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7/31/22, 7:26 PM The Bean Validation reference implementation.

- Hibernate Validator

Hibernate Validator
The Bean Validation reference

stable (7.0)


Express validation rules in a standardized way using annotation-based constraints and

benefit from transparent integration with a wide variety of frameworks.

Application layer agnostic validation

Hibernate Validator allows to express and validate application constraints.
The default metadata source are annotations, with the ability to override
and extend through the use of XML. It is not tied to a specific application
tier or programming model and is available for both server and client
application programming. But a simple example says more than 1000

public class Car {


private String manufacturer;


@Size(min = 2, max = 14)

private String licensePlate;


private int seatCount;

// ...

Extendable 1/4
7/31/22, 7:26 PM The Bean Validation reference implementation. - Hibernate Validator

Hibernate Validator offers a configurable bootstrap API as well as a range

of built-in constraints. The latter can easily be extended by creating custom

Rich metadata API

Hibernate Validator gives access to constraint configuration via a metadata
API facilitating, for example, tooling integration.

Reference implementation
Hibernate Validator 6.x is the reference implementation Bean Validation

Added value
Hibernate Validator offers additional value on top of the features required
by Bean Validation. For example, a programmatic constraint configuration
API as well as an annotation processor which plugs into the build process
and raises compilation errors whenever constraint annotations are
incorrectly used.

Latest news

Hibernate Validator
8.0.0.CR1 released
I am glad to announce the
release of Hibernate
Validator 8.0.0.CR1, which
is the final step before our
Final release (except if
important issues are
reported, of...

Hibernate Validator
6.2.2.Final, 7.0.3.Final
and 8.0.0.Alpha1
We released maintenance
releases for our Hibernate
Validator 6.2 and 7.0
branches. Both versions
bring back support for 2/4
7/31/22, 7:26 PM The Bean Validation reference implementation. - Hibernate Validator

validating java.sql.Date
which was broken when we

Hibernate projects and

Log4j CVE
Hibernate projects are not
affected by the
vulnerabilities behind CVE-
2021-45046 and CVE-
2021-44228: none of the
Hibernate projects has a
runtime dependency on
Log4j core. We use JBoss

Hibernate Validator
6.2.1.Final and
7.0.2.Final released
Today, we released
maintenance releases for
our Hibernate Validator 6.2
and 7.0 branches. As of
now, you are all aware of
the Log4j 2 security issue...

Hibernate Validator
6.2.0.Final and
7.0.0.Final released
As of now, you are probably
aware of the Jakarta EE 9
effort that aims to provide
new foundations for EE
innovation. Jakarta EE 9

Hibernate Validator
6.1.7.Final and
6.0.22.Final released
We just released Hibernate
Validator 6.1.7.Final which
contains some minor fixes.
This is a recommended
upgrade for everyone using 3/4
7/31/22, 7:26 PM The Bean Validation reference implementation. - Hibernate Validator
pg y g

Hibernate Validator and it is

a drop-in... 4/4

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