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Status Codes

<Sub-title – Arial, 16pt>

Version 1 | 05/08/2019

---Internal Use---

Brief Affected Prepared Reviewed Approved

Effective Date
Version Description of Section(s) By By By

PQR Short Field Oswaldo

#1 05/08/2019
Description Services Neto

---Internal Use---
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
PQR Short Description...................................................................................................................................................................... 4

---Internal Use---
PQR Short Description

PQR Short Description Field

The Short Description Field must be updated through the life of the PQR to show the next action date and
time, as well as the status. In addition, this field must include the time zone associated with the customer
location. The format for the PQR Short Description must adhere to the following format:


05/08 AWDP 1100 MB
Awaiting motherboard

Code Examples Description
AWCU 07/23 AWCU 1400 Estimated or set date/time to follow up with user
AWEQ 07/23 AWEQ 1400 Estimated or set date/time for equipment will arrive
CNRC 07/22 CNRC 1500 Break/fix – 2 calls per day
ESCA 07/22 ESCA 0900 Date/Time the PQR was escalated
IPRO 07/22 IPRO 1100 Date/ Time of when work began on the PQR
QUAR 07/22 QUAR 1200 Date/Time the equipment is out of quarantine
SCHD 07/22 SCHD 1400 Date: Any appointment set in the future
AWDP 07/22 AWDP 1000 Estimated or set date/time for parts to arrive
NDUP 07/22 NDUP 1500 Date: Today’s date only

Criteria’s to use the codes

AWCU – Awaiting Customer

This code can only be used when a contact has been established with the user and the same will bring the
machine on the same day. As example below:

05/08 AWCU 1400

Awaiting customer

---Internal Use---
AWEQ – Awaiting Equipment

This code can only be used when we have a call from STAGING where we are waiting for the stock or the
user to deliver the machine to start the configuration.

05/08 AWEQ 1400

Awaiting equipment

CNRC – Customer not respond

This code can only be used when we try to contact the user, either by phone or by email, and we had no

05/08 CNRC 1400

User not found

ESCA – Escalation

This code can only be used when we have a problem with answering the call and we need to climb to the
top level and wait a return.

05/08 ESCA 1400


IPRO – In Progress

This code can only be used when the call is already in progress and there is no SLA penalty until the

05/08 IPRO 1400

In progress - This description should inform you what is being performed.

QUAR – Quarantine

This code should be utilized when a machine is in quarantine to be done the Disposal.

05/08 QUAR 1400


---Internal Use---
SCHD- Scheduled

This code should be used was made contact with the User and agreed a date and time to perform the
attendance, according to the availability of the user.

05/08 SCHD 1400 - Date and time must be what was agreed with the user
Scheduled with user

NDUP – Need Update

This code is used when we are waiting for some information from the user or the partner.

05/08 NDUP 1400

Sent mail to partner - This description should vary if the code will be used for more than one day.

AWDP – Awaiting Dell Parts

This code is used when there is a part request, and we are waiting the arrival of the part´s.

05/08 AWDP 1400

Awaiting motherboard - We should always report that we Request and we're waiting.

---Internal Use---

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