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Name: ____KIMBERLY V.

CARMEN______ Year Level/Course: __1st year/ TCP__


Module 6

1.Explain the four elements in the 1992 AAMR definition of mental retardation

The 1992 AAMR definition represents a significant change in the way those with mental
retardation are viewed. The new definition refers to a pattern of limitations, looking at how
people function in various contexts of everyday life. This definition is based on four

(1) Valid assessment considers cultural and linguistic diversity, as well as differences in
communication and behavioral factors;

(2) The existence of limitations in adaptive skills occurs within the context of
community environments typical of the individual's age peers and is indexed to the person's
individualized needs for support;

(3) Specific adaptive limitations often coexist with strengths in other adaptive skills or
other personal capabilities;

(4) With appropriate supports over a sustained period, the life functioning of the person
with mental retardation generally will improve.

2.What makes mental retardation a complex, rather than a simple developmental


Mental Retardation is an outdated term first of all. Mental retardation can be a

consequence of literally thousands of different causes, which run the gamut from genetic
abnormalities or other medical conditions to social, behavioral, or educational problems. There
may be more than 1,000 genetic causes alone, and yet these may account for fewer than half of

3.List in the labels used in the past to describe children with mental retardation. Why are
these terms not used anymore today?

Labeling can lead to stereotyping and negatively affect social aspects of a person with
mental retardation. However, it seems likely that stereotyping will happen with or without a
label, unless the disability is hardly noticeable. Stereotyping can be a real problem for school
aged children with disabilities. The words that are used to describe them. In the past, they've
been called by some ugly words: idiot, moron, feeble-minded. Everyone knows words can hurt.
For people with Down syndrome and their families, the history of “labels” is not a pleasant one.
The Mongolian People's Republic requested that the medical community cease use of the term
as a referent to mental retardation. Their request was granted in the 1960s, when the World
Health Organization agreed that the term should cease being used within the medical

4.What are the common characteristics of a persons with mental retardation? Explain
why they manifest these characteristics.
Name: ____KIMBERLY V. CARMEN______ Year Level/Course: __1st year/ TCP__

Intellectual disability (ID), once called mental retardation, is characterized by below-

average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day-to-day living. People
with intellectual disabilities can and do learn new skills, but they learn them more slowly.

5.What assessment procedure are used in the Philippines to identify children and youth
with mental retardation?

Assessment is a complex concept within the teaching-learning process especially if it is

contextualized in terms of student’s disability and the community’s perceptions about its
purpose. However, it is to emphasize that the complexity of assessment brings its critical role in
the educational process. Primarily, assessment allows educators and other professionals to
formulate relevant educational decision

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