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Test 2 section 2

Question 11-13
And now it’s straight into the Eco Hotspot for today’s program. We are in fact
going to look at an (1) in recent years in the world of (2) developments. There has
been (3) of new green products’ coming onto the market for (4) . A new departure,
which I feel needs greater attention drawn to it, is the increasing interest in grass
(5) sing the praises of grass roofs as interest in (6) ecological building has led to
the greening of the rooftops of (7) and (8) around the world. And what does this
type of roof (9) ? Instead of titles which allow water to run off and create flash
flooding, the roof has a wateroof (10) which is laid covered with layers for (11)
and (12) . Then on top of the insulation and drainage layer is added a final layer of
soil or crushed stones for the plant and/ or grass to grow on. The roof can be
planted with (13) to add colour and life to your rooftop.

Question 14-20:
As for the benefits of grass roofs, in spring and in summer they are very pretty as
flowers spring into bloom. Moreover, in summer grass roofs are of particular
benefit in cities because the keep any building cool by reflecting the sun’s rays. In
winter the grass roofs insulate the building, helping to prevent heat loss. The roofs
require little maintance and are better than any other roofing material. They
encourage (14) by attracting bees and birds and the (15) water run off which helps
prevent flash flooding. In fact, the (16) retains 71 percent of the rainwater that
falls, thus helping to prevent flash flooding. In winter, the brown soil is a bit more
evident, which can look unattractive, if the roofs are not tended carefully, but that
is a price worth paying and I would say that they come highly recommended by
those who have them.
If you compare grass roofs with (17), the latter do certainly look very tidy, but at a
price to the future of the planet. The main drawbacks of titles though are the water
run-off and the (18) from run’s rays in summer. So if we are to save the planet
from the ecological point of view, tiles do not come recommended. The only roof
that I think of which has similar (19) to the grass roof is the thatched roof.
Thatched roofs are good insulators and very attractive, but very pricey and not
ideal for cities. How can we make more of our roofs green? That is, how can
people be persuaded to install grass roofs? The World Green Conference in
Australia was a very good start. At a grassroots level, the best way to raise the
profile of grass roofs is to make them trendy by highlighting them in fashionable
magazines so that people begin to feel that they cannot do without them. But the
idea I like best is holding competitions for the best designed grass roofs.
Next week Eco-Hotspot is going to look at…

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