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Faculty Handbook

Forman Christian College

Lahore, Pakistan

Acknowledgement and Receipt

Please read the following statements carefully and sign where indicated:

I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the Forman Christian College University Faculty
Handbook. I understand that Forman’s policies and procedures are set forth in this manual
exclusively for information only.




Table of Contents
1. Welcome and Overview..........................................................................................................................8
2. Mission and Vision..................................................................................................................................8
3. Core Values.............................................................................................................................................9
4. Code of Conduct....................................................................................................................................10
4.1 Employee Cards.........................................................................................................................10
4.2 No Smoking Campus.................................................................................................................10
4.3 Workplace Violence..................................................................................................................10
4.4 Equal Employment Opportunities..............................................................................................10
4.5 Sexual Harassment.....................................................................................................................10
4.6 Child Abuse...............................................................................................................................10
4.7 Use of FCCU's Property............................................................................................................11
4.8 Privacy and Monitoring.............................................................................................................11
4.9 Workplace Behavior..................................................................................................................11
4.10 Reporting Change of Status.......................................................................................................11
4.11 Work Credentials.......................................................................................................................11
4.12 Presence at Workplace...............................................................................................................12
4.13 Work Interruption......................................................................................................................12
4.14 Personal Conduct at Workplace.................................................................................................12
4.15 Dress Code.................................................................................................................................13
4.16 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace............................................................................................13
4.17 Outside Employment.................................................................................................................13
4.18 External Consulting Policy........................................................................................................13
4.19 Solicitation and distribution in Campus Facilities......................................................................14
4.20 Personal Business at FCCU Workplace.....................................................................................14
4.21 Public Statements on Behalf of FCCU.......................................................................................14
4.22 Conflict of Interest.....................................................................................................................14
4.23 Whistle-Blowing........................................................................................................................17
4.24 Acknowledgement of understanding and complying with FCCU Code of Conduct..................18
5. Academic Organizational Structure and Programs................................................................................18
5.1 Academic Council.....................................................................................................................18
5.2 Academic Committees...............................................................................................................19

5.3 Academic Departments and Dept. Chairs..................................................................................22
5.4 Board of Faculty........................................................................................................................22
5.5 Board of Studies in Academic Departments..............................................................................23
5.6 Board of Advanced Studies and Research.................................................................................24
5.7 Institutional Review Board (IRB)..............................................................................................24
5.8 Proctorial Board.........................................................................................................................30
6. Academic Programs...........................................................................................................................31
6.1 Intermediate Program................................................................................................................31
6.2 Baccalaureate Honors Program..................................................................................................32
6.3 Summer & Winter Semesters.....................................................................................................32
6.4 Graduation Requirements..........................................................................................................32
6.5 General Education Requirement................................................................................................34
6.6 Independent Study (Online form)..............................................................................................36
6.7 Grade Entry Procedure...............................................................................................................37
6.8 Add and Drop Procedures..........................................................................................................38
6.9 Overloading Courses in a Semester (Online form)....................................................................38
6.10 Seat Exceptions..........................................................................................................................39
6.11 Pre-requisite Waivers.................................................................................................................39
6.12 Cancellation of Courses due to Low Enrolment.........................................................................39
6.13 Grading Policies........................................................................................................................39
6.14 Retaking a Course......................................................................................................................40
6.15 Withdrawal Policies...................................................................................................................40
6.16 All Post Graduate Programs (MBA, MS/MPhil and PhD).........................................................42
6.17 Classroom Misconduct, Plagiarism and Dishonesty..................................................................44
6.18 Prevention of Academic Dishonesty..........................................................................................45
6.19 Student Confidentiality..............................................................................................................45
6.20 Academic Advising...................................................................................................................46
7. Employment with FCCU...................................................................................................................47
7.1 Position Classifications..............................................................................................................47
7.2 Position Descriptions and Employment Contracts.....................................................................47
7.3 University Faculty Appointments..............................................................................................48
7.4 Probationary period...................................................................................................................49
7.5 Academic Rank, Titles, Promotion............................................................................................49

7.6 Transfers....................................................................................................................................50
7.7 Fitness for Duty.........................................................................................................................50
7.8 Work Hours and Expectations...................................................................................................51
7.9 Attendance & Punctuality..........................................................................................................52
7.10 Personnel Records.....................................................................................................................53
7.11 Employment of relatives............................................................................................................53
7.12 Legal Dependents......................................................................................................................54
7.13 Responsibility for Personal Property.........................................................................................54
8. Recruitment and Selection.............................................................................................................54
8.1 Recruitment Procedure..............................................................................................................54
8.2 Employee Induction & Orientation............................................................................................57
9. Compensation, Entitlement, Benefits, Privileges and Leaves............................................................57
9.1 Salary Package...........................................................................................................................57
9.2 Gross Salary...............................................................................................................................57
9.3 Annual Increment......................................................................................................................57
9.4 Salary Disbursement..................................................................................................................57
9.5 Loans and Advances..................................................................................................................57
9.6 Provident Fund Scheme.............................................................................................................58
9.7 Group Life Insurance.................................................................................................................59
9.8 Group Health Insurance.............................................................................................................59
9.9 Gratuity Fund.............................................................................................................................59
9.10 Employees’ Old-Age Benefits...................................................................................................59
9.11 Privileges and Amenities...........................................................................................................59
9.12 Education Improvement Increment............................................................................................63
9.13 Yearly Holidays.........................................................................................................................64
9.14 Leaves........................................................................................................................................64
9.15 Annual Leave.............................................................................................................................65
9.16 Casual Leaves............................................................................................................................65
9.17 Sick Leave.................................................................................................................................66
9.18 Maternity Leave.........................................................................................................................66
9.19 Duty Leave................................................................................................................................66
9.20 Disability Leave or Death during Service..................................................................................66
9.21 Extraordinary Leave..................................................................................................................67

9.22 Study Leave...............................................................................................................................67
9.23 Sabbatical Leave........................................................................................................................68
10. Faculty Resources................................................................................................................................69
10.1 CLT...........................................................................................................................................69
10.2 QEC...........................................................................................................................................69
10.3 CLD...........................................................................................................................................70
10.4 Advancement Office..................................................................................................................70
10.5 Student Affairs...........................................................................................................................70
10.6 Library.......................................................................................................................................71
11. Faculty Expectations............................................................................................................................72
11.1 A Shared Commitment of Faculty and Staff..............................................................................72
11.2 Duty Policies.............................................................................................................................74
11.3 Academic Protocols for Faculty.................................................................................................76
13. Performance Appraisals and Employee Development...................................................................77
13.1 Process for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Faculty Members..............................................78
13.2 Professional Expectations of Faculty.........................................................................................79
13.3 Employee Professional Development........................................................................................83
14. Health and Safety...........................................................................................................................85
14.1 General Safety...........................................................................................................................86
14.2 Employees.................................................................................................................................86
14.3 Safe Working Environment.......................................................................................................86
14.4 First Aid Training and Facilities................................................................................................86
14.5 Personal and Fire Safety............................................................................................................87
15. Separation from Service.................................................................................................................87
15.1 Faculty Resignation...................................................................................................................87
15.2 Retirement.................................................................................................................................87
15.3 Termination...............................................................................................................................87
15.4 Terminations Due to Economy or Reorganization.....................................................................88
15.5 Non-renewal of Contract for Faculty........................................................................................88
15.6 Misconduct................................................................................................................................89
15.7 Disciplinary Procedure..............................................................................................................90
15.8 Layoff........................................................................................................................................91
15.9 Suspension and other Disciplinary Actions................................................................................91

15.10 Authority to take Disciplinary Action....................................................................................91
15.11 Grievance Policy and Process................................................................................................92
15.12 Sexual Harassment.................................................................................................................92
15.13 Workplace Violence..............................................................................................................94
15.14 Appeal....................................................................................................................................95
16. Security and safety procedure..............................................................................................................95
16.1 Aim............................................................................................................................................96
16.2 Introduction...............................................................................................................................96
16.3 Mission......................................................................................................................................97
16.4 Threat Perceptions.....................................................................................................................97
16.5 FCCU Emergency Preparedness Program.................................................................................97
16.6 Possession of Dangerous Articles..............................................................................................99
17. Office of Communications & Publications Policies.............................................................................99
17.1 Brand Usage..............................................................................................................................99
17.2 Policy & Procedures for Releasing News and Inviting Media Personnel to Cover Campus
Events 102
17.3 Requesting Photography or Coverage for On-Campus Events.................................................104
17.4 Requesting Print and/or Digital Publications...........................................................................104
17.5 University Stationery...............................................................................................................106
17.6 University Website..................................................................................................................108
17.7 Social Media............................................................................................................................108
17.8 Advertising..............................................................................................................................109
17.9 Merchandise............................................................................................................................109
18. Purchasing process............................................................................................................................109
19. FCCU Repair & Maintenance............................................................................................................110
20. Information Technology....................................................................................................................110

1. Welcome and Overview
1.1 Welcome to Forman Christian College University! We are glad you have chosen to join
us. These policies are intended to give you an overview of your obligations and
responsibilities during your employment here as well as FCCU’s commitments to you.
We believe many of your questions about your work at FCCU will be answered in these
policies. The development or amendment of these policies is solely at the discretion of
FCCU. It is a good habit to check periodically to make sure you have the most recent
version of these policies.

1.2 These policies replace any previous versions and supersede any and all memoranda or
previous policies/practices here at FCCU. If there is any question about a current policy,
this Faculty Handbook should be the primary guide. Please review these policies
carefully and ask your supervisor/ department head should you have any questions.

1.3 May your work here at FCCU be a rewarding experience for you. Best wishes as you
work with us.

2. Mission and Vision

2.1 The Mission of Forman Christian College University is to impart, create and disseminate
knowledge and to develop informed, ethical and responsible citizens who are prepared
and committed to learn, lead and serve; persons who exemplify the FCCU motto, “By
love, serve one another.”

2.2 The Vision of the University is to be recognized as one of the very best universities in the
entire subcontinent. This is in keeping with the distinguished reputation established
during the first century in the life of the University.

2.3 The educational programs and the faculty approach to teaching are designed to graduate:

a. “Empowered learners” with strong written, oral and quantitative skills that they can use
to evaluate a constant flood of information. The idea is to create in students the ability to
think independently and critically, solve problems and continue a lifetime of self-directed

b. “Informed learners” who understand global and cross-cultural relationships, value the
philosophy and history underlying the nation of Pakistan, and are fluent in both their
native language and English;

c. “Responsible learners” who understand the ethical consequences of actions and are well-
groomed to be active citizens who accept their public duty and participate in the decision-
making process of a democracy.

3. Core Values

The faculty and staff of Forman Christian College University seek to live by and to teach
students the Core Values of the University. In a variety of different settings students are asked to
learn and live by the following values:

3.1 Integrity
I will speak the truth and keep my commitments. I will take my responsibilities seriously and
fulfill them to the best of my ability.

3.2 Excellence
I will be steadfast in my pursuit of excellence. I will set high standards in my intellectual life,
personal behavior, and interpersonal relationships. I will honor the traditions of the University
and preserve the ambiance and environment of the campus.

3.3 Respect for the dignity of each human being

I will treat others with respect, kindness, generosity of heart and compassion. I will move beyond
tolerance to understand and acceptance differences. I will handle disagreements with candor and

3.4 Discipline and Accountability for my actions

I will uphold the policies of the University and follow the rules and regulations. I understand
that behavior has consequences. This understanding is an essential component in the
development of my self-discipline.

3.5 Fairness and Justice

I will be fair in all of my decisions and will be just in my undertakings and work for justice
toward others.

3.6 Service
I will live the motto, “By Love, Serve One Another” knowing that serving others is a way of
life that will enrich the community and the nation in which I live.

3.7 Community
I will take the concerns of others in the University community to heart. Because we are bound
together by common purposes, objectives and values, the welfare of all will be my concern.

4. Code of Conduct
All employees of FCCU are required to conduct their behavior within the laid down behavioral
standards as communicated to them from time to time. To facilitate employees to maintain a
healthy and cooperative working environment, FCCU provides different platforms and
mechanism to address and resolve their issues. This section provides details of all those
standards and parameters based on which employee’s behavior will be judged and aligned.
4.1 Employee Cards
The FCCU requires all employees to have the FCCU Employee Card ID. Employee cards must
be returned on separation from the FCCU. For visiting researchers/volunteers, Security Office
may be requested for a temporary card by the chairperson.
4.2 No Smoking Campus
FCCU is a no smoking environment. Nobody is allowed to smoke within the FCCU office and
campus premises.
4.3 Workplace Violence
FCCU is committed to promoting and maintaining a safe and secure working environment for its
faculty and staff, employees, students and visitors. Violent behavior, threats of violence, or
physical intimidation will not be tolerated in the FCCU workplace. If such conduct occurs, it
should be promptly reported to the proper authority and investigated. The FCCU will take
appropriate action in response to reports of such conduct. Employees found to have violated this
policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include immediate dismissal. In addition,
the FCCU may assist in pursuing civil penalties, criminal penalties, or other appropriate action
against the offender.
4.4 Equal Employment Opportunities
FCCU shall provide equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals regardless of race,
color, ethnicity, caste, gender, origin, ancestry, religion, age, disability, or marital status in
consistent with laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.
4.5 Sexual Harassment
FCCU fully complies with the Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Act,
2010. Sexual Harassment is defined as any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors
or other verbal or written communication or physical conduct of a sexual nature or sexually
demeaning attitudes, causing interference with work performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile or offensive work environment, or the attempt to punish the complainant for refusal to
comply to such a request or is made a condition for employment, is unacceptable behavior in the
workplace, including any interaction or situation that is linked to official work or official activity
outside the office. All such acts are a violation of this Act and FCCU policies.
4.6 Child Abuse
FCCU requires all of its employees to abstain/refrain from any sort of child abuse which could
be physical, sexual and emotional abuse, and neglect forms. Child labor as per law is strictly

4.7 Use of FCCU's Property
The services, goods, materials, technology and equipment provided to FCCU employees are the
property of FCCU or are rented and/or licensed by and for the benefit of FCCU. As such, the
services, goods, materials, technology and equipment provided are to be used primarily for
official purposes.
4.8 Privacy and Monitoring
Employees should not assume that official electronic communications (including, but not limited
to, official e-mail, official voice-mail and office fax machines) are private and confidential.
Although employees have individual access passwords to e-mail and computer network systems,
along with the ability to delete messages, these systems and materials are accessible by FCCU.
Employees should be aware that any communications, material and/or data created, sent,
received and/or stored on FCCU’s computer network or communications systems (including e-
mail messages and voice mail) are also the property of FCCU. FCCU expressly reserves the right
to intercept, read, review, access and disclose, as it deems necessary, any communications,
material or data that is created, sent, received and/or stored on FCCU’s computer network or
communications systems.
4.9 Workplace Behavior
a. In accordance with the mission and principles of applicable local laws and Codes of
Conduct, all FCCU employees are responsible for promoting fundamental human rights,
social justice, human dignity, and respect for the equal rights of men, women, and
children. While respecting the dignity and worth of every individual, FCCU employees
must treat all persons without distinction on the basis of an individual’s race, gender,
religion, sect, color, national or ethnic origin, marital status, sexual orientation, age or
b. As representatives of FCCU, all employees must conduct all FCCU related activities
honestly, with integrity and in the best interest of the organization and communities
FCCU serves. Employees are expected to demonstrate a standard of conduct that upholds
the reputation of FCCU and is respectful of the rights of others and the standards of the
communities in which FCCU works. Employees must act in conformity with applicable
laws and regulations.
4.10 Reporting Change of Status
Employees should report whenever there is a change in their situation, such as marriage, birth of
children, new address, nationality or other such matters that may affect their employment or
benefit status.
4.11 Work Credentials
Employees are responsible for obtaining and renewing any license, certificate, permit, or other
credential required in performing their job.

4.12 Presence at Workplace
Employees shall be at their designated work place on time and ready for work. Employees shall
remain at work until the officially notified office time is over, unless permission to leave earlier
is granted by their supervisor or HOD.
4.13 Work Interruption
Employees shall not unduly restrict or interrupt work or interfere with the work of others.
However, they shall remain at work only when able to safely perform their job duties.
4.14 Personal Conduct at Workplace
An employee shall not engage in any conduct which interferes with the proper performance of
another employee's duties.
a. No employee shall harass, discriminate, or retaliate against any other employee,
student or any member of society.
b. No employee shall be insubordinate, which is failure to obey a direct lawful order
of a supervisor or someone higher in responsibility or authority.
c. Employees shall not engage in negligent or careless behavior or unsafe practices
which endanger the employee, other employees, students or members of the
d. Employees shall make themselves available and fully participate in all
administrative inquiries with completely honesty. All employees shall
immediately notify their supervisor or appropriate management representative
following any accident.
e. No FCCU employees shall use his or her position to coerce or abuse another
f. Employees shall not remove FCCU property from its assigned place for personal
use. Defacing or destroying FCCU property is vandalism and shall be dealt with
g. Employees shall not fight, engage in unbecoming acts, show rude behavior, use
abusive language, physically or sexually assault another person, gamble or make
threats while on duty or on FCCU premises.
h. Employees shall not place or display non-official notices in FCCU premises
without prior written approval from the Rector.
i. Employees shall not possess unauthorized weapons, illegal drugs, or alcohol on
FCCU premises.
j. No employee shall accept any gift or award from any individual or institution
without prior written approval of the Rector unless the value of gift is minimal
(pen, calendar, diary, etc.)
k. No employee of the FCCU shall directly or indirectly engage in any occupation or
business, or act in any other capacity with other concerns as well as FCCU, or
have private dealings or business relations with any outside agency, unless
specifically permitted to do so by the Rector, who may in exceptional
circumstances, permit such undertakings.

4.15 Dress Code
The purpose of the FCCU dress code is to ensure that employees are dressed in a graceful
manner. This means that the clothing worn will be clean, neat, modest and reflective of the
culture in which FCCU is operating. The FC College ID cards must be visibly displayed at all
times on campus
4.16 Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace
a. It is FCCU’s policy to maintain a drug-free workplace. The use of controlled substances
or being under the influence of controlled substances while performing services for
FCCU is inconsistent with the behavior expected of employees, students and visitors to
FCCU offices to unacceptable safety risks, and undermines FCCU’s ability to operate
effectively and efficiently.
i. The unlawful distribution, possession or use of illegal drugs on FCCU premises or
while working on behalf of FCCU on others institution/business premises,
including while driving FCCU vehicles is prohibited.
ii. Any employee who is convicted under any criminal drug statute for a violation
committed or occurring in the workplace must notify the Rector/ HR Office
within five (5) days after such a conviction; any such conviction may be deemed a
violation of this policy.
b. For any violation of this policy, FCCU in its sole discretion, may subject the offending
employee to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate suspension/termination of
4.17 Outside Employment
Because holding a second job might pose a conflict of interest or interfere with an employee’s
efficiency, any employment outside of FCCU is discouraged. Before accepting employment
outside the College, full-time employees should discuss the decision with their supervisors and
seek permission to pursue such employment; permission can only be granted by the Rector or his
designee and is at his discretion. For teaching in other institutions and academies, permission
from Vice Rector will also be required. Accepting outside employment without such permission
can be a cause for termination from service. A faculty member may be allowed to provide one
recorded course for another university, however, actual instruction of an online class is
4.18 External Consulting Policy
a. FCCU employees on renewable contracts may have opportunities to share their expertise
through professional consulting services to agencies, institutions, and businesses both
public and private. This consultation may be compensated or not.
b. All consulting agreements entered into by FCCU employees must be disclosed including
those entered into during off FCCU contract periods. All consulting must have the prior
administrative approval of the Department Head, Dean, and Vice Rector.
c. No consulting services may interfere with the fundamental responsibility of the employee
to complete regularly assigned duties and obligations to teaching, research,

administration, or service, including being regularly available to students and colleagues
and other duties which are normally expected of a full-time employee.
d. No consulting services may create a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of
interest with the mission, operation, and integrity of FCCU. Consulting agreements must
comply with University research policy and intellectual property policy.
e. If the consulting agreement is done using FCCU time and/or resources (to be decided by
the Dean and Vice Rector), a percentage of the basic monthly salary of faculty/staff will
be deducted as fee for managing the consultancy or other activities such as hiring
additional teaching faculty and providing FCCU University’s support. This percentage
will not exceed 20% of the basic monthly salary.
f. Visiting faculty and employees on temporary contracts are exempted from this rule.

4.19 Solicitation and distribution in Campus Facilities

a. No individual is allowed to solicit, sell, or distribute goods or services on the FCCU
campus without the express permission of the Rector. This includes individual
employees seeking to sell services offered off-campus.
b. The FCCU also expressly prohibits the distribution of literature in campus buildings or
the posting of notices on campus property without the written permission of the Rector.

4.20 Personal Business at FCCU Workplace

Employees shall not conduct any personal business on FCCU premises, either individually or as
a group, without prior authorization by the Rector.
4.21 Public Statements on Behalf of FCCU
Only the Rector and the designated FCCU spokesperson holding a brief from FCCU are
authorized to make public statements on behalf of the FCCU. These individuals may authorize
others verbally or in writing to speak on behalf of the FCCU. No FCCU employee will make a
public statement on behalf of the FCCU on a matter involving litigation or confidential personnel
matters without express authority to do so from the Rector. FCCU employees will direct media
inquiries to the appropriate authorized person.
4.22 Conflict of Interest
a. FCCU’s policy requires that each employee be free of any personal interest that could
influence his or her judgment or action in the conduct of FCCU’s business. An employee
must not only avoid situations that give rise or could give rise to a conflict of interest, but
also situations that create the appearance of a conflict of interest.
b. This policy is not intended to detail every situation that could give rise to a conflict of
interest. A person with ordinary good judgment should know whether or not a particular
activity involves an actual or potential conflict.
c. Purpose: To set out the FCCU’s objectives and its responsibilities to various stakeholder,
and ethical standards required from its employees to meet such objectives and
responsibilities, and in order to safeguard the organization’s reputation and its
creditability, all employees must conduct themselves in accordance with the highest
ethical standards and be perceived to be acting ethically at all times and they should
avoid any conflict between their own interest and the interest of the FCCU.

d. Scope: The policy covers all the employees including faculty/Non-faculty staff,
administrative and supportive staff, engaged in conducting the business of the FCCU and
performing their duties.
e. Terms and Definitions
i. The terms ‘Conflicting Interest’ may be defined as an interest, direct or indirect,
with any person(s) firm(s) or company(s) having business with the FCCU and
such interest might arise through:
A. Owning shares or holding debt or other proprietary interests in any third
party dealing with FCCU.
B. Receiving remuneration for services with respect to individual transactions
involving the FCCU.
C. Using FCCU’s time, personnel, equipment, supplies, or goodwill and
other resources for activities, programs, and purposes not approved by the
D. Receiving personal gifts or loans from third parties dealing or competing
with the FCCU.
E. Acceptance of any gift of such value that can influence a decision.
ii. The term “affiliated persons” apply to and include the following parties:
A. Employee’s spouse, domestic and international partner, child, mother,
father, brother or sister;
B. Any corporation or organization of which employee is a board member, an
officer, a partner, participant in management or are employed by, or, are
directly or indirectly, a debt holder or the beneficial owner of any class of
equity securities; and
C. Any trust or other estate in which employee have a substantial beneficial
interest or as to which employee serve as a trustee or in a similar capacity.
iii. Other terms relevant to the policy are defined as under:
A. “Responsible Person” is any person serving as an employee of FCCU
B. “Family Member” is a spouse, domestic partner, parent, child or spouse of
a child, or a brother, sister, or spouse of a brother or sister, of a
Responsible Person.
C. “Contract or Transaction” is any agreement or relationship involving the
sale or purchase of goods, services or rights of any kind; receipt of a loan
or grant; or the establishment of any other pecuniary relationship.
f. Parties with whom a conflict may arise
Conflicts of interest may arise in relation to directors, officers, and employees with any of
the following third parties:
i. Individuals, firms and companies supplying goods and services to FCCU.
ii. Individuals, firms and companies from whom FCCU leases property and
iii. Competing or affinity educational institutes.
iv. Donors and other organizations supporting FCCU.

v. Individuals, firms and companies with whom FCCU is dealing or planning to deal
in connection with:
• Contract of project implementation.
• Purchase or sale of real estate or other property.
• Any other business deals.
vi. Agencies, organization and associations affecting the operations of FCCU.
vii. Family members and friends, having direct or indirect interest.
viii The areas of conflicting interest listed above and the relationships within those
areas which may give rise to conflict are not exhaustive, and conflicts might arise
in other areas or through other related parties as well, as may be determined by
the Rector.
g. Disclosure
i. Employees of the FCCU must recognize that in the course of performing their
duties, they may be put into a position where there is a conflict in the performance
of such duty and personal interest. Such interest may be financial or may be based
on their position or standing with any third party or entity. Such interest may not
be held directly by the employee but may be held by his friend or family member.
It is the overriding intention of the FCCU that all business contracts/ transactions
be conducted at an arm’s length basis.
ii. Accordingly, this policy requires that all such responsible persons should avoid
any conflict between their own interests and the interests of the FCCU in the
conduct of their professional responsibilities and their personal affairs, including
transactions in the shares of the organization, or any other company or entity
having or likely to have a business relationship with the FCCU.
h. The Rector or its duly constituted committee shall determine whether a conflict exits and
in the case of an existing conflict, whether the contemplated transaction may be
authorized as just, fair, and reasonable to be undertaken. The decision of the Rector will
rest at their sole discretion, and their concern must be the overall interest of FCCU and
the advancement of its purpose.
i. Transactions with parties with whom a conflicting interest exits may be undertaken only
if all the following conditions are fulfilled:
A. The conflicting interest is fully disclosed;
B. The person with the conflict of interest is excluded from the discussion and
approval of such a transaction;
C. A competitive bid or comparable valuation exists to maintain transparency; and
D. The Rector or its duly constituted committee has determined that the transaction is
in the best interest of the FCCU.
j. It is the policy of the FCCU that the existence of any of the interests described in the
policy shall be disclosed before any transaction is consummated. It shall be the
continuing responsibility of all the employees to scrutinize their transactions and
determine outside business interests and relationships for potential conflicts and to
immediately make such disclosures.

