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The Cycle in the Flow!

The Sun as the source of energy

The human as the secondary consumer

The chicken as the

primary consumer

The corn as the producer

All biotic factors require energy, which they obtain from the sun. Some eat other
biotic factors that is why, energy flows in an ecosystem. A food chain, as shown above,
represents the flow of energy. As we can see, the sun is the source of energy for most
ecosystems. In this case, corn is an example of a producer, and chicken is the primary
consumer. As the chicken consumes the corn, carbon bonds are broken, releasing energy
that is transferred from one level to another. When the human, the secondary consumer,
eats the primary consumer, it loses 90% of the energy, also known as the 10% rule, which
states that only 10% of the energy is transferred from one consumer to another. If the
system starts with 1000 joules and the chicken eats the corn, only 10 joules are
transferred, and when the human eats the chicken, only one joule is transmitted. The
majority of the energy is lost as heat. The flow of energy in an ecosystem is ruled by
thermodynamic laws. The first law states that in an isolated system, energy cannot be
created or destroyed, but it can be converted from one form to another. According to the
second law, this energy conversion is never perfectly efficient. As a result, most energy
is lost as heat.


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