?
A. Rock Layer A
B. Rock Layer B
C. Rock Layer C
D. Rock Layer D

____40. Which rock layer is the youngest?

A. Rock Layer A
B. Rock Layer B
C. Rock Layer C
D. Rock Layer D

___41. The zigzag road in Sual, Pangasinan has been identified as landslide prone area
due to its steep slope and possible dangers of mass wasting during rainy
reason. What way would you suggest to reduce the possibility of landslide
occurrence in the area?
A. Ban the passage of vehicles over the area during rainy seasons and look for alternative
B. Educate people on how to drive properly
C. Educate people on what to do when landslides occur.
D. Organize a campaign that will conduct a tree planting drive by the citizens

____42. What does the theory of Continental drift state?

A. The continents were once joined in a supercontinent and have moved over time.
B. Continents are stationary and do not move
C. Earth is broken into lithosphere plates that move due to the convection currents.
None of the above

____43. Acacia trees, caterpillar, chicken, and humans belong to the _________ where
transfer of energy happens between each life form.
A. Biosphere
B. Lithosphere
C. Geosphere
D. Hydrosphere

____44. One of the characteristics that make earth a unique planet is it location in the
solar system. What is a significant contribution of the fact that Jupiter is
Earth’s neighbor in the solar system?

A. Its strong gravity energizes the earth

B. Its strong gravity attracts Kuiper belts
C. Its strong gravity balances the earth in its orbit
D. Its strong gravity attracts space debris away from the Earth

_____45. Which of the following reasons BEST explains why planet Earth can sustain
A. The amount of oxygen and presence of liquid water led to the perpetuation of life on
the Earth’s surface.
B. The atmospheric condition of the Earth and the ratio of inert gases reduced the
temperature low enough for life to exist.
C. The changes in climate and movement of tectonic plates allows new forms of life to
D. The presence of volcanoes and mountains produces more oxygen which is a
requirement for life sustainability.
____46. How do folded mountains form?
A. Tension breaks the lithosphere into pieces
B. magma erupts
C. Magma under the crust pushes the layers upward
D. Compression causes layer to be squeezed and pushes upward

____47. Which of the following people has the highest risk during a volcanic eruption?
A. People living 1000 km away from the danger zone of the volcano
B. People with asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory ailments living within the town
where the volcano is located.
C. People working in a factory located 1250 km away from the volcano.
D. All of these are exposed to equal risks

____48. How do coastal water pose risk to lives and properties?

A. During storm surges, strong waves crashing the coastal areas are strong enough to
break even concrete.
B. They bring up more salt causing the concrete properties to weaken.
C. The waves can cause reduce the coastline area submerging it in water
D. Strong waves carry decomposed aquatic animals which are detrimental to the health
of the people living along the coastline.

____49. When the typhoon is already in your town, which of the following should be
done to prevent loss of lives?
A. Know the location of the typhoon
B. Stay in a safe place. Evacuate if the need arises.
C. Go back to your house from the evacuation site to secure all the things while the wind
and rain is still strong.
D. All of these

_____50. Which should be done before a typhoon?

A. Stock up emergency rations that will last for up to 3 days
B. Secure the first aid kits, emergency kit and emergency hotline list
C. Plan with your family the place where you will meet up in case you got separated from
each other
D. All of the above


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