4.23 Whistle-Blowing
a. Objective
i. To develop a culture of openness, accountability and integrity
ii. To enable top management to be informed at an early stage about acts of
iii. To reassure employees that they will be protected from punishment or unfair
treatment for disclosing concerns in good faith.
iv. To provide avenues raising concerns in confidence and receive feedback on any
action taken.
b. Examples of Whistle Blowing Acts
i. Conduct, which is a criminal offence or a breach of Pakistani laws.
ii. Unauthorized sharing of FCCU data to third parties and persons.
iii. Un-authorized use of FCCU’s resources for personal gains.
iv. Favoritism /Nepotism for awarding jobs, contracts or related information.
v. Sexual, physical or other abuse of employees, clients or others.
vi. Other unethical conduct.
c. General Guidance
FCCU recognizes that the decision to report an issue/misconduct can be a difficult and
confusing. Therefore, the reporter (the whistle blower) have to be sure that act to be
reported should be genuine and on good faith. All concerns will be treated in confidence
and every effort will be made not to reveal identity of whistle blower. At the appropriate
time, however, whistle blower will be required to come forward as a witness. Whistle
Blowers are reporters of misconduct, they are not investigators or fact finders, nor are
they authorized to determine the appropriate corrective or remedial action that may be
d. Principles
i. The reporter must disclose the information in good faith.
ii. The reporter must believe the disclosed information to be substantially true.
iii. The reporter must not act maliciously or make false allegations.
iv. The reporter must not seek any personal gain.
e. Code of Confidentiality
The whistle blower will confirm in writing to abide the confidentiality policy of FCCU
and will not share any information within FCCU or outside. Violating the policy of
confidentiality will make whistle blower liable to disciplinary action for the reason of
violating the policy of confidentiality only.
f. Consequences
Anyone found guilty of participating in an act of corruption may face one or more of the
below mentioned consequences:
i. Termination of Employment
ii. Legal proceedings leading to imprisonment
iii. Expropriation of accumulated provident fund contributions through the tenure or
any funds that the FCCU owes to the individual

iv. Charging in order to pay for the recovery of the damage sustained by the corrupt
v. Publishing the corrupt act in the news which may blacklist the individual for
future hiring purposes outside the institution
vi. Any employee who knows of corrupt practices in FCCU and does not report them
will be deemed to be complicit and so subject to discipline

4.24 Acknowledgement of understanding and complying with FCCU Code of Conduct

All employees will be required to acknowledge that they have understood and will comply with
FCCU Code of Conduct. Violations of FCCU Code of Conduct may lead to disciplinary actions
including separation from service. A signed copy of this acknowledgement will be kept in the
personal files by HR.
I [name of Employee] have read the Code of Conduct Policy, understand all of its terms and
agree to be comply with the provisions contained therein.
Employee Name Manager Name
Employee Designation Manager Designation
Date: Date:

5. Academic Organizational Structure and Programs

5.1 Academic Council

a. The Academic Council (AC) is the academic body of the University which develops
standards of instruction, research, publication and examination, and promotes the
academic life of the University. The Academic Council will meet at least twice each year
to coordinate the work of the Faculties.

The AC has the following responsibilities:

i. Advise the FCCU Board on academic matters
ii. Regulate the conduct of teaching, research and publications;
iii. Regulate the admission of students to the courses of study and examinations;
iv. Regulate the conduct and discipline of students;
v. Propose to the FCCU Board the scheme for constitution and organization of
Faculties and departments;
vi. Consider and formulate proposals for the planning and development of teaching
and research;
vii. Prescribe regulations for the course of studies, syllabi and outline of test;
viii. Regulate the award of studentships, scholarships, exhibitions, medals and prizes
ix. Appoint members to various authorities and committees.

b. Membership of the Academic Council shall consist of:

i. The Rector (Chairman)
ii. Vice-Rector
iii. All the Deans
iv. Registrar (Member/Secretary)
v. All full time members of the University teaching/research faculty who have been
on the faculty for at least one year and one senior administrative officer of the
University to be nominated by the Rector
vi. An expert in the field of education to be nominated by the Secretary Education,
Department of the Punjab out of a panel of experts.
viii. Members appointed by nomination shall hold office for three years.
ix. The quorum for a meeting of the Academic Council shall be one–half of the total
number of members; a fraction being counted as one.
5.2 Academic Committees
Academic Committees are established by the Academic Council to coordinate the work of the
Faculties. Faculty and staff members are appointed and assigned terms of service in the
governance of the University. The prime purpose of the committees shall be to recommend
policies and actions covered by their jurisdictions. The committees shall frequently meet
according to the schedule. These committees report to the Vice Rector Academics and are
subject to final approval by the Council. The committees are defined within the Academic
bylaws and charged with responsibilities that are limited to a specific scope.

a. Academic Standards Committee: Academic Standards Committee annually reviews the

performance of each faculty member and makes recommendations to the Rector regarding
the promotion in rank or continued service of each faculty member. Appointed members
serve for a term of three years. A quorum for each meeting shall consist of one-half of the
membership. Membership consists of the Academic Vice Rector and a professor or
associate professor from each Faculty.

b. Public Relations Committee: Committee consists of staff and faculty serving as an

advisory body to the Office of Communications, which provides advice on streamlining
communication with FCCU’s external and internal audiences across all platforms; and
promotes a positive and strong brand consistent with the identity and values of the
University. This committee works to bring out a consistent and integrated marketing
effort, coping with latest trends in marketing activities for the University to ensure ‘one
voice, one message’ approach of all stakeholders. It advises on developing better relations
with media personnel and new marketing strategies for student recruitment, fundraising,
alumni relations, and image building.

c. Finance and Planning Committee: This committee advises and assists the Rector in the
preparation of the annual statement of accounts in order to develop the annual budget
estimates for presentation to the Board of Governors. It advises and assists the Rector in
the preparation of the strategic plan for the University and performs such other functions
as may be prescribed by the Statutes.

d. ORIC Advisory Committee: ORIC advisory committee establishes, strengthens, and

perpetuates a research culture in all the faculties and disciplines at FCCU. The committee
advises and encourages all faculties to showcase their research and innovations; and holds

workshops, seminars on commercializing with emphasis on social sciences and

e. CLT Advisory Committee: The Centre for Learning and Teaching (CLT) Advisory
Committee supports the office of the Vice Rector and advises the CLT in providing high
quality teaching, research tools, and scholarship activities in keeping with the changing
demands of contextual environment. The CLT Advisory Committee oversees the work of
CLT by assessing / identifying and prioritizing faculty’s professional development. In
addition, it develops programs for ‘New Faculty Orientation and Faculty Annual

f. General Education Committee: The General Education Committee provides oversight of

the University's General Education Program requirements. It reviews proposals for new
general education courses for inclusion and placement within the program. The
committee also coordinates general education assessment and continuous improvement,
including regular review of general education offerings by determining the need for
additional offerings. It develops and maintains criteria for general education courses and
reports criteria changes (or proposed changes) to the Academic Council It also reviews
and establishes protocols concerning General Education course submissions and
graduation requirements.

g. Task Force on Arts: The committee was established to build a vision and plan for
integrating the Arts into the Liberal Arts curriculum. It promotes cross-disciplinary
sensibility for arts and aesthetics education by gradually introducing prospective academic
program in arts under the Faculty of Humanities. In this context, it works for the
development of a separate Arts and Crafts department within the Faculty of Humanities by
consistently designing and incorporating credit courses on Finer Arts at various levels,
beginning with 100 and 200 levels and by introducing systematically courses in art
history, theory and genres, including at the beginning specific areas of Theatre and
Performance, Music and Musicology, and Painting and Sculpting.

h. Task Force on Academic Advising: This group defines the roles and responsibilities of
advisors and evaluates effective performance, as well as outlines professional
development and recognition opportunities in consultation with Deans and Heads. It
recommends revisions to the University’s existing advising model. The committee
develops creative strategies for improving the quality of advising and increasing student
retention. The committee develops monitors and assesses a student retention plan, which
includes strategies for reducing the number of students on probationary status.

i. Academic Technology Committee: The committee gathers and analyses information, to

recommend policies, procedures, and resources to establish and strengthen educational
technology systems that serves the needs of instructor/ teachers, researchers, support staff
and FCCU students. The recommendations are both for instructional technology as well as
for improving efficiency of support services of the University. This committee establishes
an Academic Technology Plan which is annually monitored by the committee.

j. Curriculum and Instruction Committee: The curriculum committee serves as a forum
to review new curricula at the course, concentration, and program level. The committee
compares and reviews each proposal on its own merits as well as comparing it to
comparable courses, concentrations, majors or programs at other universities. The
committee gives its findings in writing to the department. If the committee finds that
more work is needed, it identifies what is to be done. When those issues have been
addressed, either to make the changes recommended or to justify not making those
changes, and then the committee reviews the proposal again. The committee makes its
recommendations to the department, the relevant Dean, and the Vice Rector's Council
before departmental submission to the Academic Council.

k. Strategic Enrolment Planning Committee: The committee consists of faculty, and staff
who are associated with the recruitment and admissions process of new students. The
committee develops a strategic enrolment plan for increasing the undergraduate and post-
graduate populations through data-driven decision-making. The committee addresses the
implications for increasing the student population and organizes plans for handling the
logistics of the growing student body. It ensures integrity in the admissions process and
assist in building a student profile consistent with the mission and vision of FCCU.

l. Forman Experience Committee: The Forman Experience Committee has developed a

unique freshmen program titled “Forman Experience” for incoming freshmen to provide
them comprehensive exposure about various aspects of university life. The Committee is
responsible for strategic planning, designing and execution of the program to facilitate
freshmen integration into university. This program enables students to explore and learn
necessary skills, values and resources during their stay at FCCU. The program is
formulated with a vision to equip students with 21st century skills to support their success
at FCCU and beyond.

m. Task Force for Academic Integrity: The Academic Integrity Committee, functioning
under the Vice Rector’s Office, investigates and reviews all issues and cases where student
breach of Academic Integrity has taken place. This includes but is not limited to cases of
forgery (signing by students for advisors/faculty/staff), and plagiarism. All cases of
forgery entail a fine and an automatic hearing by the designate committee. The Task
Force explores ways to reduce integrity violations in academics, and works with CLT to
provide training and guidance to departments.

n. Post Graduate Studies Council: Council consist of post graduate program coordinators
who meet regularly to develop a post-graduate philosophy, uniform policies to update the
Post-Graduate Policy Manual, and formulate a consistent framework for introducing new
programs, before they are reviewed by the Board of Advance Studies and Research.

o. Educational Assessment Committee: The committee designs a plan for introducing a

Program Review process consistent with American Accreditation and HEC standards.
The focus is to develop and examine assessments of department and University-wide
student learning outcomes. The committee assists departments in organizing and
implementing the Program Review process for each degree in the department.

p. Institutional Review Board: A Committee established to review and approve research
involving human subjects. It ensures that human or animal subject’s research performed
by faculty and/or students is conducted ethically.

5.3 Academic Departments and Dept. Chairs

There are Academic Departments for each subject or group of subjects offered at the University
Each Academic Department shall be headed by a Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be affirmed
by the Board of Governors on the recommendations of the Rector. Each Chair will serve a term
of three years, which can be renewed at the recommendation of the Dean and Academic Vice
Rector to the Rector. The Chair shall plan, organize and supervise the work of the department
and be responsible to the Dean for the work of the department. Each Chair under the general
supervision of the Academic Vice Rector and Dean, exercise all administrative, financial and
academic powers and such other duties or powers as may be delegated to him/her. The Chair
shall prepare a comprehensive annual report regarding the performance of the department at the
undergraduate and graduate levels, faculty research and development, and submit the report to
the Dean of the Faculty for evaluation and submission to the Academic Vice Rector.
5.4 Board of Faculty
a. Each Faculty or School will have a Board of Faculty (BoF), chaired by the Dean of the
Faculty, and which reports to the Academic Council. The BoF co-ordinates the teaching
and research within the School; scrutinizes the academic recommendations made by
departments before submittal to the Academic Council, and prepares a comprehensive
annual report regarding the performance of each department. The Dean of each Faculty
who shall be the Chairman and convener of the Board of Faculty shall be appointed for a
period of three years by the Rector from the Faculty subject to confirmation by the Board
of Governors and shall be eligible for reappointment. The membership of the Board of
Faculty of consists of the following:
i. Dean of the Faculty (ex-officio)
ii. Heads of the teaching departments in the Faculty (ex-officio)
iii. Those that hold the rank of Professor in each department (ex-officio)
iv. One member other than Professors and head of each teaching department to be
nominated by the head of Department
v. Five persons nominated by the Rector, in consultation with the Academic
Council, who may be members of other faculties with insights having important
bearing on the subjects assigned to the faculty, or who may be experts in the field
from outside the University.

b. The members other than ex-officio members shall hold office for a period of three years.
c. The quorum for a meeting of the Board of a Faculty shall be one-half of the total number
of members, a fraction being counted as one.

d. The Dean shall present candidates for admission to degrees (except honorary degrees) for
the courses falling within the purview of the Faculty.
e. The Dean shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of
Governors on the recommendations of the Rector.
5.5 Board of Studies in Academic Departments
1. Board Composition, Quorum, and Voting
a. All regular full-time faculty of an academic department shall constitute the
membership of the Board of Studies (BoS) of that department.
b. Persons from other departments or from outside the university may be co-opted as
‘non-voting’ members, with expressed, written approval of the Vice
Rector/Rector, and only for a specified period of time.
c. Chair of BoS shall be the department Chairperson or designee.
d. The quorum of any meeting will be 50% of the membership.
e. Decisions must be voted on by the membership; a majority of votes will carry the
decision. The BoS Chair will have a deciding vote in case of a tie.
2. Notice of meetings
a. Notice of regular meetings to be made to all the members of the Board of Studies
of the Department, at least five business days in advance.
3. Functions
a. Oversee all academic and research activities of the department, and oversee the
department’s academic program, such as degree offerings, Majors, Minors, and
specializations/concentrations. This includes any addition/deletion/revision of
course content which does not interfere with the course title or code (difficulty
b. Approve matters related to the department’s courses and submit items for
presentation at appropriate forums as required. This includes but is not limited to:
i. Revision/updating existing courses, revising course levels, credits,
prerequisites and course content
ii. Develop new courses
iii. Cross-list courses
iv. Delete/make dormant or revive dormant courses

c. Approve all formal/required research activity by students (relating to

undergraduate, and post graduate research activity) including title, synopsis,
supervisor(s), committee members, and external examiners etc.
d. Approve final submission of post-graduate students’ synopsis/research proposals;
list of external/internal examiners/ supervisors etc. to the University’s Board of
Advanced Studies and Research (BoASR) through the respective Dean (and Dean
of Post Graduate studies for graduate matters) as appropriate.
e. Present/discuss matters from the Department Chairperson or University

f. Provide names for inclusion in list of External Experts maintained by the
Registrar/Vice Rector’s Office for the Selection Board/Academic Standards
Committee for hiring/promotion cases (especially to the rank of full Professor).
5.6 Board of Advanced Studies and Research
The Board of Advance Studies and Research (BASR) advises the Rector and Academic Vice
Rector on all matters connected with the promotion of advanced studies and research publication
in the University; considers and recommends research degrees; propose regulations regarding the
award of research degrees; approves the Internal Approval Form for Proposals and Contracts
(see Appendix C) submitted by faculty; appoints supervisors for postgraduate research students
and to approve titles and synopsis of their thesis/dissertation; recommends panels of names of
examiners for evaluation of other research examinations. The Board of Advanced Studies and
Research shall consist of:
a. Rector (Chairman)
b. Vice Rector
c. All the Deans
d. One University Professor from each Faculty other than the Dean to be appointed
by the Board of Governors
e. One member to be nominated by the Rector
f. Three members from the relevant field, research or organizations and Government
departments, to be nominated by the Board of Governors
g. The Registrar (Secretary)
h. The term of office of the members of the Board of Advanced Studies and
Research other than ex-officio members shall be three years.
i. The quorum for a meeting of the Board of Advanced Studies and Research shall
be one-half of the total number of members, a fraction being counted as one.

5.7 Institutional Review Board (IRB)

1. Establishment and Purpose

a) FCC will establish an Institutional Review Board to address ethical issues relating to
research involving human and animal subjects (or any research having an important
direct or indirect impact on human beings or animals) that also involve the utilization of
University resources such as faculty/ student time, university equipment, and funds.
b) The IRB will review such projects proposed to be conducted by faculty, PhD. or MPhil
students, or undergraduate students conducting a senior project/thesis, or any
undergraduate independent study involving people or animals.
c) Research conducted as part of undergraduate coursework other than a senior project or
independent work do not need to be reviewed by the IRB, but the professor of the course
will be responsible to insure that these projects meet the stated requirements of the IRB.
d) University researchers involving human and animal subjects that do not use university
resources may also request an IRB review.

e) The primary focus of the IRB will be to identify ethical issues relating to research on or
with humans and animals Ethical decisions of the IRB will be binding on University
faculty and students.
2. Composition of the IRB
a) The FCC IRB will be composed of the Director of Research and the Deputy Director of
Research, and five members of the faculty who have experience with various types of
research representing at least biology, sociology, education, the humanities, and one other
person to be nominated by the Vice Rector.
b) The committee may invite external or internal specialists for a particular review.
c) The Vice Rector may also appoint additional members of the IRB as he sees fit, as a
member to review a specific grant. These members may be from inside or outside the
d) The IRB will appoint a Secretary to keep minutes of all meetings, and files on decisions
on all proposals. Electronic communication of the minutes will not compromise an
individual researcher's confidentiality. Printed copies of previous minutes will be
circulated at the beginning of every meeting and approved by the committee.
e) Hard copies of minutes and of proposals will be kept in the office of the Director of
3. Frequency of meetings
a) The full IRB will meet at least 8 times per year:
i. In the first or second week of the fall and spring semesters to hear cases
carried over from the prior semester.
ii. A meeting held in mid-term of spring and fall semesters.
iii. A meeting held during exam week of spring and fall semesters to review
proposals to be carried out in the next semester or over the summer or winter
iv. Two other meetings may be scheduled, as necessary.
b) The IRB may meet at any time if it is deemed necessary by the Director of Research or
the Vice Rector, or by the Deputy Director in the absence of the Director.
c) The IRB will need to have at least five members present to form a quorum.
d) The IRB may appoint follow-up sub-committees as needed to insure that changes
required by the HSRB have been carried out.
e) Faculty research proposals requiring IRB review will be heard by a quorum of the IRB.
The IRB may appoint subcommittees as needed at any time to review student proposals that are
non-invasive or do not involve vulnerable populations. The sub-committees must include one
member from the discipline and another faculty member from a different faculty.
4. Proposals that are to be reviewed by the committee
a) The committee will only review projects only after they have been approved by a
department/school technical review committee, as scientifically sound.

b) The committee will hear all proposals involving faculty research that needs IRB review
and any proposals that involve invasive procedures or involve vulnerable populations.
c) The IRB will appoint sub-committees to hear student proposals that do not relate to
invasive procedures or to research with vulnerable populations.
d) The IRB will appoint a subcommittee to conduct follow-up reviews of proposals
previously heard by the full board in which the Board made specific requirements for
changes to the proposals for approval.
e) The IRB will review proposals by faculty or staff in which the University is the guarantor
of the research and is legally responsible for funds.
f) The IRB will review any proposal or research issue for which the Rector or Vice Rector
asks for an opinion. Please see section at the end related to External Reviews
5. Notice and filing of proposals for review
a) The Office of the Director of Research will notify IRB members about all meetings, at
least one week prior to the meeting, informing them of the date, time, and location of the
b) Researchers needing IRB approval should notify the IRB in advance about when they
expect they will need to be scheduled for an IRB review.
c) Hard copies of proposals to be reviewed must be received by the Director’s office at least
8 days prior to the meeting at which they are to be reviewed.
d) New proposals are to be forwarded to the members of the IRB or the appropriate sub-
committee at least 6 days before the meeting to facilitate their review before the meeting.
e) In the case of follow-up reviews to insure a change required by the committee, members
must receive copies of the changed proposal three days before the meeting. Changed
sections must be highlighted so that IRB members may find them more easily.
6. Decisions of the IRB
a) A formal vote will be taken on all proposals reviewed by the IRB. The decisions will be
recorded in the minutes of the meeting. Decisions to approve research will require the
positive votes of ¾ of the IRB. Any minority opinions will be recorded as part of the
documentation including the reasons for the negative votes.
b) Any member of the IRB who has serious concerns with a decision of the Board may
bring it first to the attention of other Board members, and, if still concerned after that
decision, may bring it to the attention of the Vice Rector.
c) All decisions of the IRB are to be recorded and maintained by the Office of the Director
of Research.
d) If a member of the IRB is presenting a proposal for review, he/she must be absent from
the IRB internal consideration after the presentation and the vote.

7. Ethical principles and aspects to be used to review proposals submitted to the IRB.
a) Non-maleficence
No harm should come to human participants in the study. This includes, but is not
limited to, physical, psychological, social, economic, or potential harm related to the
studies or as a consequence of the studies.
b) Voluntary participation
Voluntary participation means human participants should be free to choose to participate
in the research or not, and this decision should be based on informed consent. The
consent form should be in simple language and needs to be in an indigenous language
appropriate for the population being studied. For illiterate populations a diagram may be
c) Invasive procedures
i. For any physically invasive procedure, participants should be told what the study
will do to them, and what is expected of them. They are free to make a decision
about participation based on this explanation. Potential participants who choose
not to participate should not be pressured in any way to change their minds.
(Note: Invasive procedures – Any research that proposes to use any procedure that
is invasive to the person in any way including, but not limited to, drawing blood,
taking tissue samples, X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, the implantation of any devices in
the body, the introduction of foreign substances into the body, must explain why
this invasive procedure is necessary to the research.)
ii. The proposal must also describe what procedures are to be used to insure that no
harm comes to the participant.
iii. The proposal must also include a plan to deal with possible known side effects,
such as allergic reactions.
iv. The proposal should also include a plan to follow up on the study to identify any
long term consequences of the research.
v. The proposal should include a plan for obtaining emergency medical assistance or
hospitalization if serious side effects occur.
d) Non-Invasive
For non- invasive studies, participants should be told generally about the study and given
the opportunity to participate.
i. Participants should sign a statement that they have been informed or make their
mark on the form after it has been read to them and explained. (See below for
special populations.) If for any reason it is inherently necessary to the research to
mislead participants about what they are doing, the reasons for this should be
explained in the proposal, and there should be a plan to inform participants of the
factually correct information as soon as possible after their participation in the
e) Special populations
If the research is to be conducted on people who are not in a position to truly give
informed consent, special care is to be taken to obtain the consent of persons legally
responsible for them. The proposal must explain in detail why it is inherently necessary
to the research that the study is to be done on this population and how the research will
benefit this specific group of people. These populations include, but are not limited to:
i. Children under the age of 18- the children themselves must be willing to
participate, as well as having their parents consent; if over the age of 12, the
child's assent must be sought and a signed parental consent must be obtained.
ii. Mentally ill – individuals must be willing to participate, assent must be obtained,
and the consent of the legal guardian must be obtained as well as the consent of
the person’s choice of psychiatrist.
iii. Developmentally disabled persons- individuals must be willing to participate,
assent must be obtained, and the consent of the legal guardian is required.
iv. Anyone not legally competent for any reason- the individual must be willing to
participate and the consent of the legal guardian is to be obtained.
v. Prisoners, inmates of other institutions, or others in the direct physical custody
and care of an institution and dependent on the good will of the persons in charge
of the institution. There must be no possible perception that receipt of food,
medical care, privileges or any form of treatment is in any way related to
participation in the research as an inducement to participate.
vi. Students or subordinates of the researcher should not be used as study
participants, as it is possible that there may be an implicit assumption that failure
to participate in the research might result in a lower grade or a poor evaluation.
vii. Research subjects must not be related to the researcher by blood or marriage or
proposed marriage, must not be employees or tenants of any family member, or in
any way subject to the authority or discretion of any member of the researcher's
f) Confidentiality
The researchers must be able to satisfy participants that the results of any individual
person will be kept completely confidential and that the data will not be used for any
purpose other than the one for which they have given their consent. This also means that
no results will be made public in a way in which it may be determined what the answers
or results are for a particular person or group of people. The proposal must address the
issue of confidentiality and propose a plan to insure that confidentiality is maintained.
g) Conflict of interest
Any potential conflict of interest between any of the researchers and the University in
relation to the research must be spelled out and explained.
h) Withholding of beneficial treatment, therapy, or other benefits
The researcher may not withhold medical treatment, vitamins or food supplements,
therapy, or any other benefit for longer than is absolutely necessary to conduct the
experiment. If the design of the study is that some of the participants will not receive
some benefit so that the study has a control or comparison group, the reasons for this
must be clearly spelled out in terms of reasons, duration of the withholding, and any plan
for providing the benefit at the end of the experiment. The control group must receive the
benefit at the end of the research.

i) Permissions
If the permission of an institution or government agency is required in order to conduct
the research, the proposal must include copies of written permission allowing this
research or not objecting to it. Refer to National Bioethics and Provincial Bioethics
Committee policies.
j) Financing the study
The proposal must make explicit all sources of funding for the research, including self-
funding. The proposal must include an itemized budget detailing the costs of what is
required for the proposal.
k) The proposal must include all forms and assurances required by the funder.
l) Records
The proposal must detail how records and documentation of the research are to be carried
out and maintained.
8. Requests for Changes
a) The IRB has the authority to request any additional information or documentation that it
feels it needs to be reassured that the proposal is ethical.
b) There will be many instances in which the IRB believes that the basic goals of the
research are sound, but there is some particular point of the proposal that concerns them.
The IRB may request the researchers to make a specific change or changes to the
proposal and return to the committee for approval.
c) These re-reviews will be done on an expedited basis by a subcommittee unless the
Director of Research feels they are so major as to require a rehearing by the entire IRB.
9. Appeals
If researchers receive a negative decision from a subcommittee, they may appeal it to the
full committee.
There is no appeal from the committee as a whole.
10. Amendments to the policy
The IRB may recommend to the Academic Council any change it deems necessary to the policy
at any time with a 2/3 vote of the committee and the concurrence of the Chair.
a) At the last meeting of the year the IRB will review its decisions for the year and
recommend changes to the policy as appropriate.
b) Policy changes will need to be approved by the Vice Rector’s Council and the Academic
11. External Reviews
The University IRB may conduct ethical reviews for other organizations or individuals or the
Government at its discretion. There will be a charge for these reviews proportionate to the work

5.8 Proctorial Board
a. The Proctorial Board is charged with maintaining discipline on campus. After an initial
meeting to discuss and assign duties and responsibilities, the Chief Proctor will meet
monthly with the Prefects and bi monthly with the full Board. A final meeting will be
held at the end of the year to thank the members and to evaluate the work done during the
year. A report will be submitted to the Rector either verbally or in writing after this final
meeting. The Proctorial Board will consist of:
i. The Chief Proctor, a member of the faculty
ii. Proctors, faculty and staff members
iii. Prefects, students from the senior classes

b. Chief Proctor: The Chief Proctor will be appointed by the Rector. He will be responsible
for nominating the remaining Proctors. These nominations will then be considered for
approval by the Rector. Each Proctor will then nominate two students to be considered
for Prefects. These nominees will be interviewed by the Proctors. If approved, their
names will be given to the Rector for final approval. The Chief Proctor will be
responsible for the direction, control and monitoring of the overall activities of the Board.
c. Proctors: There will be between 15 and 20 Proctors. These will be a combination of
junior and senior members of the faculty and staff who are good teachers with good
character and who are well conversant in student counselling. They should also be
knowledgeable about the University and its traditions. An effort will be made to choose
Proctors from each department and discipline. The Proctors responsibilities include:
i. Monitoring of discipline on campus
ii. Counselling students in the areas of discipline, personal growth, etiquette or
general guidance
iii. Academic advising at a student’s request
iv. Inculcation of the Core Values
v. Monitoring of discipline at campus events
vi. The escorting and hosting of guests on campus
vii. Monitoring of Prefects’ activities
viii. Issuance of identification badges
ix. Performance of other duties as assigned by the Board at the beginning of the year

d. Prefects: There will be between 16 and 25 Prefects. These will be students nominated by
the Proctors from the senior classes (Intermediate, Undergraduate and Graduate). These
students should be good students who are well-behaved, well-groomed and have a
satisfactory academic record. The duties of the Prefects are the same as the Proctors
except that they are done under the supervision of the Proctors and Chief Proctor. The
Prefects have no final decision making power. All disciplinary issues must be referred to
a Proctor. A Prefect’s primary duty is to provide observation and vigilance on campus.

e. Campus Events
i. Members of the Proctorial Board (Proctors and Prefects) will meet at the
beginning of each year to determine duty assignments. Each venue and area of
campus will have a group of Proctors and Prefects assigned to it. Any event held
in those venues will be under the supervision of those members assigned. In
addition, major events will be attended by all members of the Proctorial Board.
ii. At campus events, Prefects are responsible to the Proctors at that event, not to the
sponsors of the event. The sponsors of each event should communicate their
needs for the event to the Proctorial Board three days in advance. At this point,
the Chief Proctor will make duty assignments.
f. Disciplinary Action
i. The first step in the disciplinary process is counselling. The offence will be
discussed with the student by the Prefect or Proctor present.
ii. For the second offence or for habitual offenders, the consequence will be
determined by a Proctor according to the nature of the offence. If a Prefect is the
person present at the time of the offence, the student will be referred to or
escorted to a Proctor.
iii. Possible consequences include further counselling, a warning, a fine, probation, or
being dropped from the University roles. The consequence is based on the
frequency and severity of the behavior.
g. Fines: Prefects are allowed to report violations for smoking, drinking alcohol, harassing
and for not having an identification badge as they are standard. All fines are determined
by Proctors and are based on the severity of the incident. They are decided on a case by
case basis and counselling is the first option. In the case of damage to property, the fine
will be used to cover the damages.
h. Grievances
i. Grievances related to Prefects will be referred to the Proctorial Board and to the
Chief Proctor. Prefects will be removed from the assignment for favoritism,
arrogance or misconduct.
ii. Grievances concerning Proctors will be referred to the Chief Proctor or to the
iii. Grievances concerning the Chief Proctor will be referred to the Rector.

