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% Exam Template for UMTYMP and Math Department courses

% Using Philip Hirschhorn's exam.cls:
% run pdflatex on a finished exam at least three times to do the grading table on
front page.

% These lines can probably stay unchanged, although you can remove the last
% two packages if you're not making pictures with tikz.
\RequirePackage{amssymb, amsfonts, amsmath, latexsym, verbatim, xspace, setspace}
\RequirePackage{tikz, pgflibraryplotmarks}

% By default LaTeX uses large margins. This doesn't work well on exams; problems
% end up in the "middle" of the page, reducing the amount of space for students
% to work on them.

% Here's where you edit the Class, Exam, Date, etc.

\newcommand{\class}{Computer Ethics (COMP 401)}
\newcommand{\term}{Spring 2016}
\newcommand{\examnum}{Final Exam}
\newcommand{\examdate}{27 May 2016}
\newcommand{\timelimit}{1 Hour 30 minutes}

% For an exam, single spacing is most appropriate

% \onehalfspacing
% \doublespacing

% For an exam, we generally want to turn off paragraph indentation

\parindent 0ex


% These commands set up the running header on the top of the exam pages
\runningheader{\class}{\examnum\ - Page \thepage\ of \numpages}{\examdate}

\begin{tabular}{p{2.8in} r l}
\textbf{\class} & \textbf{Name:} & \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}\\
\textbf{\term} &&\\
\textbf{\examnum} &&\\
\textbf{\examdate} &&\\
\textbf{Time Limit: \timelimit} & Roll no: & \makebox[2in]{\hrulefill}

This exam contains \numpages\ pages (including this cover page) and
\numquestions\ problems. Check to see if any pages are missing. Enter
all requested information on the top of this page, and put your initials
on the top of every page, in case the pages become separated.\\

The following rules apply:\\


\item You may \textbf{not} use your books, notes, mobile phone, smart watch, or any
calculator on this exam.

\item Organize your work, in a reasonably neat and coherent way, in the space
provided. Work scattered all over the page without a clear ordering will receive \
textbf{NO} credit.

\item Mysterious or unsupported answers will receive \textbf{ZERO} credit.

\item Select only one option for the multiple choice or true/faluse questions.
Cutting, overwriting, selecting multiple options will receive \textbf{NO} credit.


Do not write in the table to the right.

\addpoints % required here by exam.cls, even though questions haven't started yet.
\gradetable[v]%[pages] % Use [pages] to have grading table by page instead of

\newpage % End of cover page

% See for full documentation, but the
% below give an idea of how to write questions [with parts] and have the points
% tracked automatically on the cover page.

% \huge Blank Page



\question[30] For each of the following questions, select the best possible option.
Each question is worth 2 marks:


\part The number of IT jobs is increasing by 30 percent, and the number of

computer science majors is only increasing by 15 percent. This implies a labor
\item True %% CORRECT
\item False

\part What are computer ethics?

\item An honest, moral code that should be followed when on the
computer %% CORRECT
\item A computer program about honesty
\item A computer that fits on or under a desk
\item A list of commandments in the Bible

\part Thou shalt not create \underline{\hspace{2.5cm}} software or games.

\item Difficult
\item Copyrighted
\item Easy
\item Harmful %% CORRECT

\part What is NOT an example of cyberbullying?

\item Creating an embarassing picture of your classmate and forwarding
it to your friend's email addresses
\item Sending someone a mean text
\item Bullying someone in the hallway %% CORRECT
\item Threatening someone in an instant message

\part Which of the following is NOT a rule listed in Computer Discovery 's
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics?
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to email. %% CORRECT
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to cyberbully.
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to interfere with other people' s
computer work.
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to be nosy or snoop into other
people 's computer files.
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.

\part Which is an example of plagiarism?

\item Reading a paragraph online and re-typing it in your own words.
\item Copying and pasting someone else's work into your paper using
qoutation marks and citing the author
\item Typing a paper in your own words
\item Copying and pasting a sentence from the Internet into your paper.

\part Which of the following is NOT a rule listed in Computer Discovery's Ten
Commandments of Computer Ethics?
\item Thou shalt not copy copyrighted software and materials.
\item Thou shalt not let others borrow your computer. %% CORRECT
\item Thou shalt not use a computer to plagiarize.
\item Thou shalt respect other at all times when using the computer.

