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Transcript : Segi MBA Research 2022

Event : FGD ( 4 marketers from seminar training industry)
Interviewer : Z
Date : 20/7/2022
Platform : Online Video Call
Audio : 35 minutes
Research : Effectiveness of STP Marketing Strategy on Seminar Training Industry in China

From interviewer Explanation to FGD participants before the session:

Research Objective 1 Research Question 1

Driving Questions Prompting Questions
Research Questions

To determine the How training

segmentation, What is the Which marketing organizations do
targeting and segmentation, strategies are normally segmentation,
positioning function targeting and used by training targeting, positioning
that apply in the positioning functions organizations among training
seminar marketing that apply in the organization to organizations potential
strategy. seminar marketing
promote seminars? customers for this

Research Objective 2 Research Question 2

Driving Questions Prompting Questions
Research Questions

To determine the With this in mind,

effectiveness of STP why would training
apply as marketing What is the Would training
strategy in promoting effectiveness of STP organizations continue organizations choose
the seminar. apply as marketing to use STP strategy as the specific STP
a way to promote method to target on
strategic in training organizations
promoting the seminars?
potential customers?
seminar? If yes, why? How do training
organizations rate the
If no, why? outcomes or
effectiveness of STP?
Mr Andy When it comes to marketing, several forms of mass media, such as television as well
as various print and internet media, are usually used to advertise my products. The
asking price is rather high. It takes guts to put a considerable amount of money into
marketing a product if you want to make it as an entrepreneur, and you need to have
that fortitude in order to succeed. However, the method of marketing known as "word
of mouth" is the one that I believe to be the most successful. People will talk about
how excellent our product is and how effective it is, which will drive the market even
more. If our product is good, then people will talk about how good the product is and
how effective it is. We are dependable and trustworthy toward our customers. Our
customers may rely on us. They are going to remain faithful to us at all times. As soon
as they are satisfied with our organisation on an indirect level, he will start working as
a marketing representative for our company. He will tell others about it by word of
mouth, which will indirectly lead to the expansion of our business. It is also very
important to market through word of mouth, which might come either from the
students themselves or from their parents.

Mr Zhang I was curious as to your viewpoint on whether or not you believe it is necessary to be
thorough marketing research such as STP when conducting business. Accuracy is
absolutely necessary in this situation. In order for us to properly manufacture
something, we need to first carry out exhaustive research on the subject. It is
imperative that this be done in order to ensure that the product in question is safe and
secure. A department dedicated to product, marketing, and auditory research may be
found at my organisation. This department is known as "research."

Miss Okay. The word "creative" is what we truly mean when we say "out of the box"
Chiew Yii (which means surprising). When we say "brainstorm" (discussion), we mean "don't
focus on just one option." We need to think of something that other people haven't
thought of yet, and when we say "brainstorm," we mean "don't focus on just one
option." We must keep an open dialogue. So that's what we think - for - the concept is
that when we brainstorm (talk) to discuss a product, we shouldn't focus on what we
have, but rather, we should do research (study) also for what other people already have
and how other people do it. The reason for this is that the idea is that we should focus
on what other people already have and how other people do it. And that's where we
improvised, or improved, as some people say, which is another way of saying that
people don't know our method, but the way that other people do things is fine. In other
words, people don't know our way, but the way that other people do things is fine.
Doesn't the fact that we create (exist) suggest that if people say A, then they must have
way B? Because we create (exist). As a result, we will create C. Both the letter A and
the letter B are combined to form the letter C. Because of this, you actually shown
creative thinking that goes above the norm.

Miss Hui You (really) don't have to start from scratch in order to be successful, thus you
Qin shouldn't be afraid to think outside the box (initial). Because starting from scratch
requires time, but you can make what is already there and add new features to it at any
point in the process. In conclusion, I think that adequately covers it, and what this
demonstrates is that we should constantly be receptive to novel concepts and original
methods of operation. We shouldn't deceive ourselves into thinking that ours is the
only good one; rather, we should seek out others', look for them on the internet, and
undertake research (study) to understand how other people manage their businesses to
see how they do it. If we would like to have a discussion regarding the process, please
come. If we are talking about items, we should describe the processes that other people
use to make those products. Specifically, what is it that he sells? We need a larger
quantity delivered on a more consistent basis if there is any chance that we would ever
consider marketing this product.