6. Academic Programs
6.1 Intermediate Program
Forman Christian College offers a two-year Intermediate program under the guidelines of the
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Lahore. Programs in Arts and Humanities and
Sciences are offered. (For further information, see the Intermediate Prospectus)

6.2 Baccalaureate Honors Program
a. Students must complete the requirements of a major field of study in order to graduate.
The number of credit hours required for the major varies depending upon the degree
selected by the student, but it will be no fewer than 36 credit hours.
b. Different majors are offered at FCCU with some that offer specializations within the
major. The specific courses required to complete a major are listed in the departmental
sections of the catalogue(s). (For further information, see the Baccalaureate Prospectus)
6.3 Summer & Winter Semesters
a. Summer semester is scheduled for six weeks’ duration where students can register on-line
for up to eight credits. A third overload course can be opted if their CGPA is above 3.0 or
if they are of senior rank (90 completed credits).
b. Research, Internship and Student Teaching Practice (Experience) can be registered over
and above, the two courses they can take on-line, if they either start after summer
semester ends or are scheduled after classes. These are not registered on-line but through
the Departments and the Internship office
c. HPED courses being non-taught courses do not figure in the eight-credit limit and can be
registered directly by the Academic Office (On-line form)
d. Winter semester lasts three weeks and students are allowed to register for only one
e. Normally General Education and Lower Division courses or 'specially tailored' courses
are offered in the Winter semesters so that students can take them for their General
Education requirements.
f. Summer and winter are optional semesters and so are counted as overloads (i.e. are billed
per credit, other than Internship and student teaching practice, and paid separately). The
faculty is paid at a uniform per credit rate irrespective of rank or program. Faculty is not
bound to teach in optional semesters, but is welcome to do so.
g. From fall of 2016 summer and winter Terms are also employed to run the UNIV-100
(Foundations of University Education) course for newly inducted freshmen to enable
them to better assimilate into University life - again faculty engaged here are
compensated for this as overload. Some departments have research and Internship
courses scheduled in summer and faculty is assigned these courses in rotation if people
are unavailable.
h. Winter semester is optional, however, unlike summer break this is not normal faculty free
time - Departments utilize this break to have diagnostic meeting for curriculum revision. -
Winter is also the time that is used for annual faculty evaluation processes.

6.4 Graduation Requirements

a. Multiple Majors and Minors: Students are permitted to pursue more than one major.
However, students should be aware that the HEC only recognizes the first major on the
transcript. If a student intends to graduate with multiple majors or a combination of major
and minor, all requirements must be met from the same catalogue.

b. BA (Hons) Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by all students in order
to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the Bachelor of Arts (Honors)
 The satisfactory completion of 130 credit hours with a cumulative grade point
average (CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a minimum grade point average (GPA) of
2.0 in the major
 The completion of at least 12 upper level courses labeled at the 300 or 400 level
 The satisfactory completion of a major field of study from a list of those offered by
the University and specific to one catalog only. For the BA (Hons) degree at least 36
credit hours (including core courses) must be completed as stated in the requirements
of the selected major
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University
 The successful completion of the senior capstone courses in the major as required

c. BS (Hons) Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by all students in order
to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the Bachelor of Science (Honors)
 The satisfactory completion of 130 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average
(CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in the
 The completion of at least 12 upper level courses labeled at the 300 or 400 level
 The satisfactory completion of a major field of study from a list of those offered by the
University and specific to one catalog only. For the BS (Hons) degree at least 48 credit
hours (including core courses) must be completed as stated in the requirements of the
selected major
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University
 The successful completion of the senior capstone courses in the major as required

d. BS (Hons) Business Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by all students
in order to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the Bachelor of Science
(Honors) in Business Degree:
 The satisfactory completion of 130 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average
(CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in the
 The completion of at least 12 upper level courses labeled at the 300 or 400 level
 At least 72 credit hours (including core courses) of Business courses as specified in the
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University
 The successful completion of the senior capstone courses in the major as required

e. BCS (Hons) Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by all students in order
to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the BS (Honors) in Computing

 The satisfactory completion of at least 132 credit hours with accumulative grade point
average (CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in the
 The completion of at least 12 upper level courses labelled at the 300 or 400 level
 The satisfactory completion of the program as specifically stated in the catalog
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University

f. BS (Hons) Biotechnology Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by all

students in order to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the Bachelor of
Science (Honors) in Biotechnology Degree:
 The satisfactory completion of 130 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average
(CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 in the
 The completion of at least 12 upper level courses labeled at the 300 or 400 level
 At least 64 credit hours (including core courses) of Biotechnology and Biology
courses as specified in the catalog
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University
 The successful completion of the senior capstone courses in the major as required

g. Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) Degree: The following requirements must be fulfilled by

all students in order to qualify for formal recommendation by the faculty for the Doctor of
Pharmacy (PharmD) Degree (A five-year professional degree):
 The satisfactory completion of 198 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average
(CGPA) of 2.0 or better as well as a grade of ‘D’ or better in each course, as per
curriculum approved by of the Pharmacy Council of Pakistan/Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan
 The satisfactory completion of the General Education requirements of the University

h. Anomalies in Departmental Offerings and Catalogue Requirements: Note: If

anomalies exist between semester offerings and catalogue requirements, students, along
with their advisors must immediately apprise the department Chair of the need to
facilitate them by offering a course that is listed on their catalogue whether this is a core
or a required elective.

i. Requirements for the Minor: An approved minor is stated in the department’s portion of
the catalog. In order to minor in a particular discipline, the student must generally
complete half (1/2) of the credits required for the major

6.5 General Education Requirement

There are two components of the General Education requirement.
a. Demonstration of competency as determined by performance on University assessment
examinations given as final exams in the General Education course related to each of the
following five areas:

 Written communication in Urdu (URDU 101)

 WRCM 101: Writing and Communication I
 WRCM 102: Writing and Communication II
 Quantitative skills (MATH 100 or FEAT Maths score at the time of admission)
 Information Technology (CSCS 100 or COMP 102)
b. Fulfilling the General Education Requirements
There are four categories of General Education. A total of 15 required courses fulfill
General Education requirements. Further explanation is stated below.
Any course of three credits or more, including Major courses, fulfill this requirement
Humanities: 6 courses
All students must complete the following:
Religious Studies:
 Islamic Education (ISLM 101) (required for all Muslim students) or Christian Ethics
(CRST 152)
 WRCM 101: Writing and Communication I
 WRCM 102: Writing and Communication II
 URDU 101: Communicative Urdu
2 other courses from Humanities:
 Two (2) courses must be selected from English, History, Mass Communication,
Philosophy, Religious Studies (Christian or Islamic Studies) Urdu, Arts, or Foreign
Social and Behavioral Sciences: 3 Courses
A student must take:
 1 Pakistan Studies course - PKST 101
 2 courses from: Business, Economics, Education, Geography, Political Science,
Psychology or Sociology
Science and Mathematics: 5 Courses
Students must take:
 2-four credit Science courses with labs (from two different disciplines): Biological
Sciences, Chemistry or Physics
 1 Mathematics course
 1 Computer Science course

 1 other course in either Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Logic (PHIL 221) or
Computer Science
Foundations of University Education (UNIV 100): 1 Course All University Freshmen students
must take UNIV 100 during their first semester or after they have finished the ELP program.
Transfer students with 60 or more credits are exempted from UNIV 100.
Academic Credit
Credit towards a degree is awarded for satisfactory course completion, independent study or
academic work certified by another accredited degree granting institution (covered in the
Transfer Credit policy).
A credit hour identifies one contact hour in class per week, or two contact hours in the
laboratory, studio or field work each week during a regular semester. Thus, a three-credit course
will meet for three hours per week, or two hours of lecture and two hours of laboratory per week.
Ordinarily credit is earned by course completion. A normal full-time student academic load is
five courses per semester. A student may take a minimum of 12 semester credit hours or a
maximum of 18 semester credit hours and still be considered a full-time student. Additional
payment is required for overloads above 18 credit hours.
If a student enrolls in fewer than 12 credit hours, he/she is considered to be a part-time student.
Enrolment of more than 18 hours is very rare and requires the approval of the Advising Centre
and payment of any additional fees, if applicable. Permission to carry an overload will be granted
based on a CGPA of 3.0 or above. Senior students (over 90 completed credits) with a lower
CGPA can take an overload (after they receive the proper permissions) if they require the
overload in order to graduate on time.
Exemptions and Credit
For undergraduate students, specific exemptions can be made. See details for Transfer based
exemption in the student catalogue.
Substitution of Research and Internship
Unless research (499) or internship (398/498) are core courses, students who do not qualify due
to CGPA requirement or aptitude need to take additional courses in their major, in lieu of, to
substitute for Research and Internship to complete their credit requirement to graduate.
6.6 Independent Study (Online form)
Credit may be earned through independent study by advanced students who exhibit both the self-
discipline and mastery of the methods demanded by the subject matter selected by the student.
An independent study project is designed by a student in consultation with the Professor who is
to supervise and evaluate the work. An academic contract, made in advance, specifies the subject
and method of inquiry, the texts, the purpose of the project, and the basis of evaluation and
credit. Each contract approved by the respective Dean of Faculty and Chairperson should be

deposited in the Academic Services Office for registration and record keeping. Independent
study forms are available online.
FCCU recognizes that many experiences outside the classroom may contribute to a student’s
program. Internships, participation in community projects, and field experience may be accorded
credit if closely coordinated with the student’s academic program. Such experience ordinarily
constitutes a part of a regular course or independent study project.
6.7 Grade Entry Procedure
a. Faculty Empower Login: The Empower login allows you to access class lists and
grading rosters through your own portal.
b. Online Grade Submission: Instructors should access grading rosters and submit final
grades electronically via Empower web portal. Only the Instructor-of-record may submit
or change grades. Instructors will select the final grade to be assigned to the student from
a drop-down box. The list of grades in each drop-down box contains only those grades
that correspond to the grading legend at Forman.
c. Hard copy Grade Submission: After submitting grades online the Instructor of the
course is required to submit hard copies of the grading roster to the respective Chairs.
Instructors can print their grading roster from their faculty portal. A signed copy is
submitted to the respective Chair.
d. Grading Notification: The Grading module opens for a specific time frame. It opens on
the first day of final exams of each semester and remains open as advised by an email
from the Academic Office.
e. Grade Changes: If an instructor of a student determines that a grade was issued
incorrectly because of a clerical or procedural error (a calculation error or one in
transcribing the grade), it can be corrected by submitting a grade change form to the
Academic office.
f. The procedure is as follows:
i. An original grade change form must be picked up from the Academic Office by
only an Instructor of the course for which the change is being made. Online form
available can also be used.
ii. Hard Copies of Forms will not be given to the student requesting the grade change
or department administrative staff.
iii. Grade Change forms must not be stored in excess by instructors/departments.
iv. The grade change form must be filled completely.
v. The reason for the change must be stated clearly.
vi. The form must be signed and dated by the instructor.
vii. If the instructor is no longer on faculty, the grade change form can be processed
by the department Chairperson or Dean with approval from the Vice Rector.
viii. All grade changes carry a time limit.
ix. Incompletes can be changed within 8 weeks of the following semester.

x. Any other changes (due to typing errors and miscalculations) will continue to be
accepted by the Academic Office up to 8 weeks of the following semester.
xi. After this time grades cannot be changed except for I (Incomplete) grades of
research and internships which need to be awarded/ changed by the end of the
next semester.
xii. Approval of the Vice Rector is required for submission of grade changes beyond
the stated time.
xiii. The grade change form must be submitted in person by the Instructor within the
stated time frame. Only original forms will be accepted for grade change.
Photocopied grade change forms will not be approved.
xiv. An Incomplete in research or internship can remain unchanged for one semester
for baccalaureate and for the duration of registered research for graduate

Note: University students cannot have their grades changed once they have graduated.
g. Grade Reports: All students can check their grades online at any time, for the most
recent semester or their entire academic history (transcript) via the student portal,
provided their accounts are clear of business or other holds.
6.8 Add and Drop Procedures

Add/Drop Rules:
i. Online Registration is accessible from anywhere in the world during the given time
period. Register while the Online Empower Web Module is open.
ii. It is your responsibility to get account holds cleared before Add/Drop.
iii. Registration time frame should be strictly followed.
iv. No exceptions will be accepted after the deadline.
v. Arrange payments as necessary for upcoming semesters that you plan to study.
vi. Students can add online up to 6 courses (18 credits) each fall and spring semester, 1
course in the winter semester and 2 courses (8 credits) in the summer.

6.9 Overloading Courses in a Semester (Online form)

In a normal course of study, students register for courses up to a maximum of 18 credits
online. They can however take an overload with permission from the Advising Centre if
their CGPA is 3.00 or above.
Senior students (90 completed credits), with lower CGPA can take overload with
permission from the Advising Centre if they require the course to graduate.
A student desiring an additional course over 18 credit hours must obtain the approval
from the Advising Centre. Such approval is based on a current CGPA of 3.00 or above or
if they require the course to graduate on time.

6.10 Seat Exceptions
Sometimes, because of popular demand, seats become full in courses desired by a
student. However, there is a process to enter such a class if it is absolutely necessary for
the student to do so in the current term. This decision is at the discretion of the Instructor
and department Chair in whose course the seat is desired.
When seeking a seat in a course that is already full:
 Apply for Seat Exception online by going through Online Seat Exception process
guide, which is available on FCCU’s website in Student’s Tab and on Academic
Services Office page Resources Tab
 If a seat is approved, the student must ensure that this course does not conflict in
time with other courses registered online
6.11 Pre-requisite Waivers
Prior to registration in a course with prerequisite requirements, the student should have
completed the prerequisite successfully. In the rare event that this has not happened, a
student may petition the Instructor for waiver of a required pre-req. Approvals endorsed
by the Chairperson in writing can be submitted to the Academic Services Office for
processing within the registration timeframe.

6.12 Cancellation of Courses due to Low Enrolment

 After the close of add/drop, classes with low enrolment are likely to be closed,
particularly lower level elective courses.
a. For Spring and Fall, low enrolment is 5 students for upper level (300/400)
and 10 students for lower level (100/200) courses.
b. For Summer and Winter, low enrolment is 10 students for all courses
 The Chairperson will be informed of the closure of courses due to low enrolment
 All instructors teaching courses with low enrolment must inform students of the
likelihood of closure, prior to the end of add/drop.
 The Chairperson can make the decision to continue with such course provided there is
appropriate justification to do so.
 If a registered course has been cancelled, students of that course can visit the
Academic Office to arrange a satisfactory substitute preferably within the add/drop
period or within 4 days of add/drop closure.

6.13 Grading Policies

Grades are final as given by an Instructor unless a reason exists for change as stated
below. All grades will be locked onto the transcript at the time of degree awarding and
will not be changed subsequently. (See Grade Change Policy)

Grading Legend
The grading system for undergraduate students is as follows:

Grade Point Value Numerical Meaning


A 4.00 93-100
A- 3.70 90-92

B+ 3.30 87-89
B 3.00 83-86 Good

B- 2.70 80-82
C+ 2.30 77-79

C 2.00 73-76 Satisfactory

C- 1.70 70-72

D+ 1.30 67-69
D 1.00 60-66

F 0.00 59 or below Failing

NS 0.00 0.00 Did not show up in Class

W - - Officially Withdrawn
AW - -
AU - - Audit/Listener Status

I - - Incomplete
T - - Transferred credit

6.14 Retaking a Course

 The first is where a student has received a letter grade of D or F in a course. In this
situation he/she is allowed to retake that course. The second earned grade will count
and be factored into the CGPA.
 If a student is found to have repeated a course to earn a better grade outside of the first
instance stated above, the second course will be withdrawn with ‘AW’ appearing on
the transcript.
 If repeating a course with a D grade has caused double credits to appear on a
transcript, the student must apprise the Academic Services Office of this anomaly and
get it corrected immediately to avoid untoward circumstances delaying graduation.

6.15 Withdrawal Policies

Course Withdrawal (Online form)

 Students are allowed to withdraw from a course until the end of the ninth tenth week of
the regular semester. Students who withdraw from a course by the withdrawal deadline
will receive a grade of “W” by the instructor.
 If a student does not officially drop a course or withdraws from a course after the
deadline, he/she will receive a grade based on his performance or NS.
 In circumstances where Academic Policy has been breached or disciplinary action taken,
the Vice Rector’s Office may award an AW (Administrative withdrawal) to a student and
withdraw the grade given for the applicable course.
 In extreme circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as illness, accident or death
of a parent, permission will be granted to withdraw after the withdrawal deadline. In
extenuating circumstances “W” will be awarded by the Vice Rector’s office.

Temporary Withdrawal/Leave of Absence (Discontinuing for one semester or year)

 A Temporary Withdrawal means the student has decided to discontinue one semester or
one year of studies. Depending on the date of withdrawal, the student may be entitled to a
refund. Please refer to the withdrawal refund policy in the catalog.
 Students who need to withdraw should initiate the process by meeting first with their
Academic Advisor, Student Advising Centre and then with the Vice Rector, completing
the withdrawal form and providing appropriate documentation to support their request to
 Students who are recipients of financial aid must consult the Office of Financial Aid to
confirm if their withdrawal will have any impact on their financial aid eligibility.
 The Vice Rector Office will forward the withdrawal form along with documents to the
Academic Services Office as soon as the decision to withdraw has been made.
University Withdrawal (Online form)

A University Withdrawal is defined as leaving the university permanently. If a student decides to

leave the University, the procedure to be followed is given below:
1. The University Withdrawal Clearance form must be downloaded from the website.
2. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain clearance from the Library, Computer Lab, Chief
Proctor, Accounts Office and Science Laboratories.
3. The university ID card must be returned to the Accounts Office.
4. On receiving the approved form with all clearances, the Academic Services Office will
issue a Letter of Release.
5. The student must submit a copy of the Letter of Release to the Accounts office in order to
collect his/her security deposit.
6. If a student quits and fails to inform the university about the decision to discontinue at the
university, he/she will receive failing grades for all courses. If the student does not cancel
his/her registration prior to the drop deadline, he/she will be held financially responsible
for applicable tuition fees.

6.16 All Post Graduate Programs (MBA, MS/MPhil and PhD)
FCCU is continuously expanding its Graduate Programs based on the availability of required
infrastructure, expertise and demand. Keeping this in view, more MS/MPhil and PhDs in various
disciplines of Natural and Social Sciences and Humanities have been launched. The purpose of
Graduate Policy is to make uniform rules and regulation governing these programs.
(For Further Information refer to Post Graduate Catalogue).

Master’s in Business Administration

i. This is a two-year program with a general management focus. The program aims to
develop high quality professionals who will be agents of change through a combination
of their creativity, initiative, competence and adaptability. The learning experience is
highly interactive and offers the best mix of cases, simulations, and lectures to ensure that
students gain both from theory and best practice of business. There is a strong emphasis
on understanding and managing modern enterprise in the Pakistani environment. The key
to this is the varied experience of the SoM faculty.

We want our students to have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and be able to adapt to
challenging situations in diverse environments. Over the last two years our graduates
have gone into a variety of professions, including the corporate sector, financial sector,
charitable organizations, family businesses, academia, government, and further
education. The program is designed to build upon skills and techniques developed in the
first year and their application to more complex and integrated business issues in the
second year. Students take a total of 72 credit hours (24 courses) as well as undertaking a
mandatory Internship between the first and second year of the program. Each course is
worth three credit hours.
ii. Degree Requirements: Students must maintain a CGPA of 2.50/4.00 to graduate from the
MBA program. Students take a total of 72 credit hours (24 courses) as well as
undertaking a mandatory Internship between the first and second year of the program.
Each course is worth three credit hours. Outstanding students are recognized and honored
through awards sponsored by Engro Foods Limited and the Abdul Karim Medal for
Business Strategy, sponsored by a former Dean of the SoM.

MS/MPhil Programs (Postgraduate catalog)

i. The MS/MPhil will generally consist of 2 semesters of coursework during the first year,
and 2 semesters of thesis in the second year. However, some departments may have more
than 2 semesters of coursework. The maximum registration in MPhil programs is for four
ii. Admission: Postgraduate admissions lie with departments. Students may be admitted in
the first or second semester. Transfer students can be admitted any time provided they
meet the eligibility requirements. Criteria established for admission is GPA 2.50/4.00 or
60% for conventional Master’s students for admission to MS/MPhil. Students will take
either the GAT or an internal test devised by the department.

iii. Course credit: The MS/MPhil will have a minimum of one year of coursework. The
coursework is expected to take one year, but students may repeat a course, if they wish,
in order to get a better grade. In the Natural Sciences, Journal Club/Seminar is for 2
credits, whereas in Humanities and Social Science it can be up to 3 credits. A student
with a CGPA of below 2.75/4.00 during coursework is placed on probation. Students
must have a CGPA of 2.75 before proceeding to the thesis research. A student has the
right to retake a course on payment to meet the benchmark of research. If a course is not
being offered in a particular semester, the student may take an alternative course with the
permission of the Chairperson of Department. A student may take a retake with any letter
grade, B to F. To graduate, a student should have a CGPA of 2.75 or more. If the student
is registered to retake a course in the following semester to meet the benchmark.
However, the student will not be allowed to appear for the thesis viva until the CGPA
requirement is met. Billing for tuition will be done per annum, paid per semester. Any
other arrangement will have to be done with the agreement of Accounts Office. Billing
per credit will only be done for courses that are retaken. The charge for tuition is the
same whether the year is for coursework or thesis. If a student goes beyond the second
year, he/she must register and pay full tuition for every subsequent semester taken. Same
deadlines for payment as undergraduates as stated on the Academic Calendar will apply.
The maximum registration in the MPhil program is for four years.
iv. Guidelines for Thesis: Thesis Format (available on FCCU webpage) needs to be adhered
to. The lower word limit for the thesis can be set by the Board of Studies of the
Department. Before the submission of the thesis, the advisor will ensure that the thesis
has undergone a Turnitin check and report is attached. If the thesis passes the review, the
committee will send it to external examiners. A list of external examiners who are experts
in a variety of fields is prepared by the Department and approved by the Board of Studies
and the Board of Advanced Studies and Research. When the thesis is submitted, it will be
sent to one external examiner from the pre-approve list by the Controller of
Examinations. If an external examiner declines to review a thesis, another person on the
list will be selected. Also, if the external reviewer does not make a decision on the thesis
in the time allotted, another examiner from the list will be identified. If the external
examiners do not pass the thesis, the student may rewrite it to address deficiencies
identified. It must then be resubmitted to the external examiners if required. Once the
thesis is reviewed by the external examiner, a mutually agreed date will be set for the oral
examination during which the candidate presents the finding of the research. A grade
would be awarded based on the evaluation of the external examiner and notified through
the Controller’s Office.

PhD Programs
i. Admission: At FCCU, admission to PhD program is offered in the research areas which
are preferably supported through research projects, and in which faculty research groups
are currently engaged. Admission will be made by the Department. Students must have a
GPA of 3.0 or 70% marks in MS/MPhil or equivalent and they must show evidence of
research aptitude. Departments may also impose extra admission requirements in order to
admit strong candidates who are likely to complete the program. Admissions in PhD
programs continue throughout the year.

ii. Coursework: There will be a minimum of 18 credit hours of coursework preferably
during the first year. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.75 in coursework. A student
with a CGPA of below 2.75 during coursework is placed on probation. There will also be
a departmental Comprehensive Exam at the end of the coursework.
iii. PhD Thesis
a. Thesis Format (available on FCCU webpage) needs to be adhered to. The
synopsis or proposal for the PhD thesis must be approved by the Board of Study
of the Department and by the Board of Advanced Study and Research of the
University. After the PhD proposal is approved, the time limit for completion is 4
years. Approval from the Rector must be sought to exceed this limit. Minimum
duration of PhD program is 3 years.
b. There must be a Departmental PhD Committee which approves topic and
synopsis or proposal. There will also be a supervisory committee comprising of a
supervisor and two other faculty members not necessarily from the same
department, who will advise and monitor the progress of the research. The
function of the supervisory committee is essentially to keep the process moving.
c. The Department will draw up a list of external examiners from industrially
advanced countries (available on HEC web portal) who are experts in a variety of
fields, and approved by the BoASR. After receiving positive evaluation from at
least two external examiners, two local external examiners are appointed from the
approved list. A date is mutually set for an oral defense of the thesis.
d. The candidate will give a presentation. Anyone on the University faculty can
attend and ask questions. Based on an evaluation by the viva voce committee
constituted for the purpose that includes the Chairperson of the Department,
Supervisor and the external examiner, the student passes or otherwise.

