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Niño Francisco Alamol,

V 1.0 – January 10, 2021


© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


Contents for

Parent USNNN
Child USNNN ‘s

1.0 Document Management.......................................................................................................................... 3

Background.................................................................................................................................................. 4
Requirement................................................................................................................................................ 4
Performance................................................................................................................................................. 4
Dependencies............................................................................................................................................... 4
Assumptions................................................................................................................................................. 4
Pending/Issues............................................................................................................................................. 4
Verification points........................................................................................................................................ 4
Implementation Requirements..................................................................................................................... 6
Database changes......................................................................................................................................... 7
Software Design Specification....................................................................................................................... 7
Process Flows............................................................................................................................................... 7
Appendix...................................................................................................................................................... 7

© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


1.0 Document Management

This should be approved (APP) by JC before going to dev team

Version/Status Date Author Description (what has been changed high level) i.e. field
1.0 WD 01/10/2021 NFCA Initial draft

Note: WD (working draft); D (draft); App (approved/signed off)

© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


The application is to be developed to simulate the process of a real card-based MRT Fare Matrix system.

Requirement / Epic
For the epic, the system must be able list all MRT stations as well as, add, remove, update or deactivate.

A seeded database should be present with default accounts in place.



Verification Points | User Stories

List | US_003_001
1. User is able to view all the listed stations so that he is able to perform operations and update or
view details.
Acceptance Criteria
1. System should navigate to list upon click of the Stations link from the dashboard navigation.
2. Page should be paginated - showing only 8 items per page
3. The following columns should be present:
i. Station Name
ii. Distance From Last Station (North Bound)
iii. Distance From Last Station (South Bound)
iv. Status
4. List should be arranged in order of
i. South Bound
ii. North Bound

Create | US_003_002
1. User is able to add new stations so that it can be available for itinerary mapping.

© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


Acceptance Criteria
1. There should be a button link on the list page that allows user to navigate to the Create Page.
2. Station should show as not mapped in the Itinerary Mapping page ( has it’s own user story ).

Update | US_003_003
1. User is able to edit the station so that it shows correctly on the un-mapper.
Acceptance Criteria
1. From the Station List page, user clicks on ‘Update’ or ‘Edit’ button that will navigate to an Update
Station Page.
2. User cannot set IsActive = false on a station that is actively mapped on the Itinerary Mapping.

Delete| US_003_004
1. User must be able to navigate from the list to the Delete Page by clicking a button link.
Acceptance Criteria
1. From the Station List page, user clicks on ‘Update’ or ‘Edit’ button that will navigate to an
Update Station Page.
2. User is able to perform only when the station is currently inactive and is not mapped in the
Itinerary Mapping.
3. As additional measure, delete button link should be disabled when condition is the same as of
Acceptance Criteria #2.

Itinerary Mapping| US_003_005

1. User must be able to navigate from the list to the Itinerary Mapping page by clicking a button link
so that the order of stations can be set in the system as this will be relevant to the computation of
the fare matrix
Acceptance Criteria
1. Newly created and unassigned stations should be marked in the list as ‘Unmapped’ and therefore
should not appear in the active itineraries (this will be relevant to transactions of customers to the
Client Portal).
2. When adding new station, the field Order should default as the last Order plus the value of 1.
3. Order field rule - when overriding the default behavior above, the following rules are to be
i. If the value assigned has an existing value - show a prompt informing the user that a
conflict must be resolved - the new station’s Order field will replace the existing and all
existing station’s Order field will be update automatically until no more duplicates occur
ii. The combination of Station ID and Order should be distinct.

© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


4. Saving will also save change for other Itinerary Maps

5. Saving also triggers an e-mail blast to all customers and users.

Image 1.0

Implementation Requirements

1. Database should be set and seeded initially (for first deployment only)

Data source/input : US_003_001

Field Name Display Data Value Data Required Source Sample*** DB
Type Type Column

Database changes

Software Design Specification

Process Flows
1. User logs in to the system


Discipline Name Date

Sol. Arch Nino Francisco Alamo

© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System


Developer Nino Francisco Alamo

Director / Direct


© Sample Business Requirement Document

Developing the Card-Based MRT Fare Matrix System

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