Mr Andy
In addition to this, it is essential for us to think; more specifically, it is essential for us
to engage in the practise sometimes referred to as "placing oneself in the shoes of the
consumer" (assume that we are the customer). If you wish to create these things, you
should keep in mind that the ideal customer is someone who is similar to this
particular type of person. Let's put ourselves in the shoes of this customer for a second,
shall we? What it is that we anticipate will come from purchasing this item. There is
no way for us to know what we are capable of accomplishing. It is essential for us to
take into consideration the preferences of the general population. As a result of this,
we are obligated to take into consideration this point of view. There is a different point
of view that needs to be taken into account. Consider the situation from the point of
view of the consumer. Not at all considering the perspective of the provider. Instead of
looking at it from the perspective of the one providing the service, try looking at it
through the eyes of the person using the service.
Mr Yi Ren In our company working culture, we use a marketing analysis of the AIO (Activities,
Interest, and Opinion) model that Wells and Tigert developed was performed if you all
heard of it. Activities are the genuine behaviour that are displayed by a person through
their hobbies, work, vacations, etc. Activities are the real behaviour that are displayed
by a person. In this context, "interest" refers to the topic that receives the greatest
attention, while "opinions" refers to an individual's response to a question regarding a
topic such as "social issues," "education," or "economics." The AIO model is one of
the most often used models that market researchers can employ when attempting to
comprehend how one's way of life impacts their propensity to make purchases AIO
models are beneficial in gaining a knowledge of customers not only when marketers
need information that is specific to a product or situation, but also when they need
information that is generalised across all consumers. As a result, one of the approaches
to psychographic segmentation that was utilised in this study was the AIO model,
which was founded on many lifestyle factors.

Miss So , what kind of response does our company give when customers have complaints
Chiew Yii about the personal or technical services they received?
In point of fact, we adhere to a particular process in order to handle the concerns that
are brought to our attention by clients. Customers have the option of either calling the
call centre, which is staffed at all hours of the day and night, making a message on
Twitter, or coming directly to the plaza, where they may provide their opinion in
person.The survey is carried out on an annual basis, as is our norm, and measures such
as the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and the Customer Loyalty Index (CLI) are
utilised in order to ascertain the degree to which our clients are pleased with the
quality of our goods and services.

Mr Zhang
Let me share you an example : "In order to provide after-sale care to our customers,
we have a call centre that is not only equipped with AI applications but is also open 24
hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to that, we have a website, other channels
for social media, and a plaza." In some instances, customers create a personal
relationship with the sales staff that sells and provides seminar products. In addition,
the sales force can provide after-sale assistance if it is required. They enquire regularly
about potential issues with the training, the content of the modules, and the application
"We need to establish a positive relationship with our customers in order to stop them
from abandoning their use of seminar products. This is the only way to achieve this
goal." We strive to provide exceptional customer service in an effort to put our
customers at rest and to urge them to maintain their subscriptions. For instance,
offering services connected to the management of disturbances is one of the many
promises we have made regarding the provision of swift services related to the
management of disruptions. Additionally, the pricing that we provide for seminar
products varies depending on the selection that the consumer makes. This enables the
customer to choose which package they want according to both their financial
constraints and the needs that they need to fulfil.

Miss Hui So what strategy does the me myself as a marketer do to adopt to educate customers
Qin about the products that it sells? "of course, we engage in promotional efforts in order
to educate clients about training products," the company said. Promotion that was
carried out through a variety of media, including print, online, and in-person settings.
Examples include things like brochures, radio, social media, websites, events, and so
on and so forth.
Second, We utilise a strategy that deviates from your norm while catering to certain
categories of customers? "only from the business sector do we offer greater service if
our own service does not differentiate from others." This model ensures that any
requests made by corporate clients may be quickly forwarded to higher-ups for further
consideration, and it also places the responsibility for providing services to corporate
clients in the hands of a single assistant manager.Thank you.

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