6.17 Classroom Misconduct, Plagiarism and Dishonesty

a. All faculty and students are expected to arrive at classes on time and conduct themselves
in an appropriate manner during class, laboratory sessions and field experiences. Faculty
members are responsible for setting standards regarding appropriate classroom behavior
and have the authority to remove from their class any student whose behavior is deemed
inappropriate or disruptive.
b. FCCU expects its students to meet the highest ethical standards. Academic standards
i. Concealing notes during examinations
ii. Collusions between students in examinations.
iii. Copying the work of another student either with or without that student’s
knowledge during an exam or outside of class.
iv. Plagiarism. The definition for plagiarism includes copying of any kind without
giving credit to the source of the information, i.e. representing another’s work or
ideas as one’s own. For example, word-for-word copying from published
material, “copy and paste” from the internet or other electronic sources, and
paraphrasing new ideas without giving proper citation to the quoted or

paraphrased work. In addition, self-plagiarism is prohibited (a student using
his/her previously written paper to meet the requirements for another class).
v. Unauthorized cooperation on individually assigned work.
vi. Other acts of academic dishonesty.
c. Students are responsible for others’ cheating, i.e. students should not allow others to copy
off their papers nor give papers they have written to others to turn in as their own.
6.18 Prevention of Academic Dishonesty
a. Instructors are responsible for establishing procedures in class to prevent cheating for
example 3 - 4 versions of the exam can be used, and students can be assigned a seat to
take the exam. Faculty should carefully monitor students while exams are being taken by
walking around the classroom and staying alert to cheating. Faculty are responsible for
arranging for a larger room for the final exam if the assigned room is too small for their
class size to prevent cheating.
b. The syllabus needs to establish the consequences for plagiarism, but the same time,
faculty need to educate students on plagiarism and cheating and reasons these behaviors
are counterproductive and prohibited. There must be consequences administered for each
act of academic dishonesty. Breaches of academic standards will result in the following
i. First offence: a grade of zero will be assigned to the paper, report, quiz or test.
The student’s final grade for the class must be reduced by at least one letter grade.
ii. Second offence: an automatic dismissal from the course in which the second
offence occurred with a resulting final grade of “F”.
iii. Third offence: the student will be called before an Academic Review Committee
to show-cause why the University should not suspend him or her. The Vice-
Rector’s Office will convene such a hearing.

6.19 Student Confidentiality

a. Students are entitled to academic and personal confidentiality. Any conversation held
with a student should not be repeated to others not directly involved in that conversation
without the student’s permission. The exception to this would be if a student expressed a
desire to harm him or herself or others. It would then be appropriate to seek other
assistance. If an advisor needs assistance in deciding the best course of action with a
particular student, every effort should be made to keep the identity of that student
confidential. For example: Rather than name a student, use the phrase, “One of the
students I am advising” or “If a student had problem, what would you advise that I do?”
b. Student grades, fines and sanctions are confidential. Therefore, public postings and
publications on campus of students’ confidential information including but not limited to
Accounts, fines, Board exam scores, and grades should not be given by student name.
Rather roll number or some other means should be used to protect student confidentiality.

6.20 Academic Advising
a. Baccalaureate Honors Program
i. Academic Advising is an integral part of Liberal Arts Education and plays a very
important role in the lives of students and helps them to pursue their academic and
personal goals.
ii. Academic advising serves as the hub of all other academic activates and fosters
holistic development of students. It helps in physical, emotional, psychological,
spiritual and intellectual growth of students.
iii. At FCCU we follow Faculty Advising Model in which certain number of students
is assigned to every faculty member for advising.
vi. Advisors’ primary responsibility is to facilitate students/advisees in transition and
connect them to the institution and also guide them to choose right course(s) in
order to complete their respective degrees on time. All faculties are expected to
post and maintain at least 3 hours per week availability to students.
v. All entering students must register UNIV100 (Foundation of University
Education) during their first semester and professors of UNIV100 classes will
become the advisors of students in their respective section.
vi. Once students declare their major, they are assigned to the faculty member from
their parent department.
vii. Academic advising is structured activity which is very much aligned with the
University Mission Statement and demonstrates our commitment to help the
students in streamlining academic plans along with their career plans.
viii. We intend to follow the blended model of Academic Advising System which is
comprised of Prescriptive, Development and Intrusive Advising approaches to
maximize mandatory advising/counselling and increase number of graduates each
ix. Research proves that Advisement is a process which plays a very vital role in
Student Retention and stimulates students to develop their capabilities as leaders,
to discover new talents and interests, and to learn the skills needed to become life-
long learners.
x. We facilitate collaborative mentoring relationship between advisors and advisees
to build a community of excellence who are committed to learn, lead, serve the
nation and broader world as it is mentioned in University’s Mission Statement.
xi. We are devoted to provide students with effective advising system and we believe
that advising is a process that teaches students to be proactive and enable them to
make realistic academic as well as career plans consistent with their life goals.
b. Academic Advising Resources
i. Advisers’ Handbook
ii. Academic Career Plans
iii. Academic Advising Syllabus
iv. A Shared Commitment document

v. Tentative Road Map / Record for 4-year Degree Program
vi. General Education Plan
vii. Counseling Record Form for Advisers/Advisees
viii. Checklist for Freshmen Advisers (UNIV 100)
ix. Manual Degree Audit Form
For further information on Academic advising procedures please refer to the Baccalaureate
Handbook by following link:

7. Employment with FCCU

7.1 Position Classifications
Faculty employment at Forman Christian College University is based on the following
employment categories:
a. Faculty
Full-time persons who are directly engaged in the academic program, usually in teaching,
professional research, are classified as Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor,
Lecturer, and Visiting or Adjunct Faculty.
b. Visiting and adjunct Faculty
It includes persons who are directly engaged in the academic program as teachers on a part-time
or short-term basis. In general, visiting faculty teaches for a given term or terms and has a
limited class load. There should be no expectation of automatic renewal or transition into a full-
time position under these contracts. They are paid for each class taught on a contract basis and
are not considered full time employees of FCCU.
7.2 Position Descriptions and Employment Contracts
a. Faculty Employment Contracts: The Rector will negotiate, finalize and execute the
Employment Contracts of the faculty. Faculty members who are hired to teach only in the
Intermediate Program are qualified to teach in that program on the basis of B.A. or B.Sc.
degree from an HEC-recognized four-year Bachelor’s Degree program or an M.A. or
M.Sc. degree from a college or university in Pakistan that is recognized by the Higher
Education Commission. All new hires and those currently on the faculty must have at
least an MPhil or foreign M.A. or M.Sc. degree to be employed as a member of the
university faculty.
b. Minimum Qualifications for Faculty Teaching in University Programs: All
candidates must possess at least the MPhil degree, the M.A. or M.Sc. from a university in
a highly developed nation (or its equivalent) or a Ph.D. degree. Candidates with only the
M.A. or M.Sc. degree earned in a Pakistan university will only be considered if they have
at least 18 graduate hours of credit beyond the Master’s degree.
c. Criteria for Selection of New Faculty Members: At Forman Christian College
University we seek to hire faculty members who meet the following criteria:

i. Belief in and support for the stated mission and values of the University.
ii. A thorough knowledge of the subject matter in their academic discipline, and
evidence that they are sufficiently up-to-date in the field to teach it well.
iii. Evidence of effectiveness as a teacher. We seek good teachers who like to teach,
who truly like working with students, and who take a personal interest in student
iv. Evidence that they reflect the values that we should teach in a liberal arts
University, and are worthy examples for student to follow as they determine their
values and behaviors for the future. Integrity is an especially important value in
the academic community, as is modeling a passion for lifelong learning.
v. Evidence that they have good work habits. We seek teachers who are well
prepared for each meeting of their class, who meet their classes regularly, who are
punctual in beginning their classes on time, and who provide quality instruction
throughout the scheduled class period.
vi. Evidence that they are well respected by their students for the quality of their
vii. Proficiency in English and the ability to operate effectively in a setting where
English is the medium of instruction.
viii. Willingness to cooperate with the management of the University in building an
environment for student learning that is peaceful, safe and comfortable for
students. Willingness to cooperate with the management of the University in
building an environment for student learning that is peaceful, safe and
comfortable for students.
ix. A desire to continue to improve their effectiveness as teachers and willingness to:
 Uphold high standards for students,
 Develop courses with assignments that promote active student involvement in
the learning experience (e.g. frequent written assignments, oral presentations),
 Provide prompt feedback to students so they know how well they are doing
and can determine what needs to be improved.

7.3 University Faculty Appointments

a. Appointments to the faculty of Forman Christian College may be made at the ranks of:
i. Lecturer
ii. Assistant Professor
iii. Associate Professor
iv. Professor
b. Both appointments and promotions will be made upon the basis of a reasonable
evaluation of the personal characteristics and the qualifications of the candidate in terms
i. The effectiveness of the person in teaching
ii. Evidence of scholarly activity

iii. The quality of their advising and other interactions with students outside of the
iv. Their service to the college community.
c. Effective Fall 2019, as decision by HEC and approved by BOG, the possession of a
Doctorate (PhD), or equivalent, degree is required for a candidate to be appointed to the
rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor.
d. Initial Appointment: The initial appointment will usually be made for a period of three
(3) years with the first year as probationary period. On completion of the first year, the
performance of the faculty member will be judged in accordance with the process for the
annual evaluation of the effectiveness of faculty members that has been approved by the
Academic Council.
e. Full Performance Review: During the third year of a faculty member’s service to the
college, he/she will participate in a full performance review to determine whether or not
to offer a five-year appointment.
f. Five-Year Appointment: After a person has been on the faculty of FCCU for a total of
three years, he/she should be retained on a renewable five-year appointment unless the
Academic Standards Committee recommends renewal for lesser duration or termination
of contract.
g. The full performance review will involve recommendations from both the Head of the
Academic Department in which the faculty member teaches and the Dean of the
concerned faculty. It will also include two external peer reviews. In addition, the
Academic Standards Committee will review the performance of the faculty member and
make a recommendation to the Rector regarding the continued service of the faculty
member on a renewable five-year appointment.
h. At the conclusion of the full performance review, if the Rector determines that a faculty
member is deserving of a renewable five-year appointment, he shall recommend such an
appointment to the Board of Governors and the Board will take the final action.
i. All decisions regarding promotion in Academic Rank will be made in accordance with
the policies approved by the Board of Governors (the minimum criteria) and a full review
and recommendation by the Academic Standards Committee.

7.4 Probationary period

Faculty members have a probationary period of twelve (12) months from the day they report to

7.5 Academic Rank, Titles, Promotion

a. Lecturer: Faculty with the rank of Lecturer must have a Foreign Master’s degree in the
relevant discipline from a recognized university/institution. In order to teach in the
University (Baccalaureate and Graduate) Programs, Lecturers whose Master’s Degree is
from a Pakistan University, must have at least 18 years of education in the relevant
discipline beyond the Master’s Degree. No further promotion of Non-PhDs.

b. Assistant Professor: In general, to qualify for an appointment at the rank of Assistant
Professor a candidate must have a PhD degree.

c. Associate Professor: In general, to qualify for an appointment as an Associate Professor,

a candidate must have a PhD plus ten years’ teaching/research experience of which 4
years are post PhD; or 5-years’ post-PhD teaching/research experience. The applicant
must have 10 research publications (with at least 4 publications in the last 5 years) in the
recognized journals.

d. Professor: In general, to qualify for an appointment as a Professor, a candidate must

have a PhD degree plus 15-years teaching/research and at least 8 years post PhD. level
experience; or 10-years post-PhD teaching/research experience. The applicant must have
15 research publications (with at least 5 publications in the last 5 years) in the recognized

e. As per HEC notification, implementation of the requirements of post-PhD experience of

8 years for appointment of Professor and 4 years for appointment of Associate Professors
is relaxed till June 30, 2020.

f. All promotions shall be made on the merit of each case and no employee shall have a
claim to be promoted to a particular post or grade by virtue of seniority alone. For faculty
promotions, recommendation from the Academic Standards Committee will be required.
Promotions will be made on the basis of performance and merit.

7.6 Transfers
Transfers from one position to another position within the FCCU is permitted when it is in the
best interest of the organization and approved by the Rector. If an employee transfers from one
department to another, it will be without a break in service. However, the same
introductory/probationary period, and conditions thereof, may be observed along with reference
from the supervisor. Academic rank of the faculty member transferring from University to
College, or from College to University is not retained.

7.7 Fitness for Duty

a. FCCU may require an employee to undergo a fitness-for-duty examination when there is
reason to believe, based on objective information obtained or reasonably available, that
the employee’s ability to perform essential job functions will be impaired by a medical
condition or that he or she will pose a direct threat to others due to a medical condition.
The need for a medical evaluation must be clearly supported by the nature of the work
and objective medical or other factual information. A medical professional selected by
the FCCU will conduct the examination. All costs associated with such an examination
will be borne by FCCU.

b. If an employee is impaired in his or her capability to safely and effectively complete
work assignments, and a fitness-for-duty examination supports this conclusion, options
may include:
i. Transferring the employee to a vacant position for which the employee is
qualified and that accommodates his/her medical condition limitations;
ii. Accommodating the employee in his/her current position by modifying work
assignments and/or the work environment.
iii. If an accommodation is not feasible in enabling the employee to perform the
essential functions of the job held or vacant positions for which the employee is
qualified; and if an accommodation does not reduce any direct threat issues to an
acceptable level, the employee may be relieved from duty.
iv. Any employee who refuses to undergo a required fitness for duty examination
shall be found insubordinate and will be subjected to disciplinary action up to and
including termination.

7.8 Work Hours and Expectations

The operating hours for Forman Christian College are as follows:

a. Most classes are held between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Ramadan
timings are 9 am – 3 pm. Faculty is expected to work as described below.
b. Certain job classifications will have other working hours assigned to them to
accommodate the work requirements. In all cases, an individual employee is encouraged
to consult with his/her supervisor to confirm the work hours and workload requirements.
c. For Faculty: Specific Provisions Relating to Academic Workloads
i. Each member of the full time Faculty as part of his/her academic duties is
expected to teach classes and to assume a reasonable academic workload of
related activities that constitute a full-time instructional load. Persons employed
on a part-time basis, including but not limited to visiting faculty members, will
assume a workload proportional to their respective remuneration.
ii. The nature of the teaching load may vary from Department to Department
because of differences in Departmental objectives and goals, the nature of the
instructional programs and other factors. In all Departments, members of the
Faculty, whether full time or part time, are expected to engage in those commonly
accepted duties which will enhance the teaching/learning process and the quality
of the Department's programs (See the Duty Policy and Faculty Expectations).
Recognized duties include classroom teaching, scholarly study, basic and applied
research, professional development, student advising and counseling, course and
curriculum development, continuing education, public service, assistance in the
administration of the academic program, project and dissertation supervision and
similar academic activities. Efficient discharge of these duties will be taken into
account in consideration for promotion and during the performance appraisal
process each year.
iii. The following minimum workload standards will apply to all the Departments:

A. Each Faculty member teaching exclusively in the Bachelor’s Degree
Program will be expected to teach seven courses in an academic year.
B. Each Faculty member teaching in the Intermediate Program will be
expected to have a minimum workload of three courses in an academic
C. Adjustments of these amounts of normal classroom teaching may be made
to account for large class sizes; duplicate sections taught; laboratory,
seminar, lecture, clinical, or field-type courses; availability of support
services; courses which involve individualized instruction; and overload
from the previous semester.
D. Teaching load may be reduced for a faculty member serving as Chair of
the Department or serving as a Dean by the Vice Rector or Rector. For
faculty doing PhD, one course reduction may be allowed in an academic
E. All the Deans will prepare their respective Faculty Workload Report for
each Semester indicating all appointments held by the Faculty members in
the Faculty and its Departments, the teaching loads/ workloads and
reasons for exceptions to the average teaching loads existing within the
Faculty. The report shall be submitted to the Rector. For faculty doing
PhD, one course reduction may be allowed in an academic year.

iv. It will be the responsibility of the Chair of the Department to ensure maximum
and efficient use of the Department’s resources in the conduct of duties assigned
to the Academic and Non-Faculty working in a Department. Each Chair of the
Department, under direction of the respective Dean of the Faculty shall evaluate
academic workloads to determine that members of the Faculty, whether full time
or part time, are carrying the minimum equivalent teaching load and that the
academic duties within the Department are assigned equitably. e. The Deans, with
the approval of the Vice-Rector, may make, amend or repeal Rules concerning
academic workloads of the faculty members working in that Dean’s department as
needed to meet class requirements or to accommodate other needs in the faculty.

7.9 Attendance & Punctuality

a. Whenever possible, time-off should be scheduled in advance. Excessive unscheduled
absenteeism or failing to be punctual adversely affects workload of co-workers, and the
employee’s record. Repeated unscheduled absences, even for legitimate reasons, will be
subject to review and disciplinary action may be initiated. Employees are personally
responsible for properly notifying their immediate supervisor or, in his or her absence to
their HOD, in advance of the time they wish to be absent, late, or leave before close of
b. Attendance Recording Using Biometric Machines: It is mandatory for all employees
coming to office to punch their attendance using their card or finger/thumb impression
using Biometric machines.

c. HR Office will maintain complete record of attendance. For staff/faculty absent without
leave, deductions from salary will be made.

7.10 Personnel Records

a. Employees shall receive a copy of all personnel transactions that affect their employment
or personal status. HR Office will maintain an updated record of service for all staff.
Separate files shall be maintained for each employee containing the following
i. Request for Hiring
ii. Copy of the Job Advertisement
iii. Job Application
iv. Detailed CV
v. Interview score sheet or results card
vi. Attested academic certificates and experience certificate (if any)
vii. References
viii. Appointment letter
ix. Personnel Data Form
x. Copy of The Computerized National Identity Card/Passport (CNIC)
xi. Updated Job Description
xii. Bank Details
xiii. Performance Evaluations
xiv. Warnings
b. HR Office will retain official personnel records for at least five years or in accordance
with the prevailing law, after retirement or resignation of the employee.
c. The files are under the care of CHRO; any individual employee can request the
opportunity to review the contents of his/her personnel file from that office in the
presence of the CHRO or his designee.
d. Any and all materials kept in an employee’s personnel file are considered confidential
and will be treated as such. An employee's personal information will not be used or
disclosed to a third party for any purpose other than that for which it was collected,
unless FCCU is legally required to release the information or the consent of the employee
has been obtained.
e. Providing bogus degrees or educational certificates is a criminal offence under the laws
of Pakistan and shall lead to immediate dismissal. The college/university also retains the
right to report the matter to the local police.
7.11 Employment of relatives
a. Relatives shall be defined as any individual’s spouse, father, mother, sister, brother,
grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, first cousin, or in-laws of the same
relation. Employment of relatives of FCCU employees is permitted except where one
i. Have authority or practical power to supervise, appoint, remove or discipline the
other. FCCU employees cannot be transferred into such a reporting relationship.

If the relative relationship is established after employment, the individuals
concerned will decide who is to be transferred. If that decision is not made within
30 days, the appropriate head of department will decide.
ii. Evaluate the other’s work.
iii. Participate in hiring or internal promotion of a relative.
iv. Be placed in circumstances where the relationship would lead to actual or
potential conflict of interest.
b. In other cases, where a conflict or potential for conflict arises, even if there is no
supervisory relationship involved, the parties may be separated by reassignment or
terminated from employment.
c. Employment of relatives within the same department may be appropriate when justified
by unique skills or talents. In this instance, hiring must be approved by the Rector upon
written recommendation of the appropriate Dean/Chief Officer. Upon approval,
reporting relationship, evaluation, and promotion is determined by the Rector.
7.12 Legal Dependents
Following are the legal dependents of the Staff of FCCU:
a. Real Father
b. Real Mother
c. Spouse (only one, whose name will be declared in the Employee Personal Data Form)
d. Real Son/ Daughters and legally adopted children.

7.13 Responsibility for Personal Property

The FCCU is not responsible for damage or loss of personal property on or off campus whether
or not it is used on behalf of the FCCU.

8. Recruitment and Selection

8.1 Recruitment Procedure
a. The recruitment process starts by completing the Personnel Requisition Form.
b. CHRO ensures that the recruitment is as per budgeted position and it is duly approved by
all authorized signatories; and where this is outside the approved budget, approval from
Rector will be required.
c. CHRO ensures that a job description of the said position is available.
d. The position should be advertised on the FCCU website.
e. Advertisement in the newspaper is made for faculty and senior administrative positions or
other positions where it is felt necessary and subject to budget availability.
f. The HR Office will arrange interviews time and accessible locations for them to take
place once the short-listing process has been satisfactorily completed.
g. After completion of interviews of all short listed candidates, selection board will select
the best candidate for the position and get an approval from the Rector.
h. Reference checks and background screening will be done for the selected candidate.
i. HR Office will require successful candidate to provide the entire academic record and
experience certificates. HR Office should check the copies of the certificates by

reviewing the original copies. On acceptance of offer, HR Office will proceed with the
preparation of the appropriate contract containing details of the candidate’s starting date,
the position title and the job description.
j. The Process for Hiring New Members of the Faculty: The process for hiring new
members of the faculty, as defined in the Statute, is as follows:
i. Whenever there is a vacancy on the faculty, the Rector, upon the recommendation
of the Vice Rector and Dean of the concerned Faculty, shall appoint a Search
Committee consisting of five members with at least two of them being from the
Academic Department in which there is a vacancy. The Search Committee shall
be responsible for identifying candidates, screening the candidates, checking
references for the candidates, and establishing an interview process for the
finalists in the search. The results of this process will be sent to the Selection
Board. In selection of candidates the Search Committee shall co-opt or consult at
least two experts in the subject concerned, to be nominated by the Rector from a
standing list of experts for each subject approved by the Board on the
recommendation of the Selection Board and revised from time to time.
ii. The Selection Board shall consist of the Vice Rector, the Dean of the Faculty
concerned, the Head of the Academic Department concerned, the Registrar and
CHRO. The Selection Board shall reduce the pool of candidates to the three top
candidates and recommend them to the Rector with an evaluation of the strengths
and weaknesses of each candidate.
iii. The Rector shall make the final selection of members of the faculty subject to the
approval of the Board of Governors. He shall make his recommendations based
upon the findings of the Selection Board. When the recommendations of the
Rector for new faculty members are presented to the Board of Governors, there
shall be a review of the recommendations by the Academic Affairs Committee of
the Board of Governors which shall present its recommendations to the Board of
iv. Headhunting for senior faculty positions will be a prerogative of the Rector. The
candidate(s) identified by the Rector will be invited to deliver a seminar to the
department with search committee members evaluating the seminar. Students
should also be invited to the seminar. The search committee will be required to
present its evaluation and recommendation to the selection board.
v. The selection board members will be required to meet the candidate over tea,
coffee or lunch in an informal setting without giving the impression that the
candidate is being interviewed. The selection board will be required to present its
evaluation and recommendation to the Rector.
vi. Job advertisement for faculty positions have to be made in consultation with the
HOD’s giving them adequate time to respond with comments and suggestions,
human resources office to ensure.
vii. Human resources office will prepare a table of all job applicants with their names,
education and qualifications, work experience, and publications. This table will be
shared along with the applications received with the search committee members
for their review and evaluation.
viii. Faculty job offers will be made from the vice rector’s office.

ix. Visiting/adjunct appointments: Chair reviews, selects and recommends candidates
to the dean. The chair may ask for evaluation by the department search
committee. Visiting candidates should be interviewed by the dean.
k. Criteria for Selection of New Faculty Members: At Forman Christian College we seek
to hire faculty members who meet the following criteria:
i. Belief in and support for the stated mission of the College.
ii. A thorough knowledge of the subject matter in their academic discipline, and
evidence that they are sufficiently up-to-date in the field to teach it well.
iii. Evidence of effectiveness as a teacher. We seek good teachers who like to teach,
who truly like working with students, and who take a personal interest in student
iv. Evidence that they reflect the values that we should teach in a liberal arts college,
and are worthy examples for student to follow as they determine their values and
behaviors for the future. Integrity is an especially important value in the academic
community, as is modeling a passion for lifelong learning.
v. Evidence that they have good work habits. We seek teachers who are well
prepared for each meeting of their class, who meet their classes regularly, who are
punctual in beginning their classes on time, and who provide quality instruction
throughout the scheduled class period.
vi. Evidence that they are well respected by their students for the quality of their
vii. Proficiency in English and the ability to operate effectively in a setting where
English is the medium of instruction. English language test will be required for all
faculty appointment unless it is exempted, as per existing policy.
viii. Willingness to cooperate with the management of the College in building an
environment for student learning that is peaceful, safe and comfortable for
ix. A desire to continue to improve their effectiveness as teachers and willingness to:
 Uphold high standards for students,
 Develop courses with assignments that promote active student involvement in
the learning experience (e.g. frequent written assignments, oral presentations),
 Provide prompt feedback to students so they know how well they are doing
and can determine what needs to be improved.
l. The Selection Board will conduct interviews of all proposed positions under the direction
of Rector and Concerned Vice Rector for faculty positions. The Selection Board will
comprise of the following members:
a. Registrar (for faculty appointments)
b. Head of HR/HR Manager
c. Chairperson/HOD
d. Dean (for faculty appointments)
e. Subject specialist (if required)
f. Concerned Vice Rector (for faculty appointments)
g. Wherever feasible, the committee should be gender balanced. Second interview
with the Rector may be recommended if required.

8.2 Employee Induction & Orientation
FCCU welcomes and orients new employees in a timely and consistent manner in order to ensure
full understanding and compliance with FCCUs mission, objective, policies and procedures.
a. New employees should be introduced to the staff working in the same office within a
week time.
b. The employee’s supervisor is responsible for ensuring that Orientation occurs before the
end of the employee’s second week of work.
c. The employee’s supervisor should review work performance expectations/objectives and
responsibilities of the employee at this time.
d. Organizational orientation is composed of two components: Orientation to the FCCU
mission and familiarization with FCCU documentation.
e. Orientation on general FCCU policies should be given by HR for compliance.
f. Combined detailed orientations of faculty and staff will be organized by HR at least twice
every year.

9. Compensation, Entitlement, Benefits, Privileges and Leaves

9.1 Salary Package
This includes gross salary, all other benefits and allowances per applicable policies.

9.2 Gross Salary

Gross salary is the amount which FCCU shall commit (on per month basis) with an employee at
the time of recruitment and mentioned in the appointment letter. This will include benefits and
allowances as decided by the management from time to time. Tax is deducted at source i.e. from
gross salary per month as per applicable tax rates given in Income Tax Ordinance.

9.3 Annual Increment

Salary increases are decided annually effective July each year on the basis of performance
appraisals and inflation in the country. New staff hires will be entitled to annual increment if they
have joined by 15th January of the same year. For faculty, the increment will be applicable if
they have joined by the start of the spring semester.

9.4 Salary Disbursement

All employees are paid on a monthly basis on the 25th of each month, either by cheque or bank
deposit, depending on the employee classification. Advances against monthly salaries are
possible only with approval of the CFO on recommendation of Department Chair. The amount
advanced is then deducted from the monthly salary at the end of the month in which the advance
was granted.

9.5 Loans and Advances

a. Loans are given to college employees up to 50% of their provident fund balances, which
is to be recovered in up to thirty-six (36) equal monthly instalments from their salary.
b. Salary advance of up to 50% of the monthly salary may be given.
c. Approvals from Dept. Chair, CHRO and CFO shall be required.

d. Requests for provident fund loans and salary advances shall be sent to the Accounts by
HR for processing on 5th of each month.
e. In case of any emergency faced by an employee, application for provident fund loan or
salary advance shall be recommended by Dept. Chair as “Urgent”. In this case, HR shall
send the application recommended by the relevant Chairperson to CFO for approval.

