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She could have stayed at the comfort of their home as the Inter-Agency Task Force stringently
demanded it. She could have quitted schooling as schools were locked for the learners. She could have
done nothing as no one obligated her to. Yet, Angel Anne Tejana, a dutiful daughter and a self-
persevering student kept burning her candles at both ends being a student and an entrepreneur.

“Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goals: my strength lies solely in my tenacity”,
That’s how Angel Anne conveyed Louis Pasteur line, putting into words her journey filled with keen hard
work and determination.

Time was scarce for her as she was filled with unrelenting everyday jobs in both hands. Most of
the time her father had to leave home due to the demands of his work. Being the eldest sibling, she had
to assist her mother do the household chores, attend to her two younger siblings and on top of that, she
had to put a premium on her studies.

However, talking about perfect timing when she needed one, ample time was given. When the
coronavirus went widespread, most communities were on lockdown. There she had time for herself and
the only thing she needed was to take the initiatives to be productive amid the dearth of resources due
to the seemingly economic freeze. Yet, self-doubt was her enemy then—the battle of a lot of “What
if…” questions in her head. However, she had gone past that crisis and made way to a surprisingly
worthwhile venture.

From then, she had found her balance and was accustomed to her routines. Early morning, she
would do her household chores, then attend to the needs of her three younger brothers, later assist one
in accomplishing his Self-Learning Modules. At noontime, she would ensure they would jump to the hay
and drift off to the dreamland so that she could go deliver stocks ordered by her customers to their
respective households. She had to make sure to finish early, so she could assist her another one brother
on his tasks with his Self-Learning Modules as well.

Not to mind the exhaustion, she had to do tutorials to their neighbor’s children to even earn
more and add up to her meager income. At night, she had to put in place the posting of the products on
her online selling FB account alongside the lengthy entertaining activities to some prospective
customers. Down to the graveyard time with her little strength left, she had to brawl her tasks with her
own Self-Learning Modules which would usually brought her to expire in deep slumber until the next
working day again.

Yet, human as she is, like machines, her body succumbed to the wear and tear as times roll by.
Fatigue caressed her, sucking the inner power in her that she wanted to give up everything. But, what if
or what if not? The questions always lingered on her head telling her not to. Yes, she pretty knew that
she was not a defeatist and that she was stronger believing in herself as she was self-persevering.

And so, the strife went on. That time, she banked on time management which she attributed
much of her success. From August, with the P3,000 starting capital which she borrowed from her
mother, she had successfully launched her online shopping business using her personal Facebook
account as her platform.
In December, she amazingly acquired P20,000 minus the gains of the other sideline jobs she
took. Angel Anne feels blissful. The joy painted on her little brother's faces after she bought them the
toys they wanted was the perfect scene she wanted to recount. It’s indeed, pleasing that she could
spend her own money for her needs. It’s even delightful to note that she could provide little something
that her family wanted. Yes, it’s something definitely, she could be proud of.

Looking back underway her self-won battle as a dutiful daughter and a student entrepreneur,
Angel Anne treated her self-gratification as an upright means of survival amid the threat of a dreaded
pandemic. Serving honestly her parents through taking care of her siblings and achieving academic
honors in school were the wonderful gifts she could pay off to her family.

Now that the academic school year opens in the new normal, another battle shall be won. Angel
Anne knew that time would be scarce again but she just couldn’t throw her hard work outside the
window, she knew she had to take them half and all. This would mean stick-to-itiveness.

Down memory lane after all these years, starting a personal business to earn a living, landing a
sideline job to even earn more, supporting her family's basic needs, and treating them from her hard-
earned profit was what she originally fancied. Here and then, everything unfolded unto her and she
perceived, her success was just a matter of taking the first step and moving on some consistent paths.

Angel Anne’s journey was on the rough roads, but she made it to the finish line. After the
shortcomings, mistakes, and drawbacks, she rose triumphantly from every downfall. She chose to push
through every endeavor and made it through the rain burning her candles at both ends.

By: Arianna Nyxa A. Davis

Jonalyn J. Guzman

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