\part Which is NOT a consequence of plagiarism?

\item You can get kicked out of college.
\item You can make a zero on your assignment.
\item You can get fired from your job.
\item You could get a warning from your college professor. %% CORRECT



\question[33] Answer the following short questions \textbf{WITHIN} the space given
\addpoints % If you remove this line, the grading table will show 20 points for
this problem.

\part[2] What is ``Computer ethics"? \\

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\part[2] Can we use normal ethical laws to resolve delimas related to
computers? Give reason. \\ % No we cant, policy void
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\part[2] Thou shalt not create \underline{\hspace{4.5cm}} software or

games. \\
\part[3] What is plagiarism? Give 2 examples. \\
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\part[2] Does the advancement of technology force us to review basic ethical

laws? Why or why not? \\
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\underline{\hspace{\textwidth}} \\

\part[3] An unknown and ever growing number of people world wide copy
software and music and video files without paying for them. Has the idea of
ownership changed? Has the idea that one should not take what belongs to another
changed? How? \\
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\part[3] People use phony names to post information about people onto
websites and chat rooms and bulletin boards. The information is not always
accurate and sometimes false and sometimes hurtful. Is there something going on in
the virtual world where the rules of the everyday world do not apply? \\
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\part[3] What is intellectual property? How does it differ from physical

property? Give 2 examples of intelectual properly. \\
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\part[3] Can we use traditional laws for physical property to resolve

problems related to intellectual property? Give reasons to support your answer. \\
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\part[5] A company sets a group of programmers to a rather large task in

developing a set of interrelated programs to handle various activities of the
company. The programmers look at the software available on the market as they go
about their work and find a rather useful set of instructions or program contained
in a software program readily available for sale in the market place. They are
thinking of using those instructions (the code) in their own program.

What harm is there in that? Is there anything morally incorrect in their

doing so? Give reasons for your answer. \\
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\part[5] In a high school a small group of students are close friends and
spend a good deal of time together. They, like many young people, enjoyed playing
and sharing games played with and on computers. Some of them with good computer
skills made copies of nearly all the software games that the group had. These
games were all copyrighted software.

A few of the parents became aware of what was going on. How should they
respond? What ethical principles might they use in reaching their moral
decision? \\
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\question[67] Answer the following short questions \textbf{WITHIN} the space given

\part[2] How did the field of computer ethics began? \\

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\part[2] What do you know about ELIZA? \\

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\part[4] A programmer for a large investment firm wants to develop a program

that will make investment decisions based on data entered into the program
automatically each day from various markets. Who or what would be held accountable
and responsible for investments that lose money? \\
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\part[6] What is corporeal personal property? What is Incorporeal personal

property? Give 2 examples for each of these. \\
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\part[3] What does it mean by property ``Possession"? \\
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\part[4] Can you think of a way to protect ideas? How effective it is? \\
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\part[3] What's LGPL licence? What kind of restrictions does it place on the
software? \\
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\part[2] What is open-source software? \\

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\part[6] Can you list 3 benifits and 3 drawbacks of open-source software? \\

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\part[3] Can you think of ways with which you can steal something which is
not physical? i.e: you can't touch it, smell it, see it or even feel it ! \\
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\part[3] With respect to computer technology, what is the difference between

thieft and piracy? \\
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\part[4] Describe ethical issues involved in cybersquatting. \\

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\part[4] Can you think of companies or websites involved in data-mining? What

are the boundries beyond which data mining becomes an ethical dilemma? \\
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\part[4] Are social media websites doing anything unethical? If yes then how
they are continuing to get away with it? \\
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\part[4] Suppose a company has a majority of lazy employees. Is it ethical to

monitor them with hidden cameras or keyloggers? (given the fact that the company
can replace inefficient resources at any time) \\
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\part[3] Is hacking always evil? Describe scenarios when it is not (apart

from the terrorist account hacking !!!) \\
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\part[3] Why would someone produce low quality software? \\

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\part[3] If a software has 300 million lines of code. There are expected 0.5
bugs per 1000 lines of code. What is the total number of expected bugs that this
software has? \\
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\part[4] What is product liability? Keeping this in view then why do big
companies compromise on quality? \\
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