9.6 Provident Fund Scheme

a. There shall be a Provident Fund set up for each employee, except temporary employees.
The Provident Fund of a university employee will be deducted with an equal contribution
by the FCCU as per each individual contract.
b. All Provident Fund contributions made by an individual employee remain his/her
property. The contributions made by the FCCU on behalf of an individual employee are
subject to the following vesting rules:
c. Any contributions made to an individual Provident Fund account will vest after one year
of continuous employment and service with FCCU, retroactive to the date the employee
began service with FCCU. Should an employee leave his/her position with FCCU prior to
the conclusion of the one year vesting period, he/she will only be entitled to receive the
contributions he/she has personally made to the Provident Fund and any earnings those
funds have collected at that point in time.
d. At the time of retirement, an FCCU employee will receive a lump sum distribution of
his/her Provident Fund including all of his/her personal contributions, those contributions
made on his/her behalf by the FCCU, and any and all accumulated earnings those funds
have earned in the period that individual has been employed at FCCU.
e. In case of termination of contract, the employee will receive his/her Provident Fund after
all FCCU’s belongings in his/her possession or charge are returned to the FCCU and all
personal belongings are removed from the FCCU premises.
f. Each employee must nominate at the time of contract, his/her beneficiary for receiving
the Provident Fund in case of his/her death or inability to receive Provident Fund in
g. In the case of death, the employee’s beneficiaries will receive his/her Provident Fund
proceeds after all university belongings in his/her possession at time of death are returned
to the FCCU and all personal belongings are removed from the FCCU premises.
h. In all cases (retirement, resignation, termination, or death) no proceeds from the
employee’s Provident Fund will be paid until such time as the employee and his/her
family have vacated any FCCU-owned housing.
i. When the provident fund proceeds are due to a beneficiary, it shall be the duty of the
CFO to make payment to the individuals nominated by the employee or as directed by the
relevant inheritance laws in the absence of any nomination. The CFO can require a
Succession Certificate from an appropriate court of law before releasing any Provident
Fund holdings.

9.7 Group Life Insurance
All employees, except temporary employees, are eligible for group life insurance as per the
policy approved by the Rector.
9.8 Group Health Insurance
All employees, except temporary employees, are eligible for group health insurance as per the
policy approved by the Rector. Support staff are eligible for cover through PESSI (Punjab
Employees Social Security Institution).

9.9 Gratuity Fund

There shall be a Gratuity Fund set up for employees, except temporary employees. Gratuity will
be an additional one month’s base pay given to an employee at the time of separation provided
the employee has completed 3 years of continuous service beginning July 1, 2017.
9.10 Employees’ Old-Age Benefits
The University pays contributions to EOBI (Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution) in respect
of employees. Employees are entitled to pension on retirement as per EOBI Act 1976, available

9.11 Privileges and Amenities

a. Admission and scholarship for Faculty and Staff Dependent Children
FCCU reserves a specific number of admissions for faculty and staff dependent children and
siblings each year. While these slots are reserved, the same admission criteria apply to faculty
and staff dependent children as applies to any other application to the FCCU. Upon admission,
the faculty and staff member are entitled to 100% fee concession (based on the baccalaureate
program tuition) for their dependent children who attend FCCU. A faculty or staff member with
a dependent child or sibling attending FCCU may avail him/herself of this benefit for the
duration of the normal duration of the program. Financial aid will be provided for Intermediate,
Baccalaureate and D Pharmacy. No benefit will be given for MPhil or postgraduate programs,
however, they may apply for scholarships or financial assistance through the financial aid office.
This does not cover optional (Summer and Winter Semesters) and Government taxes that are
payable. This benefit applies to dependent children only and siblings on a case-by-case basis.
Employees are only eligible to apply for the benefit after one full year of employment with
FCCU. The benefit is not available under any circumstances when an employee leaves his/her
employment with FCCU. This benefit may be extended to the sibling on approval of the Rector.

b. Housing
FCCU has a limited number of housing units available for faculty and staff. The privilege of
having a home on FCCU Campus is guided by the following conditions:
i. FCCU housing is a privilege for the members of FCCU and not their right.
ii. Only full time regular employees, faculty and administrative FCCU employees are
eligible for housing. Part time and short-term contract employees are not eligible for this
iii. The relationship between FCCU (Employer) and the employee with regards to housing is
that of licenser and licensee.
iv. The following criteria will be observed for allotment of campus houses:

• First preference will be given to expatriates, whether long term or short term.
• Those members of the faculty or staff whose special assignments or duties make it
especially important for them to be on campus.
• Other things being equal, those with senior status will be given preference.
• The size and quality of the house allotted will generally be based upon rank of the
• Some housing has been and will be built as an investment. This is available to
faculty or staff as designated at the time but at a rate that will justify the
investment. In this case, the above criteria do not apply.

v. Generally, employees who own a house in Lahore are not eligible for allotment of a
house on the campus. However, for specific reasons, the Rector may waive this
vi. The Rector or a special committee appointed by the Rector will make the allotments and
respond to any concerns of the members of FCCU.
vii. The licensee of accommodation shall pay the rent as determined by Rector.
viii. All utilities bills shall be borne by the licensee, along with the utility bills of a servant
quarter allotted to them.
ix. The immediate family of the employee, i.e., spouse, dependent children and dependent
parents, grandparents may reside in the allotted house with the employee.
x. Married children, brothers and sisters and other relatives are not allowed to stay on a
permanent basis in the allotted house.
xi. Guests are not allowed to live in the house when the licensee is not in residence for
whatever reason without the permission of the Rector.
xii. Licensees are not allowed to make any structural changes in the building and compound.
xiii. Keeping pets that may be a nuisance to neighbors or the campus community and/or are
harmful to the environment are not allowed.
xiv. Any employee in FCCU housing intending to have overnight guests for more than seven
nights will have to get prior permission from the Rector or his nominee.
xv. Licensees are required to cooperate with the administration of FCCU to maintain
cleanliness and an attractive healthy environment of the compound.
xvi. If both of the spouses or a parent and an unmarried child are employees of FCCU, and
one of them is allotted a house, then the other employee shall not be entitled to a separate
xvii. All of those assigned housing will be required to sign a legal contract that spells out the
terms and conditions of the housing.
xviii. For those larger houses that have attached servant quarters, one servant quarter attached
to the house is at the disposal of the licensee, and the licensee must register the occupant
of the servant quarter with the Administrative Officer of FCCU. All other servant
quarters attached to the house are at the disposal of the college management.
xix. The licensee is allowed to live in the house only while he/she is an active employee of
FCCU. When the employee ceases to be an employee of the college for any reason (e.g.
retirement, resignation or termination) the licensee must vacate the house within one
month of the last working day of his/her employment by FCCU. When the licensee

ceases to be an employee of FCCU, the servant quarter allotted to the licensee must also
be vacated within one month.
xx. The Rector, in consultation with the BOD, has the right to terminate the licensee
agreement with a licensee at any time by giving the licensee a notice one month in
advance of the termination date.
xxi. Any major maintenance is to be done by FCCU’s Administration, however minor repairs/
maintenance is the job of licensee.
xxii. The rules may be changed at any time by the Rector in consultation with Executive Staff

c. Use of Swimming Pool

i. This facility shall be provided to all employees. The following rules and regulations have
been established for the benefit of all users of the swimming facilities to assure the safe
operation of the pools and to provide enjoyable recreational opportunities for all.
ii. All employees entering the pool area must pay the appropriate admission fee or present
proof of a valid membership. For obtaining pool membership employee must fill in and
submit a membership form along with two passport-sized pictures and a verification of a
physical exam from college medical doctor will be required.
iii. Food and drinks (other than water in an appropriate plastic container) are not permitted
on the pool decks except in designated seating areas.
iv. Members may bring one guest with the permission of the secretary sports/ President of
the Swimming Club. The guest will pay for swimming as per approved rates.
v. The card holder can enter the pool entirely at his own risk and responsibility. The FCCU
administration shall in no way, whatsoever, be responsible for injury or the loss of life, or
vi. No one will be allowed to swim without the proper swimming costume
vii. Every swimmer/member must take shower before entering into the pool.
viii. In case of loss or damage to the swimming pool infrastructure, gadgets or equipment, the
cost of the material and labor charges shall be charged from the person responsible for it.
ix. The FCCU swimming pool will open in the month of March till October every year.
Watch for signs stating the exact date and timings to be followed.
x. The following behaviors will constitute grounds for suspension of membership
 Pushing or shoving others into the pool
 Quarrelling and use of abusive language
 Molestation and teasing of other swimmers
 Violating of the swimming rules & instructions
 Misbehaving with pool staff/officials
 Running, boisterous or rough play, pushing, acrobatics, dunking, wrestling, offensive or
disruptive splashing or yelling, diving or jumping without care and caution, snapping of
towels, improper conduct causing undue disturbances on or about the pool area or any
acts which would endanger any other person are prohibited.
 Spitting, spouting water, blowing nose, urinating or defecating in the pool is prohibited.
 No prolonged underwater swimming for time and/or distance. Competitive or repetitive
breath holding can be deadly and is not permitted. Hyperventilation is absolutely not

d. Use of Gymnasium
Following rules and regulation needs to be followed by employee while using this facility:
i. Only employees with a valid FCCU ID have facility access. ID cards are non-transferable
and may only be used by their owner.
ii. Employee should consult a physician prior to engaging in physical activity. FCCU is not
responsible for accidents or injuries that occur. Participants exercise at their own risk and
are responsible for their own health and safety.
iii. Use of tobacco, alcohol, and/or drugs is strictly prohibited.
iv. No food or chewing gum is permitted.
v. Appropriate athletic attire must be worn at all times. Clothing must be free of zippers and
metal studs that can puncture upholstered pieces of equipment. Jeans are not allowed,
shirts must be worn and shorts must be an appropriate length.
vi. Athletic shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals, open toed shoes, or non-athletic shoes
may not be worn. Muddy or dirty shoes are not permitted.
vii. Profanity or excessively loud/suggestive language is prohibited.
viii. FCCU is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
ix. Injuries, accidents, or equipment failures must be reported to the gym staff/gym trainer
x. Inappropriate use of equipment and horseplay is not permitted.
xi. Bags, books, and personal items are not allowed in the gym
xii. FCCU facilities are not to be used for private gain. This includes any private, coaching,
training, lessons, etc. that are not allowed by FCCU.
xiii. The use of the facility is considered a privilege. Participants are asked to respect the
rights of other participants and display good sportsmanship and manners. Those who do
not follow established rules may be removed from the facility and have their privileges
xiv. The Department of Physical Education has the right to change and modify facility hours,
equipment, policies, and procedures at any time.

e. Use of Library
The same rules and regulations are applied to employee which are for students.

f. Use of Mercy Health Centre (MHC)

The FCCU provides medical services to faculty, staff, and students through the MHC. The MHC
is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Faculty and staff members employed by
the College are allowed to use the services of the MHC during these hours. The MHC services
are not available to employees’ families or dependents, other than families’ resident on campus
and registered as such with MHC.

g. Use of College Transport

i. The Staff can make use of College Transport is a privilege not as a right. This facility is
available only, when the transport is not in use for College business.
ii. The use of this facility is subject to the approval of the Rector or his designated person.
iii. All employees of the FCCU and their immediate family can make use of this facility.
Immediate family means spouse, parents and dependent children.
iv. All College related Associations and Societies.

v. Non-profit organizations, associations and societies approved by the Rector.
vi. The FCCU will charge per kilometer subject to the minimum of charges Rs. 1,500/- and
in addition to that Rs. 300/- for Driver and Rs.200/- for Conductor, provided usage period
does not exceed 8 hours. If time exceeds 8 hours, an additional Rs.30/- for Driver and Rs.
20/- for Conductor, per hour will be charged.
vii. The FCCU shall not be liable in respect of death, injury or damage caused to any
passenger. A disclaimer form must be signed by the user in this respect before the use of
FCCU transport.
viii. The booking should be made at least 10 days in advance for the use of this facility.
ix. User is responsible for any damage to the transport. A separate form must be signed by
the user to accept this responsibility.
x. Taxes, if any will be paid by the users.
xi. The number of passengers must not exceed the seating capacity of the vehicle.
xii. The FCCU Buses can only be used on metaled roads.
xiii. The FCCU Buses should not be used for unsafe areas, which are to be determined by the
xiv. For those trips that are required as part of the syllabus for a particular class, the cost of
the trip will be paid for from the budget of the academic department involved. Approval
for the trip must come from the department chair and the appropriate dean. For trips
sponsored by student societies or other organizations, the director of co-curricular
activities must grant approval and provide necessary budget information to support the
cost of the trip.
xv. Overnight Remuneration for Drivers: Drivers will be paid Rs. 1000 per day for food
expenses for each overnight stay. The vehicle user should cover reasonable
accommodation for the driver if it is not provided.
xvi. All above rates are subject to change and may vary from those printed here

h. Office Equipment
i. Employee shall be responsible for any electronic item under his/her possession like
digital camera, USB drive, Mobile Device, laptop, GPS equipment etc. which is related to
ii. If equipment becomes lost/damaged due to the negligence of employee, Dept. Chair shall
determine it after the consultation with the concerned stakeholders, cost of the equipment
shall be charged to the employee at remaining book value of equipment after depreciation
plus 20% of the original purchase value
iii. If equipment becomes lost due to any accident (snatching, natural disaster etc.) then it
will be written off from the FCCU account, subject to the acceptable justification.
9.12 Education Improvement Increment
FCCU encourages employees to improve education in their relevant fields/area of work and
agrees to award an increment subject to budget availability as follows:
 PhD: Rs. 10,000 per month
 MPhil: Rs. 5,000 per month
 BS (Honors): Rs. 3,000 per month

1. The increment will begin in the fiscal year (July 1st) following when the degree was awarded.

2. For employees whose education has been funded by/through FCCU (whether by
scholarship/financial aid or fee remission) they will not get the increment until after their
bond period which is one year for every year of study.
3. Private study degrees do not qualify for the increment.
4. An employee is entitled to have only one Master’s degree increment. Multiple Master’s
degrees will not result in multiple increments.
5. Advance Degrees should be relevant to the employee’s position and qualification approved
by the HOD.

9.13 Yearly Holidays

Forman Christian College observes all holidays listed below, including those gazetted by the
Government of Pakistan:
a. New Year’s Day, January 1, included in winter holidays (see below)
b. Eid-ul-Azha, determined each year
c. Kashmir Solidarity Day, February 5
d. Pakistan Day, March 23
e. Good Friday, Easter Monday determined each year
f. International Labor Day, May 1
g. Independence Day, August 14
h. Eid-ul-Fitr, determined each year
j. Christmas/ Birthday of Quaid-e-Azam/Winter holidays: December 24 through January 1,
as determined each year
k. Ashura (9th and 10th Muharram) determined each year
l. Eid Milad determined each year

9.14 Leaves
a. The year will be reckoned from 1st July to 30th June for the purpose of leave
b. Failure to return to work within 3 days upon completion of a leave of absence, without
approval, will constitute employee's voluntary resignation from employment with FCCU.
c. In the case of a foreseeable intermittent leave of absence for planned medical treatment,
during a period of recovery from a serious health condition or pregnancy, FCCU will
make a reasonable effort to transfer the employee to a suitable temporary position if
d. Leave of absence must be requested at least ten (10) days in advance using a Leave
Application Form.
e. Other leaves will not accrue during an Unpaid Leave of Absence.
f. Leave will not be claimed by any employee as a matter of right. The submission of any
application (Written/Electronic) will not be deemed valid until formal sanction by the
Competent/Sanctioning Authority and a Leave Application Form has been filled out. The
Competent/Sanctioning Authority can allow extension of leave in special circumstances;
otherwise it will be treated as leave without pay.
g. Submission of an approved Leave Application is the sole responsibility of the employee.
Leave Application Form has to be submitted either in written form or electronically, duly
approved prior to availing leave, in case of emergency/sickness the employee should

inform his/her supervisor/HOD as soon as possible. Leave Application Form will then be
submitted on the day the employee returns to the office.
h. Annual Leaves may be planned with supervisors, ensuring that leaves are staggered in
such a way that they do not interfere with key tasks.
i. FCCU reserves the right at all times to suspend or refuse leave if the needs of
organization so demand. FCCU may, at its discretion, require the employee to make such
reasonable adjustment in the proposed period of leave as may be mutually convenient.
j. If an employee has to obtain a short leave, this will only be applied in case of urgency.

9.15 Annual Leave

Employees shall be entitled to earned/privileged leave in a year, subject to the following
a. The Academic Deans and Dept. Chairs are entitled to thirty (30) calendar days’ annual
leave or 22 working days. They shall be encouraged to avail their annual leave in rotation
during the summer vacation.
b. For regular faculty, there is no annual leave considering summer time is off for faculty
c. The administrative and support staff is entitled to thirty (30) calendar days’ annual leave
or 22 workings days. They shall be encouraged to avail their annual leave. Leaves should
be obtained after planning and with the consent of immediate supervisor.
d. Normally, the academic staff is entitled to the full vacation period (which, for them in
summer, begins at least one week after the start of the summer vacation (end of the spring
semester in case of the university and conduct of board examinations in case of
intermediate) and ends at least one week before college/university reopens However, the
Rector can require members to devote at least part of their vacation for some specific
work or assignment; in such cases, the academic staff member will be compensated for
the time worked during his/her leave period.
e. Winter semester is optional, however, unlike summer break this is not normal faculty free
time - Departments utilize this break to have diagnostic meeting for curriculum revision.
f. Other staff: All other staff including laboratory and axillary staff is entitled to thirty (30)
calendar days’ annual leave or 22 workings days.
g. Un-availed annual leave may be carried forward to the maximum of one month to the
following year.
h. At the time of separation from service, balance annual leaves encashment may be
approved by the Rector for Deans, HODs, administrative and support staff.
9.16 Casual Leaves
a. An employee will be entitled to casual leaves of up to 10 working days in a year on a pro
rata basis
b. This leave will be granted only for urgent and important engagement/reasons.
c. Casual leave will be allowed only up to 3 working days at a time.
d. Any un-availed casual leave on 30 June of each year will be considered to have lapsed.
e. Casual leave cannot be combined with any other leave.
f. Un-availed Casual leave is not -cashable.
g. If attached to a weekend the casual leave can be availed only in prefix or suffix otherwise
the days of weekend will be included in the casual leave

h. The casual leave requested for in excess of prescribed period shall be treated as leave
without pay

9.17 Sick Leave

a. An employee will be allowed one (1) sick/medical leave day for each month of service
b. A Medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner, shall be submitted with the
sick leave of more than 3 days
c. Un-availed sick leave is not cashable.
d. FCCU reserves the right to nominate its own doctors or have a medical board to
determine the severity of an illness.
e. If an employee requires more sick leave than he/she has earned at the time of illness, that
employee shall then use his/her available casual leave. If no casual leave is left in the
employee's account, the leave shall be counted as leave without pay.
f. An employee must provide a doctor's statement when using three (3) or more paid
consecutive sick days at a time. If an employee depletes his/her accrued sick days during
an illness, they may use annual leave and/or request unpaid leave. Un-availed sick leave
can be carried forward each year, however, not more than 60 days’ sick leave balance can
be maintained, any sick leaves over and above the 60 days are lapsed.

9.18 Maternity Leave

All female employees are entitled to ninety days (90) days maternity leave. This leave is to be
taken six (6) weeks preceding the expected day of delivery and six weeks succeeding that day. A
female employee becomes entitled to maternity leave if she has been employed for a period of
not less than four months immediately preceding the day of delivery. Maternity leave is granted
subject to doctor’s certificate/advice and submission of child’s birth certificate copy is required
on returning from the leave.

9.19 Duty Leave

Duty leave is permissible for the following functions.
a. Meetings of Boards/Universities or Government agencies
b. Board/University Examinations
c. Professional seminars, conferences, professional development
d. As team managers for Sports/Co-curricular contests
e. Procedure for duty leave approvals will be as follows:
- Faculty member to seek approval from their HOD/Chairperson
- HOD/Chairperson to seek approval from their Dean
- Dean to seek approval from the Vice Rector
- Duty leave for Vice Rector may be approved by the Rector
- Duty leave for staff may be approved by the Rector or Vice Rector
- Duty leave approvals must be shared with the HR Office
9.20 Disability Leave or Death during Service
In case an employee dies or is determined to be permanently disabled and unable to perform
his/her duties, a lump-sum payment equal to full pay for the number of days of leave remaining

to him/her in that fiscal year shall be paid to the disabled employee or his/her heirs at the time of
disability or death.

9.21 Extraordinary Leave

As a general rule extraordinary leave without pay is not granted. Exceptions may be made by the
Rector on a case-by-case basis.
9.22 Study Leave
a. The University will continue to support some one-year post-doctorate placements, only
when proper notice has been provided and the faculty member has served the University
for at least three years.
b. The University will support Fulbright and Government leave awards which are scheduled
and given proper notice in a reasonable time period, and require the participant to return
to Forman Christian College. All leaves are granted at the discretion and expediency of
the University.
c. Note: Proper notice for leave opportunities are formal notices to the HOD, Dean and Vice
Rector that application has been made for an opportunity and has been encouraged by
Dean and Vice Rector.
i. Applicants will include a projected starting date for the opportunity.
ii. To avoid disruption of classes and unexpected load increases on faculty
colleagues, the faculty member is expected to either complete the semester
started, or start leave without pay before the semester starts while awaiting
acceptance into the program.
iii. Post-doc leaves are expected to be leave without pay from the University.
Faculty who have previously been approved for other long-term leaves will
not be eligible for Post-doc leaves until completion of at least three (3)
uninterrupted years of service after any previous leave.
iv. Faculty Travel Grant SoP’s (From Faculty development fund)
 A Committee be formed by Rector (at the start of the academic Year) for
the purpose.
 The members to serve for a period of one year unless asked to continue.
 The committee is to evaluate the eligibility of the applications and give
recommendations to the VR/Rector.
 Only full-time faculty is eligible to apply for travel grant.
 The grant covers only Round-Trip economy class Airfare.
 Ticket will be purchased by the Purchase Office, however, if a cheaper
ticket can be purchased by the faculty, it will be reimbursed.
 The timeline for the application will be two weeks of each quarter, dates
given below. The cycles for Faculty Travel Grant (FTG) are:
Cycle 1 Travel Dates: July 1 – December 15
Cycle 2 Travel Dates: October 1 – March 31
Cycle 3 Travel Dates: January 15 – June 30
Cycle 4 Travel Dates: April 1 – September 30
 One faculty member can avail one travel grant once in a year.
 Younger faculty will be given preference.
 All faculty are required to also seek external travel grants through ORIC.
 All applications need endorsement of Departmental Chair and respective

9.23 Sabbatical Leave

FCCU recognizes the importance of occasional periods of leave from normal university duties
when faculty members may benefit from new experiences designed both to advance their
professional standing and, upon their return to college commitments, to enrich their teaching and
The following points describe the general conditions under which a faculty member can take
sabbatical leave from the FCCU:
a. Sabbatical proposals must be submitted by December 1st of the academic year preceding
the proposed sabbatical. All proposals will be reviewed by the Sabbatical Committee
which will then be forwarded with a recommendation to the Rector. A faculty member
may not begin his sabbatical until this process has been completed.
b. Any faculty member seeking sabbatical leave must prepare a proposal for that leave
describing the academic (or other) pursuit he/she will undertake during the leave. The
following list describes the activities a faculty member may purse during a sabbatical
i. Full or part time study at an accredited college/university, the accreditation to be
defined by the standards of the Sabbatical Committee. The purpose of this study
should be to enhance or improve teaching competence in his/her current area of
responsibility and/or in an adjunct area important to the faculty member’s
function within the University and/or in a new area or relevance to the College’s
academic growth.
ii. Academic, scientific or professional research.
iii. Occupational or professional development experiences to renew or establish
credentials in an area directly related to a faculty member’s area of interest and/or
function within University e.g. consulting or an institutional attachment.
iv. Preparation of manuscripts for publication of research already completed or books
related to the faculty members’ function at the university.
c. Sabbatical leave will be either of one or two semesters in duration following completion
of six years’ continuous service (i.e. without study leave or leave without pay) by the
faculty member. A faculty member may take one semester sabbatical leave at full pay or
two semesters at half pay. Leave will begin at the beginning of the Semester. This relates
to regular semesters. Faculty are not required to take sabbatical leave for the Summer
Semester since Summer Semester is considered to be “faculty time”. Undertaking to
serve the institution for minimum one year will be required for paid sabbatical leave. For
purposes of accounting one semester means six months on full pay or one year on half
d. Faculty is entitled to receive research grants, consulting income, or income from
academic related activities, such as teaching, during their sabbatical leave.
e. Sabbatical leave is distinct from study leave and from leave without pay. Faculty
members are entitled to apply for study leave or leave without pay only after serving
three years following sabbatical leave. Additionally, sabbatical leave cannot be combined
with any other kind of leave to extend the total leave period. If the faculty member

extends the leave period, then the rules for study leave will apply, including annual
performance review and the signing of a bond.
f. Upon returning from sabbatical leave, the faculty member must provide evidence of the
academic or professional work conducted during the period of his/her leave.

10. Faculty Resources

10.1 CLT
a. The Center of Learning and Teaching is located in Ahmed Saeed Administration
Building. The Center of Learning and Teaching has been established to support our
faculty. The aim is to facilitate the continuous professional development (CPD) of faculty
and, to encourage excellence in teaching for effective (quality) student learning’.
b. It offers activities across a vast range of topics that are crucial to teaching and learning at
higher education level and of specific demand at FCCU like: Course/Syllabus Designing;
Active Learning in the Classroom; Developing High Order/Critical Thinking Skills in
students; Student Assessments, Assessment Rubrics, Grading and Feedback; Technology
Integrated Teaching; Inculcating Values, specifically FCCU Core values; Research and
publishing; Leadership Skills; and English Language Skills.
c. The mode of activities is wide and varied to suit everyone. Hence CLT’s activities have
concentrated upon:
i. Programs like, Orientation of New Faculty / annual; Faculty Retreat / annual;
Talks (face to face or online) by experts; Hands on workshop sessions; Learning
Groups; Research Series; Online courses on basic pedagogical skills; invite plus
logistics for foreign faculty through NTP and HEC; English Enrichment classes;
Soliya; Classroom Observation – observing others or getting observed in
ii. Services like: One-to-one consultation; Coach-on-call for draft papers for
conferences or for publications etc.; Turn-it-in for promotion of academic
integrity (one to one tutorials); Supporting technology integrated teaching (Skype,
Video conferencing, Moodle customization etc.); Disseminating information/
materials on teaching and learning strategies; seminars, conferences, publishing,
study abroad / scholarship / articles.
10.2 QEC
a. The Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) oversees continuous assessment and institutional
research activities that are done throughout University. QEC meets the specifications of
the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan. We supervise and facilitate quality
assurance activities of academic departments. Through surveys and other social science
research techniques we focus on important questions that the University uses as it makes
strategic decisions about program improvement and resource allocation.
b. The QEC aids the institution to make excellent decisions. It helps answer questions like,
“Who will succeed in the program so the University can admit those students?”, “Are the
students learning what we claim they are?”, and “How do our students fare in the
marketplace and in higher studies after graduating from FCCU?” (These questions are
merely to illustrate what we research; we research much more than just these topics). We
seek to help faculty, staff, and other administrators make good decisions that are
informed by data.
c. The QEC ensures accurate, timely and digestible reports, to internal and external
audience with the goal for informed decision making and promoting quality in higher
education at Forman Christian College University.
d. The major activities performed by QEC are:
i. Satisfaction surveys
ii. Admission testing and analysis
iii. Competency exam testing and analysis
iv. Assessment of student learning
v. Faculty English Proficiency Assessment
vi. Institutional Research
10.3 CLD
The Center for Language Development is a support department of FCCU. Reporting directly to
the Vice Rector, the Department supports the university’s goal of providing high-quality
English-medium education in an environment where students, faculty and staff are all able to
communicate effectively in English. This is done through the following programs:

a. Intensive English for Academic Preparation: a remedial English program preparing

newly admitted students with language deficiencies to transition into Baccalaureate.
b. English Support for University Students: a series of needs-based workshops
strengthening student’s academic English.
c. English Support for Staff: short workshops and longer courses providing staff the
language and communication skills needed to function more efficiently.
d. English Support for Faculty: short workshops and longer courses supporting faculty’s
professional development by enhancing their skills to teach effectively in English.
e. English Support for Intermediate Students: a planned intensive course to provide
Intermediate students the language skills to successfully gain admission to a university

10.4 Advancement Office

The Advancement Office is located in the Ahmed Saeed Administration Building. All activities
regarding alumni and fund raising for the University go through this office. If you have family or
friends who are alumni of Forman and they have not registered with the alumni office, please ask
them to do so. Email:

10.5 Student Affairs

The Student Affairs Office is located in the Ahmed Saeed Administration Building. The Chief
Student Affairs Officer is responsible for non-academic life on campus and is available to
provide support to students throughout their academic career. This includes assisting students in
finding information or getting help as well as answering general “how to be successful in
University” questions. The CSAO works with other administrators on campus to improve the
quality of student life. If you have suggestions or concerns about things going on around campus
or if you need assistance, please feel free to go by this office.

10.6 Library
a. FCCU Libraries offer a wide variety of services to the valued faculty members of the
university, some of these services are given below:
i. Borrowing Privileges: The faculty members can issue a total number of 20 books
and 5 course packs at a time for a period of 90 days. They can also issue 2 CDs
for a period of two days.
ii. Suggest a Book: Faculty play an important role in selection and purchase of
Library Books and their valued input is very important in the collection
development of the library. Faculty may suggest the books to be added in the
library by using suggest a book form. But first, please check the Library Iportal
before making your suggestion. Please suggest only titles not currently in the
iii. Be aware that you may also request a book not held by the Library through Inter
Library Loan.
b. Besides that the Library provides the faculty with up-to-date publishers’ catalogs from
which to select appropriate titles. The general policy is to purchase one copy of every title.
However, in cases of course books, up to 3 copies may be purchased.
c. The FCCU faculty is the basis of all book selection and is very much encouraged to
recommend titles in their fields of specialty but the responsibility for book purchase rests
with the Chief Librarian and the professional staff. Up-to-date publishers’ catalogs are
provided to faculty to select appropriate titles.
d. In urgent cases, a teacher may purchase books himself/herself and be reimbursed upon
presentation of appropriate invoices or receipts. Please contact at Ext # 434 for requesting
the purchase of the desired books.
e. Prioritized Processing of Books: The library continuously acquires new books
throughout the academic year. These books are classified and catalogued as soon as they
are purchased and teachers are informed of the arrival of such new acquisitions. However,
if any book is urgently needed, a teacher may inform the librarian in charge, and the books
will be processed priority in within 3 days at most. Please contact at Ext # 423 for this
f. Inter Library Loan: The Ewing Memorial Library has a large collection in all the subject
areas taught at Forman Christian College University. The Staff of the library continuously
tries to add more and more strength in this collection. But still we have some limitations of
resources. And sometimes it becomes difficult to fulfill the diversified need of our clients.
This is definitely a big challenge for the library. But we are ready to accept this challenge.
To fulfill such needs of our clients, we have developed Inter Library Loan Services (ILL).
Through this service we attempt to borrow material from other libraries that is not
available in our library. So if you need any book, article, reports, patent etc., which is not
available in our library; no need to be worried. Just fill an ILL Form available at the
Reference Desk of the library. Our staff will find that book out for you from where it
exists and makes it available for you. In our ILL Network we have friendly links with the
renowned libraries of Lahore. Any material available in these libraries can be yours only
with a single request.
g. Course Reserves: Faculty may place books and other materials on the Reserve Shelves.
Ideally, the Recommended Readings of the teaching courses, are placed on Reserve or
labeled Room Use Only, for the duration of the course (usually the semester), for students

to read within the Library or borrow overnight. Faculty members may send the List of
Recommended Readings at Ext # 426 minimum 15 days before the start of the Semester.
h. Course Packs: Due to the budget constraints, the Library can only purchase limited
copies of the Course Readings which are not sufficient to serve big numbers of students in
the classes. In order to facilitate easy access to course readings for all students, the Ewing
Memorial Library prepares “Course Packages” upon request by Faculty members,
comprising photocopies of recommended pages from the course texts. Course Packs are
prepared in 10 copies and issued to the students for limited period of 5 days. Course Packs
are prepared under the Fair Use Policy as permissible under The Government of Pakistan,
COPYRIGHT ORDINANCE, 1962, Clause 57 (a) and (h).
i. Document Delivery Service: The faculty may request a photocopy from the Periodicals
Alerts or electronic copy of any article. Electronic copies of articles of any journal are
provided to faculty upon request, using the HEC DL’s “British Library Document
Delivery Service” or “American Center (IRC)” Document Delivery Service.
j. Workshops on Access and Use of HEC Digital Library Resources: The Library Holds
(upon request) specific Workshops on the use of HEC Digital Library resources
– For individual Departments for resources on their specific subject
– For a specific Database to cover the contents and searching techniques for that database
– For individual users for their specific information needs
– For small groups on daily registrations basis.
k. Meeting Room Reservation
 Rooms may only be reserved up to 3 days in advance
 Reservations can be for a maximum of 4 hours
 Reservations will be held for 15 minutes after start time.
 You may make 1 reservation per day.
l. Ask a Librarian: Ask a Librarian is our Online Virtual Reference Service, intended for
current students, faculty and staff of Forman Christian College University. Services to
other inquirers from community are provided subject to availability of staff and resources.
 Reference Librarian – Research Help Desk, Room No. 09 Ewing Memorial
 Information Commons Librarian – IC Research Help Desk, Room No. 125, S
m. Personal Visit: Visit Research Help Desk on any of the above mentioned locations for
seeking research help in-person for on-spot assistance from professional librarians during
regular service hours.

11. Faculty Expectations

11.1 A Shared Commitment of Faculty and Staff

The Shared Commitment is a statement of ideals and expectations that are important to the
quality of life of Forman Christian College University as a learning community. It asks each
member of the community to accept responsibility for creating an environment of excellence and
humanity that supports the academic mission of the university. This will allow all faculty,
students and staff to be a member of a community in which they can take pride.

My choice to join the community of students, faculty, administrators and staff of Forman
Christian College University, means that I commit myself to the essential core values and
the standards embodied in the mission and vision of the university. I acknowledge that I
have the following responsibilities:
1. To work and to use my abilities and opportunities to pursue personal professional growth
and excellence.
2. To conduct myself with integrity. I will speak the truth and keep my commitments. I will
take my responsibilities seriously and fulfill them to the best of my ability.
3. To respect the dignity and rights of each human being. I will treat others with respect,
kindness, generosity of heart and compassion. I will accept and tolerate differences. I will
handle disagreements with candor and civility.
4. To be committed to Excellence. I will be steadfast in my pursuit of excellence. I will set
high standards in my intellectual life, personal behavior, and interpersonal relationships. I
will honor the traditions of the university and preserve the beauty of the campus.
5. To be self-disciplined and accountable for my actions. I will uphold the policies of the
university and follow the rules and regulations. I understand that the behavior has
consequences. This understanding is an essential component in the development of my
6. To be fair in all of my decisions and work towards justice for others.
7. To respect the rights and property of the university and to protect its reputation as a
university of distinction with a student body of high quality.
8. To take the concerns of others in the community to heart. Because we are bound together
by common purposes, objectives and values, the welfare of all will be my concern.
9. To live by the motto by Love, Serve One Another knowing that serving others is a way of
life that will enrich the community and the nation in which I live. I will speak out the
opportunities for leadership and service.

I realize and agree that my commitment to these ideals obligates me to work with the
University Authorities to uphold all university regulations concerning faculty and staff
behavior stated in the University Rules and Regulations. It also obligates me to work with
my colleagues to prevent the following behavior, which most seriously threaten the ability
of Forman Christian College University to fulfill its mission and purposes:
1. Academic Dishonesty such as Cheating and Plagiarism.
2. Chronic Interference with the rights to Work and to Study.
3. Willful Destruction of Property.
4. Theft
5. Personal Violence and Behavior that poses a threat to any fellow student, faculty or staff
member or that disrupts the normal flow of academic work or co-curricular activities.
6. Attempt to bribe or coerce faculty/staff members.
7. The possession, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages, hard liquor or drugs on the
university campus.
8. Possession of weapons of any kind on campus.
9. Smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products on campus.
10. Sexual Harassment.
11. Having a cell phone on during class.

I hereby pledge to work with the university authorities to uphold the core values of FCCU and to
enforce the code of conduct.

Name and Signatures ________________Job Title and Department ___________Date________

11.2 Duty Policies

a. This Duty Policy is put together with the following goals:
i. Inculcation of the motto and core values of the University.
ii. Willingness on the part of faculty to cooperate with the management of the
University in building an environment for student learning that is peaceful, safe
and comfortable for the students.
iii. All faculties to share the varied duty responsibilities equally.
iv. Duties performed to be considered at the time of faculty performance evaluation.

b. The following specific duties are outlined in this policy: Master’s Degree Admissions,
Proctorial Duty and Miscellaneous Duties

c. Admissions Duty
i. Pre-Admission (Rolling Admission): The Admission cycle starts in March every year for
fall admissions, August or Post Graduate Admissions and November for Spring
ii. All baccalaureate students desirous of seeking admission take the Forman Entrance
Aptitude Test (FEAT). Admission to FCCU is of the basis of an aggregate of previous
academic performance (BISE Intermediate or equivalent results) and the FEAT result.
Students meeting the benchmark entrance requirement are offered provisional admission -
this is confirmed once valid results are available.
iii. Postgraduate Degrees: The respective departments organize a committee with the
Department Chair as the convener and one senior faculty member and one junior faculty
iv. All lists of accepted students displayed must be routed via the Admissions Office with full
documentation (test scores, interview scores, and any other appropriate materials).
v. Duties of Postgraduate Admissions committee
 Read the respective prospectus / catalog carefully and make sure there are no
 Be familiar with the criteria, requirements, and procedures for admission
 Answer questions by parents and students
 Check all documents with forms
 Arrange forms in each category in descending order of merit
 Prepare merit list on computer using Excel
 Interview candidates and check original documents
 Turn in the forms of admitted students to the admission office
 Prepare a summary of admissions with full documentation (e.g. exam and
interview scores) and turn in the admission office

d. Proctorial Duty

i. The primary purpose of proctorial duty is to maintain discipline on campus and to enforce
the policies of the University as printed in the prospectus/catalogue and in the Student
Handbook. This duty is on-going throughout the academic year. Special assignments are
also made for student and Society functions. See also Proctorial Board in this Handbook.
ii. General:
 Every teaching faculty member at FCCU is a PROCTOR with the duties below
 The Chief Proctor and 20 other members of the faculty will function as the
Proctorial Board and oversee the functioning of the proctors
 The twenty members of the Proctorial Board will comprise of at least one member
from each academic department
iii. Duties:
 Treat all students with dignity and respect
 Practice what you preach ---- be a role model for others
 Reprimand for fighting and refer to the Chief Proctor
 Reprimand for incorrect / incomplete uniform/dress code
 Provide grooming guidelines for students
 Maintain a positive and conducive environment on campus
 Train prefects in how to behave and deal with students
 Submit nominations for prefects
 Submit in writing reports on any untoward incidents on campus to the Chief
 Maintain confidentiality of any reported incidents
 Abstain from favoritism and being perceived as unfair
 Be available for special function duties as and when requested by the Chief Proctor
 Monitoring of discipline on campus
 Inculcation of the core values
 Monitoring of Prefects’ duties

e. Advisors of Co-Curricular Activities: Faculty is encouraged to serve as an advisor to a

student club or society on campus. The following guidelines should be followed by
i. In September, a meeting should be held to elect office bearers for the coming year
along with representatives of different classes or sections. These office bearers
and representatives may be elected by the members or selected by the advisor.
ii. The club or society should develop goals and plans for the year early in the
academic year.
iii. While the office bearers, committee and members carry out the programs of the
society in consultation with the advisor, the advisor is accountable for the society.
iv. The money generated through membership fees will be entrusted to the finance
secretary (a student) who will be supervised by the advisor to make the finances
transparent and honest. The advisor must sign off for all expenses on behalf of the
v. The advisor should stay in touch with the chairman of the co-curricular office to
keep him informed of the activities of the society.
vi. The advisor should settle disputes and disagreements that might arise among the
office bearers and members regarding the society.

f. Miscellaneous Duties: These fall in a number of different domains. Instructors involved
with any of the following are considered to be rendering special duty to the University.
i. Academic Advisors: Advisors are selected each year to work with incoming
freshman in the baccalaureate program. The duty is described in greater detail in
the Academic Advisors’ Handbook in Appendix P. Briefly; it includes assisting
students with their personal and professional goals, helping them to select courses
for their degree requirements, and advising them on their academic decisions. At
the end of two years, students will be assigned an advisor in their major field of
ii. Coaches for sporting events that are not part of one’s job description or course
iii. The specific responsibilities and duties under each of the above are provided in
their respective job descriptions.

11.3 Academic Protocols for Faculty

All full-time faculties are expected to plan and schedule courses or time changes well in advance
of the start of the semester. Any changes in rooms or time after the start of the semester places
an added burden on the student schedule. Make up classes should be scheduled in the evenings,
when they do not conflict with other courses. Make-up graduate courses will be considered for
Saturdays, only under usual circumstances.

Course Setup:
1. All faculty are expected to be on campus
2. They need to attend faculty meetings as required by the department
3. Faculty should be aware of the workloads required in a year
4. Teaching in Summer and Winter is over and above the required workload
5. Seat Exception
6. Determine the cut off with your Dept. Chair and do not allow students beyond this in your
7. Plan with the Chair beforehand and avoid multiple changes to scheduled course
8. Make sure the Chair is appraised of requirements for a room before he/she sends the
departments course offerings

1. Make sure the department has discussed grounds on which a pre-requisite waiver should
be made
2. Make sure that seat exceptions are processed as agreed upon and limited
3. Create another section if needed or ask the student to take this in another semester
4. The course overloading policy should be known by all faculty
5. Requirements for registering a course should be known by faculty teaching it
6. Announcements to reflect this should be made several times in the classroom so that no
one is unduly taking the course

7. If someone is taking this course when they should be registered in a higher level course,
the instructor can send an email to the Academic Office to drop that student
8. Faculty should know about the procedure to set up an independent study with a student
and work within those guidelines
9. Faculty should ensure that everyone in their course has passed the pre-requisite to gain

1. Faculty should know that students have a right to withdraw until the withdrawal deadline
on the academic calendar
2. If they see an AW on someone’s transcript, it means that the student was withdrawn
administratively for breaching the repeat policy
3. If they see a W it means that the student withdrew from the semester
4. Grades should be submitted on time
5. Faculty must be apprised of the policy for an ‘I’ grade
6. I’s should not be used to give more time to regular student, follow the policy
7. Faculty must be apprised of the policy on grade changes
8. Do not send students or other department staff to pick up or drop off a grade change form
9. Be aware of the deadline for grade changes
10. Be careful to check your roster after grading and leave no grades blank
11. Research and Internship must always be graded with an I
12. If you are supervising research for a graduating student, make sure that their grade is in by
the end of August

Faculty/Course Evaluation:

Faculty/Course evaluation provides feedback regarding students’ experiences throughout the

semester in their course(s). The ratings from this evaluation are imperative and utilized to
provide feedback to both individual faculty members and the management. The responses help
faculty members to improve their learning outcomes, teaching methodology, conduct, course
activities etc. Also, the aggregate response from the Faculty Course Evaluation facilitates
management when determining a faculty member’s promotion, contract renewal and the overall
betterment of the institution.
Student responses are anonymous and faculty cannot see individual responses so students are
advised to be honest while completing the faculty/course evaluation(s).
Students are expected to complete Faculty/Course Evaluation in the given time period at the end
of each semester for all courses taken in that semester. Failure to complete the Faculty/Course
Evaluation by the deadline may result in a hold being placed on the student’s online FCCU web-
account. This will result in the student being unable to register for following semesters.
This is suggested that all faculty members should read/add the above last paragraph (Italic) in
their course outline to remind students to evaluate the faculty/course in time.

13. Performance Appraisals and Employee Development

13.1 Process for Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Faculty Members
a. The most important key to the quality of any college or university is the quality of its
faculty. The process for the selection of the faculty and the criteria for choosing among
the candidates is the first important step. Closely related thereto is the process for
evaluating faculty performance. The Criteria upon which faculty members are evaluated
and the nature of the process are essential ingredients in the strength of a college or
b. We seek to implement a rigorous process for the evaluation of the performance of the
members of the teaching faculty so as to maintain and improve the quality of teaching at
the College. The process for the evaluation of faculty members will be based on the
following criteria and process:
c. Faculty members will be evaluated on the following criteria:
i. The quality of their teaching;
ii. Evidence that they continue to remain current in their knowledge of their
iii. The quality of their advising and other interactions with students outside of the
iv. Their service to the college community.
v. Evidence that shows professional development efforts to improve as a teacher
and/or advisor
vi. Their English proficiency
vii. The results of these evaluations will influence administrative decisions
concerning salary and promotions.
d. The process for Evaluation will include the following activities:
i. Each year, every member of the faculty will be required to submit a Faculty Self-
Evaluation that includes a self-assessment of his/her performance during
the past year, and a statement of professional goals for the coming year.
This statement will address the above noted criteria for faculty evaluations,
and it will be reviewed by the Dept. Chair, the Dean, and the Vice
ii. Each year every Chair of an Academic Department will submit an evaluation of
each faculty member in his/her department to the Dean of Faculty. This
report will be prepared after a meeting with the individual faculty members. The
faculty member will sign the department head’s form to indicate that
he/she has read it. The Dean of that Faculty will submit his/her own
evaluation of every faculty member plus that of the Department Head to the
Vice Rector.
iii. If a faculty member disagrees with the evaluation of the Dept. Chair and/or Dean,
he/she can use the comments section on the form or write a separate letter
to the Vice Rector with their reasons for disagreement. If faculty wish to see
their performance review, they should consult with the Vice Rector.
iv. A Student Feedback (anonymous survey) will be administered in each course
each semester, and the results will be used to help improve the
performance of teachers where this is necessary. This will insure a process
for evaluating the quality of classroom teaching.

iv. The Vice Rector/QEC will prepare a report of the results of this process which
will be reviewed by the Academic Standards Committee.
e. The results of those deliberations, along with the data, will be presented to the Rector
who will make the determination of faculty salaries and promotions and recommend
appropriate action to the Board of Governors. The performance appraisal for Faculty is
undertaken by the Academic Standards Committee. This includes evaluating
effectiveness of the person in teaching, evidence of scholarly activity, quality of their
advising and other interactions with students outside of the classroom, and service to the
college and the community.

13.2 Professional Expectations of Faculty

Professional Behavior and Ethical Conduct: The faculty is expected to be fully engaged in the
department and University academic activities including graduation, Academic Council,
committee meetings and departmental meetings. They are expected to be committed to high
standards of professional behavior and ethical conduct at all times. The faculty is expected to be
committed as a community of scholars, to the mission, and core values of integrity, excellence,
accountability, fairness, and respect for the dignity of each person. The faculty of Forman
Christian College adhere to high standards of professional behavior in:

a. Course Preparation and Classroom Conduct

i. Maintain up-to-date knowledge in their subject area.
ii. Come to class well prepared for the lesson.
iii. Present course material in an organized, clear manner.
iv. Begin classes on time.
v. Provide high quality instruction over the span of an entire class period.
vi. Avoid cancelling classes unnecessarily.
vii. Treat students with dignity and respect and avoid humiliating them.
viii. Encourage feedback and opinions from all students and when appropriate,
institute changes in response to feedback.
ix. Keep attendance records consistently and truthfully.

b. Out of class work, projects and papers

i. Develop meaningful out of class assignments, papers, and research projects that
relate to the objectives of the course.
ii. Use clear, specific criteria for evaluating papers and projects.
iii. Grade all written assignments objectively. For example, some instructors ask
students to place their name on the backs of papers so that the grading is
completed before the instructor knows the author of the paper.
iv. Provide written or verbal feedback promptly.

c. Examination and course grades

i. Compose exams that fairly and accurately measure course content and objectives.
ii. Grade exams objectively.
iii. Return exams to students promptly with written and/or verbal feedback.
iv. Explain specifically in the syllabus how the final grade will be calculated.

v. Assign final grades with care, fairness, and with absolute honesty.
vi. Set and enforce procedures to prevent cheating and plagiarism so that students
who behave honestly are not disadvantaged.
vii. Retain for a period of one years all grade books and for three years a record of all
variables that entered into the assignment of the final grade.

d. Professional Performance
i. Post office hours on their office door and are available to students during those
hours. At least three hours per week of office hours should be provided.
Additional hours should be provided for advisees.
ii. Be present on campus during the work day, remembering that an eight-hour work
day is expected.
iii. Provide remedial help to students and modify teaching methods to meet the needs
of students.
iv. Continue to learn methods to promote higher order thinking skills.
v. Seek out opportunities for professional growth and development.
vi. Safeguard confidential information. Post grades with minimal identifiers.
vii. Cite contributions of others in lectures and scholarly writings. Accurately report
all findings in scholarly publications. Maintain high standards of research
viii. Carry out objective evaluations of all administrators, faculty, staff, and students.
ix. Participate in other university activities (e.g. advising, sponsoring student
organizations, serving on committees such as admissions or testing).
x. Manage time effectively in order to be productive.
xi. Meet all university deadlines (e.g. grading, attendance reports, requests for

e. Professional behavior and integrity

i. Treat students, faculty members, staff, and administrators with courtesy and
impartiality. Criticism should be handled privately and discretely.
ii. Set an example for all by behaving ethically and honestly.
iii. Dress professionally.
iv. Refrain from smoking on campus to reduce health risks and to model healthy
behavior to students.
v. Assist university proctors in maintaining positive student behavior on campus.
vi. Refrain from sexual and religious harassment. Work to prevent discrimination and
harassment by others.
vii. Conduct their lives in accordance with the core values of FCCU

f. Intellectual Property
i. The FCCU has an interest in the work of employees that generates new
knowledge and that generates property of an intellectual nature. Some of this
knowledge and property may have commercial value and may need protection.
Some property may traditionally belong to faculty as the result of scholarly

ii. Traditional products of scholarly activity are the individual property of faculty.
Such traditional products include publications (e.g., journal articles; textbooks;
reviews), works of art (e.g., paintings, sculpture, and musical compositions), and
course materials (e.g., syllabi, workbooks, and laboratory manuals). The FCCU
may require faculty to provide copies of this property for review, evaluation, and
curriculum needs.
iii. Definitions: Intellectual property, for the purpose of this policy, is defined as the
tangible or intangible results of research, development, teaching, or other
intellectual activity by FCCU employees. Intellectual property may include the
following categories:
 Inventions, discoveries, or other new developments which are appropriate
items of patent applications.
 Written materials, sound recordings, videotapes, films, computer
programs, computer-assisted instruction materials, distance learning
materials and curricula, works of art including paintings, sculpture, and
musical compositions, and all other material which may be copyrightable.
 Tangible research property such as biological materials including cell
lines, plasmids, hybridomas, monoclonal antibodies, and plant varieties;
computer software, data bases, integrated circuit chips, prototype devices
and equipment, circuit diagrams, etc.; and analytical procedures,
laboratory methods, etc. All such tangible research property may or may
not be patentable or copyrightable.
iv. Where the FCCU provides funding, background information, product samples, or
confidential proprietary data for a project, the rights to intellectual property
resulting from the project shall be owned and controlled by the FCCU.
v. In some instances, projects supported by an external source may create a situation
in which the sponsor may claim partial or complete ownership of intellectual
property resulting from the project. In such cases, final disposition of the property
must be negotiated as a part of the initial project agreement and approved by the
Rector. This negotiation and approval must occur before the commencement of a
project. In absence of such approved stipulations before beginning the project, the
FCCU will retain exclusive ownership and control of all intellectual property
resulting from the project.
vi. Any FCCU employee engaged in private consulting work or in business is
responsible for ensuring that any contractual agreements that may involve FCCU
owned intellectual property are not in conflict with this policy; and that FCCU's
rights and the employee's obligations to the organization are in no way abrogated
or limited by the terms of such agreements.
vii. Employees shall make clear to those with whom they make such agreements their
obligations to the FCCU regarding ownership of intellectual property.
viii. Copyrighted Material: FCCU follows international guidelines on copyright.
Intellectual property (e.g. books) is protected by copyright for the life of the
author plus 70 years. Under “fair use rules,” materials may be photocopied if the
section is short, not going to be sold, and the copying will not reduce the
author’s/publisher’s sales income. Copying of an entire book (whether all at one
time or in parts) infringes on copyright laws even if the photocopied material is

not sold. Use of any part of an author’s work in an assignment or exam must give
credit to the author by using correct reference techniques.

g. Faculty and Students Research Policies:

i. Integrity and accountability serve as the core values for research conducted by faculty,
staff, and students at (FCC). All members of the university community have a
responsibility to foster an environment with high standards. Essential to this environment
are open discussion, uncensored publication of findings, careful avoidance of bias
stemming from conflicts of interest and discrimination (defacto or intended) based on
religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, or age.
ii. Definitions:
Research - A systematic effort to produce new knowledge, integrate knowledge in new
ways, and develop new applications of knowledge. Ordinary educational assessment
performed as part of instruction is not defined as research.
Research ethics/integrity - Adherence to the highest standards of ethical behavior
including the hallmarks of good scholarship: Rigor, carefulness, and accountability.
Misconduct - Fabricating data, falsifying data, plagiarism, failure to disclose and to avoid
conflict of interest, violation of university procedures for IRB review, serious deviation
from commonly accepted standards for proposing, conducting, or reporting research.
Does not include honest error or honest differences in the interpretation of results.
Institutional Review Board - A committee of FCC faculty with the responsibility of
reviewing proposed research for the protection of human participants, animal
participants, and the environment. Quality of design and need for the research are also
part of this review.
Salary savings - The portion of a project budget intended to reimburse FCC for faculty or
staff time devoted to contracted work.
iii. Faculty at Forman Christian College are expected to participate in the development of
new knowledge and in the active practice of scholarship.
iv. Research conducted by students, faculty, staff, and contractors at Forman Christian
College must be designed to respect and protect human and animal participants.
Stewardship of the environment must include safe disposal of wastes.
v. Research contracts involving funds provided by FCC or by outside sources must be
approved using the Internal Approval Form (see sample form in Appendix).
vi. Where governmental laws or contractor policy contradicts FCC research or institutional
policy, researchers must seek approval from appropriate authorities at FCC before
proceeding with any research proposal affected by such conflicts.
vii. Researchers work to protect the interests of society. They do not obligate themselves to
withhold research findings that may jeopardize the health and wellbeing of others.
viii. Researchers work within the scope of their own training and knowledge base.
ix. Researchers are responsible for seeking assistance when stress or impairment interferes
with their ability to conduct professional responsibilities.
x. Researchers take active steps to minimize bias, flawed judgment, harm, and exploitation
brought about by multiple relationships. They establish clear boundaries in their
relationships with students, employees, and colleagues.

xi. Researchers take active steps to minimize potential risks and to maximize benefits to
research participants.
xii. Researchers take active steps to minimize pain and distress experienced by animal
xiii. Researchers respect the rights and protect the interests of identifiable populations within a
dominant culture.
xiv. Researchers are cognizant of the increasing concern about the ethics of research (e.g.,
genetics). Staying informed of developing guidelines is a valued professional activity.
xv. Credit for authorship is based on actual writing contributed to a report and typically the
ranking of authors is based on the amount of that contribution. Supervisors of student
work may not claim authorship of work they merely supervise. Faculty must be invited
by students to contribute as authors on student publications.
xvi. FCC shall own all intellectual property produced by research funded by FCC, as specified
in the Intellectual Property Policy. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing before
commencing the work, the same ownership provision shall apply to all property produced
by externally funded research. All or a portion of FCC owned intellectual property may
be assigned to the researcher (see Intellectual Property Policy).
xvii. Salary savings generated through research contracts funded from sources outside FCC
must either be deposited in the general account or used to fund replacements for faculty
working on the contract. Ordinarily, faculty will receive release time from teaching to
work on research contracts.
xviii. Faculty with research contracts may not earn more than their full-time salary during the
salary contract period. Faculty are free to pursue private research contracts so long as
none of the work is carried out during normal working hours or uses FCC facilities. The
only exception to this policy is during off contract periods such as in the summer months
when faculty may use their offices for private contract work.
xix. Any breech of these guidelines may result in disciplinary action. Violations are to be
reported to the Rector of Forman Christian College. In case of Plagiarism, HEC
Plagiarism Policy will be followed.

