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David Soto

Prof. Amy Johnson

Eng 103 1001 Composition I: Self-Reflection



The best way to describe my history with writing would be that it is a very rocky one.

Back in my elementary school years any time I asked for assistance or got something wrong

most teachers would get mad that I didn’t understand how to properly write. As a result of this I

quickly grew to hate writing and developed a slight inability to distinguish constructive criticism

from destructive criticism. I’m not necessarily bad at writing but I’m not necessarily good at it

either. I don’t particularly dislike writing and in recent years I’ve grown to enjoy it under the

right circumstances.

Most of my weaknesses in writing stem from my early rocky start such as the inability to

take constructive criticism. I understand that constructive criticism is meant to help but there is

just something about the details of your work being picked at that is very discouraging. Another

prominent flaw that I am extremely prone to procrastination. Often when it comes to subjects and

activities that I don’t find interesting I’ll either start to doze off or do something that I do find

interesting. In conjunction with this I also have a bad habit of putting things off until later which

always ends up badly for me. Grammar and proper punctuation are things I tend to struggle with

as well. Reading has always been a struggle, not because I can’t read but rather, I am unable to

retain whatever it is that I read for very long.

Having that been said I am not completely devoid of skill or strength. I may struggle to

get things started but when I get the ball rolling there is nothing that will stop it. Once I get a

good idea, I’ll start on it immediately or if I am unable to start it, I’ll leave a reminder for myself.

This class has helped me improve my grammar and understanding on how to properly write

college essays. Another thing this class taught me is how to properly analyze texts.

I’ve learned a lot in such a short amount of time but there are still many things I have yet

to master. Taking the time to search for a proper peer reviewed scholarly journal is something I

still need to work on. Another thing that I still need to improve upon is how to properly write

stories. Proper grammar and spelling mistakes are things I with struggle on every now and then.

By far the most important thing I need to improve on is scheduling the things I need to get done.

My future with writing is very uncertain and unpredictable but with the proper time,

effort, and practice I will be able to accomplish great things. As this semester ends and the new

one starts, I feel a little uneasy but also like things are going to be just fine. I most certainly need

to work on my grammar and punctuation before the next class starts. I’m not good at writing and

I never have been but that just means I’ll always be getting better.

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