13.3 Employee Professional Development

a. Eligibility
i. An employee is eligible for the benefits provided by this policy and procedures for
position or job related programs and activities if the employee has completed minimum
of two years of service and the job performance is rated as satisfactory or better in each
ii. Employees should meet minimum qualifications and eligibility requirements for
Undergraduate or Graduate Programs.
iii. Requires approval and recommendation of the supervisor.
iv. The workload at the job has to be met.
v. Sponsoring PhD from FCCU for faculty/staff will not be possible. Employees
are encouraged to take PhD degrees from another University rather taking from FCCU
where they are already working. 

b. Scope
For purposes of this policy, professional development Programs and activities may include, but
not limited to, opportunities on-the-job training, cross-training, coaching, internships, attendance
at courses, seminars, conferences, institutes, lectures, meetings, workshops and participation in
professional and technical associations. Where faculty/staff are required to attend professional
development program due to job requirement as determined by the Chair/Dean, endorsed by
CHRO and approved by Vice Rector/Rector, the minimum service requirement of two years may
not be necessary, however, the faculty/staff should have successfully completed probationary

c. Definitions
Programs shall be classified as position or job related, career-related, or educational enrichment
based on the judgment of the Dept. Chair in consultation with the supervisor.
i. Position- or job-related programs are directly related to the work assignments or
conditions of the employee's current position. For example, training in quality service
skills is a position-related program for an employee whose current position includes
customer service responsibilities.
ii. Career-related programs are related to the development of skills, knowledge, and other
qualifications which prepare an employee for additional assignments or positions within
the FCCU for which the employee, in the judgment of the department head, has some
reasonable chance of attainment. For example, training in quality service skills is a
career-related program for an employee whose current position does not include customer
service responsibilities but who is interested in competing for future University job
openings, which require customer service skills and knowledge.
iii. Educational enrichment programs are related to an employee's avocation or career talents
outside the University and are not related to University positions for which an employee
might, in the judgment of the department head, be an effective competitor.

d. Guidelines for time spent on professional development

The amount of time spent on professional development programs will vary with the individual
employee. The amount of leave to be granted depends upon the specific developmental activity.

e. General Provisions
i. Criteria for Determining Departmental Support: The Dept. Chair, in consultation with the
supervisor shall determine whether, and the degree to which, an employee's participation
in a professional development activity shall be supported by the department. In making
this determination, the Chair shall consider: the employee's need for development as
reflected in the employee's career goals; needs and resources of the department;
advantages one type of development activity has over the other types available;
professional development needs of other department employees; and the effect of the
determination on workload and other employees. When participation in a professional
development activity requires attendance during the employee's normal work schedule,
prior approval by the Chair is required.
ii. Time Worked: When time in attendance is not approved as time worked and the activity
is unavailable outside normal working hours, the Dept. chair is encouraged to provide the

employee the opportunity to participate by arranging an alternate work schedule to make
up the time in attendance.
iii. The Dept. Chair may approve an employee's attendance at position-related or career-
related programs as time worked. When a Dept. Chair requires an employee to attend a
position-related activity, the time spent in attendance shall be counted as time worked.
However, when an individual is hired with the understanding that specific additional
training is to be obtained or completed, that individual may be required to participate in
such training on off-duty time. An employee's participation in educational enrichment
programs shall not be counted as time worked.

f. Fee structure
i. Proposal A: The liability of the staff will be 33% of the total fees, and for Faculty should
be 50% of the fees. This is to be paid in instalments over a period that should not be twice
the duration of the program, i.e. for MPhil, the fee should be paid in less than a four-year
ii. Proposal B: The liability of the staff will be 33% of the total fees or 20% of salary,
whichever is less and for Faculty should be 50% of the fees. This is to be paid in
instalments over a period that should not be twice the duration of the program, i.e. for
MPhil, the fee should be paid in less than a four-year period.
iii. Proposal C: The liability of the staff will be 33% and for Faculty should be 50% of the
fees. For staff this liability is monetized at the rate of 33% for every year served
afterwards, i.e. for a 3 years course if the person serves for 3 years later this liability be
adjusted to zero.

g. Responsibilities
Both Faculty and staff are bound, at the time of enrolment to serve the institution for the
same number of years afterwards. If not, they will have to pay 100% of charges prorated
for the bond period not completed.

i. Employees
Have the primary responsibility for their own professional development.
 Make professional development interests known to their supervisors.
 Initiate requests to participate in programs relevant to the development goals
identified jointly with their supervisors.
 Attend and participate in development activities as approved or required by their
supervisor’s/department heads.

ii. Department Management

 In consultation with Human Resources as appropriate, assess employee professional
development needs.
 Approve/deny development requests of employees in consultation with supervisors.
 Consider employee development in budgetary planning.
 Ensure performance appraisals of employees include a discussion of educational and
development objectives as appropriate.

iii. Human Resources

Assess campus-wide staff development needs and based on availability of resources,
sponsor appropriate development programs.

14. Health and Safety

In order to ensure the application of the health and safety policies, all employees will be
educated to act, think and work safely. In order to educate all employees with such policies, the
following measures shall be taken.
a. Emphasis on safety during orientation of new employees.
b. Emphasis of safety points during training sessions, particularly during on-the-job
c. Special efforts made by the supervisor to ensure safety measures within his/her
d. Establishment of employee safety committees.
e. Charts, posters, and displays on the premises emphasizing the need to act safely.

14.1 General Safety

Application of general safety rules shall be the responsibility of both FCCU and the employees
and their responsibilities in this respect are enlisted as under. FCCU will take all reasonable and
practicable steps to provide and maintain:
a. Buildings, equipment and systems of work in safe order and without risk to the health of all
b. Sufficient information concerning equipment used at work: detailing the conditions and
precautions necessary so that proper use will ensure safety and no health hazard.
c. A healthy working environment for all employees /consultants/contractors and adequate welfare
facilities where possible.

14.2 Employees
Every employee of FCCU has a responsibility to:
a. Ensure the health and safety of herself/himself and of any other person who may be affected by
her/his acts and /or omission at work.
b. Comply with any instructions regarding health or safety issues.
c. Not misuse anything that has been provided for health or safety purpose.
d. Follow the requirements of the health and safety policy, failure to do so may lead to disciplinary
action in line with the disciplinary procedure.

14.3 Safe Working Environment

HODs will undertake regular checks to identify any article or process in the workplace which has
the potential to cause an accident or injury and report the matter to the concerned department for
corrective measures. These checks will pay particular attention to:
a. Areas or items that could cause someone to slip or trip (e.g. spill, trailing cables)
b. Electrical appliances and equipment (e.g. plugs not wired safely, split or frayed wires, poorly
maintained equipment), ensuring all electrical systems are correctly earthed
c. Routes of entry and exit, passages and walkways (e.g. blocked or restricted)

14.4 First Aid Training and Facilities
The Mercy Health Centre shall assess the workplace, the people and the tasks undertaken,
together with any records of accidents in order to identify.
a. The type of injuries or emergencies which are most likely to occur.
b. The treatment that may be required.
c. Train sufficient team members to provide first aid treatment. Ensure that they have an
understanding of:
 The priorities of first aid
 Resuscitation
 Blood Loss
 The treatment of shock, heart attack and any unconscious casualty.
 General information on treating work place injuries.
d. Ensure that adequate supplies for first aid are available at all times, in an identifiable
“First Aid Box”, stored in a recognized place.

14.5 Personal and Fire Safety

Employees shall follow all fire and personal safety regulations including wearing protective
apparel such as gloves or safety goggles, etc., or employs precautionary measures such as
sterilization barriers or isolation when engaged in work that increases risk of accident, injury or
disease. Employees shall immediately report accidents or injuries to their supervisor who shall
conduct remedial measures as appropriate. FCCU will implement a Fire Safety Plan, with duly
trained employees and regular drills consistent with current workplace-related law.

15. Separation from Service

Except for the scheduled contract end date, FCCU shall guarantee the right to a fair hearing to an
employee before taking a decision to separate or terminate his/her services. This requires that the
employee should be given prior notice of the case, a fair opportunity to answer it, and the
opportunity to present his/her own case.

15.1 Faculty Resignation

Faculty are expected to serve out the full term specified in their contracts; only under
extraordinary circumstances will a faculty member be released from his/her teaching duties
during any given academic term. When a faculty member does not intend to renew his/her
contract at its expiration/end of academic term, he/she is expected to give notice 30 days prior to
the expiration of that contract/end of academic term. In case a faculty member intends to resign
during summer holidays, he/she must tender 30 days’ notice. Failure to provide such timely
notice could subject faculty member to pay the university an amount equal to one month’s salary.
When a faculty member intends to resign during the academic term, he/she must give 120 days’
notice or pay to the university an amount equal to four months’ salary. The balance of the vested
amount in the faculty members’ Provident Fund account may be used for partial or full payment
of this obligation of the faculty member. Upon resignation, the College is obligated to pay the
resigning employee the pro-rated salary for the month in which the employee leaves his/her
employment and any proceeds from the employee’s Provident Fund that have accumulated as of
the date of resignation. The Provident Fund distribution will be according to Provident Fund

15.2 Retirement
The retirement age at FC College is 65 years of age. In special circumstances, an individual
faculty member or administrator may be asked to continue working beyond that age. Faculty
over the age of 65 will receive an annual review by the Rector who will determine whether the
contract should be renewed. Faculty will receive notice of the retirement at the signing of the
final year of their contract.

15.3 Termination
Notwithstanding anything contained in the Regulations, the University may terminate an
employment agreement, without issuing any notice or payment of salary in lieu thereof, if the
Employee is found guilty of or there are reasonable and prima facie grounds of assumption that
the Employee has done one of the following, however, this is not exhaustive list:
a. Committed a criminal offence or an offence of moral turpitude. For the purposes of these
Regulations Offence has the same meaning as defined in the Pakistan Penal Code, 1860.
b. Intentionally submitted incorrect information about his academic/professional
qualifications and experience.
c. Taken up second employment after College working hours without prior written
permission of the Rector.
d. Disclosed any official or confidential information relating to the activities, operations,
financial exigency, and/or affairs of the FCCU to any person who is not entitled to
receive such information.
e. Committed any act or omission outside the scope of the Employment Contract which
resulted in damage or loss to property, monetary loss and/or damage to reputation of the
f. Gross incompetence where the employee fails to discharge his/her job duties and
g. In cases of serious misconduct or unprofessional conduct including excessive tardiness,
excessive absence, sexual harassment, or harassment of any other kind.
h. Any refusal to fulfil a specific job requirement if not falling in the definition of illegal,
unethical, immoral or that may place him/her in imminent danger of death or serious
injury. Such insubordination can lead to disciplinary action up to and including
i. Insubordination or refusal to perform duties in due course.

15.4 Terminations Due to Economy or Reorganization

In cases where a faculty member’s services are no longer required by the FCCU or the FCCU
does not have sufficient funds to continue supporting the position, the FCCU will give four
months’ notice or salary in lieu of notice to the faculty member that his/her position is being
15.5 Non-renewal of Contract for Faculty
a. Each faculty member receives a review at the end of their contract period to determine if
the contract should be renewed or extended. Faculty receives contracts for 1, 2, 3 or 5
years. The Academic Standards Committee reviews the faculty evaluation, conditions of
previous contracts and recommendations from the HOD and Deans. A contract may be

renewed with a stipulated condition. Failure to fulfil the condition in the subsequent
review could result in a recommendation from the Academic Standards Committee for
non-renewal of contract. Faculty who fail to meet the regular expectations of their
responsibilities during the contract period may be recommended for non-renewal by the
Academic Standards Committee.
b. Any faculty on a visiting contract should not expect a contract renewal review. A one-
year temporary contract is ordinarily not reviewed by Academic Standards Committee.
c. All recommendations for non-renewal of full-time regular faculty are forwarded to the
Rector for final disposition.
d. All members of the Academic Standards Committee that need to be reviewed for contract
renewal are forwarded for the Rector’s resolution.
e. All faculty who are at or above retirement age are referred for the Rector’s review and
decision. Except in exceptional cases, contracts are normally given for a year but are
renewable.  The University ordinarily give one year’s notice if retirement is to be
implemented for a faculty member.
f. Any regular full-time contracted faculty will be informed by March 31 in case of non-
renewal of contract from the Human Resources Office. The recipient be given an
appointment with the Dean or Vice Rector and Chief Human Resources Officer as soon
as possible after the notice of non-renewal.

15.6 Misconduct
a. Without prejudice to the general meaning of the term “misconduct or gross misbehavior”
as stated in the definitions, the following are some illustrative acts of misconduct and
omissions on which disciplinary action may be initiated:
i. Willful insubordination or disobedience whether alone or in combination with others, to
any lawful and reasonable order of supervisor or HOD.
ii. Theft, fraud or dishonesty in connection with FCCU’s work and property.
iii. Willful damage or loss of FCCU’s property.
iv. Taking or giving bribes or illegal gratification.
v. Continual breach of policies/procedures as defined in this manual or any Law applicable
to FCCU.
vi. Drunkenness, Discourteous, riotous, violent or disorderly behavior during working hours
at the premises of FCCU or any act subversive of discipline.
vii. Chronic negligence.
viii. Making commitments beyond the scope of authority delegated by FCCU.
ix. Making commitments known to be detrimental to the interests of FCCU.
x. Whilst in the services of FCCU and without FCCU’s permission, engaging directly or
indirectly in any other business or paid occupation.
xi. Joining FCCU on the basis of any deception or false pretense.
xii. Violation of FCCU’s policies and procedures regarding use of communication and MIS
technology and privacy.
xiii. Refusing to receive any official memorandum or communication addressed to the
employee by competent authority.
xiv. Taking part in political activities while on duty.

xv. Gambling within FCCU’s office premises.
xvi. Disclosing to any unauthorized person any confidential information — including
proprietary information, in regard to processes, dealing and affairs of FCCU that may
come into the possession of the employee in the course of the employment.
xvii. Conviction by a court of law on any criminal offence involving moral turpitude.
xviii. Discrimination and harassment on the grounds of sex, race, religion, beliefs or other
xix. The use of unfair and discriminatory practices in the hiring of new employees for FCCU.
xx. Unfair or discriminatory practices in the procurement of outside contracts or services for
xxi. Providing false or misleading information in applications for employment or other
official FCCU documents.

15.7 Disciplinary Procedure

Unsatisfactory job performance or violations of College rules and regulations can result in
disciplinary action. Supervisors are expected to deal with such situations in a timely and fair
manner. In cases where unsatisfactory job performance or inappropriate workplace behavior
have occurred, employees will be informed of the nature of the problem(s), and expectations and
time frame for correcting the situation. However, if the employee fails to show expected
improvement in the areas identified within the established period, the staff member may be
suspended without pay or separated from College employment. Serious breaches of rules and
regulations or gross negligence in the performance of work, may result in immediate suspension
without pay or dismissal from employment, depending on the severity of the offense. Below are
the steps managers, academic chairs and supervisors are expected to follow in progressively
disciplining an employee for poor performance or bad behavior. They are intended to be fair, and
allow the employee opportunity for improvement where possible. It is important to note that the
College retains the right to determine the sequence of discipline in any case.

a. Oral Warning: The supervisor should inform the employee of the nature of the
unsatisfactory performance and indicate the improvement expected in a face-to-face
meeting. The supervisor will make a written notation of the discussion for his or her own
records to document that the oral warning was given.
b. Written Warning(s): If the unsatisfactory performance continues or reoccurs, the
supervisor will again discuss the problem with the employee and the employee will be
given a written warning that will state the nature of the unsatisfactory performance, the
improvement expected, and the time frame in which the improvement should occur. A
copy of the letter will be sent to the Vice Rector and CHRO and placed in the employee's
c. The employee will be allowed a reasonable period of time to correct the problem as
specified in the written warning. If the problem is one that can be easily corrected, the
improvement may be expected immediately. If the problem is more complex, a longer
period may be appropriate. In the event the behavior is not corrected or improved it may
be necessary to send a more forceful message in the form of a second written warning.
Following the completion of the period of time specified in the first written warning, a
second written warning may occur if the supervisor feels that further improvement is

necessary. Again, a copy of the letter should be sent to the Vice Rector and CHRO and
placed in the employee's file.
d. Reference to Inquiry Committee: If the expected improvement is not achieved by the
date specified or if the problem reoccurs, the case will be referred to the Inquiry
e. Establishment of an Inquiry Committee
i. Depending on the nature of the offence, HR Office in consultation with Rector
and respective HOD, may constitute an Inquiry Committee to investigate the
offence and report its findings and recommendations to the Rector. The Inquiry
Committee shall constitute at least three impartial members.
ii. The Inquiry Committee can place the concerned employee under suspension
during the process of the inquiry. No salary increases or promotions will be
considered unless the inquiry is complete and the decision announced in writing.
f. The decision reached after the inquiry will be conveyed to the concerned employee in
writing and will be filed in the employee’s personal file.
g. The policies set forth herein above are intended to provide employees with fair notice of
what is expected of them. Inevitably, however, such policies cannot envisage and address
every possible variety of conduct and performance. Therefore, employees should be
aware that conduct not specifically listed above, but which adversely affects or is
otherwise detrimental to the interests of FCCU, other employees, may also result in
disciplinary action.
h. At its own discretion, FCCU reserves the right to proceed directly to a written warning or
to terminate for misconduct or performance deficiency without resorting to prior
disciplinary steps, when FCCU deems such action appropriate in the circumstances.
i. Any employee dismissed for misconduct will not be entitled to any benefit or privileges
under these policies and procedures, or any other benefit or privilege by FCCU.
j. Dismissal from service will disqualify a person for future employment with FCCU.

15.8 Layoff
a. Layoff is defined as severance of an employee from the work force due to lack of work.
Layoff is made without prejudice and is no fault of the affected employee.

b. Selection for Layoff: When more than one employee is in a position which has been
scheduled to be discontinued, the following criteria may be considered to identify which
person is to be laid off:
i. Versatility and/or value to the department.
ii. Overall job performance as compared to others within the department.
iii. Duration of service within the department.
iv. Duration of service with the FCCU.

15.9 Suspension and other Disciplinary Actions

An employee who is found to be guilty of breach of regulations/policies and procedures of the
FCCU, or of indiscipline, or contravention of instructions / orders issued to him in connection
with official work, or who displays negligence, inefficiency, or indolence, or who knowingly
does anything detrimental to the interest of the FCCU, or is guilty of any other act of
misconduct, may be subjected to one or more of the following penalties to be decided by the

Rector based on recommendations of the Inquiry Committee and depending on the gravity of the
a. Reprimand.
b. Stoppage of increment or withholding of promotion for a specified period.
c. Forfeiture of pay for any period of unauthorized absence from duty.
d. Recovery from pay of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to FCCU by the
e. Reduction to a lower scale of pay in his grade, or to a lower grade or post.
f. Termination of service as if resignation of the employee has been accepted without
severance pay and other benefits.
g. Dismissal from service.

15.10 Authority to take Disciplinary Action

Rector or his designated committee shall have the authority to take disciplinary actions deemed
necessary in accordance with this Manual.

15.11 Grievance Policy and Process

a. In general, it is desirable that grievance procedures should be kept as informal as possible
and based on principles of mediation and conciliation. Problems involving employer-
employee relations will arise from time to time. This policy is meant to address
individual employee concerns about the application of a specific policy from this
document or the handling or a personnel matter. It is in the best interest of both the
College and the administrator, staff, or faculty member to resolve these matters as
quickly and as close to the source as possible.
b. Stated below is the review process for administrators and faculty to follow to resolve
issues. It is intended to provide additional guidance, but it should not circumvent the
typical informal means of resolving disputes that are available in each department. The
review process should not be read as establishing a formal step-by-step process with
prerequisites; rather, the supervisor or department chair may avail himself/herself of any
of the steps recommended in whatever order desired. Time is generally of the essence in
these matters. Administrators, department chairs, and supervisors should strive to deal
promptly with issues. No one may be subject to retaliation for use of the Problem
Resolution Process in good faith.
c. The usual method for addressing such problems is to bring them to the attention of the
employee’s supervisor and to attempt to resolve the matter by discussing it. Those issues
that should not be addressed through the grievance process include the following: those
that relate to faculty contracts or which involve faculty academic conduct.
d. If the matter is not resolved to the employee's satisfaction, the employee may proceed to
the supervisor's supervisor. In some cases, the employee may be asked by the
supervisor's supervisor to present the problem in writing with all relevant details and the
remedy or corrective action sought.
e. If the employee is not satisfied with the response from the supervisor(s), the employee
may take the problem to the Vice Rector who will attempt to facilitate a mutually
satisfactory agreement involving CHRO in the process.
f. If the employee is not satisfied with the response from the Vice Rector, the employee
may take the problem to the FCCU Grievance Committee. The Grievance Committee

will have five members, including two faculties, two staff members and one convener.
These individuals will be appointed annually by the Rector. Any resolution developed by
the Grievance Committee, acceptable to the employee bringing the complaint, will be
approved by the Rector before implementation.
g. If the responses from the relevant supervisor(s), the Vice Rector, and the Grievance
Committee are not satisfactory, the employee may take the matter to the Rector, who will
provide a decision that will be final and binding on all parties.
h. If an employee's immediate supervisor is the Vice Rector, the higher level of review will
be performed by the Rector.
i. In cases involving separation from the College, the employee's use of the review process
does not postpone the scheduled date for separation.

15.12 Sexual Harassment

a. Sexual Harassment is unacceptable behavior at Forman Christian College and such
behavior will be subject to disciplinary action. Harassment refers to behaviors that are
intended to be offensive, threatening or disturbing to the recipient. To harass is to
persistently annoy, attack, or bother someone. Sexual Harassment is defined as any
unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct
of a sexual nature that is offensive, embarrassing, intimidating or humiliating. This
i. Instances when the harassment has the purpose or effect of unreasonably
interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating,
hostile or offensive environment.
ii. Instances when submission to the harassment is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of fair treatment.
b. Specific examples include, but are not limited to:
i. Touching in an inappropriate way
ii. Staring or leering
iii. Requests for sex
iv. Subtle pressure for sexual activity or sexual innuendoes
v. Display of sexually explicit pictures
vi. Repeated references to various parts of the body at inappropriate times
vii. Requests for dates when the other person has made it clear that she or he is not
viii. “Hooting”, whistles, or other suggestive noises or gestures
ix. Suggestive comments or jokes
x. Insults, name-calling or taunts based on a person’s gender
xi. Derogatory graffiti referring to a person’s character or making sexual implications
xii. Sexually explicit e-mails, text messages, etc.
xiii. Spreading rumors about another person’s sexual behavior
xiv. Intrusive questions about a person’s private life or body
xv. Any romantic or sexual behavior that you would consider to be inappropriate if
directed at a member of your family.
c. Sexual harassment does not refer to compliments or other behaviors that are considered
to be socially appropriate. As we are a coeducational academic institution that serves
students from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, it is incumbent upon the

faculty and staff to take extra precautions in their interactions with the young adults in
our care.
d. There should be no relationships of a romantic or sexual nature between any faculty or
staff member and a student. There is no exception to this. Due to the position of authority
held by the faculty/staff member, this cannot be seen as consensual regardless of the
behavior of the student.
e. A student should not attempt to initiate such a relationship for any reason. There should
be no attempt by a student to gain better grades or access to exams or assignments by
encouraging or offering such relationships. If a student attempts to initiate such a
relationship, it is the responsibility of the faculty/staff member to clearly and immediately
put an end to that situation. If the student persists, the faculty or staff member should
report to their supervisor and refuse to meet with or be in contact with the student from
that point forward unless his or her supervisor is present. Any pursuit of such
relationships by a faculty or staff member should be immediately reported to the
counsellor or the Chief Student Affairs Officer.
f. All faculty and staff members are required to report instances of harassment if they are
aware. Any faculty or staff member encouraging a student not to report such instances
will be subject to disciplinary action.
g. If any person is informed of a case of harassment, he or she is expected to report the
allegation to the appropriate person immediately. In no case shall a victim of harassment
be told not to tell or report such an instance. Anyone encouraging a victim to remain
silent or failing to report an instance of harassment will result in disciplinary action. In
the case of a student victim, it should be reported to the Counsellor or to the Dean of
Student Affairs. For employees, inquiry committees have been set up.
h. Inquiry Committee: FC College has adopted the Code of Conduct outlined in the
Protection against the Harassment of Women Act of 2010. In the case of a faculty or staff
victim, the inquiry committees are as follows:
For Faculty:
 Dr. Arfa Syeda (Chair)
 Dr. Ryan Brasher
 Dr. Lubna Amer
 Dr. Sara Rizvi Jafree
For Staff, the committee will be:
 Ms. Cheryl Burke (Chair)
 Ms. Eileen Dass
 Mr. Asif Anwar
Rector is the competent authority for implementation of this code. The link to that full
document can be found at:
15.13 Workplace Violence
a. Anyone who believes that he or she is a victim of threatening or violent conduct in the
workplace, or who observes such behavior or believes a credible threat of such behavior
exists, should immediately report the conduct to his/her supervisor/HOD. Those who

make such reports in good faith will be protected from any retaliatory employment

b. Prohibited Conduct
Prohibited conduct in the FCCU workplace includes violent behavior, physical attacks,
verbal or physical threats of violence, physical intimidation, stalking, and property
damage committed by or against any faculty or staff, or any graduate, or undergraduate
student employed at the FCCU. Prohibited conduct does not encompass lawful acts of
self-defense or the defense of others. Most personal situations need not be reported to
competent authority unless they pose a risk of violence in the workplace. Examples of
personal situations that could pose a risk of violence in the workplace and should be
reported to the appropriate authority at FCCU include, but are not limited to:
i. Incidents or threats of domestic violence against an employee where it is possible that the
threatening party could seek out the employee at work;
ii. Receipt of threatening or harassing telephone calls, emails, or other communications;
iii. Unwanted pursuit or threats by an outside party who has been observed at or near the
workplace; and
iv. Any situation in which an employee has obtained a protective or restraining order naming
his or her workplace as a prohibited area of contact.

c. The prevention of workplace violence is a shared responsibility. Specific responsibilities

are described below.

i. An Employee at FCCU should:

 Report violent incidents or threats of imminent violence to his/her supervisor/HOD
 Report warning signs of actual or potential violent or hostile behavior that may affect the
workplace as soon as possible to his/her supervisor/HOD or HR Office
 Be alert to behaviors or attitudes that may be indicators of disruptive, threatening, or
violent behaviors such as: recent changes in behavior, appearance, or demeanor; work or
personal crisis; withdrawal from normal activities or contacts; substance abuse; threats or
references to violence or self-harm; possession of or fascination with weapons; and
expressions of being wronged, humiliated, or degraded.

ii. HODs and Supervisors:

 Ensure awareness of this policy by faculty and staff, as well as by graduate, and
undergraduate student employees within areas of supervision.
 Forward the concerned employee’s complaint to HR-Dept. or Director of Safety &
 Take appropriate steps to protect those who report threatening behavior from retaliation.
 Participate in planning and response efforts to mitigate the risk of workplace violence.

iii. FCCU’s HR Office:

 Respond to reports of workplace violence and emergency situations and coordinate with
other law enforcement agencies.
 Advise and coordinate with the Office of the Rector and other affected departments on
appropriate responses to threats of workplace violence.

 Take appropriate steps to protect those who report threatening behavior from retaliation.
 Ensure the effective implementation of this policy by collaborating with hiring
 Review reports of potential workplace violence or hostility affecting employees, consult
other campus units as appropriate, and recommend appropriate responses.
 Oversee disciplinary action against employees who have violated the policy.
 Coordinate preventive measures to encourage a safe and secure workplace.

15.14 Appeal
Any employee who has been dismissed from service can appeal to the Rector who shall refer the
case to the Grievance Committee for an impartial investigation and recommendation to the
Rector whether the case needs to be reviewed. The decision taken by the Rector will be final.

16. Security and safety procedure

16.1 Aim
To develop effective SOP's and to discuss possible contingencies that the terrorists can resort to
and how best to counter them ensuring protection of students, faculty, staff and Expats, while
they are on campus.

16.2 Introduction
Terrorism in Pakistan has taken a new dimension ever since the institution of comprehensive
military operations in vulnerable regions followed by combing operations in major and minor
city centers. Government of Pakistan, under its counterterrorism initiatives has also targeted
abettors and facilitators as well as organizations assisting and expediting terrorist elements
within its territorial jurisdiction. The new wave of terrorism has been prominently evident after
the APS Peshawar attack where a significant number of school children were targeted. The
attack on Bacha Khan University at Charsadda also signified a change in target patterns by
terrorist elements.
The psychological impact of a terrorist strike alone can cause serious damage to status quo
performance of duties and can severely dent routine affairs. A terrorist strike can be to achieve
one or more of the following:
a. Destruction of a high value installation (academic institutions or important
military / Government installations)
b. Creating panic and fear to disrupt daily routine / businesses
c. Disrupting law enforcement by spreading confusion and pandemonium
d. Indiscriminate targeting of civilian non-combatant targets for psychological
e. Hostage situation to force fulfilment of demands
f. Inducing and inciting civil unrest to compel unnecessary expenditure on
preservation of state

After the APS Peshawar and Bacha Khan Charsadda attacks, educational institutions are also
required to make comprehensive security arrangements to protect both its population and
maintain infrastructural integrity. Over last few years, prevailing security situation in the region

and, in particular in Pakistan has been deteriorating with every passing day. In response to recent
military operation against Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in the FATA region, the situation
has turned worst with an increase in terrorist attacks especially on the most sensitive targets
(military installations). This is a clear indication that terrorist can strike anywhere if they wish to
do so, ignoring any fool proof security arrangements.

Forman Christian College University also houses a vast diversity of students with respect to
religious beliefs. Our campus is home to not only students but faculty members and
administrative staff comprising of both local and foreign nationals. Our campus maintains both
infrastructural diversity and subsequent vulnerability in worst-case eventualities. The more
recent declaration by terrorist organizations to target educational institutions dispensing Western
education puts us at a very high risk probability. This makes us vulnerable beyond comparison to
other institutions and thus stresses that a very wide-ranging spectrum be designed for campus
integrity and security. We are required to adopt effective security measures that are based upon
offering maximum denial of success to terrorist or criminal elements in completion of their goals
as well as efficient security apparatus to encourage both confidence and performance of our
mission with maximum efficiency.

16.3 Mission
To protect FCCU campus against any security threat at all cost, by adopting denial measures to
terrorist attacks with a view to adopting following parameters:
a. Timely and accurate threat assessment to assist in a balanced judgment by
security team
b. Defined roles and responsibilities of various University departments
c. Reliable communication and reporting procedures
d. Clearly defined lines of actions between University administration and active
security team.

16.4 Threat Perceptions

We are prone to the following threat perceptions that must be considered while designing a
security plan:
a. Discreet entry of armed assailants from vulnerable campus sector for exerting
maximum collateral damage
b. Discreet / Forced entry of suicide attackers
c. Placement of camouflaged explosive or incendiary devices on or around campus;
Improvised Explosive Devices or IEDs
d. Forced entry of vehicle borne explosive or incendiary devices; Vehicle Borne
Improvised Explosive Devices or VBIEDs
e. Presence of arms and ammunition on campus
f. Abduction of Expatriates, students or faculty members for ransom or other
nefarious purposes
g. Religious / communal aggression or rioting and agitation for political purposes
h. Impersonation or forged documentation to gain access to campus for disruption of
campus integrity through criminal or terrorist activities
i. Vandalism on or around campus parameter

j. Presence of unidentified personnel or equipment or vehicle on or around campus
k. Use of campus jurisdiction for trade in illicit or contraband items
l. Any other anomaly thereof

16.5 FCCU Emergency Preparedness Program

If there is an emergency on campus, would you know about it in time? Can you locate the
nearest exit in your building; below are some key emergency preparedness items you should
The FCCU Alert Emergency Notification System enables fast and efficient dissemination of
critical information to members of the University / College community during a major
emergency via text messaging, email and via the FCCU Outdoor Siren System.

a. Siren sound
• Siren sound, freeze (Stop whatever you are doing i.e., stop teaching) and wait for
the SMS or e-mail message
• Be calm
• Take appropriate action as per the situation / message

B. Information you should inform the university security / law enforcement agency, if


• Location of suspicious activity
• Details of suspicious activity
• Location of object
• Detail of object


• Location of the active shooter
• Number of shooters
• Physical description of shooters
• Number and type of weapons held by shooters
• Number of potential victims at the location
• Kindly register in cell phone for speed dial in an emergency situation


a. FCCU SECURITY 0334-4304836
b. POLICE 15
d. ANTI TERRORISM 1717 or 8330

c. Profile of an active shooter

An active shooter is an individual or group actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill
people in a confined and populated area, typically through the use of firearms

d. Characteristics of an active shooter situation
• Victims are selected at random
• The event is unpredictable and evolves quickly
• Law enforcement is usually required to end an active shooter situation

e. Coping with an active shooter situation

• Be aware of your environment and any Possible dangers
• Take note of the two nearest exits in any Facility you visit
• If you are in office, stay there and Secure the door
• Attempt to take the active shooter down as a last resort

f. How to respond when an active shooter is in your vicinity

• Have an escape route and plan in mind
• Leave your belongings behind
• Keep your hands visible

• Hide in an area out of the shooter’s view
• Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors
• Silence your cell phone and / or pager
• Keep close to floor and crawl outside in case of smoke.
• Keep yourself calm

• As a last resort and only when your life is in imminent danger attempt to
incapacitate the shooter
• Act with physical aggression and throw items at the active shooter

g. When law enforcement arrives

• Remain calm and follow instruction
• Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets)
• Raise hands and spread fingers
• Keep hands visible at all times
• Avoid quick movements towards officers such as holding on to them for safety
• Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
• Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating8. General
Administrative Policies

16.6 Possession of Dangerous Articles

University faculty, students, staff whether working or not, may not possess or use weapons of
any kind, ammunition, gunpowder, fireworks, explosives, and other dangerous articles and
substances in University buildings or on University property. Employees are encouraged to keep
any dangerous articles in a safe place in their homes or other personal space off campus. Normal

laboratory materials are excluded from this policy when used in a laboratory setting. Individuals
employed as contract security guards may be given authorization to carry, keep, and handle
pistols, firearms and ammunition.

Specific classifications of employees may be required to utilize dangerous articles or hazardous

materials on campus to carry out their job duties. Each school or department is responsible for
monitoring the use of dangerous articles or hazardous materials in its areas.

17. Office of Communications & Publications Policies

The following policies pertain to the functions of the Office of Communications and Publications
and the services it offers to in-house clients (academic and administrative offices).
17.1 Brand Usage

The Office of Communications and Publications maintains the manual for the University’s logo
and the stationery including word mark and Watermark. These registered marks are the sole
property of the University and may be applied to products, publications and other
communication vehicles only with the oversight and permission of the University’s
Communication Office. All official stationery and business cards will be designed and approved
by the university Communication Office.
Target audiences
The Office of Communications and Publications identifies the following as the University’s
target audience.
Primary audience
a) Students
The two broad categories are prospective and current. Students can be further divided
into Intermediate, Baccalaureate, Postgraduate and Executive Education segments. FCCU
attracts students from both urban and rural areas of Pakistan as well as abroad. The
largest segment is from Punjab.
b) Alumni
FCCU has a very large registered alumni association. These are not only essential in
spreading positive word-of-mouth about FCCU but are also an important donor segment.
Secondary audience
a) Parents
Parents are an important target segment, particularly for Intermediate. Also for most
prospective student’s parents are an important influence on decision making since they
finance their education.

b) Donors (Friends of FCCU)

Being a not-for-profit, FCCU requires the help of numerous donors, is able to sustain its
objective of providing the resources the students need for a world class education. Donors
need to stay informed of University activities. They also need to be motivated to interact
and build a long lasting relationship with the University.
University Name
The University’s name can only be written in the first reference made to it in any official
document as:
Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)
The University may be referred to only as either of the following terms after the first reference:
i. University
ii. The University
iii. FCCU
iv. The University’s…
v. FCCU’s
Font for University Name
a. The correct font for the University’s name is Copperplate Gothic Bold. This font must be
used for the University’s name in all official document headings. Regular fonts may be
used in the body text of such documents. Following is a correct representation of the
University name in the correct font:
Forman Christian College (A Chartered University)
b. The recommended fonts in Microsoft Word for body text are:
Book Antiqua, Georgia, Times New Roman, Sylfaen and Arial.
c. The use of multiple colors and fonts on the same page, presentation slide is strongly
The Name and Address of the University on Official Correspondence
The official University name, address and telephone number to appear on all official FCCU
correspondence is as follows:
Forman Christian College
(A Chartered University)
Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54600 Pakistan
Phone 92-42-9923-1581 to 1588, Extension: xxx
Fax 92-42-9923-0703
Email: (Each department may also provide their own email address)

University Logo
The University logo is to accompany the University’s word mark, or official correspondence,
University publications and on products licensed to FCCU. The use of the logo in relation to the

word mark is to be reviewed by the Office of Communications and Publications. Any suggested
changes should be brought to the Office of Communications and Publications for review. The
Office of Communications and Publications will, in consultation with appropriate bodies, decide
any changes whatsoever.
The following versions are the correct versions of the FCCU logo. These versions are the ONLY
ones that may be used:

a. The FCCU logo can ONLY be used in black, blue or white on a darker color. The logo
CANNOT be used in any other color.
b. The Communications Office reserves the right to introduce variations of the FCCU logo
as and when needed (for e.g. for FCCU’s 150th Anniversary).
University Color Palette
Following are the acceptable colors for FCCU’s logo and font:

(RGB: 0:0:0)

17.2 Policy
& Procedures for Releasing News and Inviting Media
Personnel to Cover Campus Events

Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) has a responsibility and a commitment to

disseminate information about its programs and activities and to be responsive to media
enquiries. Press coverage of the activities of FCCU is one way the institution can receive positive
visibility and support, while the University’s prompt, fair, and accurate public response to
challenging issues can reassure its constituents and the general public.
This policy details how information about the University is announced to the
public, the role of the Office of Communications, and each employee’s
responsibility in the release of official information about the University or its
position. All units and employees of the University are expected to, without exception, to follow

the official procedures before submitting any information about Forman Christian College (A
Chartered University) to any media that disseminates information to the public.
Forman Christian College (A Chartered University) should be proactive in disseminating
effective image building news. The University will have special procedures for disseminating
reactive news about emergencies, crimes, controversies, official positions on issues involving the
college and other events to which the press has a reasonable claim linking employees with
reporters seeking their expertise.

Releasing News to Media

Media exposure should promote the University and reflect its core values. Media relations are
managed by the Communications Office which will be responsible for maintaining the image
and representation of the university. All outside entities involved with FCCU for any media-
related activity must sign and abide by a media contract that resides with the Communications
The Communications Office will maintain a list of selected media contacts who can assist in
promoting and reporting about FCCU’s events, developments, ceremonies, admissions, and
placement. The media contact list whether drafted by a staff member or a hired agency will be
considered property of FCCU. All departments and FCCU personnel must go through the
Communications Office for a designated activity or event and maintain a controlled
The Communications Office will:
a. Be in regular contact with the media, and cultivate positive relationships with the media
b. Prepare the news to be released to the media in an accurate and professional manner. An
electronic copy of any official University news release form may be obtained from the
Head of Communications and Publications.
c. Departments requesting a news release may email the pertinent information to the Head
of Communications and Publications. This news release may then be edited for clarity
and consistency by the Office of Communications and Publications before being released
to the media. The requisitioning department may indicate any preferred newspaper for the
publishing of the news item.
d. Departments/offices may also request the presence of the Marketing Officer at the event
to be publicized. The Officer will then create the news release to be sent to the media.
Such a request may only be made at least two days prior to the event.
e. A copy of the request and the basic outline of the appropriate news release on file should
be given immediately to the Rector, or in the absence of the Rector, to the person
designated by the Rector to represent the University in a crisis or situation requiring
reactive news release.
Requesting Media Coverage on Campus Events

a. A completed Media Request Form (circulated by the Communications Office and
available on the University website) must be submitted to the Office of Communications
and Publications no later than one week prior to the date of event. Rush events will only
be considered on a need-to basis.
b. On returning the completed form, the Office of Communications and Publications will
inform the contact person about any additional information needed or to schedule a
c. The Office of Communications and Publications will submit a list of the media personnel
invited to the Security Office.
d. Departments requesting a news release along with media presence should indicate this on
the Media Request Form.
Media Strategy Process Flow:
a. The Communications Office, in coordination with the University Rector will determine
an overall yearly strategy mentioning whether the University is looking at a media
intensive strategy or a low profile for the year. The parameters to decide this could
involve the conditions in the country and the initiatives that the University is planning.
b. The plan to be conveyed to the Communications Office at the start of the year.
c. The departments at FCCU may provide a list of their yearly media needs based on their
work cycle to the Communications Office for up to 6 months.
d. The yearly plan can be reviewed based on changing scenarios and need.
e. All record of media exposures to be maintained with the Communications Office, be it
print or electronic and these records would become part of the University Archives.
f. To protect the university image, any photographs or video coverage done by any media
entity be approved by the Communications Office before airing or publishing.
17.3 Requesting Photography or Coverage for On-Campus Events
a. A completed Photography Request Form (circulated by the Communications Office and
available on the University website) must be submitted to the Office of Communications
and Publications no later than three working days prior to the date of event.
b. The Photography Request Form is applicable only for events held on workdays, Monday
through Friday. For photography on weekends, departments will be required to make
alternate arrangements.
c. The Communications Office does not offer videography. However, videography services
may be hired through the Office.
d. On returning the completed form, the Office of Communications and Publications will
inform the contact person about any additional information needed or to schedule a
e. In the event that a department requests photography of human subjects for a project, the
Communications Office will request the subjects for consent for use of their photos
17.4 Requesting Print and/or Digital Publications
a. A completed Publications Request Form (circulated by the Communications Office and
available on the University website) must be submitted to the Office of Communications

and Publications no later than eight weeks prior to the date of delivery of the project.
Rush projects (of up to 4-page publications only) will be considered only after approval
from the direct report of the concerned Head of Department.
b. At the time of submission of the Publications Request Form, the Department must
indicate if the Purchase Office has been notified of this project and if a vendor has been
assigned to the project by the Purchase Office. In the event that a vendor has not been
assigned, the Communications Office will coordinate with the Purchase Office in this
c. If the requesting department is expending their own budget for a particular order, they
must ensure that an online Purchase Requisition has been raised prior to placing the final
d. The Office of Communications and Publications will provide mock-ups of the project to
the contact person designated from the requisitioning department. Providing mock-ups to
other individuals, who must review the project, will be the responsibility of the contact
person. The contact person may ask the Office of Communications and Publications for
variations in the design.
e. The completion of each project depends on the provision of the required
information/content, which must be provided prior to the beginning of the project.
f. The Publications Request Form is applicable to publications including, but not limited to,
flexes, booklets, brochures, pamphlets, greeting cards, prospectuses, handbooks, and
promotional material of any kind.
g. The content provided to the Office of Communications and Publications must be final.
No major changes/additions/corrections will be accepted after submission of the content.
Placement of FCCU Logo on Backdrops and Banners
Departments may, through the Purchase Office ask for vendors to be assigned for making
banners and backdrops for official events. The following are design specifications that must be
shared with such vendors.
Backdrop 10x8 square feet

Leave 3% space Logo 10%

FCCU’s logo (10%) preceding

society logo (7%)



Vertical/Horizontal Banners
Banner Horizontal 9x3 square feet

Leave 3% space FCCU’s Logo 10%

Society logo 7%

Banner 5x2 sq. ft. KEY MESSAGE/

Leave 3% space

FCCU’s Logo 20%

Department/ Society logo 7%



17.5 University Stationery

Only administrative offices and academic units may have official university stationery in the
form of letterheads and stamps.
Letterheads, Envelopes
a. All letterheads and continuation sheets will follow a uniform design. The design will be
kept in the Communications Office.
b. Names of individuals will not be printed on stationery. Only titles of offices such as
Office of the Rector, Office of the Vice Rector etc. or titles of academic departments
(such as Department of Political Science) may be printed on the letterhead headers.
c. University stationery will be available in 8-1/2x11 and in 4-1/4 x 6-1/2.
d. The design and format for all official stationery / envelopes used by University offices
calls for logo, word mark and watermark. This will be available in the Communications
e. The use of University stationery or business cards for other than bona-fide FCCU
business is prohibited. Individuals or offices may not use official University stationery
for communicating personal views, positions or findings to state or media agencies or to
transmit professional opinions/findings that might give the impression that these
opinions/findings reflect the views of the University.
f. Use of University stationery or business cards or other official university trademarks or
documents to further an individual’s private business interest or to express political or
personal viewpoints is explicitly forbidden.
g. The official University name, address and telephone number to appear on all official
FCCU correspondence is as follows:
Forman Christian College
(A Chartered University)
Ferozepur Road, Lahore 54600 Pakistan
Phone: 92-42-9923-1581 to 1588, Extension: xxx
Fax: 92-42-923-0703
Email: (Each department may also provide their own email
Visiting Cards
a. Orders for stationery and visiting cards are processed through the Office of
Communications and Publications for uniformity of design. All teaching faculty can
submit a request for visiting cards by submitting a completed Visiting Cards Request
Form (circulated by the Communications Office and available on the University website)
no later than two weeks prior to the desired date of delivery. Non-teaching staff may
request for visiting cards if they have public dealing that required them to use visiting
b. All employees need to get approval from their respective heads of the departments for the
visiting cards.
c. All designated employees will get the visiting cards made with the cost charged to their
respective department.
d. The design, format, dimensions, colors and the logo position will be housed with the
Communication Office, and will be used for all the business cards for all University
e. Only official titles may be used on the visiting cards.
f. Certain standards will be adhered to in identifying individuals by title, degree and/or
office providing flexibility in special cases. The Communications Office has the final
authority on what can and cannot be listed in the visiting cards.
g. Staff members who do not have public dealing positions may be not be issued visiting

a. Orders for stamps are processed through the Office of Communications and Publications
for uniformity of design.
b. Stamps may only be issued to the Head of Department for academic or administrative
c. Faculty may not request stamps unless they are HEC-recognized research supervisors. In
such an event, the faculty member must obtain the consent of his/her concerned Head of
d. Names of individuals will not be printed on stamps. Only titles of offices such as Office
of the Rector, Office of the Vice Rector etc. or titles of academic departments (such as
Department of Political Science) may be printed on the stamps. The only exceptions to
these are faculty members who are HEC-recognized research supervisors.
e. The cost for stamps made for each department will be charged to the Communications
f. The use of University stamps is forbidden for endorsing any correspondence other than
that of FCCU. Individuals or offices may not use stamps for endorsing personal views,
political standing and positions or findings to any external or internal audience or agency.
g. FCCU’s stamps may not be used to endorse professional opinions/findings that might
give the impression that these opinions/findings reflect the views of the University.
h. The Communications and Human Resources Offices will maintain an inventory of the
stamps issued.
i. All individuals issued stamps must ensure that the stamp is stored in a secure manner so
as to eliminate any possibility of misuse.
j. All individuals issued stamps must ensure that the stamp is handed over to their reporting
head at least 2 weeks prior to leaving office. An email confirming this handing over must
be sent to the Communications and Human Resources Offices to update their records.
k. The official seal for the University is held only by the Registrar’s Office.
17.6 University Website
a. The website will be administered by the Office of Communications and Publications.
b. News, event announcement and updates about faculty/staff/student accomplishments may
be emailed to the Communications Office for publishing on the website.
c. The Communications Office holds the final authority in editing the content for the
d. Student societies, offices, academic departments, conferences and other events are not
entitled to separate websites. FCCU encourages the use of the main University website
for disseminating information.
e. Only the following centers are eligible for websites separate from the main University
 Intermediate section
 Centre for Public Policy and Governance
 Ewing Memorial Library
 Centre of Learning and Teaching

17.7 Social Media
a. The social media of the University is administered by the Office of Communications and
b. News, event announcement and updates about faculty/staff/student accomplishments may
be emailed to the Communications Office for publishing on University-owned social
c. Student societies, offices, academic departments, conferences and other events may
create social media pages only after the consent of the Communications Office. The
requesting department must appoint a member of the Communications Office and admin
of the social media page.
d. The Communications Office will reserve the right to edit information on these social
media pages for grammar and language.
17.8 Advertising
a. The Office of Communications and Publications advertises admissions in all programs as
a part of its regular annual admissions advertising campaign.
b. Requests for admissions-related or other advertisements to be published in newspapers
made after the conclusion of the regular admissions cycle may only be made through the
Vice Rector’s Office. The requesting department may be asked to cover the expense for
such special advertising. Such requests need to be made at least 4 working days prior to
the desired date of publishing.
c. In the event that the requesting department must cover the expense for such special
advertising, the department must ensure that an online Purchase Requisition has been
raised prior to placing the order and that the PR number has been emailed to the Head of
Communications and Publications. In the event that an online Purchase Requisition has
not been raised, the Office of Communications and Publications will reserve the right to
cancel publication of such advertisements.
17.9 Merchandise
a. The Office of Communications and Publications produces branded merchandise for the
University to strengthen its brand image.
b. The Office cannot entertain requests for customized merchandise except for small
commemorative items such as mugs and pens which are event specific. Requests for
custom mugs or pens for special events must reach the Communications Office at least 3
weeks prior to the event date.
c. Student societies, offices, academic departments, conferences and other events may
purchase merchandise already available with the Communications Office through cash or
designated budget. Merchandise is requested through a form available on the website. For
merchandise purchased through budget deduction by filling out a form must be signed by
the relevant department head and the Accounts Office to verify budget.
d. Salary deductions or discounts are not available for FCCU faculty and staff.
e. Merchandise availability is subject to items available in stock.

18. Purchasing process
Purchase Request Creation in Microix System
a. Basic Requirements
i. Creation of user in Microix (as advised by HOD)
ii. Creating user authorities as per role
iii. Creating the unique workflow (How the Purchase Request will move through Approval
iv. Availability of Approved Budget for the Department
b. After completing the above steps, the user and all the persons involved in the workflow
are provided brief overview of Microix system and hands on training for creating the
‘Purchase Request’ and ‘Request Items from Inventory’ documents.
c. Purchase Requests can be submitted for approval only if the budgets are available.
d. All purchases must be received (Goods Received Note) by the requisitioning department
in the system.
e. Accounts Department will pay the suppliers after all the documentation is complete.
f. All fixed assets purchases are routed through “Fixed Assets Department’ for need
g. All technology related purchases are routed through Chief Information Officer for need
h. Approved budgets are maintained by Accounts Department.

Training can be provided by IT Department.

(For Further Information Please see Purchasing Policies and Procedures)

19. FCCU Repair & Maintenance

The complaints to workshop are received by Emails to whereas the
emergency complaints are received through phone calls (Ext. 446 & 447). The complaints which
are then reviewed for their priority and later necessary actions are taken. All complaints are
given an immediate response and are fixed in minimum possible time, depending on complaint
type and material availability. At that point, a store requisition is prepared to get the material to
fix the complaint if the required material is available in central store. In case of unavailability of
the required material in the central store, a purchase requisition is prepared and submitted in
purchase office. The complaint is fixed as soon as we receive the material from purchase office.

20. Information Technology

The Information Technology Services (ITS) is located in Ahmed Saeed Administration Building.
Information Technology Services department at FCCU functions to improve the effectiveness of
information technology across campus and better balance/assist common and distributed IT
services required by our Forman Faculty. ITS strive 24/7 to deliver timely and effective
responses to the requirements of the faculty, students, and staff, provide reliable communication
and computing infrastructure to the University community, extend the ITS support management
service across campus and optimize the use of resources. ITS have the ability to use our skills
and knowledge to provide workable solutions. ITS want to make sure to provide engaged
services with the resources needed to support FCCU community.

(For further information, please see IT